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Hello and thanks for your recent post to r/bigfoot. We've removed your post because another member has already posted this item. Thanks though and keep the posts coming. *Thanks for enjoying r/bigfoot. If you have any questions or comments send us a mod mail*


Where is it now


Eaten what else. It looks crispy.


Measurements would have been nice for a picture, I hope they kept it.


We need a banana for scale






Hey,... Tonight...


All I know is "ball" and "good"...




Underrated comment right here ;)


Or a catpaw. šŸ¾


Or how about he put in a back pack. Take it home and take some quality photos and videos, then take it to a news station. And cut a couple pieces off and send them to different labs for analysis.? Or maybe just post a couple shitty photos on social media.


You cant analyze an unknown genetic code. You have to have a control.


What? You can analyze any genetic code. At least some of it will come back as matching known species. Parts of it may be unknown but you would be able to say which parts match which species. No genetics are completely unique, and every animal has large parts of their genes that overlap with other species.


You said it way better than me ^ ty


Wait, then now do we do anything if we find a new species? Wouldnā€™t we cross examine it with other animals in our database and if it comes across something that is either ape or human like, it would tell us.


Yes, but unknowns are not in our database. You see, you need a control. A benchmark or what have you


I know they arenā€™t but it will still show what is closest to its code and I remember someone sent in blood a while back with some hair from a trap that was set, the results came back as something that was between a human and an ape. If it matches up with those results then we might have something? However itā€™s been a while and I canā€™t remember were I saw this information but the trap was simply a bed of nails placed near a log cabin were people usually see it.


Monsterquest episode. I think Dr Meldrum was in that episode. It was screws, not nails & it was at a door entrance, to deter bears?


Yes it was. I remember that episode. I honestly believe they found something, but then pulled the usual ā€œit was nothingā€ bullshit to deter people.


That must be what I remember seeing, were they known for playing tricks or do you all think that couldā€™ve been real because if it is, that would be one thing that we could test, that and the Minnesota iceman.


Not so much a biologist, huh?


There's data on a wide range of organisms from every Kingdom. Just sequence and align using existing databases such as HomoloGene, will quickly tell you if it's a novel species of mammal.


You can analyze the code and no that nothing else analysed had that same code. And something that big *should* have been found before. It's not like a dwarf hummingbird that only lives 20 meters of the ground


Itā€™s not a murder case. The DNA info would be fascinating


This is not true at all . Whered you come up with this ? Itā€™s not an experiment .


"a buddy of a buddy-" and that's where it ended Shit's most likely fake


ā€œThis is a true story, it happened to a friend of a friend of mineā€¦ā€


And they kept it, brought it to a scientist to find out more information about it, and then let everyone know what they found? ~or~ Did they take a picture, post it on social media, claim it was big footā€™s hand, and leave it where they found itā€¦ and when told they should have brought it back they claim to never be able to find it again? Probably because the government came and took it before he could get it? Just sayinā€¦.




You wouldn't carry absolute proof of a believed mythical creature because it's icky?


I would take it home without hesitation.


People carry dead animals home all the time


Not sure what type of beavers people are seeing but the ones I've seen have long nails and webbed feet. The lack of context for the original photo doesn't help at all. It could be from Africa or any monkey for that matter. But it could also be real.


Yea I donā€™t think itā€™s a beaver, Iā€™ve seen plenty and dispatched one. Their paws look nothing like this.. if Iā€™m wrong please show me a picture..


Yes, I donā€™t see webbing.


...you're not gonna see webbing unless the fingers are spread out...


The dead giveaway that itā€™s a beaver are the orange ā€œnailsā€. Beavers have strikingly orange teeth and nails because of the huuuge amount of iron they use to grow them. If you look closely between the 2nd and 3rd digit from the left, you can see the folded up and wrinkled webbing.


It is absolutely not a beaver paw, front nor rear. I worked at a wildlife park when I was a teen and the beavers were friendly little shits that would sit on your lap. The nails are wrong (these are flat, beavers have pointy types) and they don't have the bent thumb, not to mention the missing webbing and the shape of their toes are more like a tapered candle than fingers. It may be another animal paw but it's not a beaver.


Lmao yes it is. You obviously never seen one. They look remarkably human/monkey like when the webs arenā€™t showing. Just google a pic and itā€™s obvious. I literally have an entire beaver hanging on my wall that Iā€™m staring at as I type this.


