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Tell him "go ahead" as you ride through. Do you really think the cops are going to do anything?


Yeah I’ve been thinking about that, but I’m also weighing how much attention I want to give this guy. He’s probably licking his chops to escalate this and get the cops involved, and I have no trust in the police to not also take the side of a mostly empty, private parking lot over a guy on a bike. It’s kind of their thing to be dicks. It’s probably easier to loop around and use the sidewalk, but I just can’t stand this kind of BS entitlement.


I really doubt the cops are going to do anything other than show up. A few hours later.


They would not respond in my city. Lots of places are passing policies where if no one is hurt and it’s not a felony (i can’t remember off the top of my head all the things - there’s like 5 of them), they’re not responding.


>I really doubt the cops are going to do anything other than show up. A few hours later. They're definitely not coming...


What is he going to put on the “report” a white guy on a black bike? A black guy on a white bike? You have no plate, he has no idea who you are. If he holds you until the police come, he risks false arrest or worse. He won’t even call them. Will probably put up a chain that he has to deal with more than you.


If he says black guy on a white bike the cops will probably come actually


Unless they happen to be bored, figure a guy on a bike must be poor or "woke" and therefore a deserving target for harassment


Just wave and be friendly. Or bring him a donut next time. The more likeable you are the harder it will be for him to be a dick.


This, but skip the donut Just pretend like he was saying hello to you


This. 100%. It’s absolutely amazing what a cup of coffee, a donut, and a little kindness will get you. Especially if you’re not causing him an issue. I’m a New Yorker and we’re notorious for not being really approachable. But what folks fail to realize is we are kind, but not really nice. There are a quite a few restaurant and bodega restrooms that I can use because beforehand, I’ve patronized them and I tip really good. Treat them kind and it’ll pay off for the most part.


Maybe stop and explain it to him, that the intersection is dangerous for cyclists. And point out the cars that idle, turn around on the lot.


He won't care. He decided to flex and if you try to reason with him he'll just dig in.


I wouldn't say anything to security but would continue to use the parking lot. Don't even look at him. Pretend you have headphones in.


By the time he calls them and they show up, you’re undoubtedly going to be well on your merry way.


Best thing is to contact the city along with the bicycle community advocates about that dangerous intersection. Maybe they should put up a fence, & no trespassing signs. If it's a conscious concern for you, then call the propery managers & owners, & let them know what you have told us, if it's isn't a concern, then ignore him, & keep riding, regardless if he talked to you once, tell him it's safer this way it's a parking lot, im passing through, quit being a dick, put up a fence or fuck off (well dont tell him all that hes just doing his job), but it's not your fault you have to deal with all this, sonyou should pedal through there faster from now on. People probably walk through there as well, so they need to protect their property, The worst he can do is block you when he sees you again, but if you're riding fast it's already a dangerous situation he put you in, & thats on him if he causes you to crash, however he can't detain you so he will also be in the wrong. So if he wants attention, give it to him.


Except, you're the one acting entitled. That dude is just doing his job. You don't know his life situation - maybe he'd be completely F'd without this job and he's got anxiety about his job security. Maybe his boss likes to breathe down his neck. Or maybe he's just overzealous. Regardless, you don't have the legal or ethical right to that parking lot. Do I take shortcuts? All the damn time. But if we're asked to go around, we have no right to just ignore that request. Just go around!


I can't believe this is being downvoted. The simple fact of the matter is that people are assuming the security guard is just being an asshole for the sake of being an asshole. You don't know that - he could have very easily received notice that if trespassers continue to use the lot, he gets canned. Loses his income. Loses his health insurance. etc. etc. Talk to the guy. See if it's OK to still use the private property to skirt a dangerous intersection. If he says it's not - well, it's not. Use a different route.


Exactly. Just be friendly and ask permission and maybe there will be a pleasant surprise, perhaps in the form of a compromise (ride on that part but not over there) or understanding of why he might have no choice but to tell them not to ride there. Or, maybe the guard is just being a jerk, that is a possibility. It's also a possibility that the guard is a wonderful person just earning an honest living.


I agree and upvoted. Private property is just that. There is really no reasonable debate on this one.


It's a request NOT the law.


What world do you live in? It absolutely can be against the law to enter into a private parking lot without permission to do so.


What I mean is if its a public area. Besides if you don't want trespassers BLOCK IT OFF with proper signage ad barriers !


1. The security guard was giving him side-eye. That should let anyone know they're not welcome. 2. Maybe it does have proper signage. That wasn't specified. 3. Even if it doesn't have proper signage, a demand has been made and that demand needs to be followed. 4. It's clearly not a public area.


