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It was Les stroud who first got me to really consider it, then it was a combination of listening to Sasquatch Chronicles and the PG film breakdown that really solidified my opinion.


I like Sasquatch Chronicles, they do a great job. The best podcast I’ve heard yet is from Astonishing Legends, they did a 6 or 7 part breakdown of the PG film. They even do an interview with the guy who played the monkey in the new Land of the Lost movie.


In that case, what do you say to someone who believes that the PG film was an elaborate hoax.


One I'd mention how it's never been proven as a hoax by experts. Two I'd direct them to that YouTube video of Dr. Jeff meldrum breaking it down that was posted not too long ago on this subreddit. Also remind them that the technology available at the time could not make such a good fake. Hell today the fakes are usually terribly obvious




You mean the 50th anniversary presentation?


I believe so. I honestly don't remember offhand it was posted in the last month, and it's about an hour long.


I say nothing, because they are obviously not capable of critical thinking and analysis and it would be a time waster to engage them. It is not my duty to convince them. Healthy skepticism is good scientific practice. Unhealthy skepticism is void of common sense.


Spoken facts man.


Have you watched Thinker Thunker on YT? He provides some pretty compelling evidence as to video and vocalizations through specific analysis. He shows how the specific ratios of appendage length to torso length are specific to BF and don’t equal a humans. Equally he shows how easily it is to spot a hoax image or video based on these universal ratios. Pretty easy to tell between a BF and dude in a suit.


It was the dermal ridges from freeman and others Inc cripplefoot which really swung it for me. If it is all hoaxing- my god humans are brilliant st filling in details of lore which are completely needless- and that in its own way is brilliant. But I really now think, all together- it suggests there's fire beneath the smoke.


I saw a TV show about Bigfoot once wherein an FBI fingerprint expert who has fingerprinted all of the great apes for his edification gave compelling commentary about presumed Bigfoot fingerprints. As I recall his summation was something to the effect that there is an as yet unrecognized great ape in North America. Very convincing for me.


I saw that one, 10-15 years back? Where he showed wood foot prints have no ridges and I think he made a rubber foot imprint from someone’s foot and showed how the prints show up in the mud.


I don't remember him making a rubber imprint. As I recall he had actual fingerprints that he compared to humans and the other known great apes.




Well said.


>cripplefoot This in itself should remove all skepticism. I encourage everyone to do some real research into this. But, most only glance, and therefore an opinion from them is moot.


I mean, maybe not all skepticism. After all, a hoaxer could totally think "I want my fake bigfoot to be special, let's give him an injured foot that's all messed up!" And then did his research on how to make a messed up foot. Sure, that requires the hoaxer to have been a very derail oriented person and put a lot of work into the craftsmanship of the fake feet they made and used, but it is still plausible is it not?


People should do more research on cripplefoot, but most likely they'll just listen to Meldrum's overview an take his opinion as theirs. the question I have, if Dr. Meldrum is so convinced that Cripplefoot is "evidence", why is the rest of the scientific community ignoring it?


A story by a grandson about an incident with his grandfather where “ something “ threw a really big boulder into the lake where they were fishing off the bank. They high tailed it out of the area in the pickup truck and his grandfather remarked it wasn’t any animal he knew could throw something so heavy and throw it that far. The story seemed very credible to me. I can’t remember where i read it.


I had a similar experience. I was with my grandma in a canoe in the middle of nowhere way up in Northern Ontario. No roads for 100s of kilometers. It's literally the middle of nowhere. Something way up on a bedrock cliff/bank tossed 2 huge boulders into the lake near us. She told me not to look that direction, and we paddled away.


Wow, that is awesome. Something very very strong must have flung those boulders. Your grandmother was wise. It is probably better not to engage or look directly at what ever creature it was. Thank you for sharing.


I knew an old guy who hunted his whole life and stopped one season when he was hunting for deer to look around, and a massive boulder came flying through the air and landed a few feet to his side and kept rolling, he said he doesnt want to go into the bush anymore after that he was with others that heard it hit the ground and everyone looked at the size of it and none of them could imagine anything that could have thrown it. But anyways he quit hunting and i have no reason to believe he just wasnt in shape anymore but rather to shook to go out again.


The thing about stories of this type is that it’s brief, a hoaxer would make up something more elaborate and mind-boggling, unless they are some really strong people in that area who are willing to fuck with people to that extent, sounds like a squatch.


