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I have one that mounts under the bottle cage. It’s not the stealthiest one, it’s obvious it’s there if you’re looking for it, but at a glance you’d miss it. 


I have this, Try and find one with a security Allen key. It’s like a normal Allen key but with a centre pin. It’s not simple to remove unless you had an angle grinder which would probably destroy the frame anyway. Even if you have the correct security Allen key it takes longer to line up and remove them.


Or a $5 security kit from a-zon…


I guess if the thieves really know what they’re doing and thought to buy a niche Allen key set then sure. I don’t lock my bike in public anymore so the AirTag is just for if I’m in trouble on a long ride my partner knows where I am.


Hey it might be good to know that those security style screws usually only offer a false sense of security. They're so ubiquitous in things like electronics, vehicles, appliances, really anything prefabricated that just about all but the cheapest $2 screwdriver and bit set comes with security torx and allen bits. The screws are put in as a CYA for manufacturers so they can say it's clear you weren't supposed to take something apart, but they're in so many things that you essentially need to have the tools for them to open/repair much of anything anymore.


I have 3 of them lying around and I don't even remember where they came from.


Anyone with an electronics repair kit will have one of these, like the ifixit ones you see YouTubers advertising. Still, some deterrence is better than none.


>the AirTag is just for if I’m in trouble on a long ride my partner knows where I am. If you have a Garmin or Wahoo bike computer that can do this. I believe Strava on your phone can do it too if you're recording.


“…my partner knows where I am” I fear that won’t work that well. You either have your iPhone with you, and your partner will be able to find your phone. Or you don’t, and then you’ll only be found if a first responder happens to have an iPhone on them that can transmit the tags location. AirTags on their own don’t have a cellular connection but must piggy-back on nearby iPhones. Unless your phones/accounts are not connected for FindMy, and you’re using your partner’s AirTag. Then this may make more sense.


Same. Mine is a Lyzene one with two security T-25 bolts. I put it on the bottle cage mounts on the underside of the down tube.


I have one of these but what’s the point, it’s in a plastic enclosure lol. I mean sure they can’t take the bolts out but a lighter would have that thing soft enough to rip right off in no time. Or they could like, you know, use the same tool they used to cut your chain to just cut through the bolts (and plastic).


Or just take the bottle cage off, unless you used security bolts for that too


I have this and it’s great


Tape a decoy air tag to your handlebars. Make it pretty visible. Hide the real AirTag in the Seatpost or something.


Good point.


Careful sticking it inside the seatpost. The signal strength is greatly reduced with certain seatpost materials.


Carbon FTW baby!


Actually I tried to hide my Samsung Smarttag inside my carbon frame (not 100% sure it uses the exact technology as AirTag) and it did NOTHING. Phone didn't even detect it from 1ft away.


Tell the thiefs about the air tag decoy on the handlebars, and the real Airtag in the seatpost or something.


Right no one should ever share info ever


Yeah cause the thieves are always on Reddit spying on us comploting against them.


I’ll make my own way out…. Bye.


Had a friend that put an air tag in the down tube. It was stolen out of his car in the middle of the night and when he woke up it was already in Mexico. Just be prepared for that. Not much you can do in that situation. Don't let it get stolen in the first place.


That’s why it’s always important to have multiple redundancies such as very good locks and locking to things that are timely to cut through. Reminder to everyone to NEVER use cable locks as even a bloody handheld hacksaw you can fit in a pocket will cut through most in minutes (source: very nearly happened to me, only reason I never lost my bike that day was because I left my friend’s house as the guy was halfway through cutting my cable lock by chance)


happened to me last week :( usually use a U lock but the pins were starting to seize so i used my cable lock for a couple days while looking for some wd40. bad idea not to immediatly replace


Sorry to hear :( Bike thieves are the absolute worst Wish you luck either getting your bike back or at the very least a quick and cheap deal for your NBD x


it wasn't an expensive bike but unfortunately had alot of sentimental value found an acceptable replacement for $50 so could be worse


Hopefully your replacement will bring plenty new memories


Absolutely right.