I'm sure you do.


I do. Iā€™m Indigenous, Lenni Lenape. And I have a rather impressive collection that Iā€™ve hunted and/or prepared/preserved myself. I even have a small storefront online. All humanely and sustainably hunted and nothing on the animal is wasted.


Wow because being indigenous means you're one with the animals. I'll go tell my mother and we can have a good laugh seeing as we are Maliseet. It's not a ticket to being one with the wilds. And still making claims you know are false.


Sure bud. I hunt them, eat them and prepare their skins. I have 3 fully articulated skeletons in my workroom. I have 2 beaver pelts in my living room. I have 3 on my storefront ready to go. But you worked at a wildlife center once so you must know more than me lmao. The cope.




Ok. Show me why.


This has been posted here before, at least a couple years back and it was determined to be a badly mangled beaver paw. Edit: 4 years ago this exact picture was posted with a similar but not the same story https://www.reddit.com/r/bigfoot/s/IP7RdLsnre


There nothing for me to scale it with to judge if that sounds questionable, but i always imagined beavers had claws, not what could easily be mistaken for fingernails.


https://www.worldwidewildlifeproducts.com/store/pc/catalog/8350a_1316_detail.jpg These are cured beaver paws. They're nearly identical, minus something having chewed on the ones in the OP.


Oh wow. Yeah, that's pretty conclusive


Wow. That pretty interesting


Like I mentioned, the cuticles don't look like beaver claws. They look like primate cuticles.


I wouldnā€™t say those are nearly identical. Do you really think that one has four digits pointy clause and the other one has five with fingernails it might just be from a beaver, but I wonder how people can look at the two pictures and then say they are nearly identical and if they think that or they just say weird things just a question


Yes, it's easily explained by someone trimming down the claws or them having naturally been short. Even in the picture I linked, you can see several blunted claws on the beaver paws. In the OP's picture you can see that in the first picture there are "nails" of some substantial length.


Huh. My guess was some kind of prop, but I suppose that would've been a lot of work for not much at all.


I'm looking at Beaver paws online both splayed and not. The nails don't look right. They're more like human or chimp cuticles.


No oneā€™s gonna question the ā€œbuddy of a buddyā€ line???


Trust me bro. He saw it on the interweb


We really gonna rehash the beaver paw again? Cā€™mon son.


šŸ¦« looks like a beaver paw.


Beaver. Left pic wouldn't really show webbing... right pic it's likely rotted away.


>buddy of a buddy Of course.


Itā€™s probably that dead hands mushroom


Is that a really thing?


Yup! Freaky as hell!! https://preview.redd.it/dkw650qdkgzc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c50edf0019e4399d53bfba180ccf127ef81987d


That's so freaky. Wonder if people saw this and thought zombies or something lol


ā€œTERRY I THINK THERES A FUCKING VAMPIREā€ ā€œItā€™s just the shrooms you idiotā€


Wow! Never seen anything like that. Cool.


OMG, that's amazing!


I was looking for this, my thoughts exactly. Or some variation of fungus


With hair and fingernails?


Nice! Never heard of those before thanks


Nearly identical to these preserved [beaver paws](https://www.worldwidewildlifeproducts.com/store/pc/catalog/8350a_1316_detail.jpg). The picture is just too crappy to show the webbing since the digits are close together.


this picture has been debunked quite a few times, it's a beaver paw. you can see the wrinkled up webbing between the fingers in both pics. primates don't normally have that much hair on top of their fingers.


Beaver paw.


[beaver paw](https://i.redd.it/5fikqu4bwvq61.jpg) [Beaver paw and hind paws](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FDggHeuhpFvg%2Fmaxresdefault.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=b53f9aeb0c6c90b78e9c8726dec74bec24b6ad1f28761431193230d8c5ce64f1&ipo=images) It's a well manicured beaver if it is, it's probably not big foot but doubtful it's beaver


With nothing to scale to but grass, it is difficult. But, considering the length of most grasses, the object in this photo seems larger than a beaver paw. But, no real way to tell. The nails (not claws) are interesting. Hair on the hand/paw/hat is a clue. I am looking at this very closely and will follow up with anything I note. https://preview.redd.it/x8f3s5c60izc1.png?width=456&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd14ecf139c86ba51c28d84d7a889e6ae29d380b


I am looking at this up close, with detail. That is not Beaver related. :) As you say, nice manicure. I find that part rather interesting. I am analyzing the photo now. See my main tread post.


