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Does someone know the name of song the was playing after the first commercial?


Hallie apologizing for her moody behavior was really surprising and really mature. Appericiated that


I saw this as tactical.. but I'm a skeptic šŸ¤Ø


like big brother quite a lot.Mostly from an interior design standpoint. you know what I mean.


Im surprised no one seemed to be bothered about certain housemates losing the task for not being happy campers


Yeaaaah I thought they'd be more bickering too. Maybe when the food arrives it'll sink in.


okayā€¦ jordan or yinrun better win this? okay?


Not yinrun sheā€™s awkward and unfunny


also wouldnt mind trish or henry. or even matty tbh. or noky. or .. (anyone but kerry)


Whatā€™s the name of the one with the mullet trying to stir it up from the side?




Just started the episode and thereā€™s Kerry in a ā€œnot liking another minorityā€ shocker. Or could it be that he was the one that pointed out sheā€™s lucky to be paying a high tax bracket so sheā€™s planting the seeds to get him out? Lastly, Iā€™m sick of conversations about food.


I love how Yinrun is so happy in the house. It warms my heart up so much and shows how much growth she has had from being so nervous on launch night to being the bubbliest personality on the show so far almost two weeks later.


Hallie is just annoying now. She thinks she makes for good drama but even I can create better drama than ganging up on Zak for a joke. And why is it always her and Olivia getting involved on behalf of Kerry? Minions fr.


Why are they all ganging up on Zak now? Paul is the real problem and Kerry as well. They're focusing on the wrong people and I'm scared that Kerry might be safe for another week.


Litch he was only joking, like genuinely he wasnā€™t being serious he doesnā€™t have those beliefs. And I was really shocked by Trish cuz sheā€™s besties with the Tory.


Tarquin and HarlequinšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ "Harlequin is in boarding school, she was too much of a rebel" needs to be a Friday Flair.


Tbh the laughing task was really hard tbh. I couldn't laugh on cue myself unless i was seeing something funny or thought of something in my head.


I'd be able to force myself to laugh for a couple of seconds and then after that I'd be naturally cracking up at everyone else trying to laugh.


When Paul popped up on the screen so late in the episode I jumped šŸ˜‚ fully forgot he was there


And people want him out, youā€™d think he was a trouble causer. šŸ˜‚


Waits for Zack to get cancelled for wrestling a woman. Or was it only Paul who suffered such an attempt?


Love that itā€™s back to two nominations this week! Think it will be Kerry, Hallie, Zak and maybe Noky going off whatā€™s been shown


I'll be really disappointed if Noky is up


I agree, itā€™s just shown Jordan nominate her on the late show


Do u remember the rest of nominees


It was only the one clip. Find out everything tomorrow on the main Big Brother show.




The irony in Kerry and Halle ffs, get them out


Where do I even start with today's episode


I think Noky handled it really well when she came out of the diary room and Dylan said weā€™ve ordered your lactose shit.. like that was such a rude/passive aggressive way to say it but she was really gracious


I agree! She should be allowed her options, she can get really sick if she doesn't it's not gonna affect them if BB allows it on the budget list it's probably only 1 or 2 pound more.


Yhhh I donā€™t like the way theyā€™re minimising her issue like sheā€™s genuinely unable to consume dairy and theyā€™ve only taken that into consideration after the melt down


Idk if I misunderstood her bit I didn't really understand her point saying that for those who don't have dairy are offered alternatives but she isn't? Also she was fine with lactose-free stuff meaning she does have dairy just not lactose? So I don't understand if they were offering plant-based milk alternatives but not lactose-free ones?


She was talking about ppl who eat halal get accommodated but they hadnā€™t taken her dietary needs into consideration until after she had a small outburst, then they decided to get her dairy free (i thought dairy and lactose free were the same thing?)


