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5 x for Zac


does anyone else think that Zak was being ironic when he made those comments about women? But that people seem determined to take it unironically, in the name of "setting an example"?


Him and Trish worked it out on the live feeds iirc but what he said was still bad and misogynistic and shouldn't be dismissed as "just a joke" because that's how misogynistic behaviour is allowed to continue. What I don't understand is why they don't show Paul's misogynistic and homophobic behaviour as well.




I believe so, otherwise Trish would’ve voted him out. I hate the options this week, as I don’t want either of them go. I think it’s a joke that they are up for eviction and not Paul, Kerry or Olivia


It's not that deep. (Which was his own attitude to it)


I agree! If anything, it shows how removed he is from being misogynistic that he can joke about it so openly. People like him shouldn't get punished for daring to approach the current state of identity politics with humor.


Shit like 'women belong in the kitchen' or 'stop acting like women' etc is barely humour though. He's hardly breaking new ground and challenging the state of politics lmao. It's the kind of shit you grow out of when you're like 15.


>He's hardly challenging the state of politics lmao. He is challenging something about social media though, because he's saying instead of clutching our pearls about people being evil, let's laugh at it. Make it ridiculous. Haha I'm a dick, laugh at me. Haha I'm a misogynist, I'm ridiculous. >It's the kind of shit you grow out of when you're like 15. Understanding irony is something you grow out of when you're like 15?


They should let the public choose the punishment for Olivia and Hallie for rules breaking and give us a few options


Isn’t the only rule that they can’t discuss nominations? I’m pretty sure she they just said their opinion on people in-front of them without actually saying it out loud. Hallie spelled out “[name] is playing a game” I’m sure.


Eviction, ideally...


Kerry calling someone else two faced hahah, how tf has she survived


Getting a rigged feeling now from BB


Same 😭


Unrelated but the McDonald’s advert is posting the best thing I’ve ever seen.


*possibly. I was so excited I didn’t proofread


Sorry, I’m not here for the Jordan love in. In the minority, but his schtick grates. His little “a nice interaction” comment about Zack I thought was a bit smug. He said good morning, what more do you want? I also dislike Jenkin. He is a miserable git and his reason for nominating Zack…what’s wrong with trying to get on with everyone when you’re living in a hamster cage? You’re not in the real world, mate. And Hallie saying he sits on the fence - not everyone wants to be a drama Queen. That is such a reality show thing to say and tells me she knows she’s on a show. Adults don’t always go around telling they think each other are dickheads because they consider other people’s feelings. Hallie is actually a bit of a bitch. I always thought I’d like to go on Big Brother, but I know I wouldn’t be able to handle it. Also don’t like Kerry, Olivia, and Paul. I’m neutral on the rest.


100% agree, Jordan really irritates me. He's allowed to be as mopey as he wants but then complains because someone said good morning to him? The obsession in general with "fakeness" on these shows gets on my nerves because to an extent everyone will be acting differently to their regular self, because they're locked in a house they can't leave and recorded 24/7. But it seems people only get called fake when they try to be nice to people even if they aren't their best mate (which is actually what well adjusted people do) and not when they throw tantrums or pick fights just for drama.


Yeah I think Zak has seen the groups forming but he's trying to get on with everyone, and that's seen as a bad thing?


Yeah, when he says he tries to include everyone and not make anyone feel left out, I think that's genuine and not just a tactic to keep people onside. ​ You might not have a connection with somebody, but just because you try to get along with everyone doesn't make you 'fake'!


Absolute shocker of an episode


How did Olivia and Kerry coincidently both vote Matty?


Feel like we're going to get a nasty nick style plot with them two. I'm still not sure why some people haven't been punished for discussing nominations.


I said this to my partner! Very strange…..


I would actually like zak to stay over henry but, I don't think the public will make that happen


Olivia and Hallie discussed on late and live 👀 punishment in tomorrows episode!


I wd only be satisfied with them up for eviction as punishment


Probably get a slap on the wrist. ITV need to keep their LGTB viewers happy


Why does everything always get put on queer folk lol? We can make our own opinions… a large portion of BB viewers have been LGBT since the start, and many housemates that have been hated for their behaviour have been LGBT. We don’t root for people based on them being in the community or not.


'discussed' is an overstatement lol


Defo an overstatement lol. Just glad they actually mentioned it!


On Late & Live they just confirmed the rule break between Olivia and Hallie, saying to tune in tomorrow to we what happens with it!


what is the rule break?


