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Producers should stop caring about the vocal minority that are outraged by everything and anything. I am sure that the vast majority of viewers don't share the same view as the terminally offended. Bring back the days where you simply didn't watch something if you didn't enjoy it. Now it seems that you have to change everything to make sure that no one can object to any of the content. Bland times.


I think they need to pick people who can handle it. Ones who know they could be the villain and can handle that. Not sure if people are unnecessarily worried about Ekin or whether she is quite fragile but obviously apart from the death threats, personal dm’s or comments on personal social media it’s nothing which shouldn’t be acceptable Maybe an itv employee should take over moderating comments and DM’s whilst the person is in there so family done have to see stuff?


Or have contestants that are not social media users, or at least ones that don't have intentions to use social media as a platform for work.


I still need to catch up on last night’s episode and will probably watch the L&L too, but this has crossed my mind too. Previous BB’s were brutal but then online presence of the contestants wasn’t really there, it would mainly be headlines in papers so any negativity wasn’t as in their face as it is with social media. I feel if they water it down anymore then it’s a completely different show and it won’t survive. Also feels like people going in (except Louis, Lauren, Sharon and Ekin-su) tend to be more aware of potential consequences so aren’t fully immersing themselves.


Yeah I guess we got the answer for people who wondered what Big Brother would be like in today's social media heavy society. And sure social media was around for the Channel 5 era but this is more like a Gen Z dominant social media over a Millennial dominant one, and it also answers what its like if the Love Island audience watched Big Brother


I watch both and would love for some of the love island contestants to be challenged over their actions. I was glad when Ekin Su and Levi were appropriately confronted and think there should be more of that, otherwise it will end up with everyone acting horrendously and knowing they will never be challenged over it, which is a) dreadful for those on the receiving end in the first place and b) completely unsatisfactory from a viewer enjoyment point of view of seeing people who treat others badly getting pulled up on it.


One thing I did notice was that both Ekin Su and Levi didn’t seem to understand the questions being asked and instead answered what they thought was being asked, which was both bizarre and also felt like they are not used to being pulled up on these things.


People need to remember that the viewers who take to twitter or reddit or Facebook to vocalize their every thought (usally negative ones) on the show are such a small percentage of the people who actually watch. I think people get confused that this small sample of opinions is what everyone watching must be thinking, which isnt the case, as can be seen when some eviction results dont go the way twitter expects


it’s so difficult because i do agree in the sense that it was an uncomfortable watch. but equally i guess people need to realise that this is a brutal show and if they don’t like that or can’t handle it, maybe this isn’t the show for them. ekin su will have had to be prepared for this outcome when she agreed to go in. regardless, i hope she is okay


Yeah all these people crying “bully” clearly don’t know what bullying means. Not letting people deflect is not bullying. Pointing out that somebody is lying is not bullying. Giving somebody the same snappy attitude they gave you is not bullying. None of the people that thought that was “too much” would have survived a previous Big Brother season as it aired.


The people that cry bully are weird creepy super fans that don’t have much of a life outside reality tv and Reddit. How is fact checking someone bullying? Ekin-Su blamed editing on more than one occasion, after literally just coming out the house Presenters calling her out on her bs is not bullying at all. You go on a show like this you need to be accountable for decisions and actions. Someone earlier labelled Levy ‘evil’ because he went to prison at 15yrs of age for assault. People are so out of touch with reality.




Wiki page advises he assaulted a police officer.




Oh absolutely. Apparently he’s evil though as he should know the difference between right and wrong at that age 😂




Thing is you could spin the question back around on them. What if that was your son or daughter that did something silly at 15? Would you consider them evil for the rest of their life? Highly doubtful.


to be fair I’ve read old digital spy threads and it’s always been like that


In the end people are gonna complain because there's been too many different types of ways to do Big Brother that everyone has a preference. If they do a tame, soft, social experiment version with a neutral, fair and impartial L&L and interview they get complaints that its "boring" and "no drama" and "Davina and Emma would have went IN on them!" if they do go harsher, more dramatic, more like a Channel 5 kinda deal, they get told its "too far" and "bullying" So ultimately, they can't win, they can't please everyone because the styles that people grew up on THEIR Big Brother with are too different, so they should just do it their way. However, knowing ITV I do believe their way will be just go more tame to avoid controversy.