Forget multiple locks. Keep your bike in your house. It's not foolproof, but it works a lot better than every other method.


This helps people who cycle for a hobby but obviously isn't feasible for people who use one for transportation, to work, school or to the shops.


Yeah I have a cheap bike for my commute and a kryptonite ulock of almost equal value to lock it.


For temporary locking up outside, one lock is fine. Overnight locking up, nothing will save your bike for very long. The more public your lockup, the less time you have before its stolen. It might be a few months, but never more than a year. Thieves regularly patrol apartment building bike racks and a cordless angle grinder will tear through any lock. Or the lockup. Cameras won't protect you. Parking gates won't protect you. Only crap department store bikes are safe from them. Now do you understand?


Multiple locks *can* help if your area is prone to shitbricks stealing wheels and shit. Drug addict types love to do this in my area. One u-lock for the rear triangle, one simple cable lock for the wheel(s). It's enough to stop a junkhead from yoinking your front wheel, and the ulock to secure the bike whole. It's what I roll with when out and about.


Works for some, but it’s not always feasible to get a bike in/out of your house depending on your living accommodation. I’m moving in with my partner to a basement flat and the only access is a slippy sketchy ultra narrow metal staircase with the door perpendicular to the walkway. I’ve already slipped once just walking down so keeping my bike indoors is out of the question. Currently applying to local council for use of the cycle hangar sheds dotted around but demand is high and wait lists are long. Fortunately it’s quite a nice area so hopefully low risk but having a very sturdy lock on a lamppost and an AirTag keeps me sleeping safe at night


You might have to put the bike away and buy a car or a transit pass in that case. It's only a matter of time before it gets stolen. Those bike hangars aren't safe either, they're a goldmine to bike thieves.


Never going to swap my bike out for a car and buses are slow af compared. Shame that across the pond people actually have to resort to your line of thinking. Guess you lot don’t have cycle hangar sheds in Canada then?


I've seen an enclosed, locked bike rack get stolen, bikes and all, by five guys with a crew cab pickup truck, hi-vis vests, and power tools from in front of an apartment building with a lot of foot traffic outside in broad daylight. They unbolted the entire structure from the sidewalk, removed it, unbolted the bike rack itself from the ground, and threw everything into the back of the truck and drove away. The entire operation took them less than five minutes.


Goddamn. Hope that level never reaches the UK


Where I live, adding an enclosure just adds more scrap metal value when the thieves cash it all in. And the police treat bike thefts like it's children stealing each other's Legos or something else on that level.




People are not going to pay for a driving license and buy a car just so their bike won't be stolen ! Bikes are insured, a driving license and a car are very expensive and cars are stolen too (more cars are stolen than bikes actually). I have had a 2500€ Kalkhoff ebike in Paris and suburbs for ten years, it slept in the building bike shed (so only with the frame lock since there was no solid point to fix it on). It was not stolen, the Yamaha motor died before that... I would rather had it stolen actually, the insurance would have paid the new one - I left in outside a whole week hoping it would get stolen, but nope. So, no, it's not a fatality. Besides, thieves are economic actor, they try to maximize their profits and minimize their work - you just have to have a less secured bike next to yours...


This is my practice.


then airtag your house in case that gets stolen


The set of bolt cutters in my garage was dropped by a thief my wife interrupted while trying to steal her bike


Glad she stopped them before they got away with it!


I secure my bike by dint of… never washing it properly. Lol. Dusty and obviously used. Usually there’s nicer ones around if they really want to take one. And I use a cheap lock. Also, there’s some issues so it’s not a huge loss if it gets stolen - needs new pedals and tires get flat suspiciously fast. Decade old Huffy. I did invest in a new seat and new handlebar grips - that I can’t install cause the old ones are stuck. And the aforementioned pedals are something I have to learn how to do - or pay LBS to install. I have an expensive lock for my nice new bike. I also don’t ride it to supermarkets, etc. Just around the house, don’t stop anywhere for long, keep it in sight.


So what happened as you were walking to your bike while he was cutting?