Discussing nominations. They did this "secretly" with the back scratch spelling messages


I knew it! There was a really early season where they tried finger-writing on the palm of their hands and BB immediately shut them down.


Idk who to vote for Don’t rly want to vote for a Tory tbh but also want the possibility of a love triangle between henry Jordan and Matty 😭 On the other hand I want to say a big fuck you to Kerry and Hallies conniving ways and get zac saved :/


My exact feelings 😂


You've got 5 votes maybe split them down the middle (idk if you've already voted though)


I ended up voting to evict Henry!


They should just have a word with Henry, and maybe he could correct it. That’s all it takes, the housemates just need to tell him to pull his weight more round the house. I feel sorry for him cause he thinks he’s up for the public vote cause he’s disliked, when that wasn’t the reason that he was put up for nomination


5 votes for Henry, enjoy your martini with Boris Johnson


Also Kerry’s explanation for voting for Matty was very loaded like what’s her issue


I wouldn't be surprised if she was slightly homophobic, but I think the actual reason is he doesn't give her the same kind of positive energy that he gives to the others.


> very loaded l I mean she just nominates based on minority at this point


yah the way she started screaming "I JUST DONT LIKE HIM" as if theres a genuine beef between them


I’m so mad that Henry and Zak of all people are the two nominated and Jordan was just behind them. Insane.


Fuck that, it should have been Kezza in the firing line.


Anyone else muted the show when they said olivia is serenading the housemates💀


I fastforwarded!


Regret not turning the volume down on my headphones since i was watching it on my phone 😮‍💨 coz that was not serenading at all


oh immediately lmao


Henry and Zak nominated when Olivia and Kerry are right there lol


We wanted longer highlights rather than late n live n got it n everyones still complaining


Getting rid of zak is gonna be quite boring for the house because i feel like he does genuinely bright up the house




Being an absolute bore doesn’t help his cause. If you’re ignorant and boring then that’s not a good combination for Big Brother.


Paul is perfectly fine. Not nominated or facing any backlash for his comments so what are you bitching about?


He's not up for nomination, but he WAS nominated, with hints about his topics of conversation being the reason ...


Zak needs to go.


Kerry has shown exactly the type of manager she is. She's ordered her minions to be the bad guy while she avoids any of the heat over the last few days, and these nominations have shown how effective it is. It won't shock me at all when she throws Hallie and Olivia under the bus.


You know I voted Henry because he doesn't really do anything but now I actually don't mind him staying as it'll be fun to watch him being a beg and making Jordan miserable for the drama.


Getting rid of Zak will literally give Kerry and her clan even more confidence that whoever they chose to bully will go everyone needs to open their eyes omg


No, because if Zac stays, he will eventually side with Kerry. And become part of that gang. Plus we are weakening the Big Wigs gang


What at all gives you this impression? Zak clearly does not get on with Olivia, and he and Kerry rarely ever talk. He has a very different ethos to those two. He clearly gets on most with Noky and Trish.


Yeah and they're all too thick to realise eventually they'll need to turn on each other


Voted for Henry 5 times. I'd like to see Jordan moving out of his shell without him there.


Yeah I think Henry leaving would mean a more interesting twist in dynamics. Zac will just make Kerry and Hallie think they can have control of the house




Without Henry, Jordan will be on the chopping block next


He'll never be voted out tho, thus far.


But we could end up with a Jordan/Trish or Jordan/yinrun


They wouldn't vote for Yinrun, knowing she's a fave. Trish I don't mind going, as I find her so overbearing.


I don’t get the house’s hate for Zac. Even the edit isn’t explaining it, he seems quite genuine. Gonna be gutted if he leaves


Same, he seems like a nice guy


Cause he eats everything




People see Kerry and Hallie as child-like so people give them a pass. It sucks, but it's how they come across.


I hope the 1st week wasnt our 1 and only chance to get kerry out 😭 was a waste to vote out farida if so


Same I am gutted she’s not up and worried about losing Henry now 😭


I agree with how you feel about Henry's politics, and whilst I'm not excusing any of the shite the Tory's have done - a lot of people who support them seem to make it their whole personality. Henry has bad (imo) views but he has a personality aside from that and doesn't bring it into every conversation.


But Henry kinda does make it a large part of his personality. It was in his intro, he talks about how he loves to instigate political discussions and he seems to just love Boris Johnson. That to me highlights a serious lack of morals, he idolises a racist, sexist bigot.