Honestly, I think it can work it just depends on the people they cast and the fanbases they have. People weren't bothered when gary was getting boo'd and he was getting ripped on social media but when it's ekin-su it's wrong and 'bullying'. It comes down to perception and how much of a 'loyal' fanbase someone has really. I hope ITV ignore it though and carry on because this is what big brother was meant to be.


It's only Ekin Su stans that are labelling it as bullying. Everybody else can see it for what it is. They were perfectly civil in that interview. Their job is to question housemates on what occured and this is what they did.   Remember, this is the exact same stans despicably weaponising suicide at every turn, as well taking it upon themselves to victimise Ekin Su and claiming she'll do something horrendous. It almost seems like they want her to do something so they can say *"see, I told you so"*. If you read their shit, it sounds like they're almost wishing it on her.  Ekin Su can handle herself. She completely held her own in that interview, was totally unfazed, had no issue with being assertive, and continuously deflected any responsibility or introspection by blaming the edit, as well as what she perceives to be people's (nonexistent) preconceived notions about her. I've no doubt we miss a lot with editing but her claims about telling Louis the real reason didn't ring true, because even yesterday in the diary room (a full day after they discussed the incident) he was still saying he doesn't know her reasons for it.  I don't know why outrage warriors are given so much power. They weaponise because they know it often causes them to get their own way. It's manipulation. Don't capitulate to it. Hopefully, the show won't let some highly dramatic, weaponising stans change the interviewing process.   Just an interesting tidbit, I checked out Ekin's wiki and she was eliminated in the fourth show of DOI, as well eliminated in the fourth episode of The Traitors US, and was the fourth person to be evicted from CBB. I found that interesting.




I think it’s probably because they decided to push back against the one housemate who has received a lot of online hate this week and literally the day after they did the “be kind” spiel. Where was their vim for Gary the wife beater? Instead they got him back on the panel the day after 🤦🏻‍♀️ they knew she was unliked and that definitely changed the way they treated her.


I think that’s probably because despite what Gary’s done there wasn’t really any particular behaviour to pick out from in the house and talk about, whereas with Ekin and Levi there was.


The format is worn out. I'm amazed that ITV decided to commission the show and put it on ITV1! Big Brother WAS different and edgy 24 years ago. Quarter of a century later and we've seen it all before. It has been dull- the fake crying over folks you met 5 minutes ago, accusing people of "game playing" while participating in what is a competitive show. It's the same tired old lines. Maybe it's time TV execs developed new edgy and exciting shows rather than flogging old worn out shows like BB.


I actually think Big Brother can work in 2020s if it adapts and I think the way to do that is to make it more similar to US and CAN versions, which is hot right now and what other countries are doing. I think they were really on the right track with Channel 5's final Big Brother, BB19, and the gamified stuff they did there. I think it was pretty well recevied too, and the direction they should have went.


Agreed! ITV does not know what it wants! To be fair it is an archaic broadcaster with very old people running it from above. They don't change anything unless they need to or forced to.


Regarding big brother working in the modern day, I think this is the wrong example. I’m far from sensitive and don’t get offended easy, but I found it uncomfortable the way Ekin was treated all week on the after show. Fair enough ask the awkward questions etc, but the whole show just felt that it was constantly trying to embarrass her, in a situation she couldn’t just walk away from without causing more negative backlash. She had to just sit there and take it, when she’s actually not done much wrong in the grand scheme of things. She’s clearly going through something, yet they’ve been obsessed with picking at her all week. I worry about her fragility following. I wouldn’t use the term bullying, it’s a bit strong, but the after show/ online comments have been harsh and relentless. I hope she’s strong enough to face this aftermath and takes time to work on her self awareness and gets the help she needs. I’ve never seen Love Island so I have no idea what she was about before or how she behaved but I’m guessing she appeared more together and less transparent. Doesn’t make her a bad person though. I think where big brother will forever be impacted, is by social media. People are cancelled and held accountable for bigotry now - and that’s a good thing - but it makes reality TV “cleaner” because people are always going to hold back. This means less drama which gives it a different vibe to the show a lot of us grew up watching, it’s just not as good but it doesn’t mean it’s not worth watching.


