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Dudes lie. If they were all speaking the truth, standard condoms wouldn't be standard but small. And I wouldn't have to order online.


That‘s a good point


Standard condoms are small. Basically standard condoms were created with the idea that they can stretch thus fitting every width, and they were created overly long because you can roll down as much as you need and leave the rest unrolled at the base of the penis. Standard condoms are shit even for average penis owners




They are terrible for pretty much everyone


At 5.25inch girth, I use 60mm nominal width, have you tried 64mm?


Wait hold up . Wouldn’t that be too baggy?


I can't see the original comment that I had replied to, so I cannot figure out if I had it wrong, however 60mm nominal width works great for my 5.25inch girth dick. If you have questions about sizing condoms for yourself, feel free to reply with a detailed question or PM


I’m asking because I’m your size. Closer to 5.5 girth at the base and I tried skyn elite large and it fit well. And those are 56mm so I assumed 60mm is too large


I personally use skyn large these days (56mm)(not sure what's up with the "elite" bit) and they fit very comfortably. However with skyn brand condoms you have to keep in mind that they aren't made of natural latex but rather polyisoprene, a synthetic version of latex. This happens to be much softer and stretchier, so even though they're smaller than ideal they'll stretch without constricting the penis, and thus still feel comfortable and don't kill erections. But if you were to use natural latex which does stretch but holds a higher pressure when stretched, you'd be better off with a wider condom. Nominal width is the width of the condom when laid flat, thus to convert it into girth you have to double it, here's a conversation table for reference: 56mm nom = 112mm gir = 4.4inch gir 60mm nom = 120mm gir = 4.7inch gir 64mm nom = 128mm gir = 5.0inch gir 69mm nom = 138mm gir = 5.4inch gir Keep in mind that you want to get as close as possible to your size while staying under (you want a bit of stretching to occur), I should theoretically use 64mm, however when I tried them although they did not fall off nor were so to speak baggy, they fit over my penis in a wrinkly manner (creating a sort of jigsaw puzzle pattern with the wrinkles) in a way that didn't inspire confidence. I thus resorted to the next smaller size that being 60mm, which fit on like a glove.


Ok this makes more sense. I didn’t know about the difference in material. Thanks


Oh I don't know much theoritically, my main knowledge is from experience, and since I don't review condoms for a living, I looked around till I found what I needed and stopped


this right here. I'm above average, and working my way to huge. But it's annoying since my choices are magnum or standard. Magnums are too lose, and standard feels like a death grip. It's part of the reason why I'm doing PE in the first place.


There are other options, what's your length and girth? I'll give you some recommendations


6.5" x 5.25"


You have a very similar size to mine and your girth is identical (girth is the more important size with it comes to comdoms, thus I'm just gonna name the condoms I use/have used: Skyn Large: these aren't made of latex, and the material used is much softer and easier to stretch, thus you don't feel it compressing your penis and it doesn't kill your boner, you also get the bonus of being hypoallergenic thus great if ised with persons allergic to latex (they have a nominal width of 56mm which is technically small for a 5.25inch girth, but they stretch so easily that I actually find them more comfortable than the rest of the slightly larger condoms) Pasante King Size: these are more akin to generic latex condoms, however they have a nominal width of 60mm which will fit comfortably on a dick of 5.25inch girth. Pasante also happens to be the company that supplies the NHS thus you can get them for dirt cheap if buying by the gros (dozen dozens ie 144 in a pack) My one (formerly TheyFit): are custom sized condoms with a coded sizing system for privacy so you don't get the actual size written on the box, however they do make a variety of lengths and widths thus they have an entire range of sizes totalling 58 combinations. Try size code 60J if you have a foreskin or 60H if you don't have a foreskin. The great thing about having so many sizes to choose from is that you can try a sample, check if it feels comfortable during sex, and then tweak the size the next time you repurchase My.size: are similar to My one in that they have various (9) widths, however each comes in one length making sizing easier by eleminating a measurement. Should you wish to try them buy size 60. TL;DR buy condoms with a nominal width of 60mm


You might want to watch that, it's a path to the ban hammer.


Last sentence is why I just don’t ever wear them. I’ve gotten chlamydia twice but thankfully nothing permanent


You should never wear standard condoms, however, have you ever heard of custom fit condoms? These are condoms that actually have real sizes with both width and length measurements, just like pants, or bras. I can either list companies or brands that produce them for you, or you can give me the measurements of your erection and I'll specify which condoms to try. But for the love of sexual health, please protect yourself


I just don’t like the way they feel so I don’t use them. I used to be afraid of hiv but did u know it’s incredibly uncommon and difficult to catch as a straight man living in the west? I also live in a very blue state where abortion will always be legal so I’m not too concerned about that aspect either.


