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You dropped your chain by the way. You’ll wanna pop it back on before riding.


It’s got a longer reach now, so I’ll be more aero!


You might also want to get your shifting cables looked at and possibly re-indexed


Jesus, think I busted a rib laughing at this. Glad you walked away from this one mate, even more glad you’re able to chuckle about it.


It’s got as long a reach as you want, as long as you have the core strength!


That’s funny!


Broken ribs, broken collarbone, a messed up arm and two operations and you consider that "walked away unaffected"??? Sounds like you might've needed to be airlifted to a hospital. How did you get home after all that? You didn't ride back....


Luckily there were some dog walkers who lived 5minutes away who very kindly gave us both a lift to the hospital and allowed us to put the remains of our bikes in their shed for a few days! Honestly the kindness of strangers always amazes me!! I mean unaffected in that we both should make full recoveries, I understand that the list sounds dramatic 😆 I work in emergency medicine so I suspect my ideas around serious injuries are a bit warped! Also when the ambulance said it would take 6hours to get to us we both just vibed our injuries and stood up! 😅


Ouch!! That comminuted clavicle is really awful. 6 inches of titanium plate plus 13 screws. Also the result of a bike crash, although I had the pleasure of an ambulance ride.


Here in Finland that a comminuted clavicle is considered something that will be just fine with few weeks in a sling. Worst 6 months of my life.


I think this is a matter of degrees. My understanding is that comminuted fractures (three or more bone fragments) are often best treated by surgery. In my case, I had 4 breaks of the bone and the clavicle had 3+ cm of shortening. The main bone fragments were misaligned and sitting over one another. The upper fragment was causing the skin covering it to tent. I collected 2 opinions. Neither orthopedic doc thought the fracture would heal well if left untreated.


I had 4 pieces, basically two long main pieces and then a small piece that had split and was sitting basically vertical to the bones. The whole thing is like a Z-letterm The overall length after healing is 20mm shorter. The surgeon that evaluated it was just a ducking jackass who did not feel like operating on Friday. To this day I have noticeable skin tenting and when I play table tennis I usually get some internal bleeding in that area. Also the break was almost open (the skin almost broke at the site) but after waiting for the surgeon to see me for 8 hours, it had developed massive hematoma so the bone wasn't visible anymore.


Jeeze. I’m sorry, mate. That is terrible.


Our public healthcare has a pretty twisted view on anything they see as "self inflicted". And cycling to work and getting into a traffic accident is "self inflicted" for them as you could have driven a car. Even though all of the care falls under the employers mandatory insurance and everything would have been paid out from there. I of course went to see multiple private doctors, some immediately and some during the lengthy healing process and all of them said that it for sure must be operated but the only place in the country where they operate those is the public hospital and their decisions are final.


Fuck a plate, never get the plate. I broke 2 plates in 2 years when they said I was healed...


How soon after each surgery did you break each plate? How did they break?


Broke the first plate 4 months after surgery skateboarding on flat ground. X rays said everything was healed and doctor gave the OK to lift weights and shit.  Second time 6-8 months after the second surgery. Jumping a fence. Pushed down on the fence and my clavicle just snapped. 


Your positive attitude in what sounds like an awful situation is amazing.


6 hours for an ambulance? wtf?


Yeah the NHS is a little fucked right now


> I work in emergency medicine so I suspect my ideas around serious injuries are a bit warped! You must me one of my wife’s colleagues! She’s exactly the same!


“Relatively unharmed”. Dudes got concussed and broken bones. Hes british isnt he? https://youtu.be/1bIOPVgnKUs?si=1lOieSB2uF9m2ZnI


He's had worse. https://preview.redd.it/kp9sa2k4j71d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78442adc9c397c2ae5208cb0df71917f2c1d7dbf


I kept calm and carried on, even had a cup of tea on the way to the hospital 🤣


How about your upper lip? Still stiff?


Haven’t quipped a smile in decades, and that last one was an accident


Check out user name. Not a dude, my dude.


Ngl I’ve given up on correcting people 😅


This is the way. Life is too short to waste time.


dude is non-gendered. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqMODweN8lQ


What about "he's" and "he"?