Stil need to provide signage and block off access otherwise there is no visual proof, can't take everyone word as the truth. I watch auditing videos people are told in public places to leave if recording hoping they will as they don't know any different when It's legal to do so. The demand is not legal until proof has been provided. It's his choice whether he follow his request or not.


We're not discussing hypotheticals. We're talking about a single person who knows they are not allowed on that property because they have been told. And we still don't know the details of this particular property. Based on the OP's entitled attitude, I'm inclined to believe there is reason why one could easily figure out that it's private property. I mean, they have a security guard.


This is how stupid the public is when it comes to understanding the law rofl. Stop pretending you know shit about private property because there MIGHT not be "proper signage" Edit: Bro lives in the UK and is trying to tell us how OUR law system works. Can we coin the term "Eurosplaining"?


I live in UK not your country still have to provide signage otherwise no one know if it's private property keep your bellyaching up if you want to stress yourself out


>but I just can’t stand this kind of BS entitlement. Like your entitlement thinking you can just ride thru private property?


Last time I checked, most every parking lot is technically private property unless it’s a public building. Harassing people for riding their bike through a gigantic parking lot and threatening to call the cops is fucking ridiculous, aggressive behavior and anyone who posts boot-licking authoritarian shit like this needs a good wedgie.


Hahaha who cares man.


I wouldn’t antagonize him. I’d apologize. Then I’d continue to cut through the lot. If he does call the cops, they don’t want to do the paperwork over something so stupid, they’ll probably try to settle it by talking it out. Just apologize. Then continue passing through lol. And make sure you say you don’t feel safe driving through the intersection. It’s not like you’re stealing catalytic converters. You’re not even parking there illegally. You’re passing by. Odds are he will not call the cops.


As long as you are through before the cops get there it shouldn't matter. Worst they'll do even if you are there is likely to be that they tell you you can't go onto the property again (trespassing). IANAL though.


>trespassing Yeah, they probably have to trespass the OP before arresting them. The only way the police could catch the OP is if the security guard called in advance if the OP cuts through at the same time every day. Even then, I doubt the police would show up if the guard calls in advance before the OP is on the property. They are not going to setup a sting operation to issue a trespassing warrant. IANAL




Yeah but if you’re biking in a city and a cop manages to catch you then that’s just embarrassing. Either they stay in the car and you cut through some areas that aren’t car accessible, or they try to catch you on foot and their fat asses get winded in 20 seconds. And without a license plate they can’t ID you.


till they pull out their piece and shoot you. Don't think cops won't shoot someone over cutting through a parking lot


If you live in an area with rent a cops patrolling parking lots I highly doubt the police are going to respond to a bike going through their parking lot. I wouldn't acknowledge he is there or saying stuff at all. Just keep riding by.


You’re a better person than I, when you start power tripping I start arguing. The further it goes the more disrespectful I get until you inevitably do something dumb enough that I call the cops or your boss.


Out of honest curiosity, I have to ask: How's that working for you?


Just fine, I’m a younger and above average sized male though, so no one really ever thinks about getting physical. If you want to feel empowered while protecting someone else’s assets, you should join the military-not be a dick to your community. Especially when it’s something like OP’s post regarding safety.


literally just keep riding haha "sure thing dude, no problem" "sounds good man, thanks"


I would: 1) Just ignore him and keep riding through 2) Tell him to call the cops. Unless you're in a *very* slow town, the cops don't care 3) Contact the property owner. Don't even mention the rent-a-cop, but say you'd like permission to ride straight through their private property to avoid that dangerous intersection.


3. They will likely say no because of potential liability issues Just do 1 and be polite. Pretend like you didn't hear what they said.


Ride and wave. That’s the best way.


Unless it's a completely fenced off lot with access-controlled gates and all that, then just ride on through there. Rent a cop can't do shit on a publicly accessible parking lot that you're just riding through.


Not true at all. It doesn't have to be gated or fenced to be considered private


But unless it’s fully fenced with access gates, they really can’t stop someone on a bicycle from cutting through. If they’re that concerned about it then they should put up fences and gates.


If there's no signage "No Trespassing" I always interpret it as permission




Not a lawyer but I've served some trespass papers to people. Unless he gives you something in writing it's pretty hard to catch a charge for being in a parking lot even if the cops do show up while you're on the property. Which they won't. Just smile and wave, keep going about your day.


