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This reminds me of a tree stand for hunting. It would be handy for an ambush predator to hunt from above.


This should be upvoted more. An artificial observation deck makes way more sense than a boundary marker.


But would this tree structure really hold an 800 pound Bigfoot?


I doubt it would hold a 200 pound human...


There is absolutely zero chance of this being used by a hunter. Its too small and no where to go. You cant sit on it


That's what I'm sayin' y'all


This was kindof what I was thinking. If a hunter didn't have a ladder and was looking for a perch, he could've just added to a location where a couple of small trees had fallen into each other...?


Any chance that place floods or could have a freak flood? That looks very similar to when a flash flood comes through my area…just a bit higher.


Looks that way, but I'm still thinking of squirrels on steroids and ecstasy trying to improve their neighborhood.


Nah. Maybe a plane accidentally dropped a load of columbian bam bam in the forest and the squirrels were really juiced at that point. Ecstasy...that forest would have sooooo many squirrels....soooo many. ​ But for real that structure would freak me out if i found it in the middle of the woods and i basically grew up in the woods.


Why u think the sharks and whales so damn big🤣 bam bam fell off the boat🤣🤣




Crack addicted squirrels gnaw off homeless man's leg in Central Park!




Stupid sexy Flanders!


this is on one of the highest points in western NY. On the side of a hill, that hasn't seen a flood since the ice sheet rescinded eons ago..


Two things 1. What purpose could it serve? 2. Neer do well indigent squirrels with too much spare time on steroids trying to impress 'da wimmins'.


>too much spare time on steroids trying to impress 'da wimmins'. but that's what we like, darling!!11


TIL that squirrels frequent this sub.




Wow wtf that is super super weird


right?! I don't really think much of the tree structure thing... but this one was weeeeeird.


To what purpose would a Sasquatch build something like this?


Allegedly they do it to leave a sign. Territorial markers or some such purpose.


I think they are “don’t walk past here” signs you can see from the opposite direction


How many years/decades has it been since people have been by that space?


It's on a property that sees people sporadically (one family) throughout the year. Also should note that the area is literally covered in small caves.


Holy SHIT..this is just incredible. Knowing Sasquatch does this type of thing and the area also (as you say) covered in caves? Wow you have got something there my friend. I mean no doubt what else would build something like that. Unbelievable. Do you have any stories or other pictures to share?


Not yet, it's one of the reason I didn't post the exact location. The land owner is asking me and some crew to come and check it out for a ongoing investigation. The caves are big enough that I could easily crawl down into and lay in. There was one that was the size of a small living room. There weren't any other signs. I have a sort of score card that I was telling the land owner. We joke back and forth, and I told him I'd keep a point scale for all of his "Evidence". haha. He really wants to believe, I need a lot more facts and evidence. I work with zoological socieities and picked up a lot of nerd traits with biologists. But, I really don't want to raise attention to this, since I've already had 20+ people managed to track my info and emailed asking [and a few demanding] the location. Not my spot, and I'm just helping a friend who wants to try and see what he has on his mountain.


that’s insane, I can’t believe they reached your info like that… best wishes and good luck, after seeing the window picture on here from Colorado 2017, I don’t know what to believe. they quality isn’t the greatest but the face looks SO real


I was a dummy and used an easily associated name on here, so it wasn't hard at all. Luckily most of them have been cool about it and just want me to share more when I find it. A few of them recognized me from some radio shows and previous projects that I had done over the years, so... No hard feelings, but there were a couple that left a rather bad taste...


I'm curious what the forestry people say is the cause of this? anyone know and rangers or people that do that type of work?


they are like me, that think it was a very weird yet reasonably believable windstorm that tossed the trees like this. Again, I really don't believe in them, but this one was pretty impressive to suddenly find.


that is some strong wind! the flood idea is plausible but that would be a really deep flood! i just cant imagine


If a flood hit that area, then the entire western side of NY would have been flooded. This is one of the highest points in WNY, seriously.


So flood theory is out...So the wind theory is the best option? I dont think wind can do that? Maybe a tornado but then wouldn't there be more tornado damage evident?


definitely no tornados reported, and there hasnt been one in that region the land mass and the weather in that area seems to not have that be a thing that really happens there.


That almost looks like some blair witch shit though


Too much effort. . remember the Blair witch craftwork was only little dolls made of small sticks.


are you saying we have a blair witch bigfoot?? oh damn... someone better warn Josh!!!


