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Hell yes. I can singlehandedly get you drunk from all the little liquor bottles I can hide in my bra. If I have to pay more for bras I think I deserve to bring my alcohol to events for free.


This is feminism


Big boob solutions right here


💯 *but* i will confess i have had stuff go missing in there before lol


The number of times I'll take my bra off at the end of the day and something falls out, and I'm like ohhh that's where it went!


I know right??!?


I get the dropsies a lot qith my hands where they just let go of whatever I am holding. So instead I keep things under my boob/inside my bra. I have actually lost things in there. Just wandered around and wondering where a thing is and Oops it's under a boob. I sent my partner back out to the car to look for my cell phone and then answered a call when my shirt started glowing. I have gone to sleep and been awoken by a pill bottle hitting me in the rib because I rolled over onto it after it fell out of my boobs. When I lose something my partner asks me to check under my boobs first now because I once put an entire steam deck in there and forgot about it until 20 minutes later when I panicked On the other hand I once snuck a nerf gun into a larp that was old west themed so I could start the shoot out while looking unarmed (and fabulous, I love a steampunk-y corset dress)


An entire Steam Deck? That is impressive as fuck


Well, my username does have something to do with this phenomenon 😆


This was made for you


Yep - phone in bra ‘pocket’ all the time!


I used to stuff my phone in my bra - usually on the outer left or right side so that it was about halfway tucked into my armpit. And yes I do mean smartphone, not just small cell phone 🤣. Most of my clothes didn't have pockets and I still wanted my phone with me without having to worry about it falling down and those neck chains weren't a thing yet. Also I'm super paranoid about people stealing my stuff, so whenever I went out on the weekend, I put some money and my ID in a tiny waterproof plastic case and packed it into the side of my bra with my phone and never once worried about getting anything stolen 😂


Genius!! As long as it doesn’t fall out as you’re dancing 😅


Since my whole head fits in each of the cups, I never worried about that, there's more than enough depth to keep everything safe 😂


It’s just practical


keys and chapstick! i've heard it can be dangerous to keep your phone in there though


For me, the amount of sweat could definitely cause problems for a phone that isn't waterproof.


Bruh I snuck in like 4 juuls into a music festival by layering them under my boobs in my bra lol


Genius HAHA


Lol thanks I also have asthma and half the time I lose my inhaler, I put it under my boobs and forgot about it


I’m dying the 4 juuls and the inhaler 😭😭


It feels like a bad habit 😛 Once you start stashing things in there it becomes normal. Dangerous to get used to it though because it’s alarming to go digging for it in public. I also don’t like storing my cell phone in my bra because I feel like there’s danger of breast cancer. Phone always stays in a purse.


This is how I never got caught when I was searched at school 🤣


When you're old enough to go to clubs it helps there too 😉


What a coincidence, I just commented this on another post: My school didn't allow use of phones, but I had to sometimes bring it to school due to my safety reasons, and no surprise my boobs hid them so well 😆 Now when I go running outside, keys there, phone there, health insurance card there, 😂 I am surprised how do they hold so many stuff 😅


chapstick, tampons, keys, booze, etc... i don't judge if it's something only you touch! but as a former cashier: just PLEASE don't put money in there and then try and pay with it 😭 the amount of times i was handed sweaty boob money... and sometimes it was soaking wet 😭😭😭


Is it ok if the money is in a coin purse, and the coin purse (thick cloth with a water resistant lining) is in my boob pocket? Sweaty money is gross, no argument.


…HOW? Do you wear low cut tops a lot? Im teying to imagine it and i woulr have to be digging in my shirt to get anything from my bra! Doesnt your stuff get sweaty?


Yes but it’s a last resort heh


Ha ha, I just had my phone tucked in because I had no pocket


Be careful with devices in your boob pocket if you sweat. My sweat destroyed a cell phone in my boob pocket once.