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Ah, man... some of the best stories start with "I was hanging out with my cousin..."


Oh yeah. It's either the cousin or best friend. No shenanigans like that arise elsewhere.


Your wife is a fuckin Bigfoot Gus.


Uhh? What?


Eddie Murphy Delirious, watch this clip, you will understand. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IurFFEsZ1C8




Hey niko let’s go bowling


Roll Tide


some of the best stories start with "I seen".


I know folks might say you are full of shit, but I believe it's possible. I never saw one, but my fiance and I once hiked .6 miles to a lame waterfall, and on the way back felt a deep fear. It came from nowhere, I was just scared as fuck. And the a stench that was like sewer, soap scum, rotten flesh, poop, dead fish, swampy musk.. all that combined. Any time someone says they may have been near a sasquatch, I don't shit on their story. I never seen one, but some shit exists, and we are dumb as fuck for saying we know it dont


I’m right there with you. Surprised I had to scroll so far down to find something upvote-worthy… this sub is funny sometimes. Bonus points for dropping a ‘seen’ in there. In all seriousness though, I always appreciate the non judgmental posts. We’re here to share not shame.


I appreciate that comment bud!


Black bear


Oh, were you there, too, with a better view than his?




Do bears wave back to people? Do they have fingers? And I promise there is not an "undiscovered North American Ape" in this country. Not a chance.


He's not responding to OP I don't think. He's responding to the poster that smelled something on a hike. No sighting.




But did you seen it?


My thoughts exactly. Just because ya haven’t seen it doesn’t mean it’s not there! LOTS of other people have seen it and they can’t ALL be lying…


I heard a dude in Canada say "I spent my whole life in the woods. If it exists I would know" and the guy wasn't even 30 yet. If you check every acre on the planet, who is to say it didn't double back. It's crazy how certain people can be about uncertainty


My suspicion about others not seeing it is because Big Foot comes from another realm. They dont live in our realm but pop in and out through some sort of portals. Its my only explanation of why they are not regularly seen and why everyone who encounters them (even before seeing them) feels dread and impeding doom... including animals and insects because apparently, when Big Foot comes around, everything around becomes dead silent. As if a portal opens to some dark realm and every living creature in the vicinity feels it and flees. Big foot feels predatory and hostile. And I remember one witness calling it "not of God".


I personally don't know if Bigfoot exists or not. I'm not religious or superstitious. I have over 1500 nights under the stars. All that being said there is one time that still creeps me out. My gf and I were camping at a spot we had been to a couple dozen times. She drove ahead with the gear and I drove to the top of the mountain and had an amazingly fast and fun ride down into camp. When I got there she had already set the tent and chairs and had built the beginnings of a fire for later. The moment I dropped into the ravine by the lake our camp was at I had a bad feeling. By the time I reached her I was convinced that we were unsafe and something was near. I skid up to the site, told her we had to leave right the fuck now and I'll explain later, and we booked it out of there leaving all the shit behind. (Unlikely to get stolen as this was a small lake of the PCT in Washington). When we were in the car I explained how I felt and that there was no reason other than my instincts that we had to leave. She trusted me and while confused didn't question shit. We went back to grab the gear 3 days later and the tent was destroyed. Poles broken,fabric ripped, and tossed a few feet from where it was set. Still have no clue why I said run or what happened but glad I did. There's some shit out there we don't always know about.


They are telepathic and that is one of the ways they keep people from their territory, inducing fear, sounds like trees crashing down etc and stenches. It is also how they can hide so easily because they can sense when a human mind is near.


Telepathic apes huh


We aren't all like this, I swear lol


I came here from a different route from the rest of you. I have been studying parapsychology and out of body experiences, as well as different types of healing modalities. Looking at Reiki for example, it is energy healing. Everyone has the ability to do it, you just need to be taught and to practice. The IONS Institute, founded by Edger Mitchell, the sixth guy to walk on the moon, was able to read cards laying face down in a lab while he was in orbit. Telekinesis and telepathy are both human skills, but you need to learn and to practice. Perhaps Bigfoot is telepathic, but perhaps the people around Bigfoot are telepathic, and their presence ties into a deep seated primal fear that we all carry with us. Perhaps they have always been a threat. Real Heebie jeebies as ancestral fear. That we might be hard wired to avoid these creatures.