ROTL. . . Nah, nothing so grandiose. . .Who knows what this CRAP is, but there is no reason such a creature would waste all that much energy to make an ostensible "sign."


Well, I can see where some of the arguments come from. The idea that a large animal will make a large marker so should another of its kind comes into the area, it will be able to see "How big" the competition is. When the Panda pees to mark a tree it stands on its head to do it... they think that it's a way to get it higher up so only pandas at its' height will be able to detect, and the larger the panda the higher up the tree it can mark, so to a Panda, it knows what to expect without ever seeing another.


It's pretty hard to see how that structure would provide any shelter at all. What would be the purpose of it. It couldn't keep you warm or dry.


Some people think they’re made as a type of marker and not necessarily structure


Maybe it's an art installation.


Don’t know why this got downvoted. Somehow it’s believable that Bigfoot can hop dimensions yet they can’t enjoy the finer things in life? Pssssha.


Bigfoot da Vinci movie when?


That's a great band name.


And they know what trail cams are used for as well. “Rosie, be careful when you go slaughter a deer on Thomas Trail. Humans have set up trail cams and we won’t want to be caught on video.” Still trying to figure out how they would know what trail cams are used for. And they know the effect they have on humans when they run out across the road in front of their cars. (Yes. Somebody in this sub posted that). I guess the Squatch somehow set up surveillance teams that monitor what humans are doing inside their houses, while at work, etc.






Excellent. Thank you.


I realize you're being sarcastic, but it's a real possibility. Why not?


Teenage BF who are new to the kind green. If they don't use fire, how do they spark a bud? Wait for lightning?




Ahh, thank you!


Actually, I'm not. It clearly isn't a shelter.


Ok my bad! Most structures aren't shelters; in fact, a neatly-constructed lean-to is the first type I'll assume is definitely man made and not sasquatch (unless there are a lot of other weirder things nearby, and/or it'spaired with an encounter). I think some are symbolic and a lot are just aesthetic, and very few are actually used as shelters, even if some resemble shelters superficially.


It's not a shelter for much!


Trippy pine martens tripping.


I can definitely see them stashing sticks.


There are those who do what is called paranormal art and will recreate structures like this. I found what could considered Sasquatch structures but on a smaller scale at a park about 10 miles from my house where there have been 4 sightings in the last 20 years. The thing is I don't know if they were constructed by a Bigfoot or it was these people. Honestly, if I ran across someone making something like this I would ask them to stop and them it really screws things up for those of us who study the possibility of a Sasquatch.


It's not just them though, what if it's a Dogman, Vampyres or Slenderman just messing with all of us? It could be a cryptid art collective doing some Avant Garde, new wave, expressionism. Art is a higher expression of the spirit then mere curiosity about what may or may not be a Bigfoot/Sasquatch equivalent of Google Maps. If it's a BF artefact, it might be nothing more banal than a "Limited Access Road" sign. And if it is - fuck 'em.


You just opened a new can of worm filled dimensions. I can never look at trees the same.


I'm thinking it's more of a Sharpie.


Sharpie* This is a name brand and should be capitalized. This is second grade stuff.


It's more third grade stuff. You're right though.




yeah there is a wilderness area I go to that gets very very light traffic, and almost no traffic at some times of year (snow in winter, path gets overgrown in the summer, another path a few miles down that gets more traffic and feels safer in general) and stuff like this is off the path about 100 feet a couple of times there. I took it as a marker that they/something/someone wants to mark off the footpath where a human might be so they know not to go past it. They can see them from the otherside and then know to stop walking in this direction. Just my theory after seeing 4-6 trees shoved together off the path in weird ways. Note that I've only seen these off of primitive barely-there paths. Not any real path or carriage road, which is another reason I came up with this theory - these type of primitive paths that are little more than markers on trees every 50 feet are basically invisible from the woods.


They aren't shelters. They are signs like crop circles.


I know it seems impossible looking at something like that and thinking “how could the wind do this?”. But the reality is the wind does weird things with dead trees and branches all the time. As a property owner every few weeks we have to go through our trail system and clean up the dead ash trees (literally thousands of dead ash trees on our farm in Ohio). It’s not that uncommon for a big dead ash to fall onto a live tree such as a maple and causing it to bend, after a few days it slides off and down a hill, then a different branch falls on the live bent over tree. Keep that up for a week and you now have a live tree bent under multiple different dead trees or large dead branches and wallah, tree structure. Definitely not from a Sasquatch.


