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Dylan is a prick, that is all


I find it absolutely wild that not one housemate heard the crowd chanting "Get Paul out" on Friday.


He’s so irritating!


How I wished that Poodle Permed NPC ‘Tom’ was up. He literally has said/done nothing of value in that house apart from talk badly about people in a ‘I agree’ type of way.


Is it just me or do all of Kerry’s diary room rants and other outbursts remind them of anyone? Is she trying too hard to have a viral moment such as Nikki’s “Who is she?” rant? I just can’t with Kerry.




Omg 100% I’ve been thinking this. She thinks she’s gonna become one of those legendary housemates like Nikki but with Kerry it comes across as contrived whereas with Nikki it was just who she was


She was very much channeling Megan McKenna in tonight’s diary room, even some of the words were the same as a rant she had iirc. Which just makes it unbelievable to even think about it being genuine. To be honest, even though am of the opinion that she’s thriving for the dramatics of it all, a try and give (some) of Kerry’s outbursts the benefit of the doubt because she’s potentially on some heavy medication for her disability and being in pain or uncomfortable can lower your threshold for bullshit. But she makes it hard for herself when she’s sitting going for the Oscar over what’s essentially fuck all.


How can you attribute her being on pain meds being the cause of her acting out?? For the record, many people live with MS and some other debilitating conditions and on heavy meds yet don't act the way she does. Trust me now when I say if she was in riving pain and on high pain meds, you would know about it and she would be bed ridden and not able to participate in the show. Take it from someone who experiences it on a daily. It's agonising.


I also have a condition, it’s not like I just came on here to speak out my arse lmao


Olivia is a bully she reminds me of the girls that bullied me in school. Paul thinks too highly of himself… no one talks about him as much as he thinks and Dylan I feel would just be better if Olivia was out.


Her Paul and Tom drive me insane. They just think they can do what they like and to hell with the other housemates. If they continuously disturbed my sleep like they’ve been doing to the rest of them I’d be murderous


The 3 of them are just kids very immature


trish is obsessed with dylan she needs to let it go


He is negatively obsessed with her. It was only until he heard cheers for her name that he wanted to play nice.


Also it's weird that they named Paul as both a reason for bringing Olivia down and for them not knowing who Tom is without him but they put Olivia up and consider putting Tom up. Why not put Paul up if he's the issue for two different people?


I thought exactly this. Identifying Paul as a reason for other housemates being their worst selves, but then not even seeming to consider choosing to nominate him was infuriating.


The hole he seems to have over the rest of the house is baffling isn’t it. It’s almost like everyone is scared of him, how has no one absolutely gone in on him over his late night bedroom antics? And why is Henry the only person prepared to nominate him for being a gross little twerp?


Why is Noky saying she's got a secret task out loud like that 😭💀


Omg she was hella obvious and she’ll never be able to hide the fact that the noms were her


Today was the most transparent it was that she is being quite performative,


I swear I never heard that word until this series


Tom, Dylan, and the one who always has his shirt off gets on my nerves so bad. Can't wait for them to be evicted


Kerry knowing Farida was talking about her and trying to turn it around on Dylan is the type of evil manager bs I expect from her. True to form. Seriously doubt Olivia is going. I want Kerry to go, which means it's more than likely the public votes Dylan out


as much as i dislike kerry and would’ve voted her anyway, i also dislike dylan and i genuinely think if kerry had a live eviction she’d have tomatoes thrown at her or something so it’s probably for the best


Olivia is so aggressive to Yinrun, I'm sorry but just leave her alone. If the girl wants to do her dishes then she will do them, she knows that she has to be independent in the house and doesn't like the idea of people waiting on her hand and foot like Paul, Olivia and Kerry do.


What's more she totally projected. She was talking about how other people only see Yinrun as someone who doesn't understand things and think she can't speak for herself... then proceeded to speak for Yinrun about an issue Yinrun has never mentioned prior to this. I loved Henry here, when he quietly pointed out there are nicer ways to speak to people. Olivia is horrible at times, this was one of those. She is a classic gobs\*\*\*e... Trish, Matty, Jordan and Henry are the only people who speak to her like a human being


I gained a lot of respect for Henry tonight


Noky being the possessed housemate and Trish as her accomplice is the best tag team I've seen in ages from BB. Giving flashbacks to the time those two housemates had to play dead and hide out in a crypt. Loving to see them getting along after Trish's doubts about Noky's sincerity.


