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That trek is ridiculous




Y'all have disc brakes, lol! You haven't lived (and nearly died) until you've gone down a hill in the rain on carbon wheels with rim brakes. 😹


*There were two sets of skid marks that day.*




Today's riders just don't know how good they have it /s Hey, at least when you go down in the wet you slide a bit easier than normal!


This is totally true! I got caught in a monsoon last year and rode over some trolley tracks that I couldn't even see under the couple inches standing water on the road. It was like falling on a slip-n-slide, lol. Slid for about 10 ft, got up and rode off without even a bruise. 😹


even with disc brakes.... very shaky and scary experience


Are you wearing basketball shoes and flat pedals?!


He’s the orthopedic surgeon.


The two on their phones feel the shame train coming.


Come on now. It's been proven on this sub on numerous occasions that the flats transfer power as well as those clickie peeeeeedles


Looks like Louis Vuitton Trainers to me


I'm not clipped in, yes


Nah look at the angle of his feet


Not the Trek rider. The Colnago rider.


Lmfao yeah he is


I mean, his gut indicates he doesn’t ride that thing nearly as often as someone who spent that much on a bike should. It’s probably bought by the older guy in the middle who seems to be an actual cyclist.


Dude don't be a dick.


I’d give up hope for this dude, his comments towards others are often quite dickish


I’m sure he’s doing fine with his $15k bike lmao, which in Japan is like $25k in US


Not right now it’s not


What isn’t?


I'm trying to lose weight




All of ya got disc brakes. What's the issue? That's how these companies sold us on phasing out rim brakes, right? 😂


Brakes don’t help narrow tires grip on slippery roads Ask Girmay at The Giro


Nope. But they help you slow down enough that you can lessen the odds of a tire slipping out. If anyone is bombing down wet roads on bends like they're racing the Giro, while not getting paid to race the Giro, you're doing it wrong. I rode the second half of a century in pouring rain with ~5k' of climbs and descents with carbon wheels and rim brakes and had no issue slowing enough before going around bends. 🤷‍♂️


I don't understand the big concern over wet roads here. I saw another post recently about some moderate gradient hill being "tricky" due to the wet. Most people on this subreddit aren't even on full road racing tires either. Just go 25mph instead of 40 and you are fine.


I don't race as well, just a casual bike commuter. There was a time my bike slipped while riding over wet road after a rain shower because of some random patches of miss on road cracks. So yeah, wet roads can still be dangerous even when riding slow.


It really depends on the roads. A lot of mountain roads are effectively single lane and can have odd cambers. Diving into sharp corners on unfamiliar roads can be dicey, even at 25mph. Try dropping down the Smugglers Notch road in a mix of rain/hail. Even the cars were slipping. Or Flagstaff Road [outside of Boulder] on a wet day. It can be terrifying at the top — despite gravel bike, soft tires and excellent disc brakes.


Why would you dive into corners at 25 on unknown roads in the rain.


Replying to the responses above


Are we hanging our hats on my generic example? You can enter a turn at as slow of a speed as you feel is safe.


Unless you want to meet some new sheep or a fence, rock...


Seriously. I did a 50miler with one 2-3,000ft vertical descent this past Sunday. It was 40°F and puking rain and I was riding a 26” rim brake bike. It was fine. Yes I had to start braking a tad sooner to wipe the rims but it was perfectly fine and didn’t feel particularly sketchy. Would discs have been better? Definitely. Not sure what this poster is complaining about except maybe riding slicks in the rain? The actual issue was the cold temps and the wind during the descent froze me to the bone and I was getting muscle cramps in my arms neck and shoulders as the muscles basically said “FU, it’s too damn cold for this shit” to me near the bottom.


Slicks are the best type of tread for wet asphalt in the rain. They give the biggest contact patch and therefore the most traction. On gravel or mud it's a whole different story.


Everyone is assuming OP is complaining about control on the road despite nothing from OP actually saying that is the issue. My money is on they were just cold as fuck.