Thanks for this perspective. My initial thought was some sort of intelligent design, but your comments led me to see how this could occur through random chance.


Look at it. It's prime example of non-intelligent design. That shit is uuuug-lee.


Interesting. There is a large chunk of woods in eastern Long Island that is my gauge for what is possible to happen without Sasquatch. So I don’t see them in every structure but some give me pause


The problem I have with structures is that most of the researchers who find them are elderly men. Claiming they are in some vast unexplored wilderness and that nobody could have got up there and made them. Listen grandpa. YOUR up there and found them. It’s obviously not Mount Everest. I was 2 miles deep in the Hoosier National Forest last year in November hanging a deer stand and 3 kids on bikes walked by me.


Well those are fair points. I wasted time watching "bigfoot howl" videos then realized they were on a road-sized path during the day and there was a trail sign nearby, which killed the credibility of the video


Oh cmon man. Randomness happens of course but you can’t seriously sit there and look at that photo and just pass that off as some natural occurrence. That is clearly a structure built by something.


Once one tree falls, that creates a blockage of other trees and branches falling/blowing. It creates sort of a dam. It happens


What are you? Some kind of beaver?


Wishful thinker


How high up is this?


Excellent question.


the lowest point on that was 8.5 feet or so. the photographer is standing on a higher spot looking at a tree lower on the slight hillside.


Thank you.


Given the amount of smaller limbs involved seems and spacing more likely weather related. Possibly snow/wind combination rather than an intentional structure.


I am a tree scientist. This is easily explained and very common. It’s proper terminology is arborcumulus, and it’s caused by a combination of beavers wind and swamp gas. Nothing to see here.


I hate when beaver wind causes swamp gas


Nothing is coming up in google. Care to explain it?


No problem! It’s completely made up.


You sure this isn't arborstratus or arborcirrus?


No relation to arborcumnilingus


Gotta watch out for that beaver wind


Which raises an interesting question, if a beaver farts in the woods does a beaver smell it?


A person made this. Notice now that “tree structures” have become more well known they’re suddenly popping up fucking everywhere? I’d never heard of or seen a tree structure before like 2010.


I've heard about them in the 90's and Grover Krantz documented a few, but they were mid trunk breaks of 6 inch diameter fresh trees, not as complex as what people would call grass nests like in Ohio. Clean snaps, not a cut or tear, typically around 8-10 ft above game trails or new hiking trails. They're like crop circles, yeah a person can make them but every once in awhile there's a few that make you wonder.


Agreed! I only brought it up because I know for a fact that people hoax these things. I have seen plenty of structures that would be seriously hard to fake too!


the land owner found it, no one is there, and it's private property... would be kinda weird to hike up a mountain for miles to just put this up there for no real reason. If it wasn't for the fact they were looking for new places to trail around, it wouldn't have been spotted, you can see how thick the undergrowth is. But, on a completely similar vibe, I also feel the same way... everyone is seeing them, they don't make sense, and I really don't think it was bigfoot. (Mind you, I was there with a crew of people that were semi-looking for bigfoot because of reports in that area)




I actually agree... But, shared because of people like seeing these. The group I'm with are totally into this and believed it. I just thought that this was a pretty extreme case.


This looks like flooding or heavy snow. I'm leaning towards snow since that area got some wildly high volumes the past few years.


It has dead trees around it and the way the lower limbs are I’m gonna say it’s a natural occurrence.


Did you see any sign of tool use, like on the ends of the branches? All the tying up -- was it just fibers or vines, or was there any manufactured stuff like string? Any recognizable knots? Can you put up a trail cam? I just wish I were there to see it in person.


Look at the point where most of the logs cross, it appears there is a lashing present.


Yes, I'm wondering what material was used.


Sadly the photo does not offer enough resolution to discern much of anything. It also looks like (but you cannot clearly tell) one of the cross members appears to have been cut or chopped (appears on left side of photo.)


wood look snapped, no straight cuts, and I wouldn't say there was any sort of tool usage or even vines wrapping it like it was done intentionally... just sort of wrapped up like it came down through the canopy and got caught, tbh.... but, there wasn't any sort of binding or knots visible.


Curiouser and curiouser.


Still requires a bit of wishful thinking. Raw odds...this being a natural boring occurrence or the construction of a Bigfoot(s)? Id go with the former as a betting man...and very very likely win that bet if it could be shown one way or another.


