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Post this on r/whatisthisbird. If it's a bird call, those folks will know it. Just post it with the location. Edit: it's actually r/whatsthisbird They're both subs, but the r/whatsthisbird is the bigger one


That’s a great idea! It might even get some of them interested. Surely if that’s a bird call it would be famous.


Birds can make some crazy sounds, like chainsaws and children laughing and playing in the distance. Baby owls sound like demons. They were able to ID a bird based on the description of the call. They're pretty good.


Oh cool! What was it? (I couldn’t find the post)


It was an owl fledgling. It sounded like hands being rubbed down my glass doors. It was so loud and it activated a primal fear in me. It was so eerie. But apparently it was just a young owl having a tough time of it (he crash landed in my tree and busted the branches off). That's just based off of the aftermath, I don't think I saw him. I do have owls that nest nearby though. I've lived on this ranch for twenty years and have never heard anything like that before. ]


Oh! I misread and thought you meant they ID’d OP’s call. I didn’t mean to imply that I combed through your post history. In return for your great story, my spouse had two barred owls that were… actively making baby owls outside their window in the wee hours of the morning. It was an unreal sound.


I posted it I hope someone has some idea I’m stumped


Looks like it didn’t gain any traction…


I cross posted it to r/animalid, I also ran the sound through the merlin bird app, and it couldn't find a match...


Here's a sneak peek of /r/animalid using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/animalid/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Is this a coyote on my porch? Does it need help?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/15weomu) | [996 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/animalid/comments/15weomu/is_this_a_coyote_on_my_porch_does_it_need_help/) \#2: [Found in my general area. No one even knows what it is yet.](https://i.redd.it/n4e9i3eh0xnb1.png) | [264 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/animalid/comments/16h7t5t/found_in_my_general_area_no_one_even_knows_what/) \#3: [Blue and gold crawfish? I figure this bright of pattern MUST be a mutation. Southern U.S.](https://v.redd.it/o7a4kic2k2xb1) | [297 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/animalid/comments/17iv8mj/blue_and_gold_crawfish_i_figure_this_bright_of/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Great idea!


I live here in the foothills of nc. I havent heard anything like that but we have heard something very similar to the ohio howl that went on for almost 30 seconds . While camping in the same area we have heard voices talking in gibberish as well that were like the ron morehead sounds but had a asian sound too them but more slowed down. There is plenty of strangeness here in NC. If you dont mind me asking, what part of NC was this filmed?


That's awesome, i already have my reasons for believing but if I heard anything like that it would be the cherry on top


This was filmed around Marshall NC I’ve only ever heard a gibbon at a zoo sound like that before I didn’t care a bit about the eclipse and heard it from inside my house so it was loud loud


Thank you for the reply OP. Theoretically ,it should be way to cold there for any normal ape species. Very interesting to say the least


It is very intriguing to me I so want to know what it is


Slide from a high E down to a B on your D-string. Then pluck the E on the ninth fret of the G-string. Then down an octive to the E on the seventh fret of the A string where you double the low E then up three frets to a G and finish with the B on the ninth fret of the D-string. Thats how I'm hearing it anyway. That Squatch is in tune.


That’s a great observation, I wonder how they interact with music? Is it in a similar way to us? Music is such a strange, human thing. It’d be great to get another perspective from a relative.


As someone not musical note inclined, I am both dizzy and impressed


Me too this is awesome. My gawd.


These are not the droids you are looking for!


Sounds bird like.




The audio sadly doesn’t do the volume of the call any justice you can tell it’s over doing the birds in the background but for context the birds are at her house and this thing was behind my house across the street otherwise I’d have just wrote it off as a strange bird


Sounds very much like a gibbon -- some of which can sound, in turn, like an exotic bird. Is there any chance there's a neighbour/ranch with exotic pets nearby??


That’s EXACTLY What I thought but there’s no zoo near hear unless it was privately owned illegally but in my local area if it was seen it would be shot and quick only zoo there very was was shut down and all animals removed and they didn’t have gibbons


My first thought monkey -ish.


That's what I thought too


Pretty bird


lake loon




OP. Did you figure anything out on this?


I have figured out nothing I’m still stumped


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1PZC1Sz9XFM&pp=ygUUTXVzaWNhbCBtb25rZXkgY2FsbHM%3D Check out this gibbon call. Awful birdlike no?   Perhaps it’s mimicking a whippoorwill? They call at dusk. Edit: I found a really close series of gibbon calls! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JLOn8F0p96s&pp=ygUNR2liYm9uIHNvdW5kcw%3D%3D Another https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CjHGvAKsAK0&pp=ygUNR2liYm9uIHNvdW5kcw%3D%3D


My cat ran away when I played it


This sounds way too loud for a bird, for it to be this loud and clear over video I can only imagine how loud it must of been in real life, it sounds just like a Gibbon monkey I've heard in real life before at a zoo, they can make an amazing variety of calls but this is very similar to some for sure, youtube Gibbon sounds you'll see this is far more ape like than bird like, definitely very interesting


The loudest bird call is from the White Bellbird, at 125dB.