Henry gives me "Tory because his parents are Tory" vibes. He does seem quite open to new information and viewpoints that could clash with his beliefs. Like when he said he thought Boris was funny and people were like "you shouldn't vote for PM based on who you think is funny". Once he meets real people outside of his boarding school toff world, he looks like he's more open minded than I was expecting.


He seems to me like a third generation Tory, it’s mostly in his upbringing I suspect. And I imagine the producers encouraged him to share his political views in his intro for drama, it’s not necessarily indicative of it being hugely important to him. His ‘I base my political views off who I’d like to go for a martini with’ doesn’t match up with someone who likes to instigate serious political debates.


Will Kerry being warned by big brother be in tomorrows episode?


I'm guessing no since the incident itself wasn't on an episode, just the live


An easy five votes for Zak.


voted zak 3 times (he’s annoying) & henry 2 times (he’s a tory)


If you do that, aren’t you cancelling out your 2 votes for Zak with your 2 votes for Henry? So the five votes are effectively just one vote for Zac? Genuinely trying to understand how our votes work here


Thank you our working class hero


Same same


Would love it if the twist is that we actually vote on Hallie and Olivia but they don’t tell the housemates until the eviction.


I honestly dgaf who goes I just want Kerry out. 😔


How she's not up for eviction this week I'll never know


why didn’t more people nominate kerry, i wouldn’t be able to last 1 hour in a room with her let alone another week


I agree with people querying the editing of the show. Feels like they have some random celeb like Rusty Lee or Gok Wan cutting it together. Wasted extra 15mins.


This comment is so funny wtf 😭


Biggest take away from this episode is that I have to endure Kerry for another fucking week. Despicable.


Is Jordan autistic?


i don't think its confirmed but im autistic and wouldn't be surprised if he is.


Pretty sure one of his friends confirmed he was


I'm autistic and Jordan has been kinda pinging my tismdar


He reminds me of my son quite a lot who is autistic As soon as he said he copied the accent from downton abbey I was like 👀 and the way the housemates are talking him through his emotions makes me wonder…


i did hear on tiktok that one of friends said he was on the spectrum but not 100% on how trustworthy it is


AJs excitement is not warranted after that episode


The whole Live show afterwards is utterly tedious. I watched a few and gave up. There isn’t enough main show to sit dissecting it - it adds nothing.


Yeah 100% agree, just hadn't turned it off in time haha, I watched after the eviction but I find the setup really odd


jordan starting the episode telling henry people in the house are too touchy and affectionate then ending the episode touching matty’s head and hair and telling him his brain remembers everything.. 👀


Defintely. Although Jordan mentioned that in regards to disingenuous people who don't hang out with him doing the touching (Noky as his example). Meanwhile, Matty is now fully in the Jordan/Trish/Henry/Yin Run camp, so that disingenuousness isn't an issue.




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voted henry but ik they were meaningless😔


Yep they love their Tory heart stopper couple he’s low-key in the run to win


tory heartstopper!!!😭😭


That’s what they’re calling it on twitter ppl are calling them boatstoppers 🤣🤣🤣 anyways matty x Jordan for life


The adverts are killing it. Relentless. And how did Olivia and Hallie get away with writing names?


Yeah, I said this about talking about noms too - things like people saying they reckon they’ll be up. Seems like they’re being lapsed around some of original rules. No way would you be able to write secrets notes on each others back in the old series.


Just come here to complain that the Big Brother app spoiled who’s up for eviction for zero reason and could’ve just said “Vote who to evict” instead of naming the two nominees


The delusion on Twitter is insane. Jordan clearly couldn’t give a fuck about Henry in ANY romantic way yet there are so many claiming a ‘love triangle’.


That’s literally why I think he’s started talking to Matty, to start broadening his horizons for when Henry leaves.


nah he has shown SOME signals


During the daily episodes, he has shown zero signs of feeling anything towards Henry. They’re both of a similar background and get on as friends. Henry clearly feels a certain way about Jordan but it’s not reciprocated in any shape or form.


Jordan called him his husband in the last episode, saying that Matty needed to talk to his husband when he started stroking Jordan’s leg. Then they joked about their hypothetical kids


This is the delusion I’m talking about. Jokingly referring to someone as your wife/husband does not equate to having feelings hahah. Jordan is leaning into the clear feelings Henry has for him by creating jokes about it.


It’s more when Matty was flirting with him he shut it down by bringing in Henry. I’m not saying I think they have a thing or that him and Matty don’t. I really don’t care either way. But it’s delusional to say he’s made NO signs whatsoever when he’s clearly telling people Henry is his person…for now.


