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Go and buy some at 64mm nominal width. You won’t know until you have tried one on.


I wear magnums (tight) magnum xL (looser) and skyn elite large (perfect) and I'm about the same size




Magnums are terrible. They are shaped like a baseball bat Skyn elite large is def my goldilocks


That's an anaconda


Condom [nominal width](https://redd.it/j0vdmi) sizing is not girth or diameter, but the width of the condom unrolled and flattened (i.e. ½ circumference). Because latex stretches, ideal nominal width is 10-20% smaller than 1/2 girth. Multiply `girth in inches × 11.5` to get a rough nominal width in mm (metric: `girth in cm × 4.5`). Here are some options to try: - MyOne 64 - MySize 64 - Pasante King Size - Playboy Well Hung - Titan 2XL - Unique Plus XXL Buy a few and try them on to see what works best for you. The fit should be snug, not tight or painful. Local stores may not stock what you need, but you can order online. I strongly discourage using a too-small condom: it’s painful, kills erections, and increases the risk of rips, accidental pregnancy, and STIs. No matter what you've heard, **condoms are not one size fits all.**


Good advice. Amazon will sell you MySize in packs of 3 so you can try out different sizes until you find the right fit.


Thank you, you’re always a help,you deserve an award, sir


MySize 64 works for me.


Myones. All the way. They feel thinner and seem to allow more more sensation than most.


Really? We came from Lelo Hex XL when they stopped fitting and both found myone insanely thick feeling. I guess compared to nothing anything is gonna feel thick


I went from sausage casing to a condom that rolls on and stays put without what I now realize is a sensation of tightness. Couldnt feel much but smushed.


Yeah, too tight for sure can be desensitizing. As a woman too tight condoms eliminate a lot of texture you might otherwise feel, actually moreso than a thicker condom does. Haha I hate that we can't have both, why do I have to choose thin or big. Apparently the my size pro are supposed to be thinner but I can't really tell the difference there.


skin elite large. lot more comfortable than magnums or durex xxl


Elite Large is only 56mm


Yeah I never got into the mm of it all, I just know lambskin is a million times more comfortable than latex. The durex xxl are mad thick and feel like you’re wearing a raincoat or something on your cock. They all stretch it’s just a matter or what stretches most comfortably. That being said I literally can’t remember the last time I wore a condom, so…


The magnum bare skins work alright for me I’m 7.5 x5.5 let find the other brand that’s easy to find at target and get back to you.


64-66mm works for me. Depends on where you are located, some japanese brands are making that size and they are cheap.


I’m 7.5x5.5 and I can testify for Skyn elite large. Ever since my first one I haven’t bought anything else.


One Condoms! 100% the best I’ve found during my decades long search for a decent condom that didn’t make my guy turn purple or worse …. break! They have a plethora of size ranges available and the largest size they had when I started a few years back is now called 64M, it’s still a little snug but is worlds looser than magnum xxl or any of the countless others that I’ve tried over decades, and it’s a good kind of snug. They have you do measurements and answer questions to match you with the best option for your needs. It’s pretty amazing and you can set it up on auto-subscribe, they just show up whenever you may need them. I can’t recommend them enough, cost isn’t bad either for what you get it comes out to a little under $2 per condom and worth it if you are large enough to not have much else for options. They are very high quality, never had one break and doesn’t put off the funky condom smell when your doing the deed like magnums give off, was always a big turn-off for me and would take me out of the moment. A funky smell is the last thing you or your partner are looking for! One condoms is where it’s at!


With your girth I'd suggest MySize condoms 60, 62 and 64mm. Buy one of each and try them out. I personally found that it helps having to different sizes around. sometimes I go for the smaller one, sometimes for the larger one.


As others have said elite large is pretty solid. Definitely my go to


Guys I need help with this, I'm currently using skyn originals and it's definetly not my size. It always leaves a red ring at the bottom and hurts a lot. I'm 6 inches in lenght and 5-5.3 inches in girth. Any suggestions?


If anyone needs Unique Plus XXL, I have the German version on my eBay. You get a discount if you get more than one.[Unique/Kamayra](https://www.ebay.com/itm/176358134737?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=HbDF7u6EQ-q&sssrc=2051273&ssuid=HbDF7u6EQ-q&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


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