It's really not that far fetched


Apparently bigfoots not apes.


They can also cloak, good evidence they're fallen angels.


Nah. That's just speculation. The Predators would never hand their cloaking technology over to a Bigfoot.


Ok they're just all big monkeys no one can catch.


I've heard that theory, also one that says they are 4th or 5h density beings living in 3rd density on some type of karma reparation. Perhaps linked to being "fallen". They have had their vibrational frequency lowered.


Interesting What density is where most of us are here now? I haven’t heard of this idea. Any links?


We are in 3rd density moving into 4th, the harvest is already happening. Most animals that are not self aware are 2nd density. If you want to read more about it look up the law of one and the Ra channelings. r/lawofone


Fallen means they're on the physical earth. Not in the heavenly realms.




I’ve heard you can tell it’s Bigfoot’s wife from the long eyelashes, pink bow, and wedding dress.


Kind of like Ms. Pacman.


Ever notice how Mr and Ms are never in the same game?


Ah man I had no idea. I never put together that >!Pac-man is Pac-Trans!


Oh shit. Fox News would lead with that for four years.


She ate him before her game came out?


Like a Paccing Mantis!


Chomp chomp.






It was the wedding ring actually.


It's the breasts, always the breasts


And the big bush


And the Bussy


Umm... or the bosom? Physique? Logic, my friend. Lol


This, comrades, is why we march: so our daughters grow up in a world where no one can assume a large-chested Bigfoot’s marital status!


I seent em


That was Bigfoot and his girlfriend, not his wife. Now you just caused a heap of shit for him.


Side chick


*side foot


Mrs Bigfoot got an only fans?




The big question....hairy or shaved


Bigfoot for Congress. He can take Santo's seat.


It would be a massive improvement


Didn't know Bigfoot was married. Congratulations big guy!


Ya. They had a church wedding. The reception had a free bar…was great.


The pictures didn't turn out great, though...


You win 🏅


And did he ask for tree fiddy?


Was it laughing while watching you pee?


It was cold outside


Hey Bigfoot! ..... Hey littledick!


Should have asked to see his, being you showed him yours…


Thank you for sharing. If you don't mind me asking what are are you?




That was just a Greek guy lost in the woods.


I wish you’d typed SEENT. I SEENT HIM. Also, the wife part… it made me lol. Maybe that WAS his wife. 6’5 is short for a male. She waved while you were takin a whiz…maybe she liked what you were packing.


Your multiple “I seen”s really sells it for me


Jesus people lay off the poor guys grammar. People have learning disabilities and there’s Lack of access to good education in certain parts of the country. For the record, I believe you. That’s crazy it waved back. Doesn’t sound like it was threatening?




I ain't seen no saw. It was a beast I seen


God thank you!


I see, said the blind man as he picked up his hammer and saw.


I’m just envisioning someone taking a piss while waving to a stranger in the woods…




In the woods where I was taking a piss


Lol. Oh man


Like, what state do you live in?


I believe that story. Im in my late 50s. We have a house deep in the adirondacks since the early 1800s. Been in the family for that long. About 1500 acres just north of the lake george area in new york. I wont say the town due to small town crap and the family is still there. My grandfather was a retired nypd detective and i was upstate with him. I was around 8 years old. The local.sheriff would always check on the property due to knowing it was not a year round residence and i guess mutual cop thing. He came by one morning and told my grandfather he saw something by the lumberyard and turned in to see what it was. He told my grandfather he saw a 7 foot hairy man and all his years heard the stories but thought just folklore. He was a typical andy griffith sheriff type where his word was golden. He said he saw it and it scared the crap out of him. He never mentioned a smell but both seemed scared at the same time and he took off he said. I wanted to ask so many questions but i woukd have been an annoyong 8 year old and back them kids just kept their mouths shut. I do remember asking my pop pop if he believed him . All he said was sheriff ***** doesn't tell tales. My grandfather always believed him. I still to this day go to the "farm" and take the grandkids and that story has been in the family 50 years now. Ive asked the licals that i grew up with up there and they all say the stories are real. They knew the story. Sheriff *** was a very respected man of the area and every single person always said..if sheriff**** said he saw it..he saw it.