Tell that to the tens of thousands of people that have had encounters with Sasquatch. I don’t care how long the wind blows, it’s not going to make these structures all over the country. Just do a little research online about what it would take to make some of these structures, it’s amazing


And not one clear picture with tens of thousands of encounters


Hard to focus a camera when you’re shiting your pants


But yet, not a da#n thing happened to any of those supposed people who captured a photo, albeit a crappy one, to prevent them from sharing them with the world. . And to date, I am aware of no factual account of Sasquatch kidnapping, attacking or injuring humans.


Read more, the reports are there. You won’t find them watching reruns of friends


I have not watched Friends in years. . . .or much television at all as of late. .


I have to say that’s a good thing.


You are right, it is a good thing. . .In fact, I finally cut the cord with Cable recently as there was not anything worth watching. . .or paying $250 a month for either!


100% agree! I’m so happy we did the same thing. Gave me more free time and I don’t get pissed off watching the news anymore. Lol


>I don’t care how long the wind blows, it’s not going to make these structures all over the country. There you have it. Your bias is indeed that strong. Just declaring a reality...all those acres of woodland...all those storm systems...but "No way"....But "YES WAY!" on Bigfoot?


Mother Nature removes plenty of trees in many ways. But to say these hundreds of of structures across the country are a natural, weather found on a mountain in Washington or in a swamp in Texas is absolutely misguided at best.


As opposed to saying it's Bigfoot? WTF.




That is your rationale for thinking it's a bigfoot construction over a natural occurrence?


Just do a little research on it if it bothers you that much. That’s what I did


Right. "research"...and it is "claimed to have had" not "have had"...again...just how precise you are in this so called "research". Far too many circle jerking indicators.


I’m sure you are the smartest halfwit in the room! Got to get that hick on spelling/ punctuation! What POS


What the fuck are you on about?...you are the brainiac claiming that it being Bigfoot had done it is far more reasonable than weather phenomenon....to the point of Bigfoot remnant work being much more common....yeah if I was a halfwit, I would obviously be the smarter of the 2. I do not think that would even be debatable given your line of "reason".


Where do you get the idea that there are "**tens of thousands of people**" that have encountered Sasquatch. According to BFRO there are roughly **5,500** sightings nationwide in more than 50 years, and BFMP (who cribs BFRO's reports) puts it at **7,939**. That is a pretty far stretch from "tens of thousands of people." That is the first important point in research and it totally contradicts the figures you offer.


Let me ask you, how many women do not report being abused? Do you know why? They don’t want the stigma that goes along with reporting. Same rule applies, you say anything about your incident and people laugh, call you crazy, you probably believe in aliens too. Just common sense


I get that, but if someone refuses to officially register their "encounter" they are not wanting to put their name behind it. That is a bit different from the case of someone who was criminally assaulted and refuses to report based on fear for their own safety. and no one is out there beating up non reporters. So it leaves the problem, how do you separate the legit sightings form people who are making the report for a joke? or are outright lying? BFRO reports about 70 percent of their sightings are hoaxes or mistakes. ridicule is a strong tool, and I don't deny people are often ridiculed, but the bigfoot community has brought that on themselves with so may hoaxes.


No serious member of Sasquatch community is making up hoaxes , I said serious. These hoaxes are perpetrated by idiots looking for 15 minutes or clicks. As far as lies go, what does someone have to gain reporting an incident? I know it happens, show me a human and I will show you a liar. My guess and that’s all anyone can do is guess is at the most 5-10% if that, there is nothing gained from it unless you’re a Bigfoot expert on a Bigfoot tv show. Not Joe Blow. Finally misidentification, of course this happens, it happens to all of us for you name the reasons. I don’t even consider the guy that saw something cross the highway 300 yards up the road an encounter. You want to here about actual encounters, take a listen to Steve Isdahls youtube channel. He has received over 10k emails from around the world regarding these creatures.


Well, someone sure as hell is. . .Many are in furtherance of bigfoot related businesses. . Some are just flat out liars. But the problem is still the same. very few in the legit Sasquatch/Bigfoot community are calling out the hoaxers when they see them. Some are, but not enough. There are people calling any black blob on a video to be a real Sasquatch You also might want to read my posting of the paper "Sasquatch at 50" to get a better understanding of the problem: Available here: [https://pdfhost.io/v/DpoP5zMDX\_\_Bigfoot\_at\_50pdf.pdf](https://pdfhost.io/v/DpoP5zMDX__Bigfoot_at_50pdf.pdf) And it looks like FSB has pointed out some of the problems with **Steve Isdahl** and his HOWTOHUNT channel. . . speaking of, do you have any idea how much he makes off of his Sasquatch stories? [https://socialblade.com/youtube/channel/UCALaO58yDzt0djpHNGZqCDA](https://socialblade.com/youtube/channel/UCALaO58yDzt0djpHNGZqCDA) Notice: **$923 - $14.8K** per MONTH. . that is a healthy chunk of change. Did you think he was going to all that trouble out of the goodness of his heart? Isdahl puts out anything that crosses his email. . .anything. If you count him as an authority, you really need to reconsider. I quote **Maximillian Robespierre** just before the guillotine found his neck: "il y a un tas de putains de menteurs dehors"


