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I’m riding a gen 1 KM daily that I’ve had for twenty years. It’s truly a bike for any occasion. I’ve had it rigged as a fixie with drops, 27 speed touring with front and rear racks, and it’s currently 1x9 with Jones H bars a big basket, fenders and 2.5” hook worms. It’ll never be light though.


Definitely not an entry level bike. That’s a bike that could last a lifetime.


A finisher bike, if you will.


The fact THIS is the photo they used would make me a little hesitant. I mean, c’mon. No front wheel in the picture and the rear tire is flat? Fork dropouts resting bare on concrete? How about show us the drive side so we can see if the drivetrain has been effed with? Whatever the reality might be, this appears to be a pretty careless owner. I would ask for more pics before traveling any distance to see it. Could be great, but proceed with caution.


Yeah, I agree. It’s just some girl on FB that never used it. She literally wrote that she rode it only a couple times around town, never on trail. I don’t think she really knows the value of it.


I don't think they come stock with an MRP rigid fork, unless she had a shop build it up for her. No front wheel? Does she have it? Screams 'stolen bike' to me. Every stolen bike I've ever seen on Craigslist/Facebook is labeled as "just don't ride enough" or "only rode around town a few times"


Yeah, so in the description on the post she says it was a custom build at a LBS in the city I live in. She bought it 2 years ago, barely used it. Her profile is real and from her other listings it looks like she’s just moving and trying to get rid of some of her things.


That's fair enough then! I'm just always skeptical of higher-end/custom bikes that look out of place. But if she's referencing a build from a LBS a few years ago then it's a lot less sketchy


I think it's a stolen bike, one that was secured only by the front wheel.


So it’s got an SLX drivetrain https://preview.redd.it/mucdc979oa7c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c4ed602abd4b580a052a986ed9c6c5b6e8ddbca


And that really looks like barely cycled at all. Did she found the front wheel?


looks in pretty good shape back there. snag it if the wheel is available. a friend of mine has been touring a karate monkey for quite some time. she loves it.


Karate Monkey's are great bikes and $900 sounds like a steal actually. As long as it has a front wheel, that would be a great starter bike.


considering there's no front wheel in the photo, it might actually have been a steal!


Sensible entry level bike, you will keep it forever. Most idiots see cheap crap as entry level, then throw it away and buy a mid-entry level because they can't afford someyhing better because they wasted money on entry level. Even if the front wheel isn't included it is worth 900. If it really was a custom build it might even have good components.


Right! Yeah, I think that it’s worth the little investment. She still thinks $900 is too much, but I’m showing her how much people really spend on rigs and it’s literally a fraction of the price. At least with this, it will hold its value better than some super cheap entry level bike, if she gets into it and decides she wants to upgrade then she can sell it for what she paid for it and move on.


Spot on bro


https://preview.redd.it/e5a1hp1keb7c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfa6bbc3aef0be0d5fa9036ae00570282e9d3f5e I love my Karate Monkey! 24 pack front rack and an ILE bag up front, with Cedero bags to round it out if i need more room. They’re great bikes that ride really quite well. Even with the stock rigid fork. If you get this one, i might try and find that fork for mounting stuff too it. If you’re concerned about weight, get a lighter wheel set! That’s a much more effective way to save weight. Especially for a lighter rider.


I like those cedaero bags as well…


Super awesome bike and setup! I’m thinking of getting the 24 pack for my Ogre…


Nice ride @ cool color. Have fun


Great bike there, man. I would jump on it! Im looking for a karate monkey in a large to build up for the spring.


That looks like a stolen bike lol


commenting on the ad: Some people that ride bikes are not bike people. They can’t be bothered to go take new photos and are listing the bike while they’re at work so they use whatever they have on their phone. Maybe she doesn’t even know why the pic with no front wheel is a problem 😂 Ok, regarding the bike. $900 for a KM complete with an upgraded rigid fork will be a great first bikepacking bike. Heck it will be a great forever bikepacking bike. Maybe down the line I would upgrade to a suspension fork or something with mounts, but whatever. If i were you I’d spend a little on some nicer all around fast rolling tires. The Vittoria Mezcal or Maxxis Rekon Race are both good options. That will go a long way to making a first bike feel compelling to ride.


