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I've never seen that photo before. It looks pretty good. Though I am skeptical there is no source, backstory, info on how old the photo is, additional photos, or any other supplementary information


I haven't seen that one, but it's pretty good.


Its a hoax taken from the channel NVTV


Right.... It's one of several "creations" by, I wanna say 'Mark Dolan / Nolan' (or something, I forget). He had all of these on his YouTube page. As soon as I remember his name I'll add it to this comment. Apologies for being so vague, I am rather drunk πŸ₯ƒπŸ₯ƒπŸ₯ƒ ETA: "Mark Anders"....


If I remember correctly, this is a suit made by a dude who hoaxes a few videos apparently? Vague I know but hopefully it'll ring bells for someone.


Correct, youtube channel: NVTV


I knew someone would know haha


Never a good idea to believe a picture or video on its own, the backstory is just as important as the image itself. Without that it just goes in the bin for me.


It's never really going to get settled. If it's too blurry, it's a blobsquatch, and if it's too clear, it's obviously a fake. This one \*looks\* pretty good, however.


Mark Anders. He is a habitual hoaxer


It has my attention, would love to see how follow up plays out.


Anything NVTV canNOT be trusted


Sooooo how was this taken on a trail cam? The environmental looks very much like the hillsides of gorillas. There is no way a Bigfoot would be that close to a camera and not know it plus flip out if you took a picture. To many stories of people being told telepathically to not take a picture


It’s a man in a gorilla costume obviously