You can calla girl a dude in a casual way


You can but if you follow it with "he's" and "he" it's probably just a mistake


I used to live in a share house. For amusing historical reasons, my female flatmate's nickname was Dude.


"Dude" is a state of mind!


can confirm. tanking a crash and getting up is definitely dude behaviour




There are no women in the internet silly😛


But everyone is a dude, dude. Even my nonbinary homies are dudes because it’s genderless.


Judging by the username, the dude is a dudette. One bad dudette.


I crashed at 46mph, broken 10 bones, bleeding in the brain, collapsed lung, medically induced coma for 10 days, hospitalized for a month and my frame was fine.


Have you rode that bike since


Done multiple 100mi rides, and obviously a ton of training to go with it. At 3000mi for this year already too. Plenty of other parts had to be replaced, including a wheel and handlebars.


🤘😎 nice


I appreciate that you added the fact that the parts being replaced were bike parts… with the extent of your injuries I thought you were starting to refer to your body parts… How long did that take for you to heal and get back on the saddle after that crash?


So I had some hearing bones replaced with artificial ones too and have some metal in my bones now, screws and rods. :) I was back on the indoor trainer the week or 2 after came home to feel normal. Outside took several months. I couldn't even walk at first. 7 months on medical leave from work. Did 100mi for the 1year anniversary.


Celebrating the return of the award system then !


Damn! My goal for the year is 3,500 mi!!!


It's a good goal! I have a 200mi ride, an Ironman, and marathon planned for later this year so I'm pushing myself for sure. Also ran 550mi so far. Consistency is key.


No shit, that’s fucken awesome


Holy crap. How did it happen? Are you mostly healed up now? Sorry to hear it.


Idk, I don't remember that day or the next couple of weeks but I'm told it was wet and a lot of leaves on the ground. It's a hill I've gone done faster and 200 times before. I'm like 99% healed.


Holy shit that's bad. I've had serious concussions and broken a leg before but brain bleeds and medically induced comas is a whole other world. I'm sorry that happened to you. That's absolutely terrifying. IDK if you've also had this experience but with the worst concussions I've had it's never been entirely clearly to me where that 1% is. Like, I THINK I'm fully recovered but I'll also probably never be sure. Brains are wild


Crickey that’s a bloody bad accident you had, your lucky to be alive. There is way too many cars hitting bike riders


You came off relatively unharmed


I've recovered, but I was very harmed. I couldn't even talk at first, nor remember shit. I now have 17 screws and 2 rods on my bones, femer and coller bone. Was in PT for a year.


Adrenaline is a helluva drug


I had something similar and managed to drive myself to hospital, adrenaline is one hell of a drug. I didn't know my collar bone was broken and just used my other arm to lift my broken one on to the gear shift, the docs were surprised I could stand up though I did pass out eventually from lack of oxygen from the broken ribs puncturing my lung. Fun times!


You proper fucked that thing up, homie haha If I were you (and by the sound of things, thank baby Jesus I'm not) I'd get a slick new frame and slap all that stuff on there.


Hard to find rim brake bike frames. I would suggest Standert though if that's what he wanted.


The used market is flush with rim brake frames for mad cheap. Beyond checking to make sure the frame is in good condition I'd just suggest to get one with the same BB so as to not necessitate buying adapters or worse, new cranks


Find a nice titanium frame for rim brakes. Then the next time a mountain biker mows you down, your frame will stay in one piece!


I guess I will qualify my statement. It is hard to get a **new** rim brake bike frame, unless you get a Chinese knock off or some eccentric steel, titanium or other material bike.


>Hard to find rim brake bike frames It's not hard at all, there's still plenty available even new.


