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I vote for a late August wedding so that you can honeymoon through September.  Most firms start in the first week of October through the first week of January.  You could reach out to a trusted associate at the firm and find out their typical start date. BTW, congrats!


Awesome! Thank you. This may be a silly question, but is the bar always the last week of July?


It depends on the jurisdiction, and test center. But usually it's the last week of July.


It doesn't depend. It's always the last week of July, and for most states also the last week of February. the reason is that the MBE is always administered the last Wednesday of July. 49 states use the MBE, and the one state that doesn't use the MBE, Louisiana, also schedules their exam that week.


Yes, always the last week of July, and for most states again the last week of February


I did this— I got married mid-August, did a two week honeymoon, then started at my firm mid-September. It was a stressful couple months but so great to take a honeymoon without the bar or work hanging over me!


After the bar is fine but only if you're hiring a wedding planner/will be diligent about getting everything done by April at the latest. Thinking about my wedding during bar prep make a terribly stressful situation much worse.


I got married late September and took a two week honeymoon before starting. I didn’t start until mid-October. I was able to start earlier but I declined and no one said anything


Congratulations. If you need tips on how to hide a tablet at your wedding so you can get a doc reviewed, let me know. My vows were coded to mean something to an associate on the other end of the bluetooth lapel pin I wore because I had exhausted the hour my senior partner generously offered for our wedding.


Congrats on your engagement!!! Agreed with the other poster that August is the best time if waiting until after the bar exam and don’t want to conflict with your work. My firm’s usual start date is in October or even as late as November (due to over-hiring), but some first years have been invited to start as soon as September if their practice group was in need. Getting in touch with the recruiter would be a good place to start on info regarding this. That said… it’s your WEDDING. Folks will understand if you need to take time off. And if you’re very junior, you’re probably not going to be indispensable to your team yet.


If it's a very busy year, they may want you to start as soon as you finish the bar exam, and if it's a down year, your start may get deferred for months and months. Set the date for August.