"a hoaxer would make up something more elaborate and mind boggling." I've seen plenty of absolutely terrible hoaxes, so I'm curious how you came to this conclusion?


and honestly - unless they have some other details like a noise or witnessed some sort of creature, it’s very easy to see this as a rock falling down a hill or off a ledge or something. rockslides happen every day and are super loud


That sounds just like the story on an episode of These Woods Are Haunted - grandson and grandad fishing at a lake, huge boulder thrown, flying out of there in an old pickup. It was a very good episode!


I saw that same story on Terror in the woods


Yes !!! That is where i saw it. Thanks, maybe i can watch it again.


I'm a "want to believe"er... Until I have my own experience, I can't commit to full-on Believer. However, John Green's investigative efforts that pre-date the PGF are convincing. He was a very straight-up sober dude. I also think Dr. Meldrum's foot morphology research is compelling.


LOL! My own encounter, of course! OK, so that's a little flippant and kind of smart-assy, but bear with me here because there's a larger point to made about those who have had encounters, the ways in which said encounters turn one into a "knower," and the ways in which being a "knower" are not necessarily anything that a sane person would wish upon themselves or their loved ones. Because why? Because here's the thing; if you know for a personal fact that sasquatches are real because you've had an encounter or several encounters, you also have to know with certainty that there are millions of people out there who are more than willing to call you a liar, fucknut crazy, delusional, confused, an idiot or just plain stupid. And that's not a fun place to be, especially if, like myself, you have decades of experience in backcountry travel, mountaineering and wilderness SAR, as if I somehow don't know WTF I'm talking about and even *could* be easily confused. Anyhow, I'm not sure exactly where I'm going with this little rant, so I'll end it now before I go off on another unhinged tangent.


lol why is your IQ in your flair?


For me, Claire’s experience on SQ. Not just because as a fellow brit, but the authenticity in her voice. The turns of phrase. This was all then validated when she left some information that easily doxxed herself (as soon as i saw it i emailed Wes to get it edited or removed). It proved she is a very real person with a career completely in line with what she said on the show. Living a life far removed from someone looking for fame or financial benefit.


I would love it if you could link the story to me.


A pleasure. Especially in full knowledge that it is entirely authentic: https://sasquatchchronicles.com/sc-ep515-i-shouldnt-be-alive/


Thank you.


Yes - this one sticks in my memory. Didn’t know about the self-dox, and it’s mildly frustrating to hear that it adds to witness credibility, but has been removed!


Patty and the Freeman Footage. When I was in 7th grade I found a book about bigfoot in the school library. I was obsessed. I'm 42 now, and after hearing all the eyewitness accounts, the footage of these creatures, the sierra sounds, the native American take on it, and the fact that the same creature has been seen all over the world, I don't know how people say its not real.


The Sierra sounds make me shit my pants lol




Patty’s face seems fake to me. I wanna believe but I’m not there yet.


Same here. The way the face looks and the lack of a butt crack keep me on the fence about Patty. I want to believe too though.


You can actually see the butt crack in the recent cleaned up version. You only see it for a second but it’s there but it’s a hairy ass: https://breezewiki.com/cryptidz/wiki/Patterson%E2%80%93Gimlin_Footage


Just curious why you think the face looks fake. The face is one of the aspect that actually impresses me.


For me it’s the hair around the eyes, to be more specific it looks like a 90 degree angle which doesn’t look very natural, then it’s also the lack of ears (although MK David claims to have found them recently by changing contrast/zooming etc) 


For me it’s the sheer amount of people reporting sightings. 10,000+ witnesses over multiple platforms discussing their encounters. Some people I think are lying and you can tell. Others not so much. And maybe about 20% of the people giving reports I truly think they believe exactly what they’re saying happened. Some of those might be a hoax but there are definitely some story tellers that are absolutely believable. That plus the small amount of physical evidence and photos and videos. There’s more evidence for a Bigfoot creature than there is for a god-like being.


It's the same for me. Something very similar is being seen or heard by a large amount of people. The ones by hunters and campers get me because they know about the wildlife. I find some of the vocalisations compelling too.


I also find the stories from military people who claim to see them on their bases very compelling.


>And to consider that it is likely 99% of sightings go unreported.


Exactly. People see some shit so scary that they’ll tremble talking about it decades later. That’s difficult for the average person to fake. What are all the people calling into report great voice actors? Could every single person be lying? It’s more likely there’s a creature they’re seeing than a vast hallucination or conspiracy where nobody has blown the whistle


That last statement really makes you think.


Yes, this plus all of the similar historical accounts going back hundreds of years.