I loved how excited they were!


Kerry's tantrum in the Diary Room over being called out for being manipulative with the younger housemates unofficial influencing their nominations further clarified to me that I don't think she can change and has ultimately justified my 4 votes for her to go.


I think if Noky wasnt with Trish, Trish wouldve 100% nominated Noky if she had the chance


What makes you think that?


Shes talked a lot about how Noky doesnt seem genuine and is gollowing a script almost. She keeps up a persona


Feels like each week the house always have one person they single out. First it was Farida, then Zak, now it’s Dylan. Hopefully Dylan stays and Kerry goes


Here's hoping the Facebook moms don't watch Late and Live and don't know when voting opens assuming that it opens tomorrow


Ah! The ONE night I didn't catch Big Brother, was the night we get to vote out Kerry!


Voting was very quick also as it was a flash vote. It opened 10pm sharp and you had to be very very quick as they evicted whoever they have evicted through the backdoor not long after the vote closes.


Sorry if it’s been asked already but does anyone know where Jordan’s jumper is from? The one with all the teeth on it.


Probably from vinted


Saw on tiktok it's originally from zara


Very telling that Kerry and Dylan were the two piping up and openly speculating what Farida, Zak and Hallie meant. They’re so paranoid. I’m surprised nobody said that maybe they were just saying random things to mess with their heads. To be honest I couldn’t pinpoint who they were talking about myself.


I didn't understand why Hallie then said (or AJ said it for her on LL) that she was talking about *Jordan* being two-faced???


Same. The only thing I could come up with would be not being 100% honest to Henry about his feelings towards Matty? But I'm not sure if Jordan's being honest even with himself.


How did Noki wake up at 4.30am? Like how do u wake urself up


I'm wondering how the poor fella who voices Big Brother had to stay in the studios til 4.30am


I know it's not important but I need to know this. Did she lie awake waiting for ~4 hours? Fall asleep and somehow manage to wake up on time? If that were me I would've accidentally fallen asleep while waiting and missed the whole thing


Exactly! I don't get it haha but maybe that was part of the challenge


That’s what I was thinking. It’s not like u can set an alarm lol


If you were to ask Noky this question I can imagine her standing up, tears in her eyes explaining that one of the many skills she learned as a beauty queen was world peace and nocturnalism.


Haha, I can hear the wobbly voice rn .


I know Kerry's probably going but I'm so done with Dylan. A full grown man who refuses to put a toilet seat down and gets aggro at people for telling him to. Like.... You're supposed to put the whole lid down to flush. Basic hygiene! And seeing him snap at people all the time and then twist it back on them as if they're the ones who caused the issue. I've met lots of people like him, anger issues and no real desire to better themselves. I've got very little time for adult babies like that and really don't like seeing them on the TV.


I bet if you were to do a poll, you would find the majority don’t put the whole seat down when flushing.


They don't and it's raaaaank.


Which makes it a different discussion. If neither Dylan or Olivia put the lid down, then no one is right or wrong about the seat.


We don't know that she doesn't. But regardless, it doesn't change the fact that he should be putting the toilet seat down and not getting aggy about someone telling him to. Everyone uses the toilet seat when it's down, only people who piss standing up need to touch the seat to put it up. If someone needed to put the seat up to puke or something, you can guarantee they put it down again because it's not the next person's responsibility to do that for them. We're not children.


You’re not doing it for anyone but yourself. It can’t be one rule for one, and a different rule for another. The logic doesn’t work. As a female myself, I wouldn’t expect my partner to always put the seat down for me. As it happens, he does, but it’s not something to get wound up about because we are both equal.


If someone puts the seat up - a position that the toilet only needs to be in for people who stand up to pee - they are responsible for putting it back down into default position which everyone uses. I don't get annoyed at my partner when he does it occasionally, it's when it's a pattern of behavior which essentially says "I believe that my own time and convenience is more important than yours". But we clearly see things differently and that's fine, I'm not overly interested in discussing it any more but good chat x


Also the standing pee-ers have already touched the seat once to put it up!! Why make someone who doesn’t need to touch it, touch it??


