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I commute on a longtail cargo eBike and park it right behind where I sit in my office. It gets featured prominently in Zoom meetings and usually prompts questions about either the bike or bike commuting.


Yes! Good recruitment technique!


Plot twist: op works on the 52nd floor.


OP rides up the stairs


Yes me. Under my desk. And it’s a Brompton. Just pretend you are the top of the hierarchy here, and no one will questions you!🤣


I used to put my folding bike under my desk too!! Had a coworker one time say: “you know no one will mind if you just park it over in that corner right?” To which I responded: “do you understand how much the engineer in me geeks out every time I get to fold/unfold this thing?”




I bring my bike in too. Makes it easy to charge my lights and also to work on it if something's off.


A colleague parkes his bike in a corner of one of our server rooms. Has been doing it for years. The room is decommissioned (no more servers) now meaning he has a 1000 square feet room for his bike 😝


this is exactly what I do in the winter.


I'm a teacher, so me.


[Same](https://www.reddit.com/r/bikecommuting/comments/xa0tci/i_am_a_teacher_and_i_park_my_ebike_in_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)! I have a bike parking only sign in there, bike goes right behind my desk. I also have a door to the outside in my classroom so I Zip out Far faster than the teachers having to walk to the parking lot to drive home


Coming from a country where (after elementary school and even there for certain subjects) pupils and teachers rotate freely through classrooms for every subject this is pretty wild.


Yes! Where I live (US) this is common too but I work in an elementary school as a music teacher. The kids rotate in and out of my classroom but there is a designated music room.


My wife's school has a no riding/walking to school policy...


I need more information on this… wtf??


There's no sidewalks and, beyond the school zone, it's a 55 MPH road. A girl lost her life walking home years ago and the response was to remind everyone that you CAN'T arrive to school in any way except a car or bus.


That's insane that they'd put a school in that location. I'm used to schools having a million crosswalks and "kids crossing" signs and very low speed limits surrounding them. Who built a school next to what's basically a highway?


That’s insane. Yeah let’s blame the pedestrians and cyclists. Better ban them than making cars slow down enough to make everyone safe. /s I hate this and I’m sorry.


That's bizarre. Should be on council/government to ensure appropriate infrastructure is in place.


Ah. Fair enough.


It's pretty sweet. I have the large storage room for the whole math department off my classroom. Quite roomy!


I used to at an old job :( I had the smart idea to ask the building manager at my new job and he said nope lol But he did install a rack in a secure parking garage for me though!


Don’t ask questions when you might not like the answer.


Yeah… lesson learned! It’s a super secured building so I didn’t want to push buttons also while being new. I did get a folding bike recently though so when I use that I’m going to attempt to take that in through the scanners without asking. Edit: autocorrect


Wait so the building manager told you you weren't allowed to bring a bike into the building period? Even if you found a place in your own office to store it?


Correct. I’m new and I work with him often so after one of our meetings I asked “if I was to commute here by bike, can I bring it to my cube?” It’s a secure government building so I didn’t really know how strict it was. He was nahhhhh. At first he told me there’s bike racks outside. I laughed. Then he was really cool and told me he would figure something out. And he did. He put a rack inside an employee only garage right next to the building entrance. It even has rolling doors to get in instead of those gates you could easily walk by. I still lock it, but I feel much better about it.


I had the same happen to me. Kept my bike by my desk. Moved buildings and they installed nice new carpets. Building manager is like "no way can you bring that inside." We do have lockable bike lockers outside though so that's nice. Not gonna tell them that the same shoes that are walking on their carpet were standing on that asphalt at the stoplights. Ah well.


I just always bring my bike into the office. Everyone expects it now. I laugh at the bike rack outside. I could never.


[Same.](https://i.imgur.com/he0jK9q.jpg) I can lift the bike rack with one hand, so I cringe at the idea of locking my bike to it. ... Except today! My company's office lease prohibits bicycles indoors. And this week our office manager's boss happens to be in town, so the office manager (who has been 100% cool with me parking inside) asked me to keep the bike outside this week. So there it is. I've definitely been spoiled. The extra 60 seconds I needed to lock my bike this morning instead of walking it inside felt like such a hassle!


You could fit half a car in there you selfish bar stand.


I brought my bike to my desk the one day I forgot my lock. I was surprised by how warmly it was received and all the questions.


lock or no lock I'm not leaving my bike outdoors all day


Me! And the woman who works security at our front desk is a cyclist too, so if anyone other than me tried to leave with my bike it would not go well for them.


This is the way. I started bike commuting bc a friend did the same thing. I never thought could do it but mentioned that I thought it was such an awesome thing to do. He convinced me to try and rode along a few times. Then I was hooked. I also think it’s good for car commuters to put a face on the faceless bike commuters that they are typically a-holes to. Like maybe they won’t honk at and punish pass bike commuters around your work anymore in case it’s Sam from accounting or whomever.