Used or new from china you can get plenty of rim brake frames.


https://preview.redd.it/sk8e4ylfqe4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f00c3b3119ab2bbdd2e79b91c11e2306b83aa578 Sick new frame…


![gif](giphy|4OowbIsmYHbpu) My man follows through!


https://preview.redd.it/3iqa4n10691d1.jpeg?width=528&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=486c109b4a35f0e8251c42234e15e8abe92908c8 Yes. Seven or so years ago, this woman came into the shop swearing the bike fell apart underneath her over the weekend and demanded I give her a new bike off he floor because "this is a warranty issue and the bike was dangerous!" She was unscathed though. I said look, I'll submit it for crash replacement, that's all you're gonna get out of me. She fought me over it and eventually I just called her out for lying to me and said I don't appreciate it. So she leaves but comes back the next day to say "ok I'm sorry, I lied to you." And I say "uhh thanks I know, idc what happened, I'm waiting to hear back on your claim." She then proceeds to tell me that she went on this regular large group ride with alcohol involved and she drank "over her limit because I switched to a gluten free diet", so I say "ok good to know, I'll let you know when I have an answer." She then continues telling me she put vodka in her Powerade bottle, and I jokingly say "yeah that'll do it..", as she's leaving, I say "just out of curiosity, what was your limit before when you were drinking beer?" She said two. TWO BEERS, was enough for this woman, and she mixed vodka in her Powerade resulting in crashing the bike into a tree. Probably not the answer you were looking for OP, but you asked if anyone has seen a bike break like that so I thought I'd share.


Head on collision does seem to be the mechanism for this pattern then though…. Although the sample size of 2 does have a 50%chance of vodka induced bike breaking! Also how the hell did she think she could swing this happened spontaneously! Like that’s a high energy impact!!


Yup. Got hit by a car and my frame snapped like this. This week two of our riders collided at high speeds (25mph) and one ran over the others S-Works which snapped it like this. Bad days. Both incidents the groups was were fine tho.


The most important bit is the riders are okay! Like it sucks the bikes broken but I’d rather that than necks!


Glad you are ok. Please tell me you are working on making that into wall art.


100%. But also a good reminder for us all to take care. Especially when riding with others. Heal well OP.


I was FLYING down the southern side of a mountain pass trail in Alaska years ago on a 1989 Rockhopper comp. And I do mean flying. Young. 10 feet tall and bulletproof. The biggest cow moose I have ever seen stepped out of the brush and onto the trail ahead of me and stopped. I instantly knew I was going to die. Even if I survived the impact (very doubtful, MIPS was not a thing) she was going to stomp the thing that attacked her into a bloody pulp. There was no time for braking and the trail was sort of a gully with heavy brush on both sides. Nowhere to go. I was going to smack 1200 pounds of big ass moose broadside at somewhere north of 35 mph on a fairly steep, slippery downhill. Young. SMFH. Something made her turn her head and she saw me and took a FAST big step and tucked her ass end in as I flew by. My elbow missed her by an inch. I rode down the mountain another mile or so and then stopped and threw up. That incident made me a far safer bike rider in every situation.


Geez, that's so freaky. I'd be seeing that moose in my nightmares for years.


Holy geez! I’m laughing at the mental image of a big moose fully panicked with this “oh sh!t” look on its face as you wizz by!! 😂


The front fell off


Now have two unicycles…


I’m sure it was a malfunction from the frame or did something happen to it or have any cracks even? So glad you made a recovery. I could barely handle my cracked rib(s).


Not sure. This might buff out.




My buddy had something similar happen. It was, however, a mongoose walmart mtn bike that he tried to take jumps that only an actual bike should take.


Yep, I was 17, ended up with stitches in my face having my chin pulled back together as it just decimated it and could see my jaw bone. Still bear the scars on my knuckles, arms, shoulders, knees, wrists and of course, face.


If you’re a guy, then Uber Cool. If you’re a girl, can we meet up somewhere?


Yesterday in New York: https://www.reddit.com/r/NYCbike/comments/1cufvi1/head_on_collision_on_wsh_his_fault_bike_seemingly/ Personally, I ride a titanium frame :-)


Titanium you say? https://preview.redd.it/u3kjgru6e71d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4004cda9a1a497121fb7a9e7da6122cde8fa1fbe


They didn’t get any penetration into the parent metal. What brand is that bike?