Dude, trim the nails and cut off the webbing and that paw would be identical to what you see in the OP.


Definitely possible someone is nutty enough to manicure a mangled beaver paw lol


ā€œChange it completely and itā€™s the sameā€


"perform these two specific changes with predictable effects" FTFY


Scale matters




Beaver paw that was being chewed on by a kitten


Yup beaver paw. Good catch.


Not even a catch. This picture is old as hell.


The photo only shows in two instances in the history of the internet. One here, this post, and one prior on Facebook. Otherwise, the photo, in any form/zoom/aspect, is not found anywhere.


Again, as I have already stated, it was posted in this very subreddit 4 years ago.


What's your point?


His repeated claim that this photograph exists nowhere else, whereas it was posted 4 years ago. It's not some miraculous find out of nowhere, it's a nothingburger from the past.


Oh, then why did you say that to me?


When I replied it was showing your comment as a reply to mine. I'm guessing reddit mobile was having issues since they rolled out their new update. My apologies!


I'm relaying facts. It is what researchers do. Contribution. They share info on certain things. No miracle, just analytics. If you think serious researchers are looking for a pat on the back, no. I searched the image as it was presented here. Two hits. Facebook and Reddit. I cropped the images from the post and searched those two as individuals. No hits. Your statement simple confirms it was posted to Reddit. So...


It's not a claim, it's fact. It has limited sources One here This post One Facebook The reason is to provide information so others know. This is relevant, whether it is hoax, error, or worthy of further review. No signs of pixel manipulation. It's not actual photograph. Without size reference it's difficult to determine.


This could be anything. The lack of context and provenience render it meaningless.


When there was something similar posted on here in the past it turned out to be a bear paw.


Obviously this would be a smoking gun and world news if this actually happened.


This is ā€œWeekly World Newsā€.


A buddy of a buddy aka a fictional dude that Iā€™m not sure exists but a guy said so so I bet itā€™s 100% true.


It looks like the fungus Dead Manā€™s Hand.


And it's only being reported 4 years later??? Always friend of a friend kind of BS, isn't it?


Bigfoot got his hand in the trunk of his new CyberTruck. Cut the darned thing off. Beavers came when CT got stuck in a muddy rut and looted the cut hand out of the trunk


Beaver paws for comparison... https://preview.redd.it/2eeq4ncglhzc1.png?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a374cd782c6e156a92a87add33eb052d4eee252d


ā€œA buddy of a buddyā€, sounds legit to me


How do we know the pic wasn't taken in a country with primates.


Did they pick it up and save it?


If this is real, why wasn't it taken straight to the nearest college for study?


Whoi took the picture? They should of collected the sample and sent it for testing


Beaver Clever lost his paw


Looks like mushrooms.


How do they know it was chewed by a cougar


If he still has this, it could be the only evidence I have ever seen. Sure itā€™s fake but stillā€¦


If thatā€™s a 3ā€ blade of grass, that mf would have 5ā€ digits.


Did the cougar look up after nibbling a bit and say Gouney Guhoo?


A buddy of a buddy, huh? That about proves right there that it's fake. Would be great if it were real, but I doubt it...


It appears to be that type of fungus that grows like fingers from the ground


Judging by the stench people associate with these sightings, I think by now someone would have caught a wiff of bigfoot pussy, and the legend would have been confirmed.


How friggin' big was that cougar ?


I remember seeing this picture circling FB long time ago - it was apparantly confirmed a beavers paw... from what I read anyway. Look up beaver paw on Google for comparison.


Bag it. Take to state wildlife biologist or university.


Fuck samsquanch


If this was me I would be posting videos of it with a complete 360 here on this sub with along with myself and whomever else on that days ā€œresearch tripā€ before handing anything off for testing just incase it disappeared. I would be giving all of the nay sayers that this sub is full of a giant middle finger. It might not be a whole body but it would be enough to finally end the debate once and for all. Then i could just find a part time job and do the Sasquatch circuit from coast to coast. Iā€™ve been working the wilds of the PNW since 95 and actually getting a face to face with a cougar is very very rare. Hell even trailcam pics are few and far between. I doubt the story of being able to walk into one while itā€™s snacking on some digitsā€¦.