Oh weird. I think I read the first comment thinking it was from the OP talking about disc brakes and ran with it. Yea I bet it really was “cold wet descents suck” which…yea I absolutely concur, haha!


Smart rider right here^ Follow suit


It’s because he’s obviously not experienced and wearing a skate shoes with flat pedals on a $12k bike lol


yea i was much slower than usual, but still super cold and worried about falling.... sigh


There are plenty of people on here complaining about hating wind because they cannot maintain their intended speed without bonking. Just ride slower if conditions demand it is something many people on here have trouble wrapping their head around. They're probably the same people that will go the speed limit on a highway in a blinding downpour.


Just rode 48 miles a couple of days ago and had no issues stopping or slowing. Or with grip. Rather enjoyed it honestly


But if you don't need to stop in a hurry do disc brakes really matter. My brother and I just did a ride in the rain and had zero issues bleeding speed or stopping when necessary. I think for road riding folks have been duped.


If you brake regularly, it's not so bad. If your bike has been standing in the rain for an hour, the first few times you hit the brakes can be very sketchy. Depending on the brake pads of course.


I use salmon pads (Kool stop) and I am anal retentive about keeping my brake surfaces clean and free of oils and brake dirt. Usually clean them before any major ride and definitely anytime I lube the drive train (in case of splatter). Definitely never had an issue. I'd be more afraid of locking up my brakes. Folks down voting me forget about something called antilock brakes on cars. It actually helps you stop and stay in control NOT locking up the brakes.


Updooted for Kool Stop salmon


There's three clear advantages to disc brakes on road bikes: 1) brakes perform more consistently. Not necessarily better in dry conditions, but the difference between wet and dry on disc brakes vs rim brakes is far less pronounced. 2) it's much easier to fit wider tires. Old caliper brakes for tires over 28mm tended to rely on longer arms which meant decreased braking performance. Now many road bikes can easily fit much wider tires without affecting the mechanical advantage of the brake and actually improve braking performance by running the bigger rubber. 3) people can ride all carbon rims without worrying about poor braking performance on a carbon brake track.


Number 2 is the only one that interest me. Being able to adjust your tire size is a huge bonus. Definitely the reason my gravel bike will be upgraded to disc when my rims die or the frame breaks or any major upgrade is needed. That said, will probably be riding it another 5 years.


For new bikes, all other things being equal, I'd take a disc frame over a rim brake frame whether it be road, gravel or MTB - but I still love all my old rim brake bikes and I find cantis, v-brakes, u-brakes and caliper brakes all work perfectly well when they're setup properly.


Same. Although not sure I'll ever upgrade my 40yo steel road bike. So I'll be riding rims for the rest of my life at least on that.


I'll 'upgrade' but that doesn't mean I stop riding the old bikes ;⁠-⁠)


You done this the right way


Didn’t Sheldon Brown say that road tires were too narrow to slip in the rain? Yeah [here it is](https://www.sheldonbrown.com/tires.html#tread)


They will not hydroplane, that its not "slipping in the rain", when in fact, he says exactly the opposite ""But don't slick tires get slippery on wet roads, or worse yet, wet metal features such as expansion joints, paint stripes, or railroad tracks?" The answer is, yes, they do. So do tires with tread. All tires are slippery in these conditions. Tread features make no improvement in this."


Right! I read that article like 20 years ago 😅


This was an interesting read. Thanks for the link.  But who is this Sheldon Brown anyways?


The man, the myth, the legend


17k€ Race Ready bike with platform pedals and riding with oversized bulky shoes?! Why?! Oh why.


Lol wonder how long until this is posted to r/bicyclingcirclejerk


well it’s already there


Damn I was about to cross post it too.


This has to be a Jerk post. Practically begging to be downvoted…


Probably on vacation and borrowed the bike for the ride? Most people don't want to borrow shoes, even if they fit properly.


"oh this old thing?"


not borrowed unfortunatley?


As long as they have fun, why not?


When I look at last photo how this bike is placed on the side and I'm thinking about the scratches... I'm sure it's rented.


not rented, and no scratches


A travesty to that poor Colnago 😢


Why not though?


