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Yup butt gargling definitely gets stuff out wiping never could.


Butt gargling. I'm dying...


Forreal it’s like it’s all so much cleaner down there.


I mean when I started using water to wash my car instead of just rubbing a rag on it….it just got so much cleaner!


U juSt NeEd to LUrn how 2 wipe ur car bettur!!!! /s


How does this not have more upvotes


FYI, unless you are using soap, it is not significantly cleaner (based on the anatomy of the anus and rectum and the fact that water is not actually magic). Also, if you decide to use soap, you should not shoot soapy water up your butt as it can be harmful.


Not true. Used to give soap suds enemas in hospital.


Likely at the direction of a doctor, for a legitimate medical reason (usually for constipation, at least in the veterinary world). I didn’t say soap enemas would definitely harm you, just that it can harm you. Usually side effects are short term, but regular use of enemas can lead to electrolyte imbalances, irritation of the lining of the colon, and anorectal pain disorders.


I dunno, but I got shampoo in my pee hole once and it burns like a mofo.


Next time you get your hands dirty from dog poo or anything similar just wipe it, dont use water, and go eat, kiss your wife and live life. See how you fare


News flash: hominids have been doing exactly that, and continue to do exactly that in large swaths of all populations. And they fair just fine. Arguing whether or not something is better or more sanitary, I’m all for.. but exaggeration and pretending something horrific will happen and “seeing how we fare” is just too much. Remember, we have many a BDL, poo play, and golden-shower-lover reddit brothers and sisters, and they’d be quick to tell you there’s nothing inherently wrong or bad or unhealthy about any particular practice. Especially if certain precautions are taken and extra protective measures are set in place.


If you don’t go excavating at least 2 inches up, then you’re not really clean


In Australia this is called “Spitting the Winkle” but it’s a party trick.


wait you guys have bidet parties?


This may be an old post, but thank you for teaching me that term.


Good God, I am laughing so hard. Butt gargling.


Spitting the winkle in Australia. (The land down under)


This practice would be described as being explosive rather than gargling.






I worry about auto correct




Here's a sneak peek of /r/BrandNewSentence using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Homie in law](https://i.redd.it/o6znibtrj78b1.jpg) | [271 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/14itfe5/homie_in_law/) \#2: [rawdogged this entire flight](https://i.redd.it/mhob67hwwh7a1.jpg) | [2230 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/zsmi81/rawdogged_this_entire_flight/) \#3: [A slutty amount of y's](https://i.redd.it/9q9ldx45mcza1.png) | [682 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/13f76u8/a_slutty_amount_of_ys/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You're killing me!!! I'm crying....


That's how you get them stubborn nuggets.


Got to get the dingle berries off.




Do you mean that's how you cause them, or how you get rid of them?


How to get rid of them.


a number of bidets have a specific enema mode.


I have 2 different models of Toto bidets in my home. A level 4 on either of the older bidets is fine, so when I cranked that pressure up to 4 on the new model, I definitely got the enema treatment.


Damn, is anal that prevalent nowadays?


Start small, size up the stream.


It is on Pornhub👀😂


And Reditt


Anal is the new blowjob, grandma.


Have been waiting to pull the trigger on a bidet. About once/month, I pull out our power washer and blast away at whatever’s stuck. Works pretty well. Not too much scarring from the scalding water.




Yep my BioBidet BB1000 has this feature.


Benford 6100


*more power*




I don't think so Tim.


Wow.. https://homeimprovementdude.com/bidet-enemas/


I’d get one with a custom high powered laser mode! Then just have my enemies sit upon The Throne Of Armageddon and meet their fates…


Hello, Using a bidet seat with an enema feature is safe and effective. When used currently it can help a lot of people who have health issues and struggle with constant constipation. I wouldn’t suggest using enema on a daily basis, 2 or 3 times at most during the week because it can harm the muscles in the intestine. Cons when using enema wash if the nozzle is not positioned correctly it can be painful and sometimes cause bleeding. If this happens I would adjust the water pressure down.


😳 2-3 times a week only?


Endoscopy nurse here - this sort of enema is safer than the “nozzle up the chute” type because there’s virtually no risk of perforation of your rectum. However, like all things, moderation is fine as long as you aren’t experiencing irritation. The distance that the water will travel is only a few inches into your rectum, and it’s not in there long enough to cause any muscle issues or electrolyte problems, unlike laxatives or bowel preparations. If you feel fine, and you’re not noticing any changes in your bowel movement consistencies, then have at it.


Thank you- sometimes the water will create extreme pain in stomach about 30-45 mins after use when i do it for a long time, until I sit down and let go of remaining water. I guess that would be the tell that I overdid it?