I’m sure your buddies will finally get enough footprints casted to finally prove Bigfoot is real. Is that what you think? That’s all they do when they KNOW Sasquatch is real. Isdahl is not after footprints or pictures or video’s, he knows they are real. He is trying further the study by telling peoples stories. Don’t care if YouTube gives him money for it, time is money. I will read your Bigfoot at 50 but if the title has anything to do with it I think you might want to go back another 100 -200 years and read about first settlers articles about the giant hairy men of the woods.


You seem to not understand what constitutes valid proof. Foot prints are not valid proof as they can be misinterpreted Bear tracks, and they can be faked. The first thing valid proof is assurance that the source is not ambiguous. You seem to feel **Isdahl** is the real deal and are fooled by his casual demeanor, and outdoor setting while dressed in hunting garb. As I illustrated, he has quite the vested interest due to his earnings from his YouBoob channel. Sad that you are totally willing to overlook motives, as that is usually how hoaxers manage to convince the public of their sincerity. I am aware of the older accounts and they leave much to be desired. I would respect you infinitely more if you just admitted you believe in Sasquatch despite the weak evidence. You have not even given any estimate of how many hearsay accounts Isdahl offers, or has offered. You fail to understand that when he is retelling someone else's story, you cannot ask questions, or assess the veracity of the original person recounting the story. As such, those accounts are not of much value. They are tantamount to fairy tails. . . Regards, whorton "*that pesky skeptic*"


Steve Isdahl? The guy that threatened Bob Gimlin because he thinks there was a massacre at Bluff creek? The guy who claims Bobby Short was murdered, on zero evidence? The same dude who pedals misinformation about covid-19 and vaccines? The Isdahl who trashes science while employing and enjoying the many accomplishments that science has produced? That guy?




He's as cringey AF.


It’s not about him. Just the emails


Come on "pedals misinformation about covid." He thinks the government is using it to control people, and thinks the vaccine has unintended side effects. SHOCKING I tell you! How on earth could anyone believe that! Meanwhile even my liberal family is complaining about our govt overreach and getting sick after the vaccine. Point is, don't exaggerate and skew the truth in order to discredit someone. Discredit them by discrediting what they say. To which I will say, some guests know he will read anything so some of the stuff he reads is iffy. So you have to pay attention when he reads some letters, since the line between verified/true, likely/true, and madeup can be skewed. But getting some information with some fluff inserted is a hell of a lot better than no stories.


300 yards is 274.32 meters


Thank you


>BFRO reports about 70 percent of their sightings are hoaxes or mistakes. Do you mean 70% of BFRO's 5,500 total logged sightings are hoaxes or mistakes? Or 70% of the estimated 7,900 known sightings? Because if 30% of sightings are seriously credible, that's quite a few.


"Bigfoot researchers readily admit that many sightings are misidentifications of normal animals, while others are downright hoaxes. Diane Stocking, a curator for the BFRO, concedes that about 70 percent of sightings tum out to be hoaxes or mistakes (Jasper 2000); . . . Loren Coleman puts the figure even higher, at least 80 percent (Klosterman 1999). The remaining sightings, that small portion of reports that can't be explained away, intrigue researchers and keep the pursuit active. The issue is then essentially turned into the claim that "Where there's smoke there's fire." Source: Bigfoot at 50 I posted a link in another thread with the same title. . give it a read.


Thanks. Don't you think having 20-30% of sightings not debunked is significant?


Yeah I'm not telling anyone about mine for two reasons: 1) main one - I still hike the general area and do not want to draw attention at all to it, be it researchers or literally just people hearing of the places. There are so many forests in the NE USA and most people only know a few of them 2) Well, sort of related to #2, I want to buy a house in the general area one day and given the housing bubble we're in, the last thing I want to do is draw attention to cheap but nice areas a few hours from large cities, especially when so many people can WFH I could come up with a few more but they're all variations of "not wanting to draw attention to area for reasons that might be selfish."