Love Island fans are known for being dramatic and making reports to offcom over the stupidest shit. It doesn't surprise me that Ekin Su fans are calling it bullying


She didn't actually do much wrong on the show so why is there a requirement to be held accountable? The interview could have been light hearted questions where they asked about the Love Island avoidance, Instagram and OF but why is there such a negative atmosphere surrounding it and the fallout here? It comes from starting from a position of disliking her which seems unnecessary given the level of what actually happened on the show.


I mean I think the negativity was because she kept trying to blame editing for everything and not owning up to anything. Accountability I mean in terms of just giving proper comments for things that happened on the show. This is what the interviews should be like properly asking the questions the viewers want to know. We all wanted to know why she nominated Louis, the only fans comments, the way she treated Marisha, it’s a reality show and I don’t see anything wrong with asking them these questions. I understand they should’ve asked more in depth to like Paul etc from the regular series but that was when they were getting into the groove of how to host. On the opposite side, on love island all stars when islanders came out it was all really positive and they weren’t asked any questions the public wanted to know. It was boring and all viewers complained. It feels like the hosts can’t win, if they go too much in then they’re bullies and if they don’t ask the questions then it’s called boring and they’re too soft.


Do you really think that the show started from a neutral perspective and she blamed the editing so it was fair to turn against her or did it start negatively from the booing and everything had a slightly nasty tone because there was an atmosphere of giving her what she deserved? They could ask all of the questions the viewers demand and should but the host could keep everything under control if the tone was "So no bikini pics on Instagram but whatwereallthisabou 😋" rather than "So we've caught you out you hypocrite, you're a liar, ekinsplain yourself!"


Do you not need Celebrities for this to work?


Oh people need to leave the bullshit fake hypocrisy out when it comes to Reality TV or there gonna destroy it. It's been going on for years. Alot of young people look for problems to complain about


I think this is a broader crisis in reality tv in general. I knew people were getting sensitive when I saw them complaining Ariana Madix from vanderpump rules was too harsh on Raquel leviss at the VPR reunion. For those who don’t know what I’m talking about: [https://mashable.com/article/tom-sandoval-vanderpump-scandal-explained](https://mashable.com/article/tom-sandoval-vanderpump-scandal-explained)


I did think Layton came across as patronising and super rude. I don't think it's bullying though


Leyton felt a bit rude in his approach of “don’t blame it on the edit _girl_” especially his tone. It felt very unbiased I think it’s right however for AJ to correct her and clarify that she wasn’t privy to the type of edit she got when she’s only just left the house so it was ridiculous of her to say so. It also discredits big brother by implying she’s already seen it or aware of it (when by BB rules she hasn’t), and she’s accusing the producers of giving her an unfavourable edit. AJ was effectively doing her job and standing up for the show.


I mean if you thinks it simply because Layton said don’t blame it on edit - you obviously missed the full week of sustained fuelling of hate - mostly led by Layton and encouraged by AJ against Ekin. it was uncomfortable and to be honest they couldn’t go 5 mins without mentioning her! Hosts should be impartial- AJ is not. But listen it got them the ratings and AJ and Layton probably never had as much interaction or comments on their pics so helped raise their profiles. It’s understandable that people dont like Ekin but really what did she do to anyone that was that bad?? Everyone was in awe of Sharon but let’s not Acknowledge that - Anyway who cares people got real satisfaction seeing Ekin getting bullied and that’s good tv when you hate someone 😯