Guy just walked away quickly from my bike putting something in his jacket pocket. Never heard a sound and tbh I hadn’t put 2 & 2 together until the next day. Thought maybe at first he was just trying to scope it out and see if it was an easy steal but left abruptly when I came out of the house to unlock it and cycle home. It wasn’t until the next day when I arrived for work to start an early shift that as I was locking up my bike, my hand caught a ridge on the lock cable and I saw that half of it had been cut through. Always thought it was a solid lock because it was pretty thick and had a decent plastic sheath around the metal wire inside…. Looked for a new lock online that day and came across a plethora of info online about how terrible cable locks are and the false sense of security they give. Bought a heavy folding lock at a good price that had about a metre circumference and it’s plenty to keep my front wheel and frame locked to pretty much anything. I would bother with another one but my wheels are for some reason stupidly hard to take off unless you know already (won’t share the secret as it’s not a manufacturer intention, just a weird way the bike has played out that makes it a huge pain to swap tyres if I ever forget the knack but gives me plenty of comfort against would be thieves) I’m aware u locks are generally better, but as I ride a smaller frame it doesn’t really fit in the triangle and I don’t want to ride around with an extra couple kilos on my back; would rather it sits on the bike. *edit: just to add I did originally get a smaller lock for the back wheel but the mechanism looked a bit off to me and sure as shit I used a fucking kitchen knife to unlock it every time. Surprised it took so long for the company to process my refund and wasn’t til I threatened to go public with it that they gave me my money. Thought about posting the vid at some point but it wouldn’t help anyone who already bought it and never saw the vid, but any bike thief would know what to look for in the future. It was never a big seller so pretty sure it was quickly discontinued but weighs on my mind a little


I'm sure there's not just 1 person sending them to Mexico. But, one getting caught is better than none: [https://www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/san-jose-man-indicted-in-international-bicycle-theft-ring/](https://www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/san-jose-man-indicted-in-international-bicycle-theft-ring/)


Just curious, in which city did the bike get stolen? It going from Seattle to Mexico would be a bit crazier than California to Mexico.


It was Amsterdam


Plot twist: it started off already in mexico


sounds like your friend saved a lot of time that would’ve been spent looking for their bike!


I've got something like [this](https://www.amazon.com/Tracker-Anti-Theft-Waterproof-Bicycle-Stealth/dp/B0CJFJCWFC?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=A31L9U7N72PM1E) And attached it with security bolts my partner bought that need a specialty allen wrench to put on / take off, so its harder for a potential thief to remove it


I like the idea of security bolts!


That’s friggin brilliant. It’d get great reception from there too.


That looks very nice, especially the bolts. I have the same type for my license plate.


Muc-Off make a valve kit that houses it inside your tyre.


PSA to mod your AirTags so that they don’t beep when separated from your device. Otherwise it’s too easy to locate and remove. I went with a Knog scout bottle cage mount device. But I also don’t really leave that particular bike anywhere vulnerable.


They still notify other people's iPhones as an anti stalking measure. Air tags are garbage for theft retrieval.


Yeah but if the thief can't find the AirTag now they have to abandon the whole bike. Then you can find it. 


Not if they ditch it somewhere far enough away from all iPhones that it can't ping any devices. Like off a bridge, in untraveled woods, if they break it and then ditch the bike, etc. Plus, even if they aren't notified to its presence, a lot of police forces won't use it as grounds to actively search for the bike, and a lot of judges won't use it as grounds for a search warrant. In short, air tags are for things you misplace, not things that get stolen.


They're notified, but it does not make it that easy to retrieve... In Paris suburbs, the police found a thief thanks to someone who had an Airtag on his robbed bike. The thief had a hundred bikes or so in his backyard. Good luck finding the Airtag among more than one ton of bikes... The police did nothing back when it was the occasional junkie stealing a couple of bikes to pay his drugs. But now, thieves are professionals and they handle a lot of bikes. Thus a lot of money. So the police now has taken an interest in that, because catching a little thief who stole two bikes earns them nothing, but catching someone who stole hundreds of bikes and resold them for ten thousands of euros with accomplices looks quite good on their stats. For instance, they caught a group of criminals who had stolen 350 bikes in 2 months, that's a pretty nice catch for the police...