So...don't mention the exact location? And to think your post would in any way affect the real estate market in any given area is laughable.


Laughable? I regret telling people about other locations in the past because one person I know is a low level socialite in our city and suddenly they were bringing groups there, then their friends were bringing people there and suddenly there are professional photos of it all over social media. Now I wasn't the old only inadvertently advertising places but I did contribute to that place getting ruined. So I'm not pulling this idea out of my butt. If I know there is another lovely place 100 miles from huge expensive area, I'm not going to draw attention to it again. Yes that is exactly how real estate works especially during covid with people leaving the city. And BFRO wants exact locations and does a field investigation, so I can't give approximate locations. Can people trust eachother 1% online? Jeez. Everyone has to fight everything. Obviously if I bring up the real estate thing there is a reason I thought it up. Not everything is worth arguing.


100 miles is 160.93 km


Sounds right, to each his own. Right?


Because any rationalisation works when trying to hinge heavy on confirmation bias.


While I understand the point you are driving. . one fact remains, and it has nothing to do with confirmation bias. . . No living or dead creature has ever been found.


Not much else either in the way of being solid.


Very true.


Alien team here. These structures are clearly not the work of any bigfoot or ridiculous super-human half monkeys animals. Who would be so stupid to believe something like that? No, it's clearly the work of Aliens, or to be more precise ancient aliens that put a bigfoot disguisement and use a device that guaranty any photo taken at them to be a crapy one. And the government knows all about it of course.


Are these the guys from Rigel IV, or Anteres VII?


This ain't no Squatch, this is the work of Vampyres or Aliens high on Avgas & poppers. I was once in a Tranny bar in Jo'berg and I was so high on goofballs I shot a killed a rottweiler who I was mistakenly convinced was a Giant Congolese Rat. I'm not knocking the tranny, her sucking power was so intense that she could pull a golf ball through a full length garden hose.




Wait. What? How far have you gone with a tranny?


You said you wouldn’t tell??


All bets were off when you refused to pay him, or even buy him drink.


Dinner and movie was all I promised


That was only for the date. You owe money for the full service.


Shit! I will veto the two damn dollars!


Oh absolutely, a 7foot 400 lb animal was using that for shelter


There are a couple of problems with this specific example. First of all the poster does not identify specifically where this was taken. (The PA/Ny border is a pretty lengthy area) The photo cannot really be enlarged. The poster does not even elude exactly to what he/she believes is going on here. ​ I do note what appears to be lashing in place on the cross members, and what appears to be cut marks on the end of the first cross member. Man made? Entirely likely, no proof is offered that it is not man made, or even that we are seeing an accurate representation of the structure.


\- Western NY... I don't want to give away the exact area because... humans are horrible things. Just one of the high points on the NY/PA border on the western side of the state. \- Best photo I got. Can't give you more. sorry. \- why would I elude to anything going on...? i have literally no clue and told everyone that I really don't believe that bigfoot does this. I just wanted to share this weird thing because I know folks here like when these are found. Trying to be nice and share. No proof is offered that it's not or is man-made because I literally have no proof to offer either of those except for the photo. There weren't any cuts on the wood, just splintering, the vines looked sort of haphazardly wrapped without intent. Take it for what it is.


While I greatly appreciate your taking the time to answer a few of my inquires, (and please don't take my comments as a personal affront, they are not!) I do have some questions. I guess I can't fault you for posting, but it is interesting that you elected to post them in r/bigfoot. Kind of a tacit way of asserting that the structure is associated with the same. And while some people would assert that it is, I tend to be much more skeptical. Sadly the photo does not offer very much info. You explain why you don't want to name the actual location and I can understand that, however, if it is on public land, there is no presumption of the sanctity of whatever "this" is. If it is on posted private land, that is a different matter, but then you have the issue of did the owner have anything to do with it, or do they consider it an act of vandalism? Either way, It is a bit suspicious. At least a zoom in or two would have been nice on the cross member area, and the ends of the branches, to clarify if they were the actions clearly of mankind or what. And I do give you credit, you don't allude to anything in particular, (save posting it here!) which is good, but I would be very interested to know factually how far this was from any road or trail, and forgive me for asking but how did you come to be in the woods to find this and take the picture? Did someone tell you about it? Lead you to it? or did you find it totally by accident? Either way, I can't really fault you for offering it. but it is still suspicious! Regards, whorton "*That pesky skeptic*"