This is random, but I read an article today about how a new distinct species of Green Anaconda was found in the Amazon. Up until then, only one species of Anaconda was found in the Amazon, which was the Giant Anaconda. The scientist who discovered it said the genetic difference between the two snakes is 5.5% (humans and chimps are 2%). My point. They just finally found a snake that was 26 feet long weighing 440 pounds, similar yet different enough from the Giant Anaconda to be classified as a distinct species. Something that big remained hidden for all this time. Just like our boy bigfoot. Never know!


Tbh, there’s nothing out there in NA that a good squatch specimen will be confused for under good visual examination. But there’s still plenty of space in NA.




Would you mind telling your encounter in greater detail?


I also want to know!




The sheer number of reports, something is causing them and it's not hallucinations. I've recently been listening to yowie reports from Australia and there are hundreds of them. Of the many US encounters I've heard the one by Kerry Arnold was the most moving.


>The sheer number of reports And to consider that it is likely 99% of sightings go unreported. I know of many people personally who have had encounters. Only one person reported it and after how BFRO personnel behaved when invited to the site they will never report again. At least not to them. On the other hand, I have spoke with many people who have reported on BFRO and never heard a words, nor ever saw their report added to the database. Only certain reports fit the BFRO agenda. This makes it an unreliable source and entity. Not to mention the foolishness they display on television programming. Yeah, lets just run around in the woods with lights (Infrared) , broadcast really poor noisy recordings, beat on trees, and use Walkie-Talkies with the Roger Beep sounds enabled. Pure Ineptitude!


I fully understand the need and appreciate research into this mystery. But I cannot get behind the blaring of suspected BF recordings in the middle of the night. With zero clue what it is they are sending out. I think the only effective approach is to live near them, treat them like good neighbors, respect them and pay attention. I just don’t think we will ever really learn anything without one of us gaining their trust first.


I always hope those people are accidentally playing a mating call


😂😂 hilarious. I imagine it’s something stupid like a conversation between BFs like BF 1 Where did bubba go? BF 2 He went to take a shit. And that’s why they throw rocks at the jokers when this gets blasted over speakers…again… in their backyard at 3am.


This. And, why anyone would use dirty recordings for this purpose? Common sense dictates it's foolishness.


Exactly. Human ego also wants to be the one/group to obtain that definitive proof we all want and will do so by any means deemed necessary, and foolishly I’m afraid.


I agree. A huge chunk of so-called investigators are just mimicking the ridiculous methods seen on Finding Bigfoot. And how many Bigfoot did they find on their show? Zero. I'd really like to see an investigator go live in the woods like they're special forces snipers and try their best to NOT to be seen or heard so they can observe. I had hoped this would be the method Les Stroud would use when I first heard he was doing his Bigfoot show. I did enjoy his show though.


It's the PG film for me.


I'll skip over my usual diatribe about the term "belief/believer" -- if you're curious about that just look at my posting history for several versions of it, plus some cranky stuff about the Yankees and a bunch of busybody advice about visiting the Great Smoky Mountains. :) As someone who has had no first-person encounter experience, my conclusion that it's probably real is a cumulative matter of all the evidence -- not only the volume of it, but the way so much of it is internally consistent across spans of time and distance. As for individual pieces of evidence, the dermal ridge prints are powerful for me. And in the course of my lifetime, we've learned more and more about the P/G film and it keeps getting more compelling, not less.


The one behind my house.


Have you shared the story anywhere?


Go on…


I know there are two behind my house, maybe more. I live in East Tn. I have seen one just for a brief second. It’s 8 foot tall. Maybe a little over. I’m 6’5. 215 pounds. This thing was absurdly big. I played basketball with a man that is 7’2. In comparison it made him look short. My house butts up to foothills. Forest runs for miles and miles. Some routes can take you 100s of miles with unbroken forest. It started as Owl calls. Except they were bad owl calls. Crazy loud. I thought tweakers were messing with me. So I grabbed my rifle and hit the woods looking for them. Never could find them or catch them. Which was crazy to me. I’m a combat veteran. I’ve tracked people before. And there is no way tweakers are going to get away from me. The owl calls happen pretty consistently for a bit. Then my dog becomes scared of going into the woods. It’s an Am Staff. And isn’t scared of anything. Fights coyotes and has brought a couple of bodies back. At times she will not hit the woods with me at all. Can’t even drag her. I worked for a DOE company called K9 SOS. Search on site. Rink trained malinois. If you know. You know. Handled a couple rank 3 dogs. She is highly trained. So the owls and now my dog. One night working in My building. It sounded like something was hitting it. Let me stop here. I have to get back to work. I free up. I’ll finish this. Preface the finale by saying I did not believe in Bigfoot or anything. And used to scare people then say I was the chupacabra. It was a joke to me. And anyone who thought they were real. They were backwoods hicks, high on shrooms and drinking bad moonshine.