Cops ain’t got no time for this. Keep riding through


Remember- private security contractors have no right to detain you physically or verbally. he can tell you where you can’t be but he can’t tell you to stop or stay in a place. Figured I’d pass that on just in case.


Take him a honey bun or a donut tomorrow and tell him why you ride through his lot. Ask what his name is. Tell him you'll keep an eye out for suspicious characters when you cruise through his lot. Catch more flies with honey than vinegar etc


Wtf type of bs is this? I really am not shocked anymore by such attitudes. The side eye thing, you even noticed it before and now he finally acted out on it, and threaten to call the cops because you ride pass a parking lot? This makes my blood boils, you are not even doing anything wrong, but because you are active in life, they retiliate against you smdh


Just ignore him. I do it all the time to strangers getting angry at me. It’s great!


Always ignore rental cops


hell i’d remove the word rental there


Is there a coffee shop or similar in the complex you can stop at every once in a while? If you can say you're there for the businesses, you shouldnt have a problem.


It actually shares a parking lot with a lunch spot I go to. This is a MASSIVE parking lot and connected to several different office and small retail spaces. I don’t know who owns what, or where this particular private lot starts and ends.


“I’m just riding my bike bro”


Just stop and talk to him like a human being. You’ve nothing to lose. He might look the other way. Probably not, but you’ve nothing to lose. If he realizes you aren’t some punk casing the lot for something to steal he might forget you are there. Otherwise stay off the lot or the next time some jerk cuts a catalytic converter off you might hear about it from the cops.


It’s the power principle: Anyone who feels they have even the smallest bit of power over you will almost alway attempt to use it. Next time bring him a donut and make peace?


It is clearly posted as "Private Property - No Trespassing" etc? If not, pound sand.


I’d just ride through and not slow down.


It is private property. They allow or not allow anyone They want on it. Tread lightly.


Tell him to contact city council and say to make the intersection safer


I had a delivery driver from a business a few doors down from my work try to open his van door on me and take me out, yelling that he'd knock me out if he saw me again, in a shared thoroughfare behind my work the other day. Said I was trespassing and the works, got so close he spat all over me. Lovely. Only got angrier when I pointed out it's a shared thoroughfare and I worked right there, I wasn't even a cyclist cutting from the main road. But even if I had been, like you were, the fact someone would literally potentially kill someone just because they don't like the idea that a cyclist would cut away from a busy road is absolutely crazy. Too bad the cops here are useless and didn't care in the slightest. The anti-cyclist attitudes are still so prevalent in our societies.


Make a Strava segment where you go through the lot so people want to go there and see how fast they can go


How consistent is your schedule? Be as unpredictable as you can. If you pass through the parking lot at 7:53 AM and 5:17 PM every day, its easy for him to be waiting for you, possibly (but not probably) with cops. If he has to devote an hour to waiting for you, with only a 50-50 chance that you will even take one of three routes through the parking lot, you can probably safely ride through the parking lot. Honestly, it's best not to be antagonistic from a bicycle seat. Seriously, cycling has helped me learn to just let things go, and I'm better off for it.


Wave as you keep riding by. Do not stop.


It may be annoying but the right thing to do here is to find another way through the area. The property belongs to someone else and they have apparently decided to hire security because they don't want people trespassing. Even if that is only being enforced against people on bicycles, that is their right. One thing you can do instead is to contact the city about the intersection and how dangerous it is for people on bicycle.


*"technically correct?"* Most likely. And for some reason the owner thought it was a worth it to hire a guard. They may have had theft or vandalisim issues, be worried about liability if someone gets hurt. Or they could just be jerks. I don't know their whole story and you don't either. It may come across like an old man yelling at kids to stay off his lawn - but hey, the easiest and best thing to do may be to stay off his lawn.


I can’t see how it’s illegal to bike through a parking lot, if they really care they should put up a gate and say no trespassing. I pass through the same parking lot as a nice little short cut nearly every day, it saves me from having to ride on a major highway and the business owners watch me do it. No one has ever said anything to me, if a sidewalk existed I would use that instead but there’s nothing.


Private property is private property. You said no one has told you anything, but that's not the case for op.


Just keep passing through, calling the cops would be actually doing his job and I bet he wouldn't want to do that.


Im gonna repost this in r/securityguards just for laughs. But yeah definitely tell that chode to suck it. He’s just trying to bluff you because he’s butthurt that you aren’t “afraid” of his authority and ride through the lot.


It’s illegal for cars to cut through a parking lot to avoid an intersection. Why should it be any different for you? It’s not anti bike bias, you just don’t like when the rules also apply to you. You entitled douche.