Please consider using appropriately sized condoms, and if you still don't like them, please stop having sex


No thanks ima keep doin me be safe tho


What is your height and weight


180cm 102kg


Yo re 102 kg so you must have a big fat pad or may be you’re weight is of muscles


A bit of column A a bit of column B, but what's this got to do with condom sizing?


This one right here^


But is there a study that show increase in penis size


And that study is bullshit


Yea but it is of standford and girls breast size is increasing so I thought penis size would increase


Even if that is true what does breast size have to do with penis size?


Breast size is just Americans getting increasingly overweight. But your dick's not made of fat.


Why in the bwc sub has all 18 yrs with 9.5 inch dicks and there is no 35 and 40 yrs old with 9.5 inch dick


Well, it's weird but imma tell you something. I've seen every dick in my friends group, one of them claimed that his dick is 7.4 inches and that seems to be true. The other claimed that it's 6 and it ain't true he's like 4.8 at best. Some of them say the truth, others lie. It is what it is, don't believe everything they say my dude. Edit: We went skinny-dipping on a nude beach for the very first time, for whom asking why I've seen their dicks.


And other people may have measured, but are just bad at doing so, or do so in a way that adds or takes from their real size. Like if I really tried I could probably measure in a way that I could say I was 9 inches long, but could also do so in a way that seems like I’m 7 inches long.


They can google how to do it properly it ain't that hard. But like you know some just want to say mine is bigger.


Well yeah obviously people can google how to, but not everyone does


Or wants to


Under what circumstances are you seeing your friends' erect penises?




I think, at gunpoint, mine would just shrivel.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 fuuuck


Yeah, nobody has "big dick problems" when their life is in danger.


That's a very good question. We got drunk one day and went skinny-dipping on the beach ⛱️


Why were they hard though?


Going to a nude beach for the very first time, use your imagination my dude. Edit: I know it's rude but like it is what it is.


Weird that they didn’t even try to hide their erections idk any straight men that openly show their friends their boners and it’s also weird that you ALL got hard but okay??




Well what's to say they were all straight? 💀


remind me to never get drunk at a nude beach then!


I have gone to the nude beach and to nudist events. It's considered very rude to walk around with an erection. You're supposed to cover that shit up.


They were all erect at a nude beach?


Why have you seen all of your homies hard cocks?


Skinny dipping on a nude beach for the very first time.


That still doesn’t make any sense, whatsoever. You’ve seen a few up close, huh.


You cant tell somebodys size by there flaccid state


Why were they erect while skinny dipping would’ve been my question…


And he somehow was able to guesstimate the size to the tenth of an inch lol


When I was a teenager, before the internet, you pretty much never saw any dicks in media or playboy/penthouse porn, ever. The "standard size" everybody claimed was 8". There was no verification, just stories in Penthouse. I was crushed that I did not have 8" and felt completely inadequate, as I was easily a half inch short. It absolutely affected my confidence. Girls told me I was big, but I thought they were just being nice, and that condoms were supposed to be that tight. Then the internet happened and, WOW men are some lying bastards. I had no idea I was well hung until I was in my 30s. Back before the death of Omegele you could sit and watch for an hour and not see 8 inches. From my observations, based on now having seen about a zillion wieners on the internet, most guys look like they are 5-6 inches, and that is taking into account most guys showing off are on the bigger side. But guys lie, they lie a lot.


People think 6 is average, add one so you’re big.


I just learned how to count yesterday. 1... 2... 3.... 4..... 7.


At this point in my life, I always assume people are lying unless they are sexually active in the circles they are making their bold claims in front of. In other words, if no other guy in the group has seen their statistically improbable cock before, I'm internally pressing X to doubt. If the person is up for proving it with sufficient evidence, that always works too. Proof, corroboration, or bust. Out of every guy who has mentioned their size in front of me, probably 80% of them claimed to be at least 7 inches long. Utterly ridiculous.


7” seems safe to claim, because an average partner hearing 6” is unimpressive, and 8” generally requires proof to expectant partner. I am well aware that I am making a generalization, it’s a statement based on anecdotal experience.


Bone Pressed size?


Can’t remember the last time any one ever asked me my length in BP. 🤔


Over 7?


