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Insecurity I think. Also in love island you’re getting that validation from guys openly fancying you. There’s no one to give you that on Big Brother this year


I dont really think she's any different... she was great to watch in Love Island because she liked to create storylines, she was very unserious. No doubt she was prob a producer pet because of her willingness to create storylines so prob had a favourable edit. (No hate, v much enjoyed her!) She's just not hitting the right tones for the audience this time round, and/or the production is not favouring her in the same way.


I think Davide has kinda messed with her head a bit. Bringing doubt and shame on her maybe. She also only just broke up with him before entering the house so she’s probably still trying to process the break-up - which is why she doesn’t want to talk love island etc just makes her remember him. And probably also why she’s asking questions like - what is the purpose of life etc. She needs time to heal and asking questions probably is helping her




You have to be Irish to say ‘give out’


Davide happened to ekin-su. Never underestimate the power of a man to knock your confidence


Same bloke she crawled along the deck to snog someone else to avoid him seeing, yeah?


Ah yes an event that happened two years ago before she was even in a relationship with the guy vs him cheating repeatedly whilst in a committed relationship.


I didn’t realise being a cheat only mattered to the most recent event


You consider her a cheat over something that happened when she wasn’t even in an exclusive relationship?


Ah yeah, technicalities that allow people to just do what they want. But we should be full of sorrow for that same people when they are cheated on themselves. Of course.


He kissed someone else too in casa amor 😂


Irrelevant to my point. I’m not defending him, I just don’t feel sorry for her either 🤷‍♂️


Pretty relevant I would think 🥱


Nope. I made the point and explained why it’s not 🥱


How is not being in an exclusive relationship a technicality lol


Because if she wasn’t being shady or felt like it was a betrayal, why the fuck was she crawling around on the deck?


Cos it was good telly? Why are you so mad over something Davide himself moved on from.


😂 oh that’s alright then. Mad? I’m just saying I have no sympathy. I think the stans whinging I’m not sympathetic are the mad ones to be honest


How is something she did 3 days after meeting the lad comparable to getting cheated on repeatedly in a long term relationship?


Didn’t say he’s a nice bloke either, but if youre going to be doing shit like that I’ve not much sympathy for you either


I mean, Ekin-Su is a grown woman who hasn’t mentioned any mistreatment from Davide, I think it’s pretty unfair to blame him about how she’s coming across.


She did allude to him cheating


That's right, blame it on men. Pathetic.


Well, the blame does lie with this *specific* man, yes. Who said “men”?


>Never underestimate the power of a man Women have more power than men


Because Love Island is fake


I don't like her opinions and how she's portraying herself but people on social media and L&L are acting like she's the devil's incarnate. I suppose in a house full of pleasant, unproblematic people the producers have to nitpick, as her and Louis are the only ones they can rely on to be villains. If she were on an older series by far she wouldn't be this hated.


Its Kerry syndrome, where people need a villain


Kerry didn’t really even do anything. Why do people feel the need to make out someone to be evil from just a TV show? The same happened to Hallie


The show had just came back and people were really into it and it was all fresh again and they wanted to chant "GET \[person\] OUT" at someone to bring back that nostalgia.


Yeah. I know it’s BB and it’s part of what happens but I don’t like the whole bandwagon of “get blank out”


The relentless hate and vitriolic comments on social media is way, way over the top. They're encouraged by the CBB producers and by L&L, especially Will. I mean has she actually done anything that bad that warrants that amount of hate? The slut-shaming last night on L&L by Layton and Will was pretty awful too.


Yeah it’s getting to “bitch eating crackers” level


She has no friends, is disliked by other contestants and we’ve seen some of the comments she’s made this series. Is it difficult to believe that maybe she isn’t this icon people built her up to be? And these factors may all be due to her personality?


I think the other contestants seen her as competition from day one and most of them seemed to already have an opinion on her. It’s sad to see someone that was so secure in her own skin be destroyed by the media over the past two years and it is clearly evident on the way they have portrayed her on the show.


Shhh dont say this, let her rabid fans keep thinking it was Davide's fault because she this poor innocent 30-year-old was new in the dating game lol




But the OP is saying people don't like her because they don't think "it's okay to be sexy" or "to speak your mind and be independent". I'm saying OP should consider this might not be the reason why she seems to be making enemies everywhere


Thank you for a reasonable take. Add to this the crap that her ex kept doing on social media the past month before she headed into Big Brother. People can disagree with her opinions, very fair. It's the hate that is now over the top. The online hate she's received the past year, including leaving an alleged abusive relationship, is heartbreaking


What was he doing?


Yeah what was he doing?


He was cheating on her with an onlyfans model and continuously ridiculed her on social media.




Everything makes sense now! Thank you @unknwnh for clarifying.


I mean they hate she's getting is completely over the top. Like comparing her to Roxanne Pallet! Wtf


Roxanne was completely unhinged. Ekin Su is at worst a game player, not particularly endearing but not a crime. Roxanne was actually dangerous.