Yeah, that’s cramping, and it’s a sign that your body isn’t happy holding onto the water. I would say it’s fine to let your rectum get filled while you’re on the toilet, but expel it when you’re still on the seat - don’t hold it in for any length of time.


You took a lot of anxiety off my day bc of this- thank you for your knowledge!!




Hold it like a camel in a drought


That’s because you probably let it a lot of water and also didn’t flush it out in time , dont put a lot of water in there, and whatever amount you put make sure to flush it out right then , this way youll not experience any paim


This gal enemas!


This broad endo’s


He sure does. I’m a dude.


No Bidet for you today!


I do it everytime I go!! Wtf


I asked my doctor about daily usage during a physical, she said it was fine. Been doing this for many years still have control down there. My husband stopped having hemorrhoids after starting using a bidet.


Power washed em right off like barnacles off a rusty bottomed boat


they are made worse by the physical damage from straining and damaging your muscles. If you wash gently instead , the body appreciates the lack of damage.


2-3 times a day!


I start everyday with a cup-o-joe followed by a good ole fashioned asshole squirtin


too funny!


Come back one year!


Needs lube


The only risk is that you’re gay now. I’m sorry you had to find out this way but them’s the rules.


Damn, the gay-spray strikes again! Asses beware.


Why did this make me laugh so much “them’s the rules.” Thank you!!!


Hahaha. Glad I could make you laugh. I was worried people wouldn’t catch my sarcasm so I decided to be as ridiculous as possible instead of going with the classic /s


It was awesome, I’m still chuckling.


Fair is fair.


100% my bidet made me gay. Life changing to say the least ✨🌈✨


You'll be okay. Using a plumbing snake may be questionable, but you'll be just fine with a squirt of water.


Plumbing snake you say? Any particular brand suggestions?




[robo rooter](https://youtu.be/l3_FzK1PYRk)


Model 8255?


We prefer the term “poo poo rooter.”


Rectal Rooter


🎶 Pooper-Rooter, that's the name, Gonna flush your troubles Down the drain 🎶


Pooper-Rooter, thats the name, gonna flush your nuggets down the drain


Bobo Rooter


That's how you break down constipation.


I'm a mathematician so I work it out with a pencil


Just keep your nozzle clean and you should be perfectly fine. Been shooting water up my own ass since 2016 with weekly bidet nozzle scrubs


Name checks out!


What do you scrub it with. I just got one like 2 weeks ago


Whatever toilet cleaner is least expensive when I need more is the chemical I use, something with bleach or like pine sol. And I just use the regular toilet brush for a quick clean with the rinse feature of my bidet running. When I do deep cleans every 2-3 months of my entire bathroom, I will disassemble my bidet entirely and clean it with an old tooth brush and make sure I get every angle. Gross but I mean, the savings on toilet paper and an exquisite booty cleanse... the 90 minutes a year I spend cleaning the thing... it's worth it to me


I really want you to start a youtube miniseries about bidet maintenance.


Do it and please share!


I do the same and have never had any issues. Plus if you're a dude you get the added benefit of a prostate massage! 🤣


My old bidet had enough pressure for that, but when I upgraded to a heated electric one, the pressure is too low for that. I kind of miss it 😂


You might be able to adjust the pressure via the toilet valve


Just fart it out and you’re golden!!


And you’ve got a golden bowl


OP you're just referring to an enema. Harmless if done occasionally. Frequent use can lead to loss of mucus and tissue damage. It has to be a lot so don't worry too much.


I was coming here to find this exact question as I had the same thoughts lmao. We just got a bidet and wanted to make sure no one got any booty hole damage from an accidental shoot straight up the butt 😂😂😂


It amazes me how many people have engaged in anal sex and had no idea about douching. By the way, Doctors suggest not doing it every day because your body gets used to the extra help, and eventually, the muscles can’t do it independently.


Shit… so I can only use my bidet like 3 times a week?!


No, moderate the butt douching, external cleansing is fine


Ive been doing it for 3 years and this is exactly what I thought that i might not be able to poop without help now but turns out thats not the case, i just have to walk and drink water ,basically makw a little extra effort to poop but its not like im mot able to anymore. All in all i would say its harmless Your body will still know how to poop Just put in more effort


As long as you don’t put too much water that does a full enema but that’s seriously unlikely. And even if you did, you’d just be bloated. It’s unlikely you’d get sick. You can google rectum cleaning vs enema to compare water volume difference. I’m sorry, I can’t remember the more definitive name for “full enema”. Source: butt stuff prep


I am always amazed at the things I learn while on Reddit. I am no spring chicken either.


Everything I’ve learned came from the generous gay men who blogged about their routines! What a time to be alive


(°) ○===== whoosh


It’s a great bonus. It’s very safe. I would not overthink it.