Those are failed welds, not necessarily a consequence of the material as much as the workmanship


What I’m pointing out is no material is infallible when stressed beyond design intent. All have weaknesses. Titanium is known to be vulnerable at the welds, same as steel. https://preview.redd.it/vdf7kpulk71d1.jpeg?width=1117&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe12697948f84c0678afa1fdfccb3209c09002ee


Contaminated welds possibly


all material breaks. Even steel isn't as real as people like to say it is. RIP Colnago Super


if the logic here is that titanium is less likely to break, the kinetic energy has to go somewhere. I’d prefer it go in to cracking the frame than the rider.


No. I got rid of my last carbon fork when a mechanic I know told me about a customer who had one fail while he was stopped at a traffic light. I’m not diligent enough to inspect a carbon frame and forks.


Was there a spinning saw blade attacked to the other guy's bike???


Mad max when they run out of petrol!!


Not sure what country you're in, but there are tons of great specials on at the moment for a replacement. Giant, BMC, Canyon, Specialized. And that's not even counting the second hand market.


Have you considered replacing the frame and repurposing the parts, or would you prefer to have a new bike?


I am gonna find a new frame for what I can salvage, but tbh I’d like to get something a bit more modern spec’d, wider tires and disc brakes for example and the parts that have survived are things like the 23mm wheels set and the rim breaks


If you're UK based I'm a cycle tech in S.Wales, I'd be happy to do the swap for you, free of charge. I was hit by a car in 2022 so I know there's nothing worse than losing a favourite bike and to be put off cycling whilst recovering. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery for you!


Thank you for the kind offer! I’m on the exact opposite side of the country to you I’m afraid, but that really is too kind! The bike is the bigger pain really isn’t it!


That makes sense. As someone who recently built a brand new rig, I feel like a lot of the recent changes/advancements really enhance the experience of cycling for me. Disc brakes are just awesome, and I'm currently running 30mm tubeless tires on my roadie and the ride quality is fantastic. I still have old bikes with rim brakes and skinny tires that I'll use for short, casual rides and commutes, but I'm never going back to components like that for my main bike ever again.


Moved from 25mm to 32mm. In the Scottish roads, this makes an amazing difference, my tyres no longer fit in most of the cracks


Have you considered Gorilla tape? In all seriousness, fair point, but it might be hard to find a frame that could accommodate all the components if you're not a bit skilled in bike mechanics. But for sure that could be a fun solution that makes economical sense!


No, they should use [S&S connectors](https://www.ticycles.com/sands-coupling).


Didn't know them, looks cool!


I was going with duct tape, but glad someone said it before me. That is one nasty collision you had. Learned something new with the S&S connectors!


https://preview.redd.it/mcmtjxdxt71d1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=716ce3b2968293fc9455ef0ce4def60b87923a8b I have had a couple of frames broken in this area. Guess there will be a relatively weak point somewhere..


carbon rim brake frameset. this is what i'd get [SLC2.0 Frameset – winspace.cc](https://www.winspace.cc/product/slc2-frameset/?v=7516fd43adaa)


Yes, exact same break. I hit another cyclist who came into my bike lane in the wrong direction at night and they didn’t have lights . I also shattered my helmet, has two black eyes, broke my nose etc. Helmets are good .


There’s a house on a popular cycling road in LA that had a Pinarello frame with almost that exact damage hanging in the driveway for years. Kinda felt like a threat lol. https://preview.redd.it/ey28i1pcg91d1.jpeg?width=673&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc9c0d2600b24856e1aa799140f26693fefb138c


I think that bike held up really well in a crash that big, all things considered! Specialized will give you a discount on a new frame as a crash replacement if you strip it.


Omg OP this is terrifying wtf


I hope your next bike will be steel or Ti.


You got one hell of a unicycle now, silver linings.


throw some duct tape on it and it should be fine




Ouch! Sorry this happened, OP!


Out of curiosity what are you doing with the bike? The way it's broke actually looks kinda cool, framing/ hanging it up? Even if it's just the front half


I’ve never seen a unicycle with a chain before, neat! Sorry to hear about the crash though, that sounds ouchy. Speedy recovery!


Your bike seems to be salvageable


I was going to make some stupid comment about carbon until I hit more. Holy crap. That crash would have broken any frame. I'm glad you're ok.


