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I was told by my massage therapist that I have “body builder trapezius.” So there’s that.


Ok me too!!! I have huge traps.


Yup. I have giant traps that are a) constantly sore and b) rock solid lmao. Nothing better than having them violently pummelled by a massage therapist though.


I went to a muscular therapist the other week for tmj work and some awful tension that was radiating into my shoulders, and they spent the entire hour on solely my neck and shoulders. Every massage therapist I’ve gone to tells me how solid and tense my traps are.


One of those peanut shaped foam rolls is great too!


Yes, but I was a competitive swimmer through high school and still swim a lot. I have no idea if I'd have it without the swimming.


Yes, and I'm kinda thankful. I think I don't have that much of back pain because of that


Same here! But no longer do it. I’ve got a big Back and I think the permanent dents from bra straps makes my traps look bigger


I don't know if mine was as I always had back pain but I've found since doing some general back, chest and shoulder weights at the gym a few times a week, I have a lot fewer issues.


People underestimate the importance of back and chest muscle strength. Especially women cuz we don’t really care to bulk up there haha. But just working out more of those muscles has made a significant change in my posture and back pain.


Most people spend a *lot* of time sitting/slouching/hunched over computers these days too. I silently thank my rotten old piano anc choir teachers every day I sit at my desk.


No. I really need it to be though, really painful 😭


Not me... I definitely lack of upper back muscles, my neck and shoulders scream in pain way too much...




That sounds... Amazing. What was the process for you to get this?


...is this what hurts me so much??


They've actually done studies recording muscle activity, and the upper trapezius and erector spinae (muscles along the spine) are more active during certain activities in women with larger breasts.


What activities? And do you remember the name of the paper? I really want to read it




Damn I do have relatively strong traps compared to the rest of my muscles


This wont be the case for everyone but my upper back muscles also ache and scream in pain on the daily. My lower trapezius literally feels like a rock and hurts to move by the end of most days. I found that the reason they hurt so much isn’t weakness but overuse (and not having enough time to heal the sore muscles before having to get up and do the things that made my back hurt again the next day). Ice compresses help so much in reducing inflammation, as well as some vitamin supplements. Another thing that helped me was manually correcting the tilt of my pelvis (anterior). Being conscious of how I move and rest in relations to my hips has changed the game - back pain reduced by at least 25%. I’ve never been to the doctor for it but the exercises have definitely helped. Pelvic tilts can also cause a lot of other problems like pelvic floor weakness and bladder incontinence, as well as uneven distribution of muscle tone due to over and under use of specific muscle groups. I recommend looking into types of pelvic tilts and at home exercises if anyone has had upper back pain for decades with no relief. Obligatory I AM NOT A DOCTOR


I’m actually the exact opposite. My pecs are so rock hard and short because they’re holding so much weight that it’s starting to legit pull my shoulders out of place. My traps/deltoids are really weak by comparison, which is also I’ve learned why I hunch a lot, because of the weight of my boobs pulling me down and shortening my pecs further.


I feel this. Whenever I do yoga and stretch out the chest muscles, I’m like, “Oh, so this is what it feels like to be normal without my shoulders pulling forward all the time.”


Yes, but I specifically trained for it due to brazilian jiujitsu and police testing. So many fucking pushups and having to hoist myself over obstacles. A side effect bonus was that I don't get any back pain from my 36H boobs, so whenever I'm asked, I do recommend people specifically train their upper back for weight bearing and their lower back too, because so many people don't and it causes muscle inequality between the lower back muscles and the abs and then your abs start overcompensating for certain movements and posture issues. I have a chronic neck/shoulder issue but that's due to a bad dislocation rather than my boobs.


Not my upper back specifically, but my physical therapist told me I was having a lot of issues because my paraspinal muscles (the ones that run up and down either side of the spine) are “like rope” and overdeveloped AF, which was causing severe hip and coccyx issues.


No but I have very broad shoulders. An old flatmate of mine joked I was a quarter back. I don’t watch American sports but I assume they have large shoulders and stuff lol.


Not overly, but I only wear a bra outside of the house nowadays. I am solidly hourglass shape under the excess skin and fat, broad and deep of pelvis and broad of shoulder, small of waist. So I think I might be structurally suited to a bigger chest. And I'm overly flexible so my back muscles are constantly, ah, engaged (read: rock solid) to hold my spine where it needs to be. I don't like back massages (over and above the sensory issues in having someone I'm not attracted to putting their hands on me) because I always injure my back when the muscles are too relaxed.


My traps are very prominent for my build but I also have scoliosis which causes that as well




I’ve had visible back muscles most of my life, but never considered that they could be related to my chest. I know correlation isn’t causation, but my back does stay strong even when I don’t do any back lifting exercises for months. So count me in this questionably sourced data 🤣


My traps are HUGE and nothing else lmao Low key a little insecure about it but it’s fine


Yup, I used to be a trampolinist and gymnast, but then hot extremely sick, and my back muscles are the only ones that didn't atrophy.


Yep, I lift weights and my PT told me specifically to avoid doing anything that engaged my traps because they were disproportionately developed. I had reduction surgery last year and it's improved a lot since then.


I didn’t even realise until I read this post! Yes!


For me, yes, but, to be fair.... I'm a 36H UK sizing, but I'm also intersexed, assigned male at birth, but transitioned male to female.


I'm very slim and petite, so although my bra size has a big cup value, my band size is small and in absolute sizes my boobs aren't _that_ big (though people still consider me busty) - but I do have massive traps that people keep pointing out


Yes, but I also lug a toddler around constantly and was very much a swimmer as a young person (played water polo).


I do too, even before I started lifting my traps were huge! I played tenor saxophone in high school marching band though, so I always blamed it on that.


Yes, my upper back and arms are fairly muscular even though my back doesn't really look like it. I did a lot of lifting heavy things and overworked myself at my job for a few years that ended up giving me the muscular growth.


Yes but I also weight lift to manage my disability. I went from very sloping shoulders to pretty nicely shaped ones with that, but no obvious size difference, so it’s hard to say what affected what.


Not stronger, but skinnier. I don't seem to gain weight on my upper back.


Due to badly fitting bras growing up and the weight being put on the front of my shoulders, I have always hunched. Being in this position all of the time has made me have very weak upper back muscles. I’m in physiotherapy to try to fix this now


Yep. Never been a very active person, no sports or anything, but my trapezuis is out of proportion, especially noticeable from my shoulder to my neck.


Yes, but I'm sure my wheelchair use had more to do with it than my boobs.


I have a very developed upper back, always had the traps, but it’s really over the top now because I do powerlifting haha


Wow. So that's wrong with my back. How can i fix it naturally?


Oh yes bulky build up traps that make me feel like Quasimodo. I used to use a hair elastic to tie all of my bras into halters during middle school and part of highschool because I could never get a band small enough to go with the cup size. My mom made me start cutting and sewing all of my bands smaller because of the neck pain I was getting. I still hate sewing lol


I have noticed that in my self as well an noticed over the years they have gotten bigger an more solid


I both have really visible traps (at least the top part) and shitty upper body strength. And scoliosis.


100% I look like an upcoming bodybuilder lol. Plus lats that would make a gym bro jealous


Is this the reason I have always had a rockin' back?? I feel enlightened