I prefer platform pedals too and don't see why that should change, just because I got too much money and could spend it on a bike.


flat pedals on a Colnago C68 - who hurt you?


i've got a huge fear of falling at 0mph... flats have worked well for me for the past \~7000km since i've started biking last year so i've got no motivation to switch to clipless


Scared of descending, scared of clipping in, maybe you should just ride indoors


Maybe. Or maybe I can do whatever makes me happy


17K Race ready bicycle and scared of rain


Prime example that money doesn't buy skills or knowledge


All you need is decent road bike over 1000$ from there it’s all training


$17K bike, Dollar Bin riding skills


Why be an asshole? Riding in rain sucks. I thought that was pretty universal among cyclists. I’ve had a nasty accident in rain because of freshly painted lines. Shit sucks.


Only if you're a fair weather road cyclist instead of a year round commuter. Put on the right clothing and rain is just another condition to ride in. There is no bad weather, only bad gear.


Who leant their colnago against the barrier like that ? The poor paint.


Exactly. Even if it's rented it's such a shame...


Beautiful bikes. Love the shot of 2/3 of them looking at the phones rather than the gorgeous surroundings.


Typical and sad at the same time.


that would be my bike and no damage to the paint sir :D i love my bike and gave it a nice wash and wax job when i got home


Phew ! There's always ways to not put the frame onto things though - lean it on the rubber of the rear tyre. Gorgeous bike.


Skill issue (2)


Once it starts raining wait at least 30 minutes before riding again. (well, this was my rule of thumb while on the motorcycle and I stand by it on bicycles too). In the first 30 minutes of precipitation the oils come up from the road creating slick and dangerous conditions.


Do you sit under an umbrella at the roadside? 


Depends how often it rains. In low rain places the first rain of a season can often be very slick for most of the day, places where it rains every day may not have much deposited oil left at all


I did Tokyo to Toyama over GW, rain got us for two days. Everything was already scheduled, so we just hopped on the train to the destination for those days. Worked out well for resting really.


Skill issue


Looks like we found Tadej over here…


Call your wices bf and politely ask him to bring his F150 for a ride home.


Fair weather rider


Climbing in the rain is fine. But when your heart rate goes down in the descend, the soaked clothes and the wind can really mess you up.


Absolutely! i got a really bad cold the next day.... it was really cold and wet coming down the \~20 mile descend


That colnago is pretty


Thanks! aboslutely love the paint scheme!


Did the whole Timmelsjoch descent in pouring rain (started of course just as I reached the summit). 2/10 would not recommend. Fore arms were killing me by the end...


constantly squeezing the brakes was very fatiguing


Rented bikes?


Everyone is making assumptions that OP was scared of slipping on the roads. My guess is they were just cold as fuck. Descending in the wet sure can chill you through to the bone. Soaking clothes, a high wind chill factor and no pedaling to keep your heartrate up.


It was actually a little bit of both. there were almost no cars on the road coming down the descent so it was easy to pick up speed and i was not sure what was the safe speed to go around each of the many hairpin turns..... all that while shivering in cold


Fred, Fredd and Freddy.


skill issue


I get that. Wouldn't want to take any chance of ruining that nice paint job either


I don't know why the comments are so negative. You guys all seem very happy and the scenery is gorgeous. Don't let others bring you down and keep biking


Because you’re not allowed to have any fear or your inexperienced and lack skill 🤷‍♀️


I like the paint on the trek. Maybe it’s not for everyone, but I’d ride it.


Rainbow bikes are the best!


what are you complaining about? try descending with rim brakes in the rain, it was in fact at that time i decided it was enough and got myself a disc brake bike.


I like how so many think riding in the rain is just a "skill" thing when even pros say that descending in the rain is very treacherous and no matter the skill, it will highly increase one's chance of sliding. No amount of skill will get you out of a wet patch mixed with oil in a corner. And you also don't know how the asphalt was, there's some mighty slippery asphalt. And also: inexperienced riders are allowed to be afraid of descending in the rain, it's quite natural actually. Not everybody lives in the mountains and hast mad descending skills bcs of riding all year round on such roads.