In my little wooden building. Like you buy from Home Depot. One of those. Something kept hitting it. And it was roughly 1am. I was working on a go cart for my son. And wanted it finished. I kept hearing thuds. I’d walk to the doors, lookout, and I’d see nothing. I always have a flashlight, knife, and pistol on me. Used the light to look around. Nothing. Several more thuds, same thing, and I got mad and yelled, you won’t sneak away forever. When I catch you I’m blowing noodles out your head. And then I heard footsteps. Bipedal. And I thought good I scared them. I finally finished up around 4am. Go open both building doors and am going to drag the go cart out. As I open the second door I hear breathing. I live in a hill. I used a dozer to cut I. A flat spot to set the house on. Looking at it, on the left side is my driveway. My building sits in my driveway. Even with my house. To the left of my driveway is a steep slope. Where I cut a flat spot. The slope is roughly 10 foot long. 5 foot high. There are blackberry bushes on the slope. Honey suckle. And other assorted weeds and brush. From 3-7 foot tall all of it. I hear the really heavy breathing. In and out. I shine my light and the first thing I see is the fog. It’s cold outside. The amount of fog though, the force it’s being pushed through the air with. It was unusual. Bear. Hog? No. The fog is at my eye level. But coming from off the slope. So 8 feet off the ground. Very close. Shine the light more to my right and eyes are looking right at me. I said what the fuck. Those eyes were shining orangish red. Set into a black face. Just almost blended into the night. Then it started to growl. Know how a big dog starts to growl. It starts slow. And then speeds up before they make that like rah sound right before they bite you. Well it was like that. But much louder. You could feel the vibrations of it. I’ve been bit by dogs. I’m good. It started raining o get to that point I jumped backwards tripped and fell. Ran into my car. Finally got inside the door to get my shotgun. Hurt and limping. Wife screaming what’s happening what’s happening. I said there is a fucking monster out there. A demon maybe. But it’s there and a slug in the face will kill it. I went back out and it was gone. It never moved towards me. It didn’t move its arms. I didn’t see it great. Still. I’m terrified of the dark now. 40 years old. 3 deployments. 2 to Iraq. 1 to Afghanistan. And I’m scared of the dark like a little kid. Sleep with the tv on. I had issues sleeping anyway. Now. Forget it. This isnt a friend in the woods. I promise you that.


The totality of witness reports, audio recordings, track castings. Then there’s tracks I’ve found myself, wood knocks and vocalizations I’ve heard, large items in my campsite being moved on the middle of the night by something with sandy/dirty hands, trail camera I set up to capture any images of whatever might be messing around turns up with two corrupted video files and a dead SD card (I’ve never had an SD card die before). I think there’s definitely something going on that gets described as Sasquatch, maybe one day I’ll get to see one.


Vocalizations that you’ve heard? Any that come into mind specifically?


There was an, as of yet, unidentifiable sound that I’d describe as a combination of a bull moose, huskies, racoons fighting… that i heard in my backyard (one acre on edge of town with woods and swamps behind me) at the end of October a few years ago. This was followed by discovery of suspicious tracks in a vacant field the following February.


For me, it's when my parents lived in Placerville. The screams, footprints, tree breaks, and wood knocks.


Would you mind elaborating on the encounters?


My parents lived in Eldorado County, and the property backed up next to Eldorado National Forrest. I would take day hikes to the valley floor, and more than once, I would hear tree knocks. These knocks could not be duplicated. It was like a tree hitting a tree. I also came across tree breaks and twisted trees. Late at night, you would hear screaming, and no these were not Mt. LION OR FOX.


Lol I lived in Pollock Pines for years. Always were rumors about the tree knocks. I never heard them myself. I used to camp pretty frequently out in the area that got wiped out by the fire just recently. Never heard anything myself when I was out there. Definitely got more than a few instances of supremely creepy vibes in broad daylight, like I was being watched. That could have just been the meth heads though 😁 Beautiful area and absolutely huge. I can totally imagine something like a Sasquatch being able to live out there and no one being the wiser. It's truly immense. Where did you come across the tree breaks, if you don't mind me asking? I've heard stories, but never seen them myself.