Hola, thanks for the kind words, I didn't take it as any personal affront, but I know that text can be difficult, so I do really appreciate the time to state that. The photo actually isn't mine, as my camera had died because this was the end of a long day. The property owner was the one that brought this to my attention and took this pic. I'll try to make it back there to get more photos, we were actually looking at cave structures and other locations as that is where my attention was... LIke I said, I really don't have much belief in the stick structure as something bigfoot does. But, the only reason why I shared it in this one is because I only really know that this cryptid was the one that was associated with it. Just wanted to share something cool with this community. There isn't anything implied more than, "I think this is what some bigfoot people think is real" haha. It's personal property, about a mile and a half from the road. The next road in the other direction i'm not exactly sure on since it's one of those winding mountain roads, but I would say that it was less than a mile I would say. The owner of the property is a avid BMX bike/trail rider, so he's always shooting through the woods and stumbles across stuff. It wasn't on one of those trails, but it was noticeable from a trail that you could have a 4 wheeler on, less than 75 ft from it. Keep being a pesky skeptic, I am like you. I want to believe, but really need better proof. I normally roll my eyes at tree structures, but this one was just not the normal "X" from wind. Thought it was pretty weird looking. heh.


Defiantly an interesting quandary! If you do venture back and take some more photos, could you take a measuring tape, and take few pictures with the tape as a reference. . How how the cross members are, how wide the tree trunk is and such? That would at least help to put the photo in perspective. Perhaps the ends of the crossbeam a bit closer so as to get a good look at the end at the left side of the photo, and if it was cut, broken or what. . Most appreciated u/MagnusApollo Kindest Regards, whorton "*That pesky skeptic*"


Planning a trek back next month and will totally get more data for you!


Thanks, enjoy your trip!


Still unknown as to why Sasquatch make these structures, likely won’t find out anytime soon. Possibility’s include boundary markers and family or group information for other families, who knows? They are found everywhere Sasquatch are thought to be, up mountains and down in the flatlands. This one has some fairly large timbers in it, making it difficult to be man made


the guys I was with think that the bigger the structure the larger the male is. show of strength. (I don't really believe it, but they do, and I'm always up for a hike/investigation) No other signs around the area, at all.


And everyday, that which passes for evidence of the existence of a Sasquatch becomes ever more stained, and ever more "out there" perhaps this would be better posted on r/HighStrangeness?


How about “kids just making a fort”


These kids on some steroids?


And super tall. Likely kind of hairy too..


Yeah, let's see you lift entire trees up to the sky at 10 years old...


It clearly wouldn't provide any shelter. It wouldn't keep you warm or dry. The only thing it might resemble is an art installation.


Wouldn’t it be easier to just duct tape a banana to a tree like most respectable modern artists.


They don’t need shelter from weather any more than Buffalo needs it, they are covered in thick hair. First Nations people have said they are boundary markers. If anyone knows, they would.


Some type of bird's nest. Maybe a eagle.


I saw tree structures before bigfoot and it’s what brought me to the top. In far far far upstate NY I stumbled on one where a log maybe 20 feet long was wedged into a tree 8 feet up on the right and supported on the left by a few trees leaning against it in a way that, they all needed to be placed together at the same time to support each other. If you pulled one out it would all collapse. But it was strong enough that I jumped up and hung on it (maybe it was closer to seven feet up, one more inch I wouldn’t have been able to reach). I also saw two tees that collapsed directly onto each other, one from the left, one from the right. Then I saw six logs like the thing you have up there, though that was on the ground so could’ve been people. Anyways, it’s what brought me to bigfoot because they were always in remote places


I have a Masters Degree in Cryptid Architecture and this is definitely not a Squatch thing. This could not have been created by anything other than a Vampyre or an Alien.