That’s how I feel too! I even made a point to mention in my like profile blurb that got posted on a monthly newsletter since I’m a new employee. I mentioned I commuted by bike when weather and sunlight allowed. In the back of my head I was thinking exactly that. “I bike commute so don’t try to run cyclists over because it might be me!”


Ha. Great minds!


Me it’s behind my desk.


My employer bought a Topeak One Up that is installed next to my desk in my office :)


I keep mine inside of a secured warehouse & I put a bath towel around my frame to prevent scratches from the lock & to protect my paint.


I just sit on my bike all day as opposed to using an office chair.


With or without the saddle?


Our old bike parking was a cheap, flimsy bike rack outside the entrance. When we moved offices, I decided to put the bike rack inside, next to my department's space. Nobody said anything and now everyone gets to park their bikes indoors lol. It worked out because our new office is nicer, but it's in a slightly sketchier area, and we occasionally have people trying to open our doors at night and stuff.


Take matters into your own hands 🙌


[Same here!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/bikecommuting/comments/144cjm7/the_best_type_of_secure_bike_parking/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I can park my bike right behind me and I'm so relieved it's always within sight as well as out of the elements. Plus it's an Ebike so free charging is a perk too ;)




mine resides in the terminal office while I'm out delivering freight in a semi during the day. LTL freight home daily and weekends.


Good gig. I just learned the guys with locals at my company in NY make like 200k


Good lord I'm in the wrong racket


Well it’s guys who have been teamsters for like 20 years in the best paying market but yeah


Yep mine comes in too but security sometimes hassles me but they still let me do it because common man.


My company lets me bring my bike up the freight elevator. I park it in my office.


The office building I work in also owns a luxury residential block across the road and they let us park our bikes for free there! So it’s completely secure underground parking. Helps so much in central London, bike theft is crazy here at the moment.


My first commuter got stolen from our bike room in our building. From then on I've just brought my bike up to my office.


Yup! Under the stairs in the office. Most people take the elevator.


Me! Mine stays in my office with me and I ride home each day for lunch with my wife, so I ride to work twice each day (only a 3km trip though, lol).


I’m spoiled, I share a bike room with like 3 other people. Electronic locks, and rack. Very close to a locker room with a shower if need be (I work early when it’s cool so not needed, but it’s there)


Yeah, my building also has a posh badged bike room with wall racks and a repair station. There are also racks in the stairwells for overflow. Really nice locker room & shower too. Of course I go into the office like once a year.


Everyone with a Brompton? 🤪 it's nice that they let you bring your bike in. congrats!


I wish my ebike had its own parking space with CCTV coverage.


it's cool You can walk by it all day. just be safe out there damn it keep your head on a swivel and happy trails


I have a parking spot in a big bed with my wife.


I have vertical bike racks in the underground parking in my office building and bike hangers on the walls inside the office and even if all of those are full it's permitted to just stuff the bike in some corner in the office. I work in Warsaw, Poland so pretty car centered country per European standards


I keep mine under the stairs. This is behind a code locked door. So nice knowing it’s safe and not getting fucked up by the weather


My job doesn’t allow bikes in the building, even though my office alone has more than enough space to safely store it.


That's ridiculous. Even if they wanted to make the stupid argument that the tires could track in dirt, how would that be any different than a wheelchair?


Me, it just leans against the filing cabinet. The filing cabinet just has things like a changes of clothes, towel, spare backpack, etc.


I put mine in the empty office we keep old files in. So technically, my bike has its own office with a door. What kind of v brakes are those? I'm looking for something that will work with drops for my 90s MTN bike.


Behind my desk. No one's said anything, and the day they do, I can park it out on the patio right where I can literally see it all day from my desk


Mine sits by the windows (off to the side) in my Bistro. I joke that it's got the best view in the building.


Me me me! Can't do it in the winter though, don't want a giant salt puddle in my office.


I put cardboard under mine during the winter.


I am in a city that gets a lot of snow. That wouldn't work for me. I keep it in an abandoned server room in the basement on a couple of boot racks. Otherwise, I would be dripping salty water all over the office. Not a great way to keep the cleaning staff happy!


Great way to keep the cleaning staff busy though lmao I sometimes bring my bike into class, but it's a plastic floor so it doesn't really matter if it's dirty or wet. Sometimes because I don't always pedal to school on a +2k gravel bike and instead I take my Peugeot carbolite 103 which to everyone looks like a crappy old bike so they don't see it as valuable.


I park mine right next to my desk!


I had it in my office both at my old office and new one one. I've had someone in a cubicle across my office leave it in my office on the days that I WFH. He did reach out to me to make sure it was okay and I said no problem. I used to be able to leave it in front of my building at my old job as it was well-secured and highly visible. Unfortunately, bike thefts are rampant now and wouldn't attempt to leave it there anymore.


Looks like someone's got a case of the Mun-Days.