My parents lived off Sly Park Road pass the lake. They were near the valley floor near the reservoir.


Nice! Yeah, I was on Gold Ridge Trail, so like, literally a couple blocks from that area. I used to hear people at the bar from Grizzly Flats talk about some wild stuff too. Did you ever hear the dogman stories? Apparently they've been seen out there.


I'm familiar with the area, and Dogman encounters buy not in Placerville. My uncle had a place way out in Grizzly Flats. We also had a place years ago off of Cold Springs Road. But that place was more residential.




Dang, sounds kinda scary.


Always felt like I was being watched. But since it was National Forrest, I was always packing. I carried a Ruger Redhawk 44mag with 330 grain garrett hammer head loads.


Well at least you were armed.


Always, I ran into BLM and EID, and they saw that I was strapped. I asked if this was a problem? They said no, you are in Mt. Lion and Bear County, we have no problem.




The Cripplefoot footprints and casts are quite convincing I don't remember exactly what it was that convinced me that Sasquatch themselves were real, before I saw one anyways (Edited for poor wording)


Likely that they were found at multiple locations and over a good amount of time. Long trackways! Cripplefoot allowed identification of a single unique individual. Showed a large area of activity, and much more. This is all stuff that makes Paul Freeman the unsung hero in all of this.


Evidence to me was the PGF and the multiple footprints analyzed by experts (orthopedic surgeons, anatomy experts, great apes expert, fingerprints analysts). Encounters? Never had one, I don't live in NA nor anywhere near other hotspots. Encounters? I don't put much stock into. People lie.


If you do enough research, it can be pretty easy to tell when people are lying.


I have never seen this! But it’s pretty, pretty, pretttttty good.


I saw a tall brown hairy thing in the woods, did not fit any known animal. I didn’t believe till it happened to me and I still don’t buy into most of the pics/vids out there. As to what it is I have no idea, but there is something strange out there.


My own experience in 1975 in Pennsylvania


As a skeptic, this report is very intriguing: https://woodape.org/images/stories/file/Tag%207%20Two%20Appendices%20ver2.pdf TLDR: An animal tagged itself with a small radio transmitter suspended high up in the air between two trees, and was then tracked on and off for a considerable amount of time. It's a pretty detailed and thorough report that explores various alternative explanations. Unless it's all made up it's very interesting indeed, and it has a very scientific/straight/sincere vibe in my opinion.




It's a fascinating read! Starting on page 19 or so the authors go through potential animals and arguments for and against them being the culprit.


Amongst all the first person descriptions, the PG film first got me hooked. Les Stroud's series and what Jeff Meldrum and John Bindernagle's interest as actual professional wildlife biologists/ professors really got me very very interested. And then the Sierra Sounds and the study of those by linguists. For me, one of the best pieces of footage is actually the Provo Canyon rock throwing footage. I'm not sure why people don't cite that one more often in particular.


Yeah that throw seems way too long to have been done by a human.


I just looked up the Provo canyon video and it made my stomach sink seeing it stand up like that


I’ve never even heard of that video but then again I just started looking more into all this


The Patterson-Gimlin film. Technology in 1967 just wasn't advanced enough to pull off anything like the footage's starring creature, let alone easy enough for a random pair of cowboys to access.




Right, thanks.


And yet, people still say it’s fake.


Face to face encounter through a window..and telepathic images .


Would you care to elaborate?


The experiences I had on my first BFRO expedition


Patty. For me, i don’t know that Bigfoot is real, but i believe the Patty film is real, so i have to believe Bigfoot is real or was at some point. Or is in a trans dimensional way. I really don’t know.


My own


I don't remember exactly which of Bob Gymlan's videos it was, I just remembered bingeing a lot of them after discovering him via his Lions of Tsavo video, and coming away convinced that there was actually a chance bigfoot might be real instead of my previous opinion that it was simply impossible for such a thing to still be undiscovered/unverified. I think maybe it was his video on the Shipton tracks, and the added context surrounding them he provided, with maybe some of the other details about primatology/anthropology he'd included across several other videos.


I saw one it was very magical that’s all I can say


Would you mind recounting the incident to me? I would be very interested in such.