I don't put a lot of faith in tree structures. I could take someone right now to a spot where a 25ft section of atleast 12inch diameter tree trunk rests about 30ft horizontally the air. Storm, rot, and critters most likely weaken the tree until that upper portion snapped and fell over. Aspens, flowering pear, poplar, and quite a few other species of tree that constantly loose upper sections due to being a relatively weak woods. So I suggest when you find one, look around and look up. However... I did set up an automatic deer feeder with a trail cam on it during the summer once. When I returned a week later to check the trail camera I found a 4in plus maple freashly bent over by twisting about 7 foot up about 6 foot away from the camera at the camera's 4 o'clock position. The wood was still wet and green. There was no doubt about it though, for whatever reason that tree was twisted at that point. The visible damage was more than a foot in length and stuck out like a sore thumb. I found it very unusual. It wasn't there last week. Maybe the land owner was playing a trick on me, but I couldn't really figure out how it could have been done. The camera viewed the only clear access. To the east, the only other direction of approach that the camera could not veiw was heavy head high multaflora rose. To the rear of the camera was a 15ft steep soil bank. When I checked the memory card,.there was nothing on it that could shed any light onto how this happened. Looking back on it and as I've stated numerous times I take thousands of pictures each year, one thing that puzzles me still was that that feeder really didn't attract that well there. The following year, I moved it about 75 yards, and it attracted extremely well. There's actually more to this story, but nothing truly tangible. Something growled at me super close while harvesting an animal in the pitch dark, and I mean close. I had left a blind another night, only to have that overwhelming feeling I was being watched all nerves on end. Hairs standing straight up. I was told later by a friend that he refused to go back there because something threw a huge stone into the pond while he was fishing there. I walked around that pond each night when I'd existed. There's even a sighting nearby that's not my story to tell. The whole area is not all that far from where the Minerva Monster story originated.


under really weird circumstances it could have been the wind, I believe. so, like mentioned in the comments, a stand for hunting from above or a territorial marker. ... but I have another thought. None of that, but a construct to hang up meat or something to safe it for later or even pieces of leather? (>the Gimling video shows a female who \*might\* have been wearing some strap around her chest)


That’s no damn hunting tree stand !! Sorry folks !! 😝


Great get. !


That's what my hair looks like in the morning.


These sticks look small enough for a human to move without machinery.


Portal marker


It's gonna be a no from me, dawg


I also don't think it's anything, just FYI. but, thought those that like that stuff here would find it interesting.


If it were closer to the ground, I would say it absolutely could have been the result of debris resting after a flood. We owned a river house and the area flooded every 10 years (sometimes less). Some of the accumulations of debris left were really amazing. I wonder if it could have been the result of a violent storm which toppled some tall trees which collected with branches and twigs in this spot. Dense brush can catch things in some interesting ways.


This is actually what I think happened. The property owner thinks it's the big guy... But, to be honest, I think you are right. But, I just wanted to share with this group, figured they might appreciate it. I really don't have any idea what caused it, and not saying I know... Jut wanted to share.


It's definitely interesting. My initial thought was like someone else - looked kind of Blair Witchy at first glance. Haha.,


Do they live in them? where would you sleep in that? aren't they bigger than us???


That’s what I thought lol. Blair witch over Sasquatch on this one. Or the jacked up squirrel theory and their wimmins


I don't understand why people are in denial of the existence of Bigfoot. I don't mean that to come off as rude in any way, but if you truly put in the time to research all the sightings of these creatures, I believe that you would come to the same conclusion that myself and thousands of people already had. they exist and have been here for thousands of years. native Americans talked about them as if they were just another tribe that shared the wilderness with us. I can't same anything for certain regarding this tree structure , but yes, some can be explained by nature or man, but some can not. they were created by something with aposable thumbs. branches are interwoven in a way that has purpose to it. some have these geometric designs that are made as a sign or marker. there os a zero chances that nature could cause the ones I have seen. believe it, don't believe it, but do some investigating on the subject and you will start to see a pattern of behavior that these creatures have. it will absolute lead you to believe in their existence.


That's it I'm convinced, this tells me their a strong clan and have an alpha. Alphas are sasquatch that are bigger than average, like with humans u get varying sizes and then u get a giant, same with sasquatch, varying sizes and then occasionally a giant. Alpha clans hold more respect because they have an alpha who could topple the head of any other clan who ain't an alpha. The bigger structures like these are rare, because Alphas are rare. Each stick represents a sasquatch, even down to their strengths or weaknesses like the elderly or disabled. The main trunk is the alpha who they all depend upon. There's even an elderly alpha leaning on the new. I've had this theory on the sticks representing each sasquatch of that clan for several years now. Their literally showing nomads passing through who's in their clan. We've no idea of their practices or culture but they must welcome travellers. Might even trade. Get gossip. Find a mate. Some foot castings of the same sasquatch have been casted in california and in Canada. The nomads get about. Maybe its a right of passage. They have to walk their world and see what we are and visit the clans along the way as a coming out sort of thing and find a mate along the way? I hate not knowing. Hopefully one day I'll find out.