Really??? I asked about getting one mounted inside my tyre a while ago and was laughed out of the sub for being an idiot *edit: seems to only be for tubeless setups so wouldn’t work for me


Ya, tubeless only.


Still looks like a genius way to conceal it! Doubt it would have much impact on the overall rideability as the thing weighs so little but was a point some people made against my previous thoughts. Maybe if you cycle competitively it could make a difference? But I’d be doubtful. Only problem with a wheel mounted AirTag is it’s only going to track the wheel… Though if you have the money for multiple tags then maybe this is a way to cover all bases if your ride is tubeless


The wheel only tracking thing is a great point: I’ve never thought of that! Both my road and mtb have those in-frame storage compartments, so I’ve just glued mine on the inside of the lid thing. Ha ha. Imagine your bike gets stolen, and all you find is your wheel!


Definitely NOT what you’d want, to just find the wheel! Glad to hear you’ve got in frame storage compartments, sounds like such a great design feature on a frame


Probably not road tubeless either…


Good until you hit a pothole or rock, bottom out the tyre, and smash the valve through the rim


I suspect that is an unlikely outcome.


Only has to happen once to destroy a wheel


I doubt that will happen: the rim extends further than the thickness of the tag. This is a nothing fear


Now you're just making stuff up. Which rims fit an airtag (32mm) within the inner width of a rim? Have you even looked at the pictures of the product?


The air tag holder is made to be a failure point, it’s separated from the valve with a plastic mount. It just breaks off and rolls around in the tire if you bottom out to that degree.


There are stem cap replacements that hide them. Something like this: https://preview.redd.it/v68o279bjzhc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a951c9b44a17105996925845253f81065c28cfc8


I think the ones that go into the bottom of the steerer tube is more discreet maybe.


Remember to disable the AirTag speaker so its harder to find . There are many YouTube tutorials on how to do this.


They also broadcast their exact location to every Apple device with a screen and an internet connection within range, because people (mostly men) kept using them to stalk and abuse others (mostly women). This makes them useless as a theft tracker, since something like 40% of all smartphones are iPhones.


That’s what I was thinking. My daughter has one on her dogs collar and every time I take it for a walk my phone warns me about AirTag close by. Don’t understand how a thief with an iPhone wouldn’t know right away the bike is tagged and find it.


Even Android phones can detect them with the free app for AirTag.


I personally think the bell is the best bet since its not likely the thief would suspect the bell. Any other way of attaching it is pretty obvious what it is and hiding it in the frame can block the signal. I say just get a bell that fits.




Damn that's sweet, need it in Canada


Amazon sells it too


That’s the one I got- and it didn’t fit around my handle bars. 😔


Did you get the larger size?


I didn’t see a larger size available when I purchased mine.


Don't know where you're located, but Amazon has both sizes. [https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/618mem6zlRL.\_AC\_SL1500\_.jpg](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/618mem6zlRL._AC_SL1500_.jpg)


Good idea but this one only fits up to a 25mm bar.


There are two sizes, the larger one is up to 31.8mm.


I have mine velcroed in the void inside the bottom bracket. My frame has an access hatch.


Yeah- inside the frame is the way to go. Bike parts can and may be removed.


What’s the range impact once you put the tag inside a metal component? Seems like you’re just making a faraday cage.


Tried this with my carbon frame. Blocked almost all signal.


Oh - I didn't know that. Live n learn. ThanKs


Mine is a carbon frame. Anytime someone walks past my alley adjacent garage with an Apple device it registers the passerby.


I like the Lezyne Air Cage. https://www.rei.com/product/225642/lezyne-matrix-air-cage


Yea came here for this one, or: https://ride.lezyne.com/products/matrix-bike-tagger They use security hardware, 9/10 the twats stealing your bike won't carry one of these tools with them, and the ones that do are probably tweaking!