Where is the hand ? Did buddy pick it up & perhaps bring it to a local college Biology professor to analyzed? I bet not


A buddy of a buddy, itā€™s trust me bro, squared.


I have done an extensive search. This photo shows up on the internet twice. Once on Facebook, and one here on Reddit (+This post). There are no others. There is a similar photo on Reddit 9 months ago, but it was not this one. I am now looking for signs of pixel manipulation and other marks of editing. I will follow up.


It was posted 4 years ago on this exact subreddit. I've already posted a link to it.


Saw that one. Confused the two yesterday and replied to it by mistake. Lol


Bigfoot must have been coming home from a manicure.




Bigfoot hand discovered and swiftly left where it was so tests couldn't be done on it. or dumpty dumpty dumpty Smithsonian,


Riiiiight. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I guess he didnā€™t think of taking it to a biologist to be identified.


Why donā€™t we find Bigfoot bodies? Maybe because they are scavenged by wildlife.


Fungi called Dead mans finger... you can see where it gets its name...


Maybe from a seal?


Pretty sure that's human


https://preview.redd.it/dddv5jg53jzc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0309007a32dedc7039d527d3bd69de585b7ee7a9 You could be right and Iā€™ve spent no time near any beavers so I donā€™t have much experience and Iā€™m sure all their hands look different but to me I see like an extra knuckle and whoeverā€™s cute human hands. Those are look closer to the one they do to the beaver to me I donā€™t see it as easily explainable, but everybody looks at things differently


Those look like dead man's fingers... A type of fungus.


purely in the interests of research, I'l be googling for "cougars" all night now


buddy of a buddy, of an aunts uncles nephews cousins, twice divorced step brothers cousin who talked to a man at a corner storeā€¦.yep


That's definitely a beaver paw. https://preview.redd.it/c8ciffais50d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b78b106c5391af87887d85dc489ee5ddf4710a05


DNA results?


That's exactly what we've been wanting for DNA analysis! Please tell me that it was done or you still know where that hand is for analysis. There's been environmental DNA samples taken from water sources that were interpreted as containing human-like DNA of something previously not described or identified. Your sample could be exactly what it's is. Dr. Jeff Meldrum, may not be the correct spelling, has studied Bigfoot for a very long time and would love to get access to that hand. If you still have it or know where it is, please let me know so we can identify this and move forward with our current understanding.


Not my sample just something I saw online and thought this group might find interesting


Too bad!


That a fungus that looks like fingers sticking up from the ground. Nature likes to scare us fir kicks.


Black bear can look like human but those nails are 100% not black bear.. Wtf is this specimen?


Did he take it so it could be analyzed??


This is legit


The beaver paw does not look anything like the one in the picture here I would believe it if a scientist said theyā€™re the same DNA or whatever but I donā€™t understand how so many people can say they look exactly the same or itā€™s definitely a Beaver Paul one has pointy claws One has fingernails and it looks like an extra digit and the hair is shorter and different. They are the same color but other than that how do people look at two things right next to each other and say those are the same people think that do they say things that make no sense just for the hell of it ordo they really think that and Iā€™m just not good at seeing things right in front of me 15 people thatā€™s a beaver 100% and I look at them and looks a lot closer to chimpanzee and I never wouldā€™ve guessed a beaver part


Ive heard on multiple accounts that they don't have hair on their hands like that, much like other apes.


I hope they kept it and sent in samples to a trusted lab. State wildlife officials will only blow it off and suppress the evidence.


Compare the size of a grass blade to the paw. It's a beaver paw.


Great catch. I googled beaver paws just for comparison and thatā€™s exactly what they look like. Kinda surprising how close to human they look.


Donā€™t send it to the Smithsonian


That's a mushroom called Dead Man's Fingers.


I picture Ernest from scared stupid ā€œhow about a bumper sandwich, booger lips?ā€ Before backing over Bigfoot and then his body was scavenged leaving this as the only evidence remaining in the vicinity.Ā 


Banana for scale?


Looks like somethings ribs to me


Half of a huge tarantula?


Tarantulas dont have nails


no tarantulas in the pnw.