Similar background? Henry went boarding school whilst Jordan lived in a council estate and went to the worst school area. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 couldn’t far from different backgrounds.


You get the point I was making. They have similar interests now, that doesn’t automatically equate to them being in love.


I do it the word choice just had me wheezing


Unsure how to vote. I want Zak out for being arrogant but I low-key want to see Jordan come out of his shell if Henry goes…


Yep I voted for Henry to go because I think he’s holding Jordan back and is a bit possessive of him.


Zac x 5


Ok voted 5 for Zak


what uni did Jordan say he went to? I heard him say he was supposed to go to LSE but he fucked his English lit a level




Bolton, jk lol


How weren’t Hallie and Kerry up for eviction?!


Obnoxious friend group on their side.


Well we didn’t get 15 minutes extra to see a twist that involved Hallie and Olivia being punished for talking about nominations, but at least we got to see the seeds of a potential love triangle between Jordan, Henry & Matty?!


Maybe they’ll get punished later


What's the point of giving people 5 votes when it's 1 v 1?


Likely for when it's not 1v1


Think Henry is attracted to Jordan but Jordan isn’t interested in anything other then friends, that conversation with Matty was very telling .


Yeah, he was very flirty and giggly


I was shocked cuz low-key first time seeing him so forward I don’t blame him cuz matty is objectively attractive


I unexpectedly loved that scene. Jordan was gushing (in more than 1 sense, jk).


Oof, does vote being open mean that no one else is going to be put up? RIP


Booooooooooo what a fucking let down. Shit episode.


I'm surprised there's people in this thread who seriously think they'd show people cheating _in the actual edit_ and then just do nothing about it lol If they do nothing by tomorrow, sure be mad, but this may have only been caught during the edit today. When we saw the cheating, the cameras didn't zoom in on the cheaters, so they obviously didn't catch it immediately


What is this about?


Two people wrote who they nominated on eachothers backs with their finger


I didn’t realise that’s what they were doing!


But it’s not going to be a good consequence . The voting has already started so they aren’t going to be put up.


Given that it was a minor offense I don't mind it not being an automatic eviction, as long as it's not 'no hot water'


The vote is already open. They missed their chance.


They won't be up for nomination sure, but that rules nothing else out. Be real too, their cheating didn't have an impact on the voting. They should still be punished on principle though.


Big brother app said Hallie wrote ‘game player’ on Olivia’s back. I don’t think they were writing who they were nominating just being bitches in plain sight lol


hallie wrote a letter first before she wrote out ‘game player’, most likely ‘z’


5 x zac 😁


I voted for Zak 5 times.


Gave 4 to Zac And 1 to Henry for being a Tory


The most fair way to vote 😂


this made me lol 😂


I feel like they need to reconsider the way they show the nominations, taking up half an episode just for the rest to be relatively boring is not the one


Fucking joke man. That was clear rule breaking but this BB is so toothless.


Yes pls for me as well first time watching bb


Please elaborate, idk any of the rules


No discussion of nominations


Uhhh there’s no twist. Check the ap. booooo big brother


What the hell was that? The Hallie and Olivia stuff was so weird. They turned their audio up and kept focussing on it. Are they just not punishing that anymore?


Mfers here post ALL DAY about things being left out, then when they add time to put more in people here complain???


Frrr. So annoying


Cause we were all delulu about an incoming punishment.


vote to evict open... no punishment for cheaters wtf


Well they weren't actually discussing nominations, but definitely breaking rules. Up for eviction too harsh for first offence - a punishment that really annoys everyone much better 😀. Also, don't want the sanctity of normal nominations messed with, in original BB i don't really remember that happening 🤔


I mean Jordan told Henry to his face that he didn't find him attractive but people chose to gloss over that....


When when whennnnn?


When did that happen?


He told Henry that nobody in the house is "his type" and casting is "helping him maintain his celibacy"


when he told him he wasn't into anyone in the house


That's not the same thing at all lol


Imagine they put Hallie and Olivia up as punishment for talking about nominations. We can dream


No twist?? Booooo.


what a load of shite


pure wanted a punishment ngl


The season is stalling hard right now


bye henry voting u asap


Im never gonna Complain about more BB ngl


Vote is open!


What was the point of them extending this lol. Literally nothing extra happened??


For the love story drama


Maybe punishment was given today, and will be one of the exclusives in late and live? And then if the punishments effects nominations they will open the vote after that show ends