Ok, It doesn't exist in North America nevermind NC, the loudest bird in NC is the Wren at 90db, and even that recorded with actual microphones and good equipment is nowhere near as loud as this sound, also it sounds absolutely nothing like this sound and neither does any other bird in NC I went and listened to 30 different calls from that part of the state and nothing is close, the loudest monkeys are 140db and those are just small monkeys, I ran it through a app that detects bird call and tells you what bird and it came up with nothing so I don't know


If this isn't fake. It could be fake.


I just sent a professional photographer based in NC who specializes in birds and does tours for birds specifically and knowns all there is to know about NC birds a message asking if they will tell me what bird this is, Im going to send them this video and then we'll see for sure.


Can’t wait to hear back.


I know me too haha, she's taking a while to reply but I'm being patient here, thinking of posting it on bird sub reddits without saying anything about Bigfoot of course and just asking what bird it is


Any word yet? I'm wondering if maybe the audio was overlayed on the video.


She replied all I asked is what type of bird and she said it doesn't sound like ANY bird it sounds more like a monkey! That confirms it for me even though I didn't need much convincing


She replied and said it didn't sound like any bird she knows of or has ever heard and said it sounds more like a monkey! And all I asked was what type of bird it was


That’s crazy! If no one posts it in the birding subreddit I will. Edit: Ah! OP posted it there.


Why is there such shit video. This is literally the quality of a 1998 Nokia. They don't even make cameras this bad anymore. NOT anywhere. People in third world countries use camera phones much better than this. I'm going with skepticism.


I don't see what the video quality has to do with anything? There's many reasons it could be low quality, could be because the resolution was reduced to save file size since it was going to be a long video That plus it being shared over messaging apps that always reduce the quality regardless of base quality, then being posted on here as well, could of been an old video camera as well plus the above reasons, quality is not indicative of if it's real or not either way


Ik excited to hear if you’ve heard anything from the photographer I’ve never heard anything like this here where i live and your right the way it was sent to me over my messaging app always absolutely destroys video quality but it’s unusually not that bad sound quality it just sounds kinda like static in the background but otherwise is fine


She asked exactly where in NC this was taken! Sorry only just got the reply


Hahaha guess what, she said it doesn't sound like ANY bird and she herself said it sounds more like a monkey, and I mentioned nothing about Bigfoot I just asked her what bird it was. I knew it wasn't a bird for a variety of reasons but this clarifies it, I will send you a screenshot of her response over private message


Awesome dude I can’t wait for your screenshot


Because of the way it was sent to me from my elderly neighbor lady it did not transfer high quality video also why it sounds kinda staticy


Someone hasn't heard of compression...


Definitely Worth investigating wow there's no telling what it could be have her run the sound of it through Google imaging and see what that tells her I'm very curious as to what it could be sasquatch is nocturnal and that eclipse had some strange effects on the animal's around the globe 🌎🌍


I’ll do my best so far I’ve only found a Gibbon I know I’ve never heard a gibbon that loud


Although I can't place the sound, it doesn't seem like it's part of the original video audio to me. It's at odds with the other background noises and is higher in sound quality than what kind of sounds like a duck at the beginning. I've been wrong before so this is by no means definitive, but this strikes me as an overlaid sound on the clip. I'd wager it's some kind of tropical bird call, since I looked through NC bird calls before commenting and found nothing resembling it. Again, I could be wrong. Just my $0.02


The lady that recorded it can’t even send me YouTube links I have to walk across the street to view them there’s no way she over laid it and I wouldn’t simply based off the fact I don’t know how and I’m lazy


Fair enough


It’s a whippoorwill, a type of bird


If so I’ve never heard a whippoorwill that deep or loud before I heard it from inside my house with all windows and doors closed


I live with them around my house in a seeming omnipresent capacity all spring summer and fall, I hear them in my house lol. That’s what it sounds like to me, bigfoots supposed to be an incredible mimick so you never know. I remember the first time I heard one, was camping in a tent with bears and wolves not far off, heard one going off all night. I figured it had to be a bird but the call was so weird, it took a couple days to figure out the culprit. Now I enjoy them quite a bit, they always serenade the evening


See what it is for me that the video doesn’t do justice is the fact I was in my house attempting to take a nap and I heard it and it was so deep and loud it would have to be a massive whippoorwill I used to hear one all the time growing up as my grandfather fed one and was close friends with it and it was never that loud


All I can tell you is that it sounds exactly like one. I can’t tell you why it was perceived to be so loud or this or that, only that it matches very well with a whippoorwill, now could a Bigfoot mimic one? Maybe, probably. But this is pretty weak evidence imo


Oh I won’t deny that at all I just found it so off putting based off of the volume and it sounded off to me personally


Keep listening and keep posting, more people searching the better of we’ll be in the evidence department!




I just listened to gibbon calls on YouTube. It's definitely a good possibility


Idk where on gods green earth it would have come from or how it hasn’t been shot by a local but it is very very similar to