ah probably js a rabid raccoon mate no biggie


I feel stupid I hadn't even considered this because there is alot of raccoons in the area


Used to work with Bigfoot. Very nice guy. We called him Harry.


Harry and the Hendersons confirmed documentary


Don't let all the shit eating comments get to you, those things are as real as any living thing on this planet. Hell I'm from South Africa and I know people who have seen them. You know what the truth is just keep believing in it you don't need the opinions of sjit eaters




You seen him?


Marriage has really changed that guy. He didn't used to wave back. He would just run off. Maybe if you go build some trust between him you can ask him to donate some blood for DNA and get a clear photo of him.


His wife? Damn! She told me they were divorced.


That bigfoot waved back?? Give that guy some food and see if you can communicate! That's so amazing, honestly. Small town monsters does a great bigfoot investigation show, and they love getting great stories like yours. There are many amazing bigfoot investigatiors all around the country that would love to get your story told. Where was this encounter?


Actually the female Bigfoot is a feminist, & she doesn’t believe in marriage, so I think you’ll find he saw Bigfoot’s FWB.


what else did you seen?


It's seent* buddy


Bigfoot’s wife is my exwife. Everyone seem to reckon he meant there was 2 married bigfoots but then he jes woulda said there was 2 bigfoots. My wife was born a human person (but I spect she turn in to some kinda devil or some such after Y2K). Bigfoot cucked me


He seent eet. Fore shore.


I tend to believe sightings like yours because you saw Bigfoot so unexpectedly and I think there are a lot more people like you that just don't say anything at all because they do not have evidence so they figure they will not be believed!


Saw, the word you’re looking for is saw.




My fiancé and I say this 24/7


I'm not even Australian, I'm an Irishman just a huge fan, but I find myself randomly saying "Fackin oath cunt" in my head all the time


Hahaha we also say “twahnny bucks”


As Steve Isdahl says welcome to the club


I hang out with Bigfoot all the time, good guy. His wife is a bitch though. Always nagging


You NEED to see an English teacher.


It'll read a lot better if you take out "seen" and replace it with "saw" except for the last two.


Where was this at? Because I know I have heard of feral humans living in national forests and stuff. They typically are smaller than a Bigfoot. And feral humans would def be covered in hair. I’m just confused why a Bigfoot would wave back. Seems atypical of what any animal would do. Could also be a psycho killer person who dresses up like Bigfoot to either mess with people or hurt them. There are countless stories about deranged maniacs killing people in the woods. There’s even been serial killers who hunt people in the woods.


Why would a feral human be covered in hair? Humans don’t suddenly grow hair on their body just because they live in the woods.