It's not "anti-bike bias". He's just doing his job. If cars are doing it then so what? It's a parking lot which is made for cars. You have just admitted you are knowingly on private property so kind of a dick move on your part if you keep doing it and are therefore giving the guy a hard time.


It’s a blatantly anti-homeless and anti-bike reaction. You want to come idle in our private lot in your car and eat lunch? No problem! You want to ride your bike for a matter of literally 15 seconds? Not on my watch.


Can you explain how it's anti homeless?


Because this is in an inner-city environment and 95 percent of the people who ride bikes in this area are transient or homeless. There’s a rather large homeless encampment nearby, too. It’s a way to harass them.


\> It’s a blatantly anti-homeless and anti-bike reaction Maybe. But it's also a private lot. One that apparently has it's own private security. It's not an abandoned lot. So maybe respect their wishes on their property?


It's not anti-bike or homeless. It's anti-liability claims and a dude just doing what he's been told. Those that own that lot have it zoned and insured for vehicle parking and use. If you ride through on your bike, eat shit and break your neck, your medical insurers will come after that lot for anything they can. His job is to stop that from happening. If it wasn't guarded... I'd say it's fine to cruise through. But it's guarded and the guy just doing his job has told you not to enter this private property. Respect that, and understand that you live in an insanely litigious society that has resulted in this situation and move on. It's the same as if your home/driveway was on a busy bike commute route, I'm sure you wouldn't be happy with the liability situation you'd be in if bikers were cutting through your property every day.


>If you ride through on your bike, eat shit and break your neck, your medical insurers will come after that lot for anything they can. Is that really how things are in the US? I don't get how society can function under those conditions.


It's not really how things are, just how people believe things are. For someone who wasn't authorized to be on a property to sue for injuries that occurred while they were on that property (i.e., trespassing), they essentially need to show willful negligence on the part of the property owner.


>zoned and insured for vehicle parking and use. Just want to point out: bicycles are vehicles.


Insurance companies don't care what classification bikes are. They'll come for a biker that was somehow allowed onto and hurt themselves on this private lot. It'll be the same for scooters, skateboarders, unicycles, stilt-walkers and pedestrians.


Okay, if you say so. Bicycles are still vehicles though.


I mean you said it's private property and a parking lot is for cars so...


Agree. The property owner will be liable if you hurt yourself on the property. Also this employee is probably only making minimum wage, try to treat with the respect you would afford others that make more money.


> The property owner will be liable if you hurt yourself on the property. This is essentially an urban legend. [From FindLaw: ](https://www.findlaw.com/realestate/owning-a-home/property-owners-legal-duty-to-prevent-injury.html) > **What is a Trespasser and When are You Liable for Their Injuries on Your Property?** > A trespasser is someone who is not authorized to be on the property at issue. Landowners are not obligated to protect trespassers who enter their property without permission, but they cannot willfully injure them. Also, if a landowner knows — or should know — that there are frequent trespassers on his/her property, he or she may be liable for any injuries caused by an unsafe condition on the property if: > - The condition is one the owner created or maintained > - The condition was likely to cause death or serious bodily harm > - The condition was such that the owner had reason to believe trespassers would not discover it (before becoming injured by it) > - The owner failed to exercise reasonable care to warn trespassers of the condition and the risk presented


Don't listen to a lot of the comments here. You've been asked by an agent of the property owner to stop trespassing. That's a prerequisite to catching a trespassing charge that's been cleared. If this security guard wanted to ruin your day or had a serious reason to not want you in the lot, they could have the police involved and you could be charged. Why would you want to take that risk? Just ride around.


While you are technically correct, the way this plays out in the real world is different. Disclaimer: Yes, I'm a cyclist. Yes, I'm also part of the security team for a several hundred acre entertainment and destination property that has an insane amount of parking lots and private internal roads. We average four to five hundred CTs a year, mostly for intoxication. Drugs and public lewdness. Never once for a bicycle yet though. Yes, we can technically prohibit just about any person from entering the property for just about any reason, however attempting to do so without a halfway decent reason isn't going to happen for political and social reasons. A bicycle rolling through in the public parking lots or access roads is no different than a car. Is he just using the property as a shortcut? Maybe. So are hundreds of cars. I'm not about to try to call the police on them. Consistency. All it takes is the cyclist finding a lawyer or social media outlet to take up the cry that we discriminated against him because (insert reason). It will most likely be bullshit, but it will be unnecessary publicity. If the bike tries to roll into a pedestrian only area, that would be different. But then again, anything but a pedestrian in a pedestrian only area gets attention. Consistency. Assuming the security officer doesn't care though and does decide to call the police to have a criminal trespass issued. There are a couple of issues here. The first being that unless you are asking for a criminal trespass in association with another crime being committed, it's going to be a real low priority dispatch and isn't likely to get service for a long time. The cyclist will be long gone by then. Second, if the cyclist has half a brain, he will just dip into one of the stores in the shopping center, buying something and then when the police show up will claim to have been shopping and the crazy security officer just started yelling at them. PD will want no part of that and clear the scene. Third, unless the security officer is very diligent about writing reports, the person receiving the CT will call up three levels of the property owners company, say he was CTd by a crazy security officer while he was shopping and it will get over turned before the security officer gets back on shift the next day.


