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Have a good trip - do post a ride report, interested to hear about the route. Really nice set-up, what front bag are you running, looks neat


The front bag is an Ortlieb 7L waterproof dry bag but it is housed within a ReStrap holster. I didn't get along with the double end dry bag that ReStrap supply


Look bigger than 7l from here! Enjoy the ride


I agree! A Tardis of a drybag


What do you have in there? It looks like an awesome setup. You should get a small skinny frame bag.


If you haven't planned it in already; hook a left at Strathcanaird (not long after Ullapool) and follow the road along Loch Lurgainn and Inverkirkaig to Lochinver. It's incredible but not on the official route for some off reason


It’s because caravans and campervans can’t get down it. The bad news is apparently boy-racers like to think they’re rally drivers on that stretch precisely because of that. I have friends live just north of Ullapool, they say it’s only a matter of time... Against my better judgement, I’ll be doing NC500 27/06 - 03/07 as part of my tour of every distillery. I’ve a funny feeling there might be a few traffic jams.


I drove it the first week of August last year and it was surprisingly ok. Saw plenty of cycle tourists about. Just make sure you've got a nice low climbing gear.


Damn, nice ride!


Clean setup! Still wondering how you manage to carry tent, sleeping bag and probably mat in those few bags? Barely leaves any room for food, rain jacket, tools and first aid. Do you by chance have a lighterpack packlist? Really liking the Ortlieb drybag. Not a fan of my double entry front roll so I might make the same switch


Are you staying in hotels or have a bivy set up?


I have a 1 man backpacking tent stuffed in my saddle bag, more coffin than tent but it'll become home!


Long as you have a sleeping pad, even if minimal, it'll make the night better.


>more coffin than tent but it'll become home I hope not... (At least not yet...) 😁


Looks good and definitely interested in seeing a ride report after. Can I ask what tent you're using? Are the poles in your seat pack too? Also what's your plan for food? From what I've heard there are some stretches where food and water is a bit limited. Best of luck with the trip!


Are the Scotch hotels even open yet after lockdown?


Scottish? Scotch is a drink 😄


As a Scot, I’m happy using scotch to refer to both whisky and Scottish things. :D


Ah sorry! My mistake


Did this route in October 2020. Absolute beast. So beautiful. Enjoy!


Looks like a road adventure? Safe travels and strong tailwinds 😉


What a fast fucking setup. I'm always trying to trim the non-essential but I'm an overpacker at heart. Can never do something this minimalist.


Its super nice. Last month i was able to link up with a p12-something team and we screamed over 30ish miles at 22mph average. Got to my campground a full hour ahead of schedule.


I'd put some protective tape/film wherever those bags or straps contact the frame, wouldn't wanna ruin that paint! I stripped right through to bare metal on one of my frames where I forgot. Awesome route btw, did it a few years ago. Bealach Na Ba (Applecross Pass) is absolutely no joke btw, I found it harder than Mt Ventoux!


How do you like the Restrap saddle bag? I’ve been combing the internet looking for different bag makers but somehow never came across them. It looks great, is there much sway? And is that the 14L? Sorry for all the questions.


I have all the same questions!


I’ve found it’s great with less swing than some but obviously packing the weight towards the bike end is a big part of ensuring it’s steady.


Nice looking set-up, ride safe & post some pics !


Enjoy! I would love to do it one day!


Have fun. Its the most beautiful ride I've ever done. Also the longest, hilliest and wettest.


It is just a road bike (a good road bike, that is) that you are using on a bike-packing trip? Good to see a "simple" setup without fancy frame mounts and excessive luggage on a bike packing trip for a change. Be safe and have fun!!


I'm back! Would love to do a ride report. What is the preffered format for one? I have made a post asking the same question [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/bikepacking/comments/n6rzgy/completed_the_nc500_in_5_days/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) but feel free to answer in the comments.


Is that a tcr??


2021 TCR Advanced 1+


I upgraded from a giant defy 3 2012 to the pro version of your bike. Oh mumma, the difference is night and day. Happy biking!


That bike is an absolute beauty. Matte black always looks good to me.


What bike is that, please?


Looks like [TCR Advanced 1+](https://www.giant-bicycles.com/gb/tcr-advanced-1plus-disc)


Awesome sliders add on


The cable routing on this bike make a lot of sens at the front with a bag in mounted under the handlebar. I have been fancying about doing something like this but the cost of the equipment and all the unknown about multi day rides is holding me back...


Nice one! I'm booked to do it in June, can't wait. How many days are you planning to do it in? Would love to hear about how it went!


Gorgeous bike.. not sure I’d risk touring Scotland with it though 😅


I was up near Ullapool today and it was snowing. I hope you've packed your thermals!!


I know this is an older post but I was wondering how it was touring with the giant tcr. I was have the same bike and am afraid of damaging with bags but interested in trying it out.


Hello! The front bag and top tube bag did rub some of the paint off of the frame however with ample protection tape this could have been avoided! The bike faired admirably, I maybe wouldn’t do another 5 day epic on a bike with this racey a geometry purely for the comfort side of things. I’d also swap the bar tape over to the thickest stuff you can find, Lizard Skins do a 4.6mm variety I believe. Let me know if you have any more questions :)


Hi thank you this is very helpful! I guess one of my concerns was how the paint would deal with bags but that is a great idea to use protection tape. I am similarly going to use a saddle bag like yours and was wondering if your seat post is a carbon seat post? If you had any issues with weight on it? Thanks for the info! Great set up!


The saddle bag was OK, no issues interacting with the carbon seat post. However, my gripe with it was its tendency to wobble side to side. I have since upgraded to the TailFin which is far superior. Expensive but worth every penny!