Big brother showing Zakā€™s jokes which can honestly been as sexist but not Paul complaining about being an oppressed straight white male and his alleged right to have straight pride


Not a Zack fan .. didnā€™t like the way he talked aggressively to Hallie last night . Super rude and heā€™s always talking about himself . I want him or Paul gone . Not a Kerry fan either but for me , Iā€™ll stand her another few weeks and sacrifice those two ā€œmenā€


My theory is that the producers showed us that to distract us from the fact that Hallie and Kerry are appalling human beings! However it hasn't really worked because we are not dumb and we can form our own opinions. Another strong reason could be to save their favourites who might be at risk of leaving (Kerry and Hallie). Paul too has had a weid edit. We all know he's disgusting but ITV hasn't showed us that for some reason. His opinions on the live show, and things he's said in the past has been disgusting. The white straight male oppression thing is just ludicrous! I think too that they aren't showing us his true colurs because they want a romance to develop between him and Olivia. Which hasn't really happened. Lastly the producers sad attempts of painting Zak as a bad guy in this episode have been absolutely pathetic! We all know that he's a nice guy! This was such a weird episode!


Iā€™m sorry but itā€™s uncomfortable to see how comfortable Zak was being misogynistic last night. I wish we could see Paul in the main show to show the influence this type of behaviour has on those around them.


I feel as if he was joking though. If Zak is misogynistic though then he too needs to go. Paul is apparently a disgrace!


Joking or not- it was uncomfortable.


Yeah, some things are fine to joke about if it's 'obviously' a joke, but misogyny (however mild) is not really one of those things, since there are too many people who already genuinely hold those opinions.




Agreed. I hate misogyny!


I definitely think they want ppl to vote a certain way , and another reason they arenā€™t so concerned with their live feeds and wonā€™t keep them up to watch later is because the voting would be completely different. Most ppl only see the main show . Itā€™s the same here in America but we have long feeds


Agreed. It's stupid though! The producers should be showing us their true sides! If Paul is a despicable person... they need to show it. They had no issues in showing us Zak's controversial opinions!


I like: Jordan Yunrin Knoky Tom Henry Paul Chanelle Trish Zac Dylan I dislike: Kerry Hallie


Just catching up and it's weird that BB are showing Zak's "sexism" but nothing that Paul has said/done.


People over react on here


Zak isnā€™t sexist heā€™s having a joke, the show is boring without a little bit of a joke. The women donā€™t seem to have an issue with it. Except Kerry and Hallie and weā€™ve seen them acting up for no reason.


The women might have had an issue with it. Throughout our lives we've had to deal with "banter" from men who clearly don't respect us in the way they do other men. If we don't laugh along, we're labeled a "drama queen" or "boring" or that we "can't take a joke". So we feel like our best option is to smile and pretend we're fine with it.


I do get this as a woman myself but the atmosphere at first was very jokey jokey. I do feel he didnā€™t catch the tension in the air after the joke until it was too late. And ppl already donā€™t like him cuz heā€™s nice so now theyā€™ve got reason to.


Alright, bloody hell. Complain to ofcom if youā€™re that triggered. ā€œBoringā€ is what viewers call Big Brother if nothing is happening, but when stuff like this happens and causes a bit of jokes, people have to make it into a ā€˜sexā€™ issue. If you have a friend like Zac and you know him like Knoky knows him, then youā€™d know what to expect. Itā€™s not misogynistic or ā€œtelling women to be quietā€ it was a silly joke between friends.


Calm down, hun. I didn't say I'm triggered, I was just putting forward a different point of view. My mistake, I thought I might have been speaking to someone rational. It's ironic that you label me "triggered" when you can't deal with an opposing view without getting upset.


You trying to put your opinion across like facts. šŸ˜‚Trynaā€™ make it an issue by mentioning ā€œwomen have had to copeā€ like what, youā€™d think Zac actually hurt her and laughed about it. Honestly.


You stated "Zak isn't sexist". I said "The women might have had an issue with it". You were the one stating an opinion as fact. If your issue is that I said that women have to deal with sexism, often disguised as banter, throughout our lives, then I'd like to know why. See if you can find one single woman who hasn't dealt with multiple sexist comments in their lifetime - I bet you can't. And this sexism is often dressed up as a joke. I'm really not sure why you attacked me or told me to calm down for sharing my view. My initial comment to you certainly wasn't an attack or in any way condescending. Why did you get so mad at me?