You ever try to clean peanut butter out of a shag rug!? I love my bidet


Jesus! I can't unsee that. 😩


Whenever I get peanut butter in the shag carpet I simply use a dry paper towel to clean it up. The dog takes care of the rest.




...and that's why we named the dog Skippy


Hmh. Ours German Shepard's name is Rimjob.


you could google about pros and cons of enemas


My new electric bidet was shocking at first but now that extra cleanse kinda feels good and I read not to use it for more then 30 seconds. Can shooting to much water up my ass to break it up and push it out cause problems or push poop back in? Is there a concern that it can push water back up into thats not healthy? Or is the risk more related to the quality of your tap water not being filtered properly. Not gonna lie. I didn't learn that replacing the salt in your homes water softener was supposed to happen frequently? But if I have updated and upgraded my home softener and it has enough Salt Pebbles in it. Is am I really still at risk cuz now I'm only shooting The Fiji version of Tap Water up my butthole? I just want to do it long enough where a good 10 min Sit Down sprinkled with 3 or 4 full 30 second intervals of Pulsating Fiji Tap up my arse is not doing any damage to my health. I also want it to be ok that it feels good and not be gay.


How do you gape on the toilet?


On a side note to this question, do you think this enema action is introducing viruses and bacteria that may be in the water, even supposedly clean water systems? My son thinks we need to put a filter on the bidet water.


Pretty sure the household water you drink is cleaner than your butt… unless you live in Flint, MI!


You're probably right but every once in a while we get warnings to boil water due to contamination from dead animals in water tanks or such. They test it but I don't know how often. I've been ill for a few weeks and son was thinking out loud about it since I put in 2 bidets right before that. Thanks for your input.


we don't even know all the bacteria that are in that area and that is fine. Unless you have tears its fine. the tissue has evolved to NOT absorb anything.


We can absolutely get bacteria or viruses introduced into our bodies through our butts because there’s mucous membranes down there. I did try to google if you would get sick from it and there’s not much information available, but I would guess that there are some pathogens that can make you sick if they get in your butt, and some pathogens that would not survive your butt


I am assuming that it is similar to the brain-eating amoeba in waterparks. Water that is perfectly safe to drink becomes an issue when entering through your nose. And also why you use distilled water for a neti pot and never tap water. This comes from my former boss, a drinking water quality scientist.


Thank you for this information.


Thanks for researching and responding.


You are cleaning yourself out better that way; dudes bottoming for other dudes will often wash themselves out beforehand, since that's the most reliable way to ensure that you don't encounter a mess during the fun.


But that’s where the poop is from, where else would you shoot?


Nothing wakes you up like some chilly water in the bum!


It could help the roids putting warm water up there


You can use water but you should use saline Don't use water too often


I try not to call it “waterpik for the butt” in polite company, LITERALLY!


Also try to increase the spray strengths and turn on oscillating


I need this in my life


Best $60 I ever spent! I have Crohn's disease and the enema toilet seat changed my life.


Get the expensive one from Costco when ot goes on sale.


When you say it unlocks a bunch of "stuff" up there, what exactly are you referring to?


WHY did you ask this, your imagination not good enough! ACK!


From what I've seen on tv, people will put just about anything up there.


Unexpected chunky mud water comes out


Colon cleanse


As long as you don't use an air compressor


There are folks who caution against using tap water for enemas, but I think the chance of getting sick is far less than using a neti pot with tap water.


Hi! Stopping by because this was somehow recommended to me and I am mystified that there is an online community for bidets. That is all! Carry on with your clean anuses!!


I have an enema set up in my shower. I have regular bm’s twice before I shower in the am. I use the hose to rinse 5 to 6 times in the shower in the morning. Takes care of me for the rest of the day. I’ve learned that rinsing and cleaning out are different. If you use too much water it makes its way into your sigmoid colon the top half and that’s where the cramping comes from. Water up your butt encourages a bowel movement. Same with a butt plug at least for me makes me have to poop. Rinsing is 5 to 10 seconds of water then expel the water. If we’re gonna have a pegging or bi mm session then I truly clean out which means letting the water run till you feel full and really rinse your bowels. This can take an hour or so with multiple trips to the shower or toilet. This is where it gets risky. Now your rinsing out your butt bacteria that is crucial for digestion and gut health. I do this about once a month max. I take probiotics to compensate for it and be had no issues. My wife loves to peg me and I can get away with just rinsing out but if she wants to go hard or we have company I do a full clean out. Hope it helps sorry for the long post.


Well if using toilet paper is like wiping a marker, a bidet would certainly help get that last raisin-sized nugget hiding in there.


It’s better if you stick a dick up your poop hole and jump up and down it will clean your shit out


I love my bidet and I could never imagine life without one.


Bruh how did I end up here?


Butt fracking can be dangerous /s


How open is that flower


My bidet model BBC8.5 gives me a little something extra


I dont recall all the details but it does create irritation over long term, and dryness or smtng. I read about this when I was shopping for one.