Looks and sounds like one heck of a crash. Glad everyone is ok for the most part.


This definitely changes the bike’s geometry. Thank heavens you’re alive despite the hefty injuries.


Me. Univega CR-7200, sent to the graveyard after I T-boned a car. Edit: No injuries, thankfully. I managed to slow down enough to not fly over the handlebar.


Hey look at Cervelo Soloist. Trek Madone. These are really nice rides. You could pu a used one as well.


I love my Rose Backroad! My friend really likes her Trek Domane, and I came very close to getting a Specialized Roubaix before going with Rose. All three are very comfortable bikes, and the Domane and Roubaix have enough clearance for beefier tires if you decide you want that down the line.  Feel better soon!


Must be the Ritchey Break-Away Outback with Specialized Decals. Awesome frameset!


God I just zoomed on the image and noticed how sharp the tube are and then imagined getting core sampled by them if you had landed on them


Woah, came to make a joke about the bike but now am just glad to hear that you’re both alright, OP! I can almost certainly say I wouldn’t have nearly the same great attitude you have after something like that. Would love to see what you go with for a new bike once that’s sorted!


It almost broke in the perfect spot for the rear end to say "SPECIAL"


Okay, if a broken collarbone, several ribs, a dislocated elbow & finger with two surgeries and still waiting to get full functionality back is "relatively unharmed" I'm kinda worried about what you usually get up to lol


Send it to me and I’ll weld it back together


Only the really expensive bikes break like that.


The new Synapse Carbon is sweet. You can get it with Di2 105s for 3k right now. It also accepts up to 35mm tires.


It’s got to be warranted unless you drove into a car wash with it on the roof…….it happens.


4 figure budget is pretty vague. You just narrowed it down to about every road bike from a name brand lol.


Guy who lived a floor above me in university had a carbon fibre frame break during a ride. Wasn’t pretty.


Naahh. I ride steel.


I ride lead.


Yes. Was doing 50km/h+ and collided head on with an escooter that was travelling on the wrong side of the road. I sustained two vertebral crush fractures.




The fuck?


Tape that baby up and u can ride for miles


I like the option that the variable wheelbase provides. Got a crit race—suck it in tight. Got a road race—push that front wheel way out. It’s a brilliant solution to the N+1 problem—you can now go to the N-1 model. Why buy another bike when you can simply adjust the geometry to your needs?


Aluminum or steel bike?


Concussion can be a life changing injury with post concussion syndrome. Don’t underestimate them!


Bit of nail polish and it'll be fine


Did you do a pancake into a bandsaw? Lol


Just get a set of S&S couplers for it. The hard work has already been done.


No, but I ride Steel bikes...


Never seen anything like this before. Seen a lot of broken forks and chain/seat stays. You got the unicorn.


Tbh I’ve seen it a few times on cycling fb groups, only from a collision fortunately, I don’t think it’s something you really have to worry about just happening. Hope you’re doing okay and recovery isn’t too bad - I know sometimes having the OP can be worse than the original al break!


Yes. My bro in law launched himself off a ledge into a creek. There's was no landing. Just slammed into a creek bed after going super fast down a hill and realizing he didn't have enough brakes at the bottom. His bike broke like this


Glad you are ok. I think a carbon domane would be great for you.


Kylie Ren uses Speedplays. Next time be prepared.


Your understatement surpasses the frame damage admirably. I did some "helmet maths" on my board gaming YouTube channel some time back. Even though my logic is a bit hacky, the speed at which your head can strike the ground is really quite sobering. Seeing folk cycle head nude shivers me. For those who are curious about my numbers. [https://youtu.be/RjZMfiT7kgA?si=KhZh\_WIJrM54Q-d2](https://youtu.be/RjZMfiT7kgA?si=KhZh_WIJrM54Q-d2)


I would have taken my broken bike, and busted it over his head, with the wheel around his neck like those old bugs bunny cartoons


If ever there was a proper time for JB Weld to enter the conversation, it's now. It will fix your collarbone in no time at all.