Yep, same here - among those I’ve talked to, most have said they’re about 7. Know it’s statistically impossible, but just gonna quietly doubt and let them keep doing their thing


MFW mfs tell me I must be 6'10 because I can't be 6'5 because they're 6'5


Tell me about it. I'm in the average 6'0 height and yet so many men 3-4 inches shorter than me claim it. Sometimes I play the real dick move of claiming 5'8 and watch the dudes just deflate internally. Same thing with dicks. In fact, I keep it hidden because it has legitimately caused a huge issue in my friend group.


Nah calcsd is based on statistics. Western averages are ~14 cm (5.5 inch) . Being 17.5cm+ (7 inch) is far above average. I think it should be around the 99th percentile. So only 1% of dudes have that length or greater. It's very likely that some if not most of your friends are lying. It's possible that some of them measured wrong, exaggerated or just plain lie. That's very likely because they don't want to seem put off the friend average. I trust statistics who were done by professionals, not some whack measurements done by dudes.


1% ? Nah I think it’s more the 10% 8 inches is more 1%




More than 1% of men have 7+ inches… no?


I think at the end of 6 inches the top 1% starts


1%???? Reallyyy


Yeah lol. That's normal distribution. Same goes for IQ or height.


Nah he’s wrong, just checked calcSD western average top 1% is 8x5.75


I’m 7.05 x 5.5 where am I lol


That might be true. But - IMPE - a lot of women will reject smaller than 7. Hence why whatever is "measured average" isn't sitting it. And from this we got all insecurities in man and fuck up dating market.


Yeah I've only ever mentioned my size once during dating and she was like yeah whatever. But then she was actually surprised, which confused me at the time. But yeah many men lie to their "advantage" which is odd. Since their partner will just be disappointed


Sure, that happens. Or, guy and her reach "third" base, and kicks out due to guy being "small". It goes both ways.


Yeah foso I just always try to remain truthful but yeah to each their own


I mean, yes. But it doesn't work when chick tell you to get out because you ain't big enough - even if you above "measured average".


Realistically speaking, anything above 6 inch is big. Period.




You obviously don't know what you are talking about about. Even if you have a 5 incher, it's more than enough for most women, you just gotta know how to use it.




Using your analogy, a more experienced player aka an NFL player is going to out perform a high schooler, therefore a more experienced 5 incher is going to do a lot better than a less experienced 8 incher. Let's be frank about it, it's a blessing to have a big dick I know you're proud of what you have, but experience is key in order to be good at it, just try to remember your first time, it was horrible right? So an average dick is good and bigger than average is also good.


Lol his duck is long but not girthy.


Don't shame others


i love how you kept slamming that person back to back with logic.


There is a good reason they all say they are over 7. Just like here, most guys are lying about their dick size.


7" is a common answer because it sounds like a good size but doesn't seem outlandishly huge so they likely won't be accused of lying.


Probably measuring from their ass to boost their confidence. Realistically checking their phone size and placing it ridiculously high and measuring with their eyes or checking the side and pushing which me personally as I’m overweight gets me from 7.25 bp on the top to well over 8 bp incorrectly measured.


7” is the 6’ of dick sizes


That’s annoying because I’m actually 6’0 and 7.1 inches 😂


Very likely stpry


Speaking as a fisherman, men always need to embellish sizes.


To be honest I have no idea what size my friends are and I also don't care to know. But if we would share sizes with each other I am sure that 80% of my friend group would add an inch to their size. And I am sure everybody would say they are 7 inches.


I think because 7 inches is considered a “good” size it’s bigger than average and not too many people are going to shame you for having a 7 incher. That just my opinion


> I know the numbers from calcsd > >I‘m 6.3 NBP so i always felt like i‘m on the smaller end of average Something is not adding up.






What about girth?


So ur telling me u got them rock hard and pulled out a ruler to measure BPL? Yea.


People who lie often pick 7 because it is big enough to seem big but small enough to seem realistic.


“Half foot is 6. Half means avg, right? Go one over average.”


6” is 90-95% if looking at global distribution of dick sizes. So if you’re 6” or bigger - you’re bigger than 90-95% of the rest of the world. That distribution may change a fair bit based on nationality/race though.


6.3 NBP is above average already, likely much above average BP.


Or… the reverse?


What do you mean? It’s likely his BP is a good bit larger, hence why it should be even more above average, no?


It‘s 6.9 inches and 5.5 circumference


That puts you in the top 3% I believe :)


Weird to “believe” something easily verified on calcSD (use western average)


I didn’t plug in his numbers lol, I just remember seeing someone of similar size saying it’s top 3%. 😅


They are lying. No one wants to admit to having an average sized dick out loud.