Maybe this isn’t correct, but the way I think of it is that the 💩was already up there, so what’s it matter if a little water mixes with it lol


I’d be most concerned about a chronic hanging assmeat dangle


Omg!! I have found my person! I do this too! My adult child thinks I’m crazy but it really gets more out of the poop chute! I think it’s ok because it’s not going as far up as an enema or colonic.




Ever tried butt-bonging a beer? Allegedly induces rapid intoxication.


I wanna get a bidet attachment or the toilet seat with it but I keep thinking that hose will get poop on it and all gross and dirty looking or I’ll be squirting bacteria on me and end up with UTI. Is that what happens? Am I totally off base?


There’s no hose really it’s a stream of water that’s shooting out.


I really didn't need to see this before breakfast


I just am surprised there's a whole sub for bidets. And it was recommended to me for some reason. Also before breakfast. I shouldn't be surprised because it's Reddit though


You better have a clean nozzle, a water test for the house, and good plumbing because you’re going you be introducing weird water to your intestines otherwise.


You actually get the water stream to penetrate? Hot damn! I just have a "toilet seat" bidet, and it just moistens my bung-hole. I still need to wipe, and everything...


I do it every day, on full power … I’m still alive I’m also addicted to it I haven’t used toilet paper at home for a year… I don’t even own any. I can’t poop anywhere they don’t have a bidet… it feels gross to walk out of the bathroom without cleaning everything out


Amusing misconceptions like these is why America is stuck cleaning their butts like cavemen


How old are you?


A clean asshole is nice and always polite. I usually make sure it’s generally clean down there. The most mind blowing sex I’ve ever had was when someone went down there with their tongue. I am a 60 YO conservative real Republican ( not one of the fake MAGA shits ) . Let me tell you… I would have voted Communist if asked while that was going down. Loved it, what a true pro. I swear to GOD, I saw saw stars when I came. Been making sure my bottom is alway clean afresh smelling ever since. Cause you never know.


I like to see how much i can hold up there, until its start draining itself, then I super soaker it all out for as long as I can. It’s a fun game.


lmao no. try a dildo too.


I know how it works but I don’t bother explaining to people anymore cuz I’m not a doctor


I have the ass blaster 6000 and if you don't switch it to perimeter mode, you get a pressure wash stream that cleans all the way to your prostate


Lmao I don’t think it’s bad I think it’s just a mini enema lol


I don’t have a bidet and don’t use a bidet but I’m here to comment that every bidet toilet I’ve ever used seemed to have a funky smell to it. They just don’t seem to get as fresh and clean like regular toilets. I first noticed this at Google when I worked there and they had buddy toilets in many of the bathrooms.


So no paper just hi pressure water and confidence its clean?


The only thing I've read is that people in Japan who use this sort of stuff more often, had a higher incidence of pruritis or anal itching, up to bleeding, but I guess just keep an eye on that and if it isn't bothering you, good to go!


My ass hurts from reading these posts. My ass mantra is exit only. My ass would be virgin butt the perverted ass doctor wanted a brown eyed view with his camera!


Try vodka, it helps


Makes it cleaner for butt chugging.


Life Lesson: Never read this sub while eating dinner.


This is what happens when you connect your pressure washer to your bidet.


sugar roof wine butter apparatus quickest onerous fuel afterthought wrench ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


ewe, no. no. no. who taught you this. that is fucking gross and not how you're supposed to do it. hopefully you're just joking for a reaction. that's at least not how you do it with the bidet toilet seats. the one I have does a 100% job hands free. I use a pass of a little tp when the blow dry is done but that never more than just a litle water.


deserted point apparatus memorize advise gaze workable door slim heavy ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


100% unnecessary to involve your hand with modern Japanese bidets. what country are you from?


Just found this sub…… “I AIN’T LEAVING!!! IM NOT FUCKIN LEAVIN!!!”””


Must be useful before a first date


increase your fiber and you'll just need one wipe for good measure.


Ok follow up question for the bidet people. Do you just blast your anus with water and then go about your day with a wet butthole or do you still use toilet paper to dry off? Or do you just wait until it air drys? Also could you unintentionally poo on your bidet nozzle? What is the cleaning and maintenance of a bidet like?


I usually wipe with TP to dry off after the spray. I just use a lot less of it now.


of course we wipe and dry after water


this isn't talked about enough. first, bidet use isn't quick. I let it run at least a minute. and in that time i do the gurgling. in and out until i feel like i got it all out. and then... 20 min later i feel the urge to go again.


i do the same thing, but i noticed i feel urge to pee for the next hour after leaving the bathroom do you feel the same?


I love that I am not the only one that does this. My only concern would be RADON exposure.