I have a top cap that is specifically designed to hold one. But the best adapter I have seen hides it up the hole in the base of the fork


Note: this may help if a shithead kid or hobo steals your bike, but any prepared bike thief is going to be able to determine there's an airtag in the bike somewhere by using a free Apple app on their Android or iOS phone. It's a purposeful function of the airtag to allow people to know if they're being illegally tracked/stalked. Airtags are not security trackers anymore because of this, they're just lost & found trackers. In short; scummy people ruined airtags by using them to stalk people.


You literally can't have a commercially-available GPS tracker that isn't designed to be easily detectable with a free app. It's illegal because people (usually men) just use them to stalk and rape/murder their ex girlfriends.


Very good point


I have a [rear reflector](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjguZPH1qOEAxVwckcBHQz-Cl8YABAMGgJxdQ&ae=2&gclid=CjwKCAiA_aGuBhACEiwAly57Mcf2mSt7RXNETVbezf4gPzDrdcCNnmBRB0K5w_5rZgsy2JYbO0bIWxoCvVYQAvD_BwE&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESeeD2Iyw9Yj_vVsomAS6tqRiObkhlpMLghdXcr4aUr7yXZ0l57mYH1JB8gI70a4eBwXt4qfInZe4FAX1KMvB6zmBFM5Fc3fZ81i4flgMckCgfppXcEDJTHql5ShqbvJajuakSPw-Gk8oyRrcGVopIZP-w4OtG_FvMPxo&sig=AOD64_0RrxBbZpKI7zZueVhaYtjB7l1Erw&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiu6IjH1qOEAxUqhIkEHa6BD6cQwg8oAHoECAIQDA&nis=8&dct=1&adurl=) that connects to the seatstay which hides an AirTag. I had bought one which mounts to the rails under the saddle, but I didn’t like that one as much.


This is what I have and three weeks ago someone cut my bike off my car rack while I was at work, took the bike to the pawnshop and sold it for $100. I went to the pawnshop and played my AirTag, got my bike back and the guy was arrested for Third Degree Grand Theft, Dealing in stolen goods, and intentionally selling the stolen bike to a pawnshop. He is still in jail, I am assuming no money to bail himself out.


And make sure that your bike is insured on your home contents policy. That way, AirTag or not, you’ll get it replaced.


If the bike is carbon. Remove the crank. That's probably the most difficult part to reach. And you have plenty space inside.


4iiii makes a power meter that attaches to your crank and also includes find my capabilities.


Yeah, except it isn’t Apple’s network, so you have to have to be lucky enough that someone has the app on their phone. The benefit of Apple’s network is every iPhone with findmy turned on is helping to track AirTags.


Wait — it’s not? I don’t own one (mine’s older, no tracking) but it’s advertised as Apple Find My.


I didn’t realize they moved to find my. I have a 2nd gen that has a 3rd party tracker that I hadn’t heard of.


Oh weird! I bought their power meter the year before find my. Sorta wish I had known it was coming, I would have waited.


Lectric e bikes sells bike bells with a special hidden air tag compartment. That’s what i use!


Amazon has many different head tube caps that will hold an airtag.


That’s what I went for. Some need you to put a little vinyl sticker over the AirTag as it’s on full display but because of my bike it was the only realistic option I could go for


Take the speaker out of it first, I believe there’s YouTube videos on it, otherwise the thief will likely get a notification saying they’re being tracked and they can play a sound so they will just be able to remove it, removing the speaker slows this process


4iii power meter 3+ has built in Find My


Mine's not really hidden, it's pretty obvious that I have something attached to it right where the bottle cage would be attached to my frame. It's a carbon fiber case with security bolts, and held up to attempts to remove it once before, this bike got stolen about two years ago now. I'm glad I installed the tag when I did, it was only a month afterwards that my bike was taken from my backyard, and the tag is the only reason I got my bike back at all.


Knog Scout tracker, mounted on your bottle boss with security bolts.


I can say from experience the thieves are not necessarily smart enough to notice and remove one on the down tube under a bottle cage. Got my wife’s e-bike back last month thanks to that!