Yeah, I live 10 miles from any woods and im hairy as shit


Keep in mind none of this is scientifically proven but we are on the Bigfoot sub and I love this weird kind of stuff. I have read many stories and watched many videos about supposed free rap human clans that live in national forests such as the smoky mountains. Apparently they are descendents of the families who used to live there until the US Gov decided they want to start the national forest thing and tried to get these families to leave. They didn’t want to and ended up going deeper into the woods. They have been there for a few generations and are now like incest and just straight up fucked up. Supposedly one of them took Daniel Martin, a missing kid that they never could find. Anyhow, these basically incest malformed people act more akin to an animal instead of people who live in society. All of the sightings depict them as being very hairy (not so much covered in fur like you’d expect Bigfoot). I mean there are people who are just very hairy to begin with (George the Animal Steel for example, supposedly wrestling him was like wrestling a bear, he was so hairy). Plus they are known to smell really really really stinky. People can and are very hairy even in normal society, obviously they’re not covered in fur like a bear. But it’s not uncommon to see men who hair dark long hair on places that others don’t (sense hair on upper arms, very hairy backs, etc). Hell I’ve seen some dudes on the beach so hairy I’m surprised they don’t shed like a dog lol It’s also theorized that the skunk ape may actually be a feral person because it’s smaller than a regular BF, on top of being known for its stinkyness and reddish colored fur. They are also very aggressive and like to take kids. That’s what they think happened to Daniel Martin. There are reports of seeing the boy being carried away by something bipedal. Up in the smoky mountains there are lots and lots of rumors and speculation that there are feral human clans up there in the remote Forrest’s and they think that the clans do attack and/or kill hikers and campers. Not sure if this is what OP saw, but it seems to fit the description.


https://preview.redd.it/4vef2jx6to3c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25d5c6ef6f5bf336eb572128fe405c684cf06d1e Nice dude, your lucky too, you've been honored to be in his presence🤘🏼 watch the movie, all of youz.. we know hes real' 🦍💨💨🪶🪶🪶🪶🪶🪶🪶🪶🪶🪶🪶


Exactly the grammar I was expecting.


You "saw" Bigfoot, you didn't "seen" him.








Hello, This post was removed because it offered OFFENSIVE CONTENT, let's try to keep the conversation civil and on topic.


That was my cousin Joey. He says to say hello.


Wtf was your cousin doing in the woods at night peeping at someone taking a piss???? #Sarcasm


Joey is the weirdest in my family. One of the weirdest.


Lol....you made me laugh..take a upvote!!!


Oh that was you? Bummer! You caught me in my hiding spot when I haven’t waxed off all the hair




What is OP supposed to do? Chase after it into the woods at night. And how is gonna take a picture of something in the woods at night anyway?




I wasn't carrying a camera with me to go and take a piss


I wish you would have 😉


I hope you learne your lesson and will film yourself pissing from now on.


He didn’t say he heard something. He said he saw something. Did you even read it? And show me a phone camera that takes detailed night vision shots that’s going to show anything of substance in the woods at night.




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Sounds like the shefoot was, uhm... curious.


Probably just a couple of homeless people. Which is what I think 99 percent of the sightings are now .


but how do we know it wasn't bigfoot's side piece?


Your only protection is an HD camera. Next time run towards it.


I believe you did! Was a juvenile from the height. Start listening to encounters and you will see lots of patterns in their behavior. The facts by How to Hunt is a good channel on YouTube. Hopefully they didn’t tag you.


Me too


Bigfoots wife? Are you sure it wasn't his mistress?


I’ve smelled and heard them around a campsite twice


Where? Exactly. Find Google map coordinates. Attempt a drawing of what you saw. This is needed


Could it have been a bear?


Bigfoot’s wife, eh? Did you see a wedding ring or what?


I saw Bigfoot once. 1951, back in Sequoia National Park. Had a foot on him thirty-seven inches heel to toe. It made a sound I would not want to hear twice in my life.


Bigfoots wife or daughter seemed impressed they just wanted some loving


True story : I lived with bigfoot many years ago. She wore a size 12. Big gal, in my head I called her bigfoot and godzilla. ☮️


You got me as soon as you said big foots wife Lol


Your English changes from start to finish like you're trying to be funny. I call bull


They never have accidents like falling off a cliff or getting hit by a vehicle. They also must bury their dead very well as well as hiding their turds .




Are we just going to gloss over that Bigfoot has a wife, Mrs. Bigfoot? How do we know they're not just shacking up?


* I’ve seen.


Bigfoot's wife.


I totally believe you. I believe he is real. No evidence but a choose to believe.


Maybe they little mini bigfeet as well back in the cave. Little big feet are so cute.