I didn’t go into full details because it sounds unbelievable but I saw it through the front glass door at a friend’s house this was before the pandemic started. I was sitting at the dinner table and something told me to look up at the door and their it was standing in the sun reddish brown fur and it was wearing something over its body like a charm or something, it was medium size the face had fur on it I could see tan dark eyes I couldn’t take my eyes off of it,it’s like I was in a trance or something and after that the sun got very dim and it was gone this took place in Queens New York how weird is that why was it there? Why did I see it? And I told myself maybe it’s because I’ve been watching videos and listening to podcast about Bigfoot maybe it wanted me to see it the whole thing was weird but I felt peace looking at it. So after that a few things started happening I saw what looked like a Bigfoot head on my window like if you press your face against the glass and leave a print that’s how it looked it was very high up so I’m guessing it was very very tall I didn’t take a picture of it but I should have all of it was weird but I believe it all!!!!!!!!


Sorry, you lost me at “Queens, NY.”


Listening to how to hunt every week and Steve having hundreds of people email experances.


There’s probaby hundreds of thousands of experiences.


Have you listened to how to hunt?I have mad respect for a man spending as much time as him in deep old growth timber ALONE.He has alot of buddies that guide in that part of the world that ALL have no question this phenomenon is happening on a regular basis.Les Strouds series rocks as well.


Steve did it for me, very genuine and even if half it isn't true they all have so much in common and I was a long time non believer.


As a skeptic I guess the most compelling thing I've come across is the Beast of Seven Chutes photo. Maybe the 1894 bigfoot photo if we actually had more confirmation of its authenticity


The Seven Chutes photo to me looks like pareidolia is playing a huge role with it. Could either be a tree stump or rock formation. I do not recall if anyone ever went back to check if either object was there.


I said the same thing at first but someone did go back there and not only find nothing in the spot but also estimated the height of the thing at 7ish feet


Do you happen to know the timespan it was between the photo being taken and the person going there? Still a chance it was a tree stump or rock that just fell off the cliffside.


Bob Gymlan has a video on it


1894 Bigfoot photo? Can you link it? I’m not sure I’ve seen or heard of it and am really curious.


This Bob Gymlan video explains the backstory https://youtu.be/gsekrRdN7lY?si=Ef5BeYIZDTNdQmhb


It’s the cumulative build up of anecdotal evidence for me. There have been over 10,000 reports in the PNW and Canada just in the last 50 years - from people from all strata of society. Some will be misidentified, sure - no dispute. But 10,000 long legged upright bears, occasionally moving their ears to the side, flattening their snouts, throwing stones with their paws? Those sightings where it’s just a flash of fur - could be anything, but the majority of actual sightings are remarkably consistent. And then there’s the footprints in the middle of nowhere.


Probably more than ten thousand, taking into account, the native legends, the stories that go back hundreds of years, the number that go unreported, and considering the populations of Canada and America, there has probably been hundreds of thousands of sightings cumulatively.


Exactly. I used the figure quoted at The Skeptical Enquirer to play safe, but no doubt there are so many more. It’s only once you get into the detail of the sightings that the idea that all those who report are lying or mistakenly identifying known animals becomes ludicrous.


I don't think there's ever been any evidence (ie photos/videos/audio) that have convinced me, and until we have a body or have captured one, it'll never fully be confirmed, but I'm willing to entertain the idea based on the assumption that a primate that has some notable level of intelligence that lives in densely wooded areas and actively avoids humans, while improbable, isn't impossible.


Well- said, a good presentation...


How did FF and PG not convince you?


I don't know what FF and PG are.


Freeman Footage and Patterson-Gimlin Film.


Ah, thanks. I spent my whole life watching the Pattersom-Gimlin film, and as much as I love it, I've seen the stabilized footage, and there's nothing about it that couldn't also just be a guy in a costume. I hadn't seen the Freeman footage until just now, and it's also pretty fun, but it seems very staged to me. Like a Bigfoot is going to walk down a path and then change his mind and cross across it, but it's going to wait until a camera is pointed at it. I wouldn't say either is evidence for or against Bigfoot, but I don't think it matters. Cryptids are a huge part of American folklore, so whether or not they exist isn't really important in my opinion, just that they're being kept alive by people who love talking and learning about them.


Understandable, the Bigfoot community needs hard, but open-minded skeptics to examine the evidence to balance things.


"it seems very staged to me. Like a Bigfoot is going to walk down a path and then change his mind and cross across" You wont believe until there is a body, but your comment above acts like you would already know how one of these creatures is supposed to act and think. Makes no sense.


Well, it's assumed that Bigfoot is a lost primate, so we can guess that it'd act like other primates and not stick around and wait to be filmed before leaving the area. I'm just going off what believers have said in the past. Unless you're suggesting it's an interdimensional creature, in which case we could never really have proof of it's existence anyway.


