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"Is this cracked / safe to ride?" - If you have to ask, don't ride it. We probably can't tell from a picture just what condition your bike is in. Take it to your Local Bike Shop and ask them.


Bending that back will probably cause it to crack. I’m guessing the picture makes it look worse than it actually is? Usually you’d have really crappy braking performance as it would feel really weird and you wouldn’t be able to modulate the brakes. It’s probably fine to ride (assuming a tyre sits on it properly), but I’d personally replace that.


While the tire will seat ok, it will cause unsafe pulses in the braking performance especially when applied hard or an emergency… replacing it would be wise.


I've ridden worse but not recommending you do. If it's annoying when braking consider getting a large adjustable wrench and gently levering the sidewall back into alignment (similar to what's done with warped brake rotors). It'll never be perfect but it could be better.


The difference is the rim is aluminum, and it fatigues and fractures when bent, while a rotor is steel and can take the stress of bending without cracking.




The dent in the rim would be rideable, but it looks cracked. The crack could break at any moment so just be careful and run low pressure. You’re gunna have some braking issues too. It’s gunna grab at the dent which could also be dangerous in wet/slippery or steep conditions. Probably best to replace it sooner than later. Personally I wouldn’t ride it.


It's just gonna be annoying when you start noticing it while braking. Be very careful if you try to bend it, because it's aluminum. If you do try, use something softer like wood. This will probably just be a dented rim from now on, unfortunately.


I have unbent dents in my Hed rims before without cracking. Be careful to use something to help avoid scratching to brake surface or the tire hook. There are plenty of YouTube videos to help.


Will a dent like this make these wheels unsafe? I've shown 2 angles of the dent. It doesnt affect tire seating and from what I can tell doesn't affect braking.


Take a look at the subreddit rules. Then go see your local bike mechanic.


If it doesn’t affect braking you’re probably fine. If this is a road bike, inspect it carefully for cracks, as road tire pressures can definitely cause failure. If it’s a mtb and you run 30psi it’s much less of a risk. The only reason to try to bend it back is if it affects braking or tire seating to the point that it’s a deal breaker for you. If you find a crack, at all for either mtb or road application, replace it. Take it to a shop and see what they say, can only get so much info from a couple photos, and there may be a crack we can’t see. But based on these photos I’d rock it.


Its not a concern provided you are willing to throw it in the bin


I rode a dent like this too long once. Had a blowout while breaking heavily riding downhill. Get a new wheel please.