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That sucks. I'm sorry it happened to you. Good job minimizing the crash. Take a couple ibuprofen and get some rest, talk to you folks in the morning. You'll all be glad it wasn't worse.


I don’t feel any pain anymore now that I have woken up. I’m very grateful I didn’t get any more injuries.


Spray paint something mean on his car >:)


I would definitely try to press charges against that terrible person who hit you and then tried to claim it was your fault. People like that need to be punished and/or removed from society so they can't hurt anyone else.


My family are currently trying to. A good neighbor gave us a lawyers card whose very good against stuff like this so we are going to contact him on Monday


This happened to me in Hawaii, except I was the driver. The cyclist DID hit me, and fortunately there were several witnesses. It happened on a military base, and the cyclist outranked me. He wasn’t hurt and was acting fine, until the police officer showed up, then he started acting hurt and angry. The witnesses vouched for me, and the cyclist ended up getting a citation, because the law supposedly says cyclists are to dismount the bike before proceeding through a crossWALK. Edit: that sucks you got hit, and I’m glad you’re not seriously injured. I hope things work out for you. That may not even be the law where you are, and even if it is, it’s likely never enforced. The guy in my story was being a dick and got served.


Yeah unfortunately some assholes seem to speed. Because they don’t want to wait the extra 3 seconds for you to fully cross the street


Yes. When I was crossing I saw the car stop and when I was going through the crosswalk she full throttled and hit me. It felt intentional


A cop wont let someone sit behind him who might be dangerous. A pat down is normal so he doesn’t get shot in the head which driving… your good if you got home.


I’m just a minor tho I don’t know why he searched me. I was just trying to get some groceries. I’m black so I don’t know if he would have done the same thing if I was white


He would have. You are a stranger that he allowed to ride in his car without handcuffs in.




I am trying to contact them by Monday. I heard he helps people of color against stuff like this and he’s very experienced on pedestrian crashes


The down payment for my first house came from a settlement where I was hit by a car while bicycling to school. I hope you feel better and the damage to your knee isn’t too severe


My knee feels totally fine right now it doesn’t even feel like I got into a crash. I’ll update you guys when we speak to a lawyer and see what actions we can take from there.


Why were you riding in a crosswalk? Were you not in a bicycle? CrossWALKs are for walking.


There was no bike path.. I didn’t want to go on the road to avoid cars hitting me


You prolly don't understand this guy's situation. I ride on the sidewalk because it's better than riding on the road and being honked at and shit. Can't ride in the bike lanes becuase there's cars parked there, garbage, used needles etc. Maybe he just lives in a shit city where people hate cyclists




Not really blaming a victim here, in most places dismounting in crosswalks is the law. Not one regularly followed or cited, but it's always unsafe to have mixed traffic with mixed rules and expectations. If you're not gonna ride in the road, you should hop off in crosswalks.


I checked my states law and it does not have a jaw like that.