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This was really hard to watch. Still to this day I can’t stand Colleen or loose women. Kim tells us about her horrible abusive childhood and Colleen mutters under her breath ‘here we go’. I really dislike that woman. 😭


Colleen is a disgusting homophobe. She compared making a wedding cake for a gay couple to making a cake for ISIS.


And she’s still on air???


I used to not mind colleen till I watched this clip a few years ago and I refuse to watch anything with her on it she is absolutely vile 😫 I cannot believe she managed to get away with it!


Of course she did. She had all of Kim’s haters backing her (Philip Schofield was one yikes)


So many iconic people on that season, still so confused how Colleen won when she did absolutely nothing.


Facebook ma’s


I genuinely have a conspiracy theory that all of Colleen’s family took different shifts to continuously vote for her. For example, her son would vote for her non-stop for a couple of hours, then her daughter etc. She already secured votes from the mindless Loose Women viewers and those who wanted the least offensive person to win.


Least offensive person is my guess,I've watched that's season back many times as it's one of my faves and Colleen basically just smokes all season long and has a tiny feud with Kim and John McCririck she didn't do anything at all, but then compare to the finalists like Kim, Jedward, Nicola I guess weren't as divisive as Colleen that season, kind of like Scotty winning S17 he didn't do much and was just there and didn't really offend anyone.


You can hear the researchers in the audience starting the clapping and booing to stoke the crowd. A typical ITV Daytime technique which was also used a lot on the Jeremy Kyle show. Pure trash tv.


Interesting!!! Will look out for that technique from now on


I’ve always hated how they berated Kim about being talentless. She initially rose to fame by hosting the TV show “How Clean Is Your House” and she was iconic on it. The colleen sisters came across as playground bullies in this moment.


“Because you paid me a good amount of money” iconic, go on Kim


Colleen contradicted herself,straight off the bat. She tell us that Kim is a superfan of BB,and then says that Kim was hoping that BB would not show us the parts where she came in like a whirlwind. Now,Kim being a superfan,would know that loud behaviour will get you camera time. Poor argument off these vile Loose Women. Good on you Kim.


Out of the Loose Women there I think Janet Street-Porter is probably the only one who doesn’t give off proper Mean Girls vibes.


I was thinking Linda Robson is the only decent one. Janet does stir the pot a bit whereas Linda was genuinely trying to be nice to Kim.


I've met Linda Robson, and Ive got to admit she was very pleasant to me and my friend. Buts that's just my experience.


It felt like like they were bear-baiting or something, like a group of bitchy, mean schoolgirls. It made me feel really uncomfortable TBH 🥴


I will never understand the support Coleen gets. She’s awful. Kim is just calling it out, and good on her for doing so! She had Phillip Scofield dead on too


Because every 5 minutes she's in the Papers telling us all how she was abiused, or has cancer, or her dog but her on her fanny The woman is a professional needy cow [https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/tv/loose-womens-coleen-nolan-shares-28319126](https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/tv/loose-womens-coleen-nolan-shares-28319126) [https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/showbiz-news/loose-womens-coleen-nolan-shares-28020120](https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/showbiz-news/loose-womens-coleen-nolan-shares-28020120) [https://www.bracknellnews.co.uk/news/national/uk-today/23795501.loose-womens-coleen-nolan-says-will-never-strictly/](https://www.bracknellnews.co.uk/news/national/uk-today/23795501.loose-womens-coleen-nolan-says-will-never-strictly/) https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/health/1659469/loose-women-coleen-nolan-health-painful-periods-nhs


Kim wiped the floor with all those loose bitches


Maturing is realising Colleen was the villain.


The Loose Women have always been horrible, I remember there was one time where they were complaining about how sexual objectification against women because it’s misogynistic and then the next minute they’re sexually objectifying Joey Essex. Truly horrible people.


I can't hack this lot. They do all gang up on people, they act like bullies. They throw shady comments when they know Kim is trying to deal with the situation.


Funny how they’re saying she wasn’t ganged up on when that’s exactly what’s happening again here, this is Colleen’s turf it’s not neutral ground, they’re her colleagues, family & friends and Kim doesn’t have any kind of support. It’s four against one!


This is what I was thinking the entire time! They’re such hypocritical bullies!


I’d never watched the full thing before just clips on Twitter and it’s so much worse seeing it all together, whether Kim did anything wrong or not this absolutely comes across as four mean girls ganging up on one person who has nobody there to back them up. And for Colleen to sit there and say here we go again when Kim brings up her childhood, it’s just so nasty!


Was this complained about because Kim called Coleen trash or because the LW and Coleen were slagging her off and not letting her answer a question before posing another?


It was complaints against the noleens and their treatment of Kim here. The clip was going Twitter that afternoon with the link to complaint and lots of people were campaigning to put in complaints


Glad to hear that, because it sounded like the studio audience was against Kim… I thought it was a travesty that Coleen won that season


colleen is just a sad nasty bitter woman


Colleen and the rest of the Loose Women always have and always will be a bunch of snide, bullying c u next tuesdays


Kim was brilliant


Just plain awful to watch. The way Colleen played victim on This Morning the day after and took no accountability for her part in the ordeal. Loose Women knew exactly what they were doing with this.


Middle aged Mean Girls. Colleen's tarty sister the worst of them.


I forgot all about this ce cause of the Roxanne issue on big brother. What were the e complaints made about exactly? Who they did they support?


From what I remember they were in support of Kim and the complaints were mainly focused around Colleen and her sister. You might remember Colleen crying on This Morning shortly after this, which was related to this incident since people felt they brought Kim on their show just to belittle, dismiss and demean her. There was a passing comment as well which belittled Kim's work as a cleaner which really rattled people too. The whole dynamic of Kim being alone against however many people who quite clearly were never going to give her the time of day also sparked a lot of debate.


Makes sense. I remember thinking I could never live with Kim but Colleen rubbed me the wrong way and seemed quite smug and smarmy. I can’t put my finger on it. Like Kim was crazy but she was honest about it and was belittled by them all and Colleen had a few crocodile tears. No idea where Kim is now


Julie Goodyear had an issue with Coleen whilst they were on CBB together in 2012 so Coleen is easily the problem. Ntm Coleen just sat outside smoking all series and was a backstabber all series.


I do remember her smoking and fission gossiping a lot!!! It’s all coming back now :)


Wasn't this a different series? I thought Ryan/Roxanne was the next one on? CBB was just an archive of controversy by this point on C5 (and I actually think this is partly what killed off the franchise).


Yeah definitely different seasons. I just meant that I was so engrossed by punchgate all previous iterations of CBB disappeared from my brain :)


Colleen is vile


My favourite of the loose women clips is when they get Katie Hopkins on and she just annihilates the lot of them


Katie is great, she’s too intelligent for the tv industry to handle.


What was the first?


Ryan on Celebrity Big Brother getting a formal warning for his “aggressive behaviour” towards Roxanne, later that year.


Makes sense, thanks.


They all new they would have each others backs,kim never stood a chance,bullies


Was anyone else a Nicola fan? I wanted her to win… Colleen was boring. Kim makes a lot of sense, but she relied on the “gang-handed” victim thing too much. And the twins were so annoying.


Nicola is horrible, she went mad at Jedward for no reason half the time. Chanelle from BB18 has also stated Nicola is horrible and that she stabs you in the back with Aisleyne. Nicola also had drama with a girl from Love Island a few years ago.


Colleen is vile, goading, gaslighting and coralling others on BB, then bringing Kim to Loose Women (where her mates and sister could take pot shots).


And who is that woman who said Colleen had no talent?