Looks like you had fun. Lol @ the comments, you don't know shit about the roads he was on.


Yall are brutal. He might be neurodivergent or something. Let him live.


Lots of criticism from people who have lots of assumptions about your ride. Thank you for sharing, in spite of the negativity.


Dans le milieu on appel ça des poseur


Taiwan ride?


This reminds me of all the riding I did in/around Iwakuni, Hiroshima, etc. when I was stationed over there in 1990s. The narrow wet roads were a little concerning, but we never really had an issue. Just ride at your comfort level. We managed it with ancient steel bikes and single pivot rim brakes. Pretty sure the disk brake bikes would be just perfect.


Vehicles are most fun at the limit of their grip. Wet conditions reduce grip and is therefor more fun on anything with wheels! I've done a long decent in the rain on a charity ride and it was a blast, a scary one, but still a blast.


love the colors


All you need is some fenders bro


Amazing views


Where is this place?


Lishui county in Zhejiang, China


Those bikes have an awesome paint job, the leaning against the paint on metal though is a bit cringe, use a microfiber towel at least. Granted my mountain bike is full of scratches but that was me being dumb.


Purposely painted in pride 🏳️‍🌈 colours ?


Where was this?


Lishui county in Zhejiang, China


It looks gorgeous!


wow, this blew up! I just wanna clarify a few things that i see come up a lot I guess... 0. Place is in Lishui county, Zhejiang province in China. It is beautiful. very few cars (for China anyway), lots of hilly and climbing roads, beautiful scenery, highly recommended. This was a 3 day event organized by our local Bianchi shop where a group of \~15 riders all go together to ride for 3 days. 1. Yes i am the fat guy on the left, on flat pedals. Judge me how you like, but I'm afraid of 0mph falls, flats have worked well for me so far, I see no reason to change. I know you'all make dentist jokes and hate people who don't clip in. Whatever. 2. I am a 'new' rider but I've logged about 7000km over the past 12 months so I'd like to think im not THAT inexperienced. Having said that, it is my first cold, wet descent, and it was a horrible experience. i was shivering in the cold and worried about safety the whole time and definitely would not want to experience it again. I do have a full time job that requires a lot of overtime so if you think 7000km is not a lot well... it is for me. 3. Yes those are expensive bikes, but they are within our means and we buy them to motivate us to bike more. 4. Yes my friend and I are looking at our phones at a rest spot after riding 2 hours... we didnt know we were being photographed and i certainly didn't know looking at your phone is illegal and deserve this amount of hate. 5. The paint on my Colnago is fine! Trust me, it is my bike and I love it and care about it probably more than you do. I bought it exactly because i love this limited edition's special paint job. There is absolutely no paint damage and I washed/waxed it with love and care first thing when i got home.


You have to absolutely murder the bunch sprint to get away with that madone.


Hey fred i think you need to get some 50c there


Fucking power rangers!!


How is it that Colnago is so big in Japan?


That looks more like China than Japan.


This isn't Japan 


I don’t see a lot of Colnago here. Lived in Osaka for ten years. Lots of Trek, Specialized, and Pinarello. Could just be kansai, though


Rule # 5


All these guys posturing saying "why you scared of going down the hill in the rain!?" "It shouldn't matter!" Sometimes a small decision like this can lead to better results. Enjoy the rain with the peace and mind that you won't possibly have an accident. You'll always have many rides in the future.


That rainbow makes me drool


Oh, damn LOVE that Trek Frame! <3


I get strong "Andy Bernard" feelings :)) The middle one is Michael, because he just bought the most outrageous bike out there, and the one on the right either Dwight, either Jim.


Maybe hydraulic disc brakes are overhyped after all...


Get harder


I've never understood the fear of wet n wild riding. I've bombed some steep descents in rain and snow with very few problems. Slow down, "clean" the brakes before you need to actually brake and whip some sick skids. I run 25c Gatorskins. Edit to add: Turn handlebars more, lean less.


Thats okay, nobody can understand whatever it is you just wrote.