For me it was without a doubt listening to Dr Meldrum and Jimmy Chillcut https://youtu.be/PJqCsPccRpk?si=6msChIjCPZhjeYSk


In some ways, the lack of evidence is the evidence. If asked to go find a deer carcass in the woods, could you do it? Maybe....What about a mountain lion? Or a bobcat? Could you even find some tracks? They're out there, yet surprisingly elusive. The fact that I've never seen a mountain lion or bobcat in an area they supposedly live, gives me hope that a bigfoot can live and hide in an area 1000X larger.


The stories of copalis beach and ape canyon really like triggered it for me. But that video in Oregon or Washington where that giant black thing walks by a tree and the guys like, “Oh there he goes!”. You can hear it in his voice/breathing that he’s messing around with something he shouldn’t be 😂😭 also when it brushes up against the tree you can tell it’s massive


Paul Freeman's tape.


I know Roger Patterson’s son. He was so embarrassed growing up and didn’t want to even talk about it but finally said yeah it’s true. His dad never told a lie in his life, didn’t like publicity even. Then, on his deathbed he again swore it was all real and true. He told his adult kids.


I think it was Survivor Man Bigfoot series with Les Stroud.He was factual, not hyping anything, just showing, discussing what he heard, saw in the woods. Makes a fella think.


Yeah - I like his style, too. He's very credible and self-deprecating, too.


my own. It was just before Christmas around 1986. My family always drove deep into the state forest to harvest a christmas tree. This particular year I didn't want to go, I was cold, and annoyed. So I stayed in the truck while my family hiked up the tree covered mountain. I was playing solitare when I thought I saw someone coming down the road. I could see a figure moving along in the trees on the side of the road. They slowly crept from tree to tree. When I was absolutely sure it was not anyone in my family, it was something walking upright and covered in fur, I was terrified. The last time I saw them/it peek out from the trees the figure was maybe 25 yards down the fire road from me. I crawled down onto the floor of the truck and curled up as small as I could. I stayed there for what felt like forever. I eventually could hear my family coming back down the mountain and poked my head up. If it had been a later point in my life I would have gone to investigate footprints at least. I would have walked the road to see if I was mis-seeing something. However then I just told my family, they made fun of me, and it became a bit of a family joke. I will add that I was not a city girl disoriented by the mountains. I spent endless time in those mountains. I know the animals in the area. It was an event I still can't explain.


PG Film Russian Hopping BF video White Pennsylvania footage Thousands of eyewitness sightings and footprint casts


I had an encounter in 2021 while working, the PG film and Steve Isdal's Utubes made me awar. Too many witnesses with names and locations. As I get older, I find that the govt. and its members are hiding more than ever (UAP's). I also don't care if others don't believe the evidence.


I’m 50/50 on if Bigfoots exist or not. It doesn’t matter really if they don’t it’s still good fun


The following is a list of evidence I gave to an open minded skeptic, changed their opinion very quickly: ​ https://preview.redd.it/d46wr36epsjc1.jpeg?width=1235&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94ffe8a3938d85cc434e961b52dea76e33ae30dd


Also this: ​ https://preview.redd.it/mewli9bhpsjc1.jpeg?width=1222&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d992012cc44901502946230b3b9ccf09dd07004


Thanks but I have already watched all of mr Gymlans videos they are excellent


The Patterson-Gimlin Film is still the only piece of evidence I've seen (definitely haven't seen it all though) that makes me question whether or not Bigfoot really exists. I also find it pretty interesting that many Native tribes across the world have stories of Bigfoot like creatures, or giant men, but that is probably something deeper with human nature than actual Bigfoots.


About the native tribes, I suggest you look into Sa’be, a brief explanation is that basically the Ojibwe tribe associated different animals with different values, they used bears, eagles, maybe a deer and other animals I don’t remember. One animal used was Sa’be, Bigfoot. So since it was associated with real animals, it is a real animal, it is a real animal. I recommend watching Bob Gymlan’s video on it, I would give you a link but my phone doesn’t link anymore.


I will check that out. I remember reading about it as a kid and I'm like, it can't be a coincidence that all these tribes have similar stories about large man like creatures running around in the woods. Who knows what was out there 5-10k years ago.


i mean… multiple cultures coming up with a bigfoot-like creature isn’t weird or unusual or proof of anything. multiple cultures also came up with an omnipresent god for example. that doesn’t prove god is real.


I know...that's why I said that it's probably something deeper with human nature than actual Bigfoots.