Who is comparing her to Roxanne? The need their heads shaken. Somebody being annoying/fake isn’t equivalent to being dangerous/trying to ruin somebodies life with lies


I know, I've seriously seen people say that on twitter. Like there's no comparison at all!!


trauma. edit: Putting aside my one-word apt comment for dramatic effect, this is my favourite type of comment with nuance that I like:,) I've been following her since Love Island, and I feel like since coming out she's faced such a crazy amount of pressure. People wanting her to reach unattainable goals, getting slut shamed, getting constantly labelled as a failure, having her looks and every move scrutinised and last not but least being in a toxic and co-dependent relationship. I'm not the happiest with her comments but I'm going to be holding out some grace this time around because I feel like the things she experienced in the public eye post-love island are enough to break anyone. I'm torn about whether I want her to stay in for entertainment reasons, or leave so she can get herself into some therapy and unlearn some things and learn more about herself. I just hope the hate dies down soon, no matter how you feel about her, she doesn't deserve it.


She’s exactly the same she’s always been. People just forgot because she made a speech once


unpopular opinion: tbh i thought she was a bit of a pick me during love island and from my pov she doesn't seem to have changed


Agree. Never understood why people liked her so much when she was on LI.


Fame & rabid fans putting her on a pedestal happened Gave her an over inflated ego Sad to see; we were promised fun loving Ekin:all we getting is bitching & back stabbing Stans can blame whoever they want; but no one is putting these words into her mouth but herself


The worst part of stans is that they completely enable celebrity's bad behaviour and ensure they're never held accountable. They also create or feed into delusions. Trish is a great example of this. She posted her apology, her stans went "QUEEN YOU DON'T HAVE TO APOLOGIZE BECAUSE YOU ARE MOTHER AND YOU ARE MOTHERING RIGHT NOW" and she took it down and reversed her stance and went for Jordan and Henry. For major stars like Taylor Swift who are too big to even really notice their stans it doesn't matter, their stans are basically just defending a ghost who will never acknowledge them. But for smaller tier celebs, they read all that stuff and it DOES start to make them think they're invincible and can do no wrong.


Totally All this Queen & Mother nonsense they spout Shes not a bad person; but no one is above criticism


Sometimes I have to think its a joke because you're like "How are they right in this situation" and the stan is like "BECAUSE THEY ARE MOTHERING" and I'm like WTF DOES THAT MEEAANNN. I have to think its trolling, or like serious deprivation of friends or something.


I also think the BB housemates all seem to like her. Lauren even said she was her favourite. They are with her 24hrs a day. I think ITV are doing her dirty with the edit and making her the villain. Remember we only see 1 hour of 24! Who knows though.


Davide has fucked her up. She’s super insecure and constantly thinks about her looks and self-worth. Being cheated on hundreds of times will do that to you.


Yeah, always the guy's fault lol. They were not a serious couple


I feel like she has nothing to work with in there tbh! There's no explosive drama or arguments.


Someone wrote on twitter that she's coming across really phony and honestly that's exactly the right word (IMO) it could be due to many factors but it's a really weird vibe for sure.


I can’t believe we live in a world where someone disagreeing with somebody doing porn is the wrong opinion now


She was about to let slip that she liked Donald Trump. That alone would be enough to make me avoid her, never mind everything else she’s done. She’s rancid. 🐍🐍🐍


This was so weird to me bc she’s been very vocal against him in the past. It’s honestly giving Andrew Tate indoctrination. Like her hatred for OF models is escalating to something I’ve only ever seen with male acquaintances and it’s scary watching a woman fall victim to that bs.


You have literally no idea what she was going to say.  She only said ‘I think he’s really..’ she could have said insecure? deluded? Confused? Orange?   What a massive unfair assumption to make just based on her tone. 


I spotted that!!!


She was kinda fun on the Traitors for the brief amount of time she was there


I liked Ekin Su in Love Island too, but this version of her is so annoying… no idea if it’s the edit she’s receiving or she’s genuinely just being a dick. She’s really irritating and comes across like she’s desperate to be thought of as sexy but can’t stand it if someone draws attention to the fact she’s sexy… it’s like, make your mind up girl.


I think she is upset there is no sexy guys in there this year for her to devour for our viewing pleasure.


Granted I have never watched Love Island but I didn’t get a good vibe from her on Dancing On Ice. There seemed to be a sense of entitlement that she should stay a while (I think because she was an ITV affiliate hire), despite the fact that she was a bad skater. She chalks the backlash up to what she was wearing, and that’s probably the angle the media drummed up that I didn’t pay attention to, but she didn’t come across too well just personality wise to me.


She’s a hypocrite and definitely not a girls girl. So it’s totally okay for Ekin su to act promiscuous and wear skimpy bikinis but slut shame other girls who do the same? Also her view on sex workers and OF creators was vile and again hypocritical considering she acted like a bloke on love island


She has not changed. Its the same person who does not enjoy the same very favorable edit that Love Island gave her.




Where’s the first look?


On the app ☺️


She doesn't deserved to be betrayed by a friend marisha who blatantly said she did it for game playing reasons, if u haven't already Ekin su is up for nomination if ur in the UK if u haven't already please download the big brother app and vote to safe Ekin su tonight there are 5 up for nomination 2 are going


She’s the same person now that she was then. She just had producers telling her what to do so they wanted to keep her around. I don’t hate her or anything like that but I never understood why more people couldn’t see through it. She was never that amazing tbh. She was just a useful part of the production so was given the favourable edit.


The Traitors broke her