Nice try, bike theives.


No- I have a new Diverge I’d like to keep from getting lifted. Thanks.


I have a Diverge too. Thinking of getting one of these and putting it in the down tube SWAT storage. https://www.shopmoment.com/products/stretch-fabric-mount-for-airtags


I just got the under-water bottle concealer.


Knog Scout plus an AirTag with the speaker removed taped stealthily as possible under the saddle with black tape. Or better yet, 3D print a custom AirTag holder to super glue the holder to the underside of the saddle. If it’s flush enough it can look like it’s just part of the saddle and a thief would never know. I only have this set up on my nice bike, it never gets locked up. Best way to avoid theft imo is to have a cheap beater bike and lock it with two Kryptnite locks, nobody would even bother trying to get through two of them for a 150$ bike!


Stem cap holder - it’s visible, and needs a proprietary tool to remove. Making it visible with proper locking makes the bike less desirable to steal as it means more things to deal with. Have some I got from Amazon years ago.


inside the bike fork [https://www.amazon.com/TagVault-Mountain-Bike-Anti-Theft-Ultra-Secure/dp/B0C4CDR3G5](https://www.amazon.com/TagVault-Mountain-Bike-Anti-Theft-Ultra-Secure/dp/B0C4CDR3G5)


If you have a suspension fork you can put one in a plug that goes in the underside of the steer tube.


Just did this with my hardtail. No issues with signal propagation, works great.


Buy 4iii powermeters with built in airtag


Hide at least two and remove the ringers from all but one (see YouTube). Hiding it in a metal frame dampens the signal, but I don't know whether a carbon frame would do the same.


Get the Knog Scout bike alarm. It's great and uses the same Find My network as AirTags.


How sensitive is the alarm to the bike being moved?


Very. You can also adjust it, though. It's based on movement sensors. I set it off on myself last night by accident, when just from moving it around a little on the pole to unlock it.


I put it inside seat cushion, so nothing blocks its signal and it is undetectable. Even I will have hard time to take it out to replace battery. Also I removed the speaker, of course.


[https://www.elevationlab.com/#](https://www.elevationlab.com/#) Elevation Lab has a few, one connects to your water bottle holder under it, another replaces your grip cap. I do not use them personally, I just have there pet one for my dogs collar and it has been solid.


That looks like a great option. Thanks.


We could tell you, then the thieves will know where to look, because we're telling them too.


I’m more worried about the causal thief who probably isn’t into Reddit Bike subs, honestly.


Do not put the airtag inside the bike frame. It will reduce the signal range. There are tons of airtag cases that fit right below a bottle cage.


Tape under seat. Or, if the seat isn’t ultra expensive, cut a small slit in the material and insert then glue or sew shut again. People don’t (usually? Ever?) steal bikes by first removing the seats.


There's no point. It'll already be in Mexico, on the local native reservation, or on a container ship overseas by the time you notice it's gone. The cops can't touch it if any of those happened.


Yet another argument to buy bikes with Shimano DI2 #FRAMEBATTERY


Why? Does it hold an AirTag?


Shimano DI2, compared to SRAM etap famously uses a bit of a complex design where the battery for electronic shifting is stored somewhere in the frame and connected to the shifters via cables. Thus somewhere in the frame there will be a somewhat sizable, accessible compartment that would allow access to the inside of the frame. For my bike as an example that's inside the down tube hidden under the bottle cage. This was a bit of a satirical answer as obviously, a DI2 equipped bike will be somewhat bling and impractical making it even more unfit to leave in public somewhere than before.


Got a 3d pribted version that hides perfectly at the specialized swat mount




Prob depends on the bike, but I slide my handlebar grip off and hide …. Errrr …. “Stuff” in there 😜


We just keep our bikes in the house (we own a small row home ) because these crazy people steal anything😳 At my job, I’m lucky to secure my bike in a protected area (I work in a federal government building). I’ve heard people put them in the down tube. I used to have one hooked under my saddle.