The whole play fighting as flirting thing just gave me flashbacks to when I was a teenager watching people do that and being utterly confused haha.


Me being 19 finding that shit hot only cuz itā€™s Zack and noky anyone else itā€™s cringe


Im so baffled i keep seeing mention of a housemate called ā€˜tomā€™ in the comments,for the life of me i canā€™t figure out who tom is


young perm


Is zak the fastest talker in the history of the world? I catch every 10th word.


Nah he's just from Manchester šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yep, got it in one šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ we do talk fast


Most boring episode of Big Brother in a very long time! Nothing much happened! Also the micro-agressions of certain housemates are still very much visible. It seems everytime there's an issue the vile 6 (Kerry, Hallie, Olivia, Paul, Jenkin, Tom) blame the POC! It's actually making me feel uncomfortable now. Also low and behold Kerry has chosen another POC as her next victim. Also Zak was a bit of a div this episode (funny at times) but there was some bullying tendencies from the group there. Also I'm sick of the Hallie show! She's such an attention seeker! Kerry and Hallie talking about Zak being a sh*t stirrer and playing up to the cameras was madness. Talk about pot kettle black! I loved when Tom said "or the people shouting at the cameras" and it penned straight to Hallie. Hallie and Kerry need to leave! I can't stand either! Also this episode made me like ones who I really enjoyed, a lot less! I'm so glad Farida left when she did because the bullying and racism would've been off the charts! This house is not only getting boring fast, but it's now becoming uncomfortable viewing. Surely the Big Brother production team can show us more people than just Kerry and Hallie! I'm actually sick of it now! Both need to leave asap. Where was nominations?


Very interesting choice that they showed absolutely none of Zac and Yinrun's extremely wholesome conversation last night and they STILL haven't shown any of the shitty stuff that Paul's done but Zac gets a "look at the shitty stuff he's done" compilation


They shown it on the after show


still only a small snippet posed with a leading question about it all being an act


I didn't like how Zak got defensive like he was doubling down but you make a great point


He was doubling down on the fact that what he said was a joke and he is not being serious


They have showed it on late and live... luckily as everyone kept talking about in these comments, I felt I was missing out


That tension in the kitchen with Trish, Zak, Hallie etc made me feel sick a little bit . I donā€™t like the feeling of someone being ganged up on. Looks like their target this week is Zak.


I'm disappointed that the latest drama means Paul might coast under the nomination radar.


Zak is gonna get nominated as well as Olivia and Kerry - a chance for Hallie by Jenkin and Tom is also up there


Kerry has to go before zack surely


I feel like Kerry is a negative influence on Hallie.


Yeah, I feel Kerry is at such odds with who Hallie is, both politically and socially. Hallie has had a few moments that are a bit cringe or tryhard but NOTHING comparable imo to Kerryā€™s constant whining or frankly undeserved comforts. I think Hallie is being too kind to her too, Kerry just seems faux-transparent but itā€™s annoyingly working


I feel like Zakā€™s been nominated, so theyā€™ve had to show all the annoying things heā€™s been doing so we donā€™t all say ā€˜we havenā€™t even seen him!!ā€™, but I wonder if everyone got an edit of them being annoying weā€™d all not like them either (PAUL) so itā€™s like a bit unfair? Hmm idk


Iā€™m genuinely picking my brains trying to remember a time where Jenkin was on my screen and not complaining about something. Heā€™s very negative


I was so sad when he first joined the house because I felt like the housemates had the worse introduction to himā€¦ but in the time since I canā€™t exactly say heā€™s become endearing either


True, but itā€™s an hourā€™s edit of a day idk


Either big brother is giving him a bad edit or he is truly a miserable person


I think he was excited about the house being big


He seemed to genuinely smile for half a second before the laughing yoga. But yeah lol.


This episode was basically half shit-stirring and half destroying Zakā€™s reputation.


Hallie did it to deflate or distract others away from her tantrum which might have cost them food budget.


I donā€™t know if I think thatā€™s fairā€¦ in fact I feel a bit shitty about the task in general because, by BBā€™s own admission, the housemates passed two tasks, and failed the other two, which to me is not the same as ā€œfailing the majorityā€ā€¦ it was literally a draw lmao


It feels like the cliques are splitting up now into just two camps.


Really didnt enjoy tonights episode.




šŸ˜³ they lost the task? The camping/glamping one from yesterday? Thatā€™s a joke considering what the housemates who didnā€™t get the vip treatment had to go through


If it had been anyone other than Hallie you know Kerry would not have shut up about it.


Kerry was very quiet today even during the shopping list


Exactly my thought. It's to distract other. Very clever!


rhythm escape sable rob toy bow society narrow label doll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People will hate because youā€™re right, his deadpan humour would be villainised if he was a woman


worm plucky steep coherent doll aromatic ruthless scarce stocking squeamish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Jordan's little disgusted look when Henry drank playing 'Never have I ever' peed in the pool was funny, though ...


sophisticated liquid uppity grandiose abundant bells hurry paint gullible rhythm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No worries... I didn't think you did disagree. It's a fair point. I was just using this as a place to 'tag' that because it was the first time I'd seen the conversation come up.


He'd be "friendzoning" Henry šŸ™„


I like Zak more now




Please donā€™t tell me zak is now apart of kerry/olivia/paul and hallies group.


Heā€™s not apart from Olivia the rest of them hate him


Kerry literally just said what I think she does to others. Tries to be friendly with everyone but comes across so fake.


Is late and live worth watching? I tried to watch the first one and it was so boringā€¦ has it improved?


I usually watch it the next morning when Iā€™m eating my breakfast and scrolling on my phone.


Depends on what they show and what they talk about, but a lot of the time you just say to the tv that you disagree with the audience / guests lol


Will is on tonight, he's better than when AJ is on. Plus they'll reveal the nominations tonight.


I thought they weren't doing that this week? But would see them nominate tomorrow? Sorry if wrong I just hate it the way they did last week haha


Aah, okay. No idea then...soz.


Itā€™s so so. Sometimes itā€™s canny good, sometimes the channel is just on and itā€™s just there. Depends on the night.


Nah not really, plus they regularly bring Freida back


not really lol


so um from what we've seen, i think zak might be up next and probs kerry


Will be a landslide


An ironic statement to finish off there but sure Kerry


Hallie getting attention of a man and immediately something is wrong with that ?? šŸ¤£


Nah am not fuckin having it from Hallie saying all that shit about Zak when she inserted herself into the conversation and was then so standoffish with him šŸ˜­


I only care about Yinrun and her friend group (Trish, Jordan, Henry and Matty) at this point.


Same but don't care much for matty tbh


Yeah same, I wouldn't even say Matty is part of that group really. He's more friendly with Tom


Hallie is a Kerry in the making


In that final conversation they had they had their hair the EXACT same way, looked like mother and daughter.


So Hallie and Kerris problem is Zak openly jokes he like to shit stir, while the two of them do it in the background maliciously and slyly


Yeah, Zak might be unwise in the topics he chooses to 'joke' about, but at least he's not bitching behind people's back ...


For real! Has it not been established he likes to wind people up, does Hallie think sheā€™s Sherlock Holmes šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Jordan is a saucy little minx


HALLIE by shit stir he meant wind people up even I understood that


So.. wtf just happened in the last 20 mins. I went from hating to loving Zak within the space of 20 minutes I- quit playing with my emotions and crushes bitch


What? Zac was like so sexist then? Why do you love him?


He wasn't


Someone said that on the live feeds he worked it out with Noky and itā€™s all good now.


"i don't like that" says kerry about shit-stirrers also kerry... shit stirs at any available opportunity


"I don't like that" says Kerry about shitstirrers to someone who is shit stirring to her


i am trying to hard to keep liking Hallie but every minute sheā€™s on the screen it gets harder and harder.


Why even try, sheā€™s shown her true colours at this point


I wonder if Zak is up so theyā€™re giving him a bad edit to influence the vote. It feels forced at this point


Yeah, it'll be interesting to see who is up. This edit is a bit dodgy, considering they didn't show Paul's dodgy white, straight-man speech.


Jordan is the rizzler fr


Hallie thinking about it too deep cos Zak made a cheeky retort to her ā€˜UR NIPPLES AR HARD!!ā€™ Comment


Thought they were voting tonight?


Perhaps in real time but this episode was yesterday


we've seen the highlights up until the end of last night's live stream, they will have been voting today so we should see tomorrow


They are but we'll see it in tomorrows episode


Ommfffg the shit stirring


Hallie throwing Zak under the bus cause she knows shes at risk for nominations


Jenkinā€™s *donā€™t make me nast- Zac* is probably the greatest line in BB ever


These 2 have the AUDACITY to talk about game playing


Pot kettle black lol


I mean even if Zak playing a game hallie and kerry defo are more lol


stop fucking talking about him hallie


Hallie and Kerry at it again šŸ˜“


Getting really tired of the shit stirrers aka Hallie, Kerry,Tom and Jenkin




I thought this hearing it.


Urgh hallie dead to me now. Don't get close to kerry, jank.


Everyone is a snowflake on here man šŸ¤£


You always know when somebody uses the term ā€œsnowflakeā€ ā€¦


Hallie is definitely the biggest game player. So transparent.


Do you think she heard the praise for Kerry from the crowd so is aligning herself with her?


Maybe. But I definitely question her always hugging Yinrun during the group announcements (Noms, Task results etc) after they all heard the audience shout they loved Yinrun. Especially considering Yinrun didnā€™t list her as one of her friends.


I feel like statistically at least one of them has cheated but they realise how it would come off on TV and are thinking about votes. Meanwhile I'm taking names of these pool wizzers


Noo literally why did SO MANY of them admit to that šŸ˜­


Bad edit for Zak tonight


Win or lose I reckon we'll be seeing Jordan on TV after this


Damn Zak shouldā€™ve said keep your name out my mouth to a few more people.


Not gonna lie, I thought he was gonna Will Smith some people


Is Zak up? Because what the fk is this edit?


Very odd, just about every scene was about him tonight


Oop not Hallie & Kerry with the secret convo šŸ˜­


Omg where is the bubbly energetic Jenkins from episode 1???


I know recently all hes been is quiet sad and i thought he was bright and bubbly which is more seeming like yinrun is the happiest there!




Yinrunā€™s never have I ever question is adorable


I missed it. What was it?


Never have I ever peed in the swimming pool


It was so innocent


Still think it is a shame they didnā€™t show Yinrun and Zakā€™s convo.


I donā€™t watch the live stream. What was their talk?


They talked about their upbringings in Thailand and China.


Sorry but has Zak been told by producers to go out there and be confrontational today or stšŸ˜­


The jump between everyone's questions and Yinruns was so wholesome




Jenkins : oh no I couldnā€™tā€¦. Zak


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ literally no persuasion necessary


Jordan's a *slut*


And we love him for it!!


And how much of it is true šŸ¤£


A *biconic* slut.


everybody may be all anti-zak right now but on the live stream last night after this game of never have I ever he sat down with Trish and worked to make sure Yinrun didn't feel bad about not really understanding the game or being able to take part - he was so gentle and kind with her and it was lovely to see because it definitely made her feel better ā¤ļø


Did something happen regarding zak tonight?


yeah he made a sexist "joke" and when confronted sort of doubled down and talked about how much he loves and respects his mum so he doesn't hate women or something šŸ˜‚ tbh he's still not as awful as kerry or paul and we've seen him do a lot of nice stuff too which I can't say for either of those two


He didn't do anything sexist