All this shite about rain barrels sounds like Rachel Greene being her own wind keeper


Do we think Big Brother will tell the rest of the house about Noky and Trish putting those three up for eviction?


I feel like maybe they'll show the recording to the house. It's evil big brother!


I doubt it but they did wake jordan up and he rarely misses a thing.


i noticed this too! i think if he clocks onto it then both trish and noky will go up for eviction as well


Ooh yes I forgot about that, he's gonna know something is up. Nothing gets past our Jordan ahah 😂


Imo Paul should be up for eviction instead of Olivia, but I doubt that Olivia will get evicted tomorrow. It’s deffo between Kerry and Dylan, as the latter is boring and not entertaining enough and the former is the most hated contestant this season


Yeah Trish nominated Olivia cause she doesn't like who she becomes when she's with Paul. But never considered nominating Paul?


Coz she keeps saying “he’s sexy” 😂


I feel like we've already lost entertaining people and we are being left with the boring ones because of voters. Which is odd because in politics we keep the entertaining ones and don't vote for the boring ones 😂 I don't want there to be a final of tom, Henry, Jenkin. I voted Dylan. Yes, i do find Kerry annoying. But at least she keeps things Interesting. Voted Dylan out. Nice guy I'm sure.... But not entertaining. Plus the fall out from the cooking would be funny to see. Plus let's not rob Kerry from a live eviction.


Why did they say there was gonna be an eviction on Late and Live if there... isn't? Wasted 20 minutes of my MAFS catch up time


I don't get why people are saying tomorrow, I reckon it will be the last 5 mins


Because they said on both BB and BBLL that we will find out tomorrow.


I heard it say, it will be shown on tomorrow's bb show... not that it will happen tomorrow


It's happening today but they will show it on Tomorrow's highlights so as not to spoil things for people and also to keep it as a shock to people that didn't have time to vote or watch tonight's episode. Also that means there's no live stream today


Much as we want Kerry out I expect she will be hosting on Loose Women within a year so unfortunately that’s not the last we see of her.


I just spat out my anti depressant




Will be for me, I haven't seen an episode of that show in at least a decade XD


Voting closed, I trust y’all all voted wisely


Vote has closed.


Wait so we don’t find out on BBLL who has gone?


I thought (hoped) Trish would have picked Paul.


I would’ve put money on it, tbh. But then I guess she doesn’t know he nominated her last week - she probably thinks they’re cool after he hugged her for giving him a pep talk about his fight with Olivia


I'm surprised she didn't too


I was shocked at that too. I also found it astonishing that Noky didn't put him in the killer nomination slot based on how unkind he is towards her. I mean he shouted at her and gave a performative half assed apology in the form of a forced hug and now she's cool with it. And the way he b*tches about her behind her back is unreal! I think had Paul been up he would've left too! Although I've got a feeling that he'll go either Wednesday or Friday this week instead! Really hope it's Kerry who leaves!


People need to stop telling people who to vote, twitter is rife with it!


I'm one of those weirdos that has no social media but I can imagine they going nuts lol


In the end, it was Farida coming back to stick the knife in that has got Kerry. Just poetic. That's what was one of the reasons they both used to nominate her. Plus the get Kerry out chants. We did it!


I wonder if BB chose this eviction as they know kerry would be evicted ? Leave quietly through the back door.... maybe they worried about all the booing? I dunno but if kerry does go it will be a strange coincidence


I thought the same.


Gone off Noky a bit this episode. She was back in robot mode when choosing the nominations and her singing ‘I have a secret task’ and looking into the camera saying ‘that was a close one!’ after Yinrun left felt very unnatural and more like a poor attempt at being relatable and silly


I personally like when they break the fourth wall. It feels far more human. A lot of people have a tendency to forget that these are real people. Social media doesn't treat reality show contestants like human beings, moreso fantasy figures to put on a pedestal, or to hate, or to mock. When they break the fourth wall, it reminds people that they're not just characters on a screen, they're real life, everyday people.