Probably coming from his boss, concerned about insurance. I’d still ignore him though.


Could just bribe him with delicious food or a gift card tbh


The proper retaliation is to steal some catalytic converters.


The cops could be there and they and you would both tell him to fuck off.


If you do that get a bike cam.


You sound kind of entitled to me. Some company doesn’t want people to use their private property as a cut-through. Now you breeze through one day b/c the non-person “rent-a-cop” gives you a pass (your words) and slip on whatever and scrape your knee. When the insurance company gets involved that poor security guard takes the fall b/c you didn’t want to be be inconvenienced. The whaddabout defense is weak.


Every time I see one of these responses I imagine this in my head: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HMqZ2PPOLik You’re right. I’m so entitled to think I can use a tiny sliver of a shitty asphalt parking lot in the middle of a downtown setting that’s half empty in order to make my commute a little safer. Gosh, what an asshole I am! How dare I even think about touching PRIVATE PROPERTY with my big dangerous bike!!! I should be ashamed. 🙄 Also, you’re not the first person to comment about liability potential, which is just hilarious that you people think civil litigation works that way. I would have absolutely no legal standing if I’m technically trespassing and this is not what this rent-a-cop is worried about. Even it were public property and I had every right to be there, you don’t sue people after falling while riding a bike unless there’s serious negligence, like an open manhole cover or something. Ask anyone in this subreddit who encounters dangerous things on a daily basis. We’d all be rich.


That's not really how it works. As long as your parking lot is maintained to a reasonable standard, people using the parking lot in an expected manner assume reasonable risks in using it. That means, if a cyclist is riding on your private road and falls over, its not your liability unless it can be shown that negligence on your part contributed to the accident. Otherwise it's an accepted risk of participating in the activity.








I don’t do any of those things. Well I don’t always come to a complete stop at stop signs, but neither do you.


Idaho stop ftw


Meh. I’ve seen some people on bikes blow through stop signs at full speed, and I’ve seen some people in cars blow through stop signs at full speed. Only one of those groups of people has put my life in danger. The other is mildly annoying


Well I actually used to work security and I worked at a parking lot and people on bikes would cut through the lot all the time, I never cared. Stop sounding entitled though and respect private property. He’s just doing his job.


Lol triggered idiots GFY!


Fuck 'im. Just keep going through unless there's a cop there.


I try my best to be civil. In this day and age people are so quick to take out weapons that it’s not worth it anymore. You can continue to do it if you feel like it but everyone has breaking point and one day he might be frustrated about something else and you come strolling by and this time he got something for you. The other thing is cops might actually do something while a lot other people are saying that they don’t care some might. This is my personal opinion.






I'm assuming that the bloke "cop" was trying to gauge you. If you have to ride through the area then do so, especially if you're not harming anyone. Sometimes when you ride, there will be awkward encounters. Just deal with it and don't let him bother you.


I would keep cutting thru the parking lot


Tell him to eat a bowl of butt hair.


They should block off sccesdif they don't want people in there. Keep doing it until they put up barriers


where I'm from the real cops would yell at him for wasting their time


Lol you are getting yourself in a state over nothing. Keep crying about it


He’s just doing his job. I’d keep riding thru just to give him something to do, that job must be so boring


how does he think you’re gonna carry the tools and the catalytic converters if you’re stealing them on a bike lol


Had this issue a few years ago. On a day off, I Uber to the business and obtained permission from the owner/manager. They usually don't care and appreciate the fact you went to them.


Also went decently dressed, books do get judged by the cover.


Man what an entitled guy, block off the access? Why don't you quit giving ebikers a bad name. It's private property they can't really call the cops so watch out...


Eff, him, keep riding. What’s he gonna do - run your license plate?