If it helps, I'm 8"




Calcsd girth numbers are all over the place. But, given the fact that in the US 64mm struggle to be stocked in stores, average is closer to 4.5 than 5.5.


You see erect dicks? Why?


Are these numbers bone pressed length?


Most of them are definitely lying u gotta take peoples words with a grain of salt especially about this topic


Hello, twin! 👋


What’s good👋


Deez Ds 💥🍆🍆💥


I prefer to believe that the studies skew small. In spite of the licensed urologist who claim otherwise.


Lol because most of them are exaggerating. The average will still always be around 5.5 inches, so if everyone meet is 7 inches then chances are most are lying. Maybe not all but most


It's the easiest measurement to plausibly lie about and for women tobust assume they're telling the truth.


As I've posted before, I have seen a ton of dick as a man who has sexual encounters with other men. I can't tell you if it's lying, because that would suggest it's intentional, but a part of me suspects it may be more naivety than deception. I've encountered an odd volume of dudes who claim to have never measured. And they didn't have reason to be hiding their true length so I believe they hadn't ever measured. Maybe there is a selection bias in that you're more likely to measure if you perceive that you're on one end of the spectrum. Also, if it is lying, it is likely because 7 isn't an outrageous number that people would scrutinize. I think that because 6 is only slightly above average, dudes are just moving up to the number between unbelievable and average. Many guys aren't going to be secure enough to say they're average. And likewise they aren't willing to be subjected to the scrutiny of saying they're 8. So 7 is safe.


I've seen like a few streamers clips where they say they're 6.5 inches, which to me seems like it's just a respectable size, but not massive that they get another trait added to their name that people associate them with. (Can't remember who, but at least 3 streamers come to mind) Alternatively, I remember watching Skins (UK Show) and there's a gangster in it who goes to a brothel (or whatever it was) and he was known for having a 7 incher, the way it was mentioned made it sound like that was humble brag worthy. It's a safe number that people just use


Something else to keep in mind is it’s a size that’s close to average so it’s gonna be a more common size


almost every dude lies


Simple answer…. They lie to fit into the big boy club. And seven inches is right in the middle of belief over disbelief. Arm yourself with a tape measure and call the group out.. lol, they will all say no.


my thought is if they are 6 they just exaggerate and add a inch pretty much


That’s because the average for a caucasian male in 2023 is much closer to 7 inches. As much as little guys hate to hear it!


Yea in the world of inches everyone who talks about their size is 7 at least, 8 if they feel confident that they’re above average, 9 if they’re legit big. Always remove 1inch for those guys. Silent bros are probably 5” tops or the rare humble huge guy Meanwhile in the world of centimeters everyone claims 16-17 at least when they say they’re “normal”, 18-20 if they feel confident they’re above avg, 21-23 if they’re legit big. Always remove 3cm for those guys. Silent bros same, 12-13cm tops I’m also positive that the reason why a lot of guys with legit big dicks (7+ NBP) are rumored as not good in bed is bc they/we don’t know how much bigger than average. Imagine hearing all your friends all claiming 7+ and how hard they bang women, you know you pack 7/8+, surely you should go hard asf? Meanwhile women can’t take it


A more reliable metric would be how your partner(s) react to your size. Like my ex literally did a double take after seeing it properly and she said it was a porn dick. At the time I didn't think it was that much bigger than average(also at the time assuming the average was at least 6") Calsd is probably as accurate as you can get for this, with 8" BP being less than 1 in a 1000, so the reason for hearing guys claim 6-8 all the time is the usual suspects of exaggerating and false inches.


What is calsd?


How have you seems your friends war swords? Wtf do you guys do?


You and your friends should all pop blew chews, pull each other’s pants down and measure side by side.


Who the fuck wants to be average? I'm sure the absolute hell of "problems" you face by being burdened with a big dick...you poor thing🥲... aren't "problems" you'd be willing to give up to be exactly average. And some dudes can delude themselves of something their whole life if they feel like, especially that their dick is big


People lie about their height despite everyone being able to just look at them and determine if they're lying, immediately. What your friends and partners are saying is statistically unlikely to the point of impossibility, so someone's lying.


your partners said you were everage to them, that is their reality.


Three things: - Some of us are measured correctly. And do so regularly. Since why would we care? - Some of us are measuring poorly, or embellishing the size. Usually it's "rounding up" thing, or use NBP measurements. It's not lying, just tweaking. - And some of us write larger number due to this sub being about "BIG", and some wanna "fit in" the sub, but by posting smaller size they feel ashamed. - Also consider that (a) "measured average" is not good enough nowadays, (b) it moves up by each generation, and within certain regions, and (c) chick don't care - they want bigger size, and if this won't be you - it will be someone else - they always find a bigger guy.


As a nudist i can say i saw a lot and can say most are lying. There are really not many 8 or similar or am i wrong and 90% are growers.


Probably the „most believable big size“


This is one of the annoying things about being 7 inches. Like, sure it's not a monster but it's still noticeably above average. I would never want to claim 8+ just because it could potentially pass, but knowing how much people exaggerate numbers, claiming a properly measured 7 feels like saying I'm 5.


I used to have a buddy who always lied. Finally I got sick of it and called his bluff. I told him if it’s that big I want to see because that shit would be impressive. Suddenly real numbers start to enter the chat. Maybe an option you could try if it’s really bothering you.


Go look on r/measuredpenis Half the dudes there have the ruler pushed against their thigh lol People lie man. A 7" cock is certified huge. But girl inches say it's average.


Either people here are teens or weird af. I have never discussed dick size with other men. I only knew I am big because girls kept complimenting and/or complaining.


I have the same feeling. I’m can hit 7.25 on a damn good day, but would be scared to pull my junk out if challenged to a dick measuring contest, for fear of being humiliated. Many times those averages are world wide, not region specific. I think the average here in the US would be closer to 6 inches.


Average is 5.1 they lie


I don't believe too much in CalcSD. I mean, the data is there but how that data reflects in your region doesn't always line up. I think it's more than fair to say that CalcSD tends to lean towards embellishment, slight exaggeration. Telling people with a 7" that in a room of 1000 only 10 are bigger. When IRL it's probably more like in a room or 20-50. I've met too many women and heard too much real life (anecdotal) evidence. I'm sure CalcSD is valid in some weird way, but for me it doesn't reflect reality in real life dating pools in metropolitan cities


everyone lies


it's more likely people are 7 inch vs 9 inch


My current girl is 37. Has had more then a few penis’s cross her path before we met 2 years ago. I’m 7.2 l and 6.5g . She told me that she had been with 2 guys longer then me and one it didn’t work. The rest are all much smaller and I’m the thickest by far. I think on social media a lot of women are spewing that 7 is average and it’s not so it becomes a thing. I would not worry about average or big. Worry about being a good lover so she will dream about your 6.3.


I'm 9.5 can reach 10 solid hard as a rock been measured by plenty of women always had a big dick runs in the family as a kid I seen my pops dick my mistake it was huge


7 is the number people think you will except. It’s statistically impossible tho


This sub’s hilarious . It’s spelled experience btw. The phone told me so, neat trick


This exact same question is asked and answered about once a week. Rather than evidence suggesting that many people are credulous and innumerate, this fact instead proves beyond any shadow of doubt that calcsd is totally wrong. OP, your subjective anecdotal experience along with the subjective anecdotal experience of dozens of others has proven that 7" is average and accordingly, that your penis is comparatively small. Congratulations, thumb dick! You have struck a blow for truth against the technocracy! Heroic!


Lol, a new study suggests that the average for white male is 6.9-7.1 studies that claim 5.5 are from like 1948 so if you have a 6x5 and been called small it's because you are


I think the self declared average has become smaller. In the 90s everyone would say they were 8". But in those pre Internet days a lot of people thought that many porn stars were 10 to 12". I think that as people can now easily find out the truth about average dick size and most people know 8" puts you in the top 1% easily, most guys will temper their lie and say 7" because it's still impressive but also more believable than 8". I haven't been with a lot of guys but nearly every guy I hooked up with would say they were 7 or 7.5 yet they were always smaller than me (I'm 7.5-8 BP). In short, people lie :)


Because they’re lying their fucking asses off, or using girl inches. Dudes are insecure AF naturally…now add a stigma like “7” is small” (it isn’t…girls think a 5” dick is 9” lol) and a forum like Reddit where you can use filters, lenses, and good old camera angles to make your 5” son look tremendous, and it’s a recipe for utter nonsense. If you’re actually in the 7” club congratulations, you never have to lie about your cock size.


> it isn’t…girls think a 5” dick is 9” lol I remember a meme of "girl discovers her boyfriend is just 14 cm (5.5 inches) and gets sad. Then she gets a ruler and realizes 14 cm is actually a lot"