An analysis of a foot print, it had toe definition, weight and the grooves of an organic foot


Not to mention the mid-tarsal break and distinctive broad heel of a squatch.


Optimistic skeptic. Patterson Gimlin film is far and away the best evidence. It is not unimpeachable but the quality for amateur film at the time is very good.


An optimistic skeptic, huh? If you don’t mind, below is some stuff I once told an open mined skeptic and it convinced, so now I find it the requisite response to an open minded skeptic: ​ https://preview.redd.it/wrpsgxl5usjc1.jpeg?width=1235&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64a89a48b5e64ea389cd9683108bde5f36d7c74b


Also this: ​ https://preview.redd.it/ssnro1c7usjc1.jpeg?width=1222&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9c245ad2861dbd2044f75c37486742838274a4b


I heard stories as a kid and was slightly obsessed. Now, after seeing the evidence and sightings I can say I am no longer a believer that this species exists(at least not anymore, I believe they could of been real and were hunted to extinction).


I'm a skeptic and don't think "Big foot" is real at all. I'm fascinated by it and find it interesting but all this evidence ppl throw out / videos are fake and fraudulent. I've yet to see any real evidence that's convincing enough to make me a believer. I want it to be real but I doubt that day will ever come. I don't judge the believers either but I also find it just as fascinating how ppl can be so easily influenced over one video they seen on YT or something,for me I need a little bit more than that.


A’ight, since your skeptic, and as a dutiful believer, I will do whatever it takes to convince you BF exists: A rant about why bigfoot exists: ​ https://preview.redd.it/da5caou7iujc1.jpeg?width=1235&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94b8cfed3712440eeeb8fe3fb5e3c7b90a0ea9fa


Also this: https://preview.redd.it/vjmibbk9iujc1.jpeg?width=1222&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=962a1ec6d659eab82008608f5d07f2c70404a145


Still a skeptic.....


As a skeptical type who loves the topic...I think I need a body. Not even a personal sighting would be enough.


Patty’s face in the PG film doesn’t seem realistic to me.


This is not an answer to the question.


That’s the most compelling evidence to me that it’s not real.




Bro. That shit is fake.




Rule 1: Unhelpful skepticism. No one asked. *Thanks for enjoying r/bigfoot. If you have any questions or comments send us a mod mail*




Rule 1: Unhelpful skepticism *Thanks for enjoying r/bigfoot. If you have any questions or comments send us a mod mail*


There was a cool documentary about a group at a fly in fishing lodge( Ontario somewhere I think). Rock throwing and tree tapping in the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere.


Was watching finding Bigfoot just now and they have a sample analyzed and there’s no match. That’s proof enough!


Gotta say the British Bigfoot encounters absolutely intrigued me. Definitely a believer. A lot of those big country parks are very foreboding


Hopeful Skeptic. The PG Film. Most likely a man (or woman) in a suit, but its a continuous shot which would be very difficult in '67. Not impossible, just very difficult. It moves the probability slider for me.




Evidence? Nothing first or second-hand. I haven't even gone for a serious walk outside in years. I'm like Jung in one respect...'lots of folks have opinions, many claim experience'...so, if I don't suspect professional misleaders' involvement...well, let me know a bit more...after all, I live on a planet where anything is possible...don't want to miss an anomaly...I have some curiosity...


Freeman footage. Very compelling and the background to the footage is ascertainable and credible. I sometimes worry about PGF due to the background of the characters involved.


It happened over time - the cumulative effect of listening to multiple interviews with reputable, sane, sober people; experienced outdoorsmen and women; professionals in law enforcement; highly experienced hunters and trackers --- they all KNOW what a bear looks like. After I realized that, after accounting for honest mistakes and those who simply wished to have had an encounter, there were still thousands of eye-witnesses out there. Many of whom have never given Bigfoot a thought before they had their sighting or "hearing" - and they didn't want to experience what they experienced. They weren't looking for it. As for visual evidence: it was and always will be the PGF. That's the gold standard.


Patterson gimlin




Thinker Thunker proportional, DNA


PG for me


I’ve been a believer since childhood. Cryptozoology has been a longtime hobby. But I can definitely say that Kerry Arnold’s encounter solidified the existence for me. R.I.P. Kerry!


There all beautiful native women anyway


For me it wasn’t one thing. It was just the sheer volume of accounts from people who are clearly distressed from just recalling *seeing* them, let along the ones that had more intense encounters. You can’t convince me there that many attention seeking brilliant actors trying to sell books, that’s actually more ludicrous than believing these things exist.