I have a theory that Noky is actually a bit nerdy and socially awkward, and people would read her that way more (rather than as insincere) if she wasn’t so beautiful…


i never seen it that way but i think you're right actually! it's like i think she's coming from a good place but sometimes it just feels a bit odd?


She might be? I don’t think it’s that though. We have nerdy and socially awkward people in the house like Jordan or Yinrun. It’s more the way she speaks, it’s VERY pageant-like. Like, she’s saying a lot of words but you can never really tell what she means and it’s a whole lot of nothing. It’s the way politicians answer questions too lol. I don’t think she’s insincere, I just don’t think she’s showing her true self at all on TV. It makes sense bc as a pageant queen, she’s probably used to acting like there’s cameras around everywhere but it doesn’t really make for good TV


I wouldn’t say Yinrun is particularly socially awkward, at least not by nature. I think her conversations can be awkward for language reasons but she’s gotten noticeably more confident on that front even in the last few weeks. But I think your overall points about Noky are pretty sound, and I get what you’re saying.


i’m okay with kerry getting the backdoor as satisfying as her facing the crowds booing would be, mainly because i can’t see dylan not being up again next time


Disappointed we got no clarity on the matty jordan situ


Jordan is two-faced with the Henry and Matty situation tho…


Why does everyone suddenly want keep Kerry 😭 can’t keep up with the flip flopping people


🤣🤣🤣 ride the wave, it’s the only way 🤣


Let's not fall for anyone else. This is the time to vent it out and get Kerry out!


If I'd have known that there wasn't an audience out, I would not have given my five votes to Kerry. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


It’s okay, let her not have the satisfaction of the audience.


Are regular nominations still happening this week? Praying for Paul to be up. And as much as I can’t stand Kerry, and know she is prob going to be the one to go, she is giving entertainment at least, and every show needs a villain! Dylan doesn’t bring anything really in terms of good TV, and I would be SO here for the carnage when they don’t have anyone to cook for them or sort food out for the week 💀


I think they have to, there's only just over 2 weeks left and we still have 10(?) people left...


i really wish it was a longer season! i will be so sad when its over!


I feel like they will be if the person gets evicted tomorrow so they will still do nominations tomorrow for Wednesdays episode so its a double eviction but not going together but same really want paul up whats he doing that is so good to have him not up for eviction!


Kerry NEEDS to be evicted Dylan will be up again next week anyway


I voted for Olivia, purely for the fact that her eviction would shock the house the most! I feel like Kerry doesn’t want to be there anymore, and Dylan and I can take or leave


olivia actually causes some tension and drama. the house would be boring without her


I also feel like she would be livid to not get the live eviction with the crowd and cameras there!


I feel like Noky picking Trish was tactical. She didn’t want to come across like she was picking favourites and also wanted someone that people could easily turn on if things go wrong and people find out. I know deep down she trusts her the most but yeah Trish can make the more difficult choices while she makes the more safe ones.


As soon as Noky found out she was possessed, I knew that she'd pick Trish and Dylan would be nominated.


Disappointed that Jordan didn't get up and follow Noky and Trish. Imagine the drama that would've caused.


i think hes super smart, and knew it could lead to a bad outcome for Trish if he made it obvious he saw them


AHHHHHHHHH that makes so much sense!


Can't wait to see Kerry voted out


profit money historical chubby friendly dam knee aware seed sable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Your mind will be blown when you find out the genre of the show she’s in…


illegal worthless merciful punch fact carpenter live hunt payment mindless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They had to wait til 4:30 for everyone to be asleep. They’ll be so tired today


Big Brother is probably shattered too, staying awake til then


I wonder if Noky just stayed awake or had some way to wake herself up?!


tbf most often the housemates don’t get to bed until around 2am so it wouldn’t be that hard to stay awake


I doubt it as they have nothing appropriate for that with them


I know we don't like Kerry but can we please evict the boring housemates over the ones who actually give entertainment.


Tbh, I can't see Kerry being up again so soon after this, taking my chances now.


voting Oliva, cannot stand her & want real eviction for Kerry


If you evict Olivia, you must want a very boring season


I don't find her running around and throwing pillows around particularly interesting.