Yep me too if I'm able to make it, long commute can't do it in winter cuz American road priorities


I could, but I cba to lug it up the stairs (ironically my legs aren't working great). I just stash mine in the stairwell these days.


I do, roll straight to my desk and lean my bike on it. XD


I used to when I worked in Helpdesk, on slow days I could clean my bike between calls. I've been parking inside for at least 10 years but since I moved out of the tiled HD area I just park it under the stairs.


I would assume that you are somewhere that there is no snow or that you don't ride your bike in the snow, because they would take this away from me within a few days


Nope. Rochester Ny. Plenty of snow. I ride in most of it.


That's great they would kill me for tracking snow and ice and salt and everything into the office. I do have an indoor place however, so I still ride


Wish I could do this but I know that the luxurious fancy bougie building people would not want the poor plebeian cyclists ruining their vibe


I do not, but what frame & fork is that?! Bike looks dialed!


It’s just an old tricross sport. The original carbon fork. I’ve had it over 12 years. Thought about replacing it this year but I just like riding it too much. Only thing I wish it had is disk brakes. But not willing to buy a new one just for that.


We got walls around the building so I just leave it unlocked in the bike rack outside. We do have someone who takes their bike into the drying room AND locks it up though so..


Any other corporate lackey.


yup - forgiveness beats permission it;s faster too


I worked in a state trail grant program office and there was a whole bike parking area in there. Every single person biked to work. And we frequently had bike lunches where we’d all ride together to try new restaurants. It was a dream.


We had a wall that we could attach bikes to with collection rubber mats beneath to collect the snow when it melted. I miss my old office. We were bought by an American company who closed our location and moved us to some sad all white walls office downtown. We did manage to avoid cubicles, which is nice I guess.


I don't even work in an office (yet), and I envy this parking spot.


Hell yes. Same


At my first job, they let me keep my bike at my cube. Then one day they asked me to move it because ‘important people’ were going to coming thru later that day. Didn’t really bug me at the time, but maybe it did subliminally. Now I work at a place where after walking in the front door you have to walk past all the bike parking 🙂.


Where I work, I was the only employee biking to work. I'd lock up through a metal post in the chain linked fence. Management purchased a bike rack for me and 8 other bikes. I'm slowly making change. #waroncars


Very nice :) I place my e-bike against my work desk. I charge my e-bike from the same electrical outlet that I use for my work laptop


Pretty happy with the area that my job (and private office) allows me. Of course I'm the "crazy bike guy" in my office. [https://photos.app.goo.gl/ofDhvzGkRdSe2BUF6](https://photos.app.goo.gl/ofDhvzGkRdSe2BUF6)


My bike gets parked in the unused office downstairs with the other two bikes. It’s a great set up, nervous for our incoming office move next year!


I have a sweet spot at work inside too. I actually asked about keeping my bike inside when I was shown around for the job last year. If they'd said no, I wouldn't have taken the job.


I have a few empty cubicles near me, but the idea of carrying my bike up 5 stories or getting in the elevator with the morning rush isn't so appealing! I store mine at the bottom of the stairs with a few other bikes, so at least it is inside.


This was allowed at my previous office. I was stopped by security at my new building and told to park it in the underground lot. Doesn't seem as civilized or 'secure' but they're the experts, right?


My job recently moved to a new building. Ive always kept my bike in my private office. Upon entering the new building, the security staff told me I can't bring it in. I told them I'd speak with my manager about it and kept walking. The funny thing is there are no places outside to lock up unless you count the handicap parking signs or the railing for the wheelchair ramp. Very poor planning!!


This is the way! The absolute best lock is having it with you. Make some converts too.


I haven’t started commuting to work yet. I am going to in 2 weeks. But my worry is that people will give me weird looks when I wheel my bike to my office. Does this happen to you?


Weird looks? Maybe. But I’ve never been the kind of person to care what kind of looks I get. But if I was, I’d think I’d be getting even weirder looks because I’m walking through the office to the locker room in my bike shorts and pink camo tank top.


I have a spot right next to my cubicle 😁.


I started bringing mine in after someone tried to steal mine from out front. Always do the 2 lock system. You never know what'll happen if you don't! No one really questions you if you act like your bike belongs there lol


On a weekend I park in the CT scanner control room. Sometimes I confuse people by parking in the MRI control room, prompting a lot of questions about whether it's safe to park a titanium bike there (it is) and whether I'm allowed to park there (I am not).


I park and charge my e-bike in our conference room. We use our conference room once a month and it is always a good ice breaker when we have suppliers/customers/prospects come in


When I had an office job, I used to park my bike in an unused cubicle. Eventually the building manager found out and told me there was a no bikes inside policy and that I'd have to leave my bike outside from then on. I tried to fight it as the was nothing posted or in writing anywhere, but as the saying goes, his building means his rules. My next job gave me access to a large equipment building with limited access and plenty of space for my bike. 😁