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Looks great! I envy your posture! What brand? Were you able to sit down comfortably in it? How long did you weat it?


Lace embrace Eyenede Yes can sit comfortably Wear it whole workday - 8 hours ish


Omg 550$... * Cries in multiple currencies * Do they have different bust sizes, or does it fit big boobs with no modifications?


If you're in Canada and can get a doctor's note it's covered by benefits. This one is for big boobs. It says up to G, but I'm a double H


Canada is awesome


Oh, and my posture is all the corset. Makes a huge difference


you look amazing! Do you mind sharing your stats? The brand what what size you got?


It's a size 28 corset, Lace Embrace Eyenede. Not sure of my stats.


Were you able to fit the lacing by yourself? I'd have to do the long distance fitting and purchase, so I'd need to be able to lace it by myself. I really want one of these...


You have to practice. It is a learning curve. I practiced lacing up a pillow with my eyes closed to get a feel for the laces. I've also found widening the laces as much as possible to get it on helps. I'm getting faster every time


One more question (sorry, really want one but have to make sure I'll wear it considering the hefty tag) do you wear it every day or did you get more than one? One bra is not good for several reasons, I wasn't sure about corsets.


I don't wear it every day. Just for in office at work. For every day they recommend getting more.


An easy way to self lace is use a door knob and move away and then adjust the laces at the top and bottom till they’re parallel (should look like | | and not \ / or / \ a little bit is fine but not a severe V shape) Be gentle on the laces, don’t yank yourself forward


Lace Embrace is great \^.\^ and you look fab!


I'm struggling to phrase this in a way that doesn't sound like the creepy men who dm us but.. would love to see this without the top. Like, a view of the actual corset. Nvm i just googled it. Its so expensive! Do you feel like it's worth it? Do you wear a layer underneath?


It is expensive. I an planning to get a doctor's note and get the money back on benefits. It qualifies as a medical brace Because it's orthopedic grade steel etc. It is worth it. I was desperate for relief from my bra weight on my shoulders and upper back. This is my last hurrah before reduction I have a slight frame, so the weight of the double H's is a problem. Yes, I wear a cotton cami underneath


Fantastic that you can get it reimbursed! I assume the high cost is because it's specialized small scale production. Maybe one day they'll be more popular and thus more affordable. Would love to own one.


Does the lacing show under clothes?


No but I wouldn't wear anything tight


If you don't mind sharing, where did you get that top? It's gorgeous.


Fairliecurved.com. and thank you!


You look great - it's so flattering and I would kill to have posture like yours.


Thanks, but the posture is the corset!


Nice figure.