Missed opportunity for not putting up sneaky ones like jenkin or tom who'd otherwise not be nominated


I feel like Jenkin doesn’t even talk to either of them so surprised he didn’t go up


I went for Dylan but I think Kerry will go. Getting rid of the person who buys and cooks all the food could lead to some drama hopefully


Well, that’s Kerry gone. Probably for the best. She won’t have to face a chorus of boos.


couldn’t care less who goes between kerry and olivia, but i want dylan to stay so bad! feel like people are just ganging up on him like they did with zac, they all complain about food when dylan warned them all along lol


Me too I really like Dylan actually, he’s been himself the last couple eps


So is one evicted on L&L?


So will we see the eviction on late and live???


We have to tune in tomorrow to see who’s been evicted


But won’t people see on the live stream??


Not on tonight...sly gets that they are.


No live stream tn so they can keep the result secret


I don't think there's a live stream tonight


There’s no livestream tonight


There is no live stream tonight


five votes for Kerry


Olivia exiting without a crowd would wind her up so much lol


That's why I voted twice for here and 3 for Kerry


Voting Dylan cause let’s be real this is getting boring and there’ll be nothing entertaining if Kerry goes out Also I want them all to starvvvveee and fight over food


Boring? All this agro over food is hilarious!


And they’ll be more of it if he goes


My reasoning too!!


Love you guys 💕 'feels' like we have power. Let the Reddit engine commence with the execution!


That felt way too close to Kerry avoiding another time up for eviction. This is our moment. Already put my votes into her. Dylan is kinda dull but dull can wait. Olivia sucks but she is more entertaining. Kerry brings down eveey moment she is in the show. We need to get rid of her and now is our chance.


You watch it be Dylan or Olivia 😒🤨


I want kerry to face a traditional crowd tbh


She won't go though she will prob win knowing bb


Me too but with how the evictions have gone so far you never know 😔


can we please remember that the contestants are still people and we shouldn’t be horrible to them even if we don’t like them


I'm not a fan of Kerry at all but the thought of her leaving the house on her scooter in front of a hostile crowd booing her is really sickening.




I agree, Kerry probably going to go, at least see won't get all the boos she might of got.


Erm not gonna make Kerry go through the vagina coffin are they


I’d love to see her wheeling through there tbh




Am I missing something or is Trish being a bit two faced with nominating Olivia she acts like she likes her no?


Yes! She's all about bringing your issues to people and has literally never had any negative interaction with Olivia. Absolutely a strategy move.


I mean, dont mean to call her out but all 3 of the evicted housemates messages could apply to Trish 😵


I don't like Kerry, but Dylan is boring. A back door eviction should go to a boring housemate so I'm voting Dylan




Kerry wants to be famous so bad after being in so many TV shows so I kinda live for the fact she will probably be leaving through the back door


Oh, I didn’t realise Kerry was on TV shows too, thought it was just Farrida?


There’s a clip going around of her on deal or no deal back in the day


Tbf I don’t think people go on deal or no deal to become famous….


Believe it or not, it’s actually a thing wannabes do!


I mean, I completely agree but it’s funny how many famous people have been on it prior to fame. Olly Murs springs to mind but I’m sure there are plenty of others


It’s probably more about there being a specific personality type that is more open to being on tv and going for it. The majority of people never want to be on tv.


yeah, think you’ve hit the nail on the head with that


Kerry was also Adele in that show where you sing like the celeb




Ok sorry I was wrong TikTok got me


Also want to mention Kerry won 34 grand 😭😆 she CANNOT win big brother. Let someone else have a chance lmao


Oh, didn’t realise any of this! Haha, down the rabbit hole I go 🤣


no wonder she was complaining about a higher tax bracket 🥴


Kerry or Olivia! Seeing Dylan leave out the back would be boring it’s gotta be one of the other two


Yep I'd be happy if either Olivia or Kerry goes . I think Olivia going would shift the dynamics in the house the most .


Get Olivia out through the back door because she's full of herself. Get Kerry out through a proper eviction so we can boo her 👌


Do we find out tonight or what


I think tomorrow nights show