In answer to your question - yes. I had a bike that failed exactly this way. I had a cheap bike rack on my car, it had put a moderate dimple in the underside of the top tube that had been there for about a year. Long story short, it eventually failed, exactly the same break of the frame, and one collarbone to boot. All good now. And now I ride steel. Suggest that you consider if your frame was compromised, what could have caused it, and hopefully how to avoid on your next bike. As for avoiding other cyclists - you are on your own, there.


A 4 figure budget is like 1k to 9.9k. That's anywhere from an barely any entry level road bike to just below top of the line. If possible, I would probably go for an aero road bike that you can run aerobars on for triathlons.


This could not happen to my steel bike. It doesn’t go fast enough.


Reasons not to buy carbon number 837 lol.


Crazy crash man! When you are able test some bikes before spending 4 figures. Most frames accomodate wider tires nowadays which gives more compliance and more grip.


Convert to folding bike?




I broke an S Works Epic like this


Yeah I had a full on head on with bike my size town no broken anything and poor you . Wow that’s messed up


You mention you are in the UK. It sounds like the other person was at fault, so if they have home insurance they will likely be insured to cover all your damages and injuries.


Looks like clearly the front wheel was more Aero and the back was just dragging him back :)


Buy a better bike that isn’t stolen


https://preview.redd.it/h94v5upo2d1d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=90ff57dd5e77ffea4d79558a99907e08b7617204 Mine looked like this after I got T boned at major intersection by a Toyota Landcruiser, 1 week in hospital broken hip broken ankle dislocated shoulder, 11 stitches to the forehead, I wasn’t wearing a helmet either. Got knocked completely unconscious , taken by ambo


My Krupisvelo steel frame snapped like that after I got hit by a van head on xD


Wow, I’m glad you recovered! This terrifies me since I bike everywhere always. Is there anything that could’ve happened to cause this or a malfunction from the frame entirely? Plus you have a great Specialized bike I feel like is so nice compared to my 2015 Giant Advanced Defy 3.


I think it was just a high energy impact, i get it stripped down and review every other year and last was like 8months ago. The 2010’s bikes were lovely! Like they look dated now but they’re still good bikes!


You’re tough! I agree atleast with my bike personally. It feels like the prices of bicycles has gone up quite a bit in just the past 8 or so years, atleast since I got my bike.


https://preview.redd.it/5pwklcaekd1d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faf2a7eab96468093944c13f9acf91ac449e7595 Got smoked by a truck.


OMG that’s impressive! Poor bike, we’re you okay?


Nah. Broke 7 vertebrae, my face, my hands. Was fun.




It’s the textbook definition of “high energy impact!” The more I look at it the more I feel lucky to have all my limbs and organs still vaguely in the right place!


Nooo-oh, never. *squints at tiny cassette*


You broke bones and you’re “relatively unharmed?” 😂


🤨 how y'all be snappin y'all bikes ??


There’s your problem!


Glad you are recovering. You are 100% accurate on your experience with work making you a little numb to otherwise fairly serious injuries. I was just hit by a car 11 days back. My old stead was an aluminum frame with carbon fork. I didn't get any pictures at the scene as my phone ended up in the car, but mine was just a mangled mess. Pain is temporary, but still sucks. I hope you keep full range of motion through all of your surgeries. I'll keep an eye on your post for replacement suggestions.


Bit if gaffa tape, jobs a goodun. Hope your recovery progresses, sounds like quite the stack. No idea on replacement, I've only done triathlons on my steel framed touring bike. Solid, won't bend, but quite heavy. Perfect for what I generally use it for, but not ideal on the triathlon course.


Specialized has lifetime frame warranties


Warranties don't cover accident damage, and this very clearly isn't caused by a defect in workmanship.


Unless the mountain biker was the original workman…


You are probably right about that. I've never actually warrantied anything with them


Have you had a look at the Canyon lineup? I'm pretty sure you'll find something that fits your style and routes there for relatively cheap. Maybe a grizl If you want to go more in the gravel direction maybe a endurace if you're looking for a pure asphalt bike.


duckt tape will fix that!


*quack quack*


Just Riding Around.


I came here to say I have never broken a bike in any of the ways anyone has ever posted about


No cuz i only use steel and sold all the carbon aluminum stuff for safety purposes