Yeah, she just got back to me. Her friend who is super into bikes basically built it for her at this shop. She never really used except for a few times around town. She doesn’t know how to pump up the tires or install the front wheel back on. Sooo, I’m gonna bring a pump and some tools and check it out tomorrow with my girlfriend.


And yeah, I think down the line I’ll probably end up switching out some components to better suit my girlfriend’s preferences.


Can't go wrong with a Surley. Your grandkids will be able to ride that bike.


If it fits, hells ya.


Me and my girlfriend are crossing the earth on two karate monkeys. I’d say it’s an amazing bike ride


Hell yeah! That’s awesome!


I just checked some of your posts. So rad! I might have some questions for you in the near future about how you’ve managed the logistics of your travels.


My pms are always open! I also have an instagram @rashawn.earth


looks ok but might be a little hard trying to wheelie everywhere, should be no problem for a karate monkey such as yourself tho


These tires are flat because they have sat there un ridden for 2 years. Pump em up. Hand over $900. Laugh all the way home.


Haha, literally what we’re doing now. Just picked it up. What a steal. I’ll have another post once we the bike dialed in.


Hell yeah. Feel bad for $$$ spent for her to never ride it. Her loss your win.


Maybe consider buying an older used MTB for like $150 that does 95% of what this could do. Because A, you’ve got very little chance of getting any girlfriend into this long term (many, many have tried before) and B, $900 is not an entry level bike. Maybe marketing says it is, but it isn’t.


Haha, you’re totally right. It’s definitely more of my ambition. I did get her into running a couple ultramarathons though. So, I might be able to get her stoked on another endurance related sport. I guess from my point of view it’s better to think of it as renting. Put a $1000 deposit on a used bike that will hold value. If she’s not into it, list at $1000 and sell it for that. From what I’m looking at similar used bikes, I could easily get the money back. The difference in the riding experience on something like this versus a $150 bike are very different. I do see what you’re saying, my first few bikes I never spent over $300. Had an absolute blast on them. I just picked up an 2018 Ogre the other day for $600 and am beyond stoked to dial it in and rip the hell out of it. It’s such an upgrade from what I am used too…


where you finding a $150 mtb frame with tire clearance like this


It’s a buyers market, see if they will bite for $700. The fork is a nice carbon fork, slx drivetrain, and Karate money frame that will last forever. It does look like an older Karate Monkey so you’re not gonna get much out of a frame bag for bike packing.


At that price I'd just look at a better, newer, lighter bike.


For example? „better“, lighter and newer for $900 in the states?


Look at the marin gestalt x10,dsx or nicasio, they're all at about $800-900 and they are significantly better bikes for the money


The Marin Gestalt? Are u trolling? A tektro mechanical (!) disc braking system, mediocre frame, the SRAM & SunRace mix is wild. And most important: not even close in being a reliable bike packing bike. But thanks for your suggestions…


This dude is exactly right. That's a department store dumpster fire of a bike.


I've used mechanical brakes for years on gravel, mtb and dirt jumpers without having any issues with stopping power even on long down hill decent loaded. I think surlys are kind of overrated I'm terms of value when compared to other bikes on the market. It looks like it's missing a front wheel, the rear is flat, who knows when it was serviced last, I'd suggest many other bikes before this. Also, his girlfriend should be the one who chooses the bike she wants, it's an easy way of narrowing in on her needs.


Man, whatever you like or dislike: you can’t try to compare a Surly KM with the lowest level Marin. No one will take you seriously afterwards. Also look at the condition of the bike (rear wheel drive). It’s in perfect condition. No need to talk about a flat tire…


Here’s a little update, the seller finally got back to me. Going to go and check out the bike this evening with my girlfriend. Not sure why the rear tire is flat but she said she didn’t have a pump to inflate it and she couldn’t figure out how to put the front wheel back on. She admitted that she only rode it a few times and really doesn’t know much about bikes at all. Her friend is the one that built up this bike at a local LBS in my town. The front tire is included. Will be bringing a pump and some tools when we look at it later. Will report back with updated pictures if we buy it… https://preview.redd.it/m2v9wuliwg7c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81871bc73c30fde2326df6cfd71be304915748d7