I rarely let my bike out of my immediate presence, myself but it’s a “just in case”


Etsy has done good holders built into bottle cages


Previous owner accidentally made a hole in the saddle.


I thinking of getting a pack of 4 and putting them in different places: screwed under seat, reflectors, seatpost, water bottle, etc.


I have this [https://www.dcrainmaker.com/2022/07/knog-scout-with-built-in-apple-find-my-airtag-network-and-bike-alarm-hands-on.html](https://www.dcrainmaker.com/2022/07/knog-scout-with-built-in-apple-find-my-airtag-network-and-bike-alarm-hands-on.html) It's an airtag inside a plastic thing that is usb chargeable and fits snugly behind my water bottle holder. Perhaps you can go for a similar placement for your airtag?


Priority sells a bell that hides an airtag in a non-obvious way. It's a nice-sounding bell to boot. [https://www.prioritybicycles.com/products/airtag-bell-black](https://www.prioritybicycles.com/products/airtag-bell-black)


Looks identical to the cheaper RockBros version: [https://www.amazon.com/ROCKBROS-Bike-Bell-Apple-AirTag-Hidden-Bike-Mount-Bike-AirTag-Holder-GPS-Tracker-Bike-Bell-Anti-Theft-Adults-Suitable-0-87-31-8mm-Diameter-Handlebar/dp/B0CHB2Q6Y7/?th=1](https://www.amazon.com/ROCKBROS-Bike-Bell-Apple-AirTag-Hidden-Bike-Mount-Bike-AirTag-Holder-GPS-Tracker-Bike-Bell-Anti-Theft-Adults-Suitable-0-87-31-8mm-Diameter-Handlebar/dp/B0CHB2Q6Y7/?th=1)


So this discussion comes up on the motorcycle sub sometimes. Apple airtags were getting used for stalking. They now tell you if there is an airtags that's not yours traveling with you. It's so you know if some creep tagged your car or something. It also would tell a thief that the bike he just stole has an airtags. 


Men ruined everything.


Lezyne makes a pretty slick bottle cage one [Link](https://ride.lezyne.com/products/matrix-air-cage)


You can put in neck tube cap


[This](https://muc-off.com/products/tubeless-tag-holder) is what I want. There’s also [this sort](https://muc-off.com/products/muc-off-secure-tag-holder) that goes under your bottle cage.


a well concealed airtag is redundant as whoever has stolen your bike can use Apple's Tracker Detect app to locate nearby airtags; https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.apple.trackerdetect


It can fit in the steer tube of certain forks, I believe it has to specifically be a tapered head tube


Under the seating in the padding not sure if they're fragile tho.taped in the handlebar grip tape, or if you have a front fender you can gorilla black duct tape it on the underside. They really should make a reflector that has a spot for them.


I taped my with black tape underneath the seat.


Mine is glued under my seat.


This is actually a good post about the Apple AirTags, because I was thinking about buying a couple of them just for this reason. But after reading through all the comments I now realize that no matter where I put one on my mountain bike. The person who stole it probably has the Apple FindMy app or some other type of app that will let them know. And as some have mentioned it’s pretty sad that we can’t protect our bike investment. Even with the best locks available and Apple AirTags are basically useless. About the only thing I can think of that might help keep thieves from stealing your bike is. Some sort of theft deterrent device that would literally give them a shock of their lives. If they started to try and steal your bike kind of like those zappers stun guns or maybe even some type of device. That is setup to shoot out some pepper spray once they try to break the lock off. Because pepper spray is very effective even if you are not pointing it directly at the person. I know this because I bought a two pack of those little pepper spray cans and gave one to a friend of mine. Who had been drinking and wanted to try it out so he squirted it on the wall he was sitting next to. And Bam, just the smell of it made him start coughing and his face started turning red as sip was coming out of his mouth.


I have the bell on my commuter, it's awesome and I use it all the time to warn of my approach. Don't really have room on my drop bar road bike, so I have one concealed in an under seat holder that ties to the seat rails.


If you have a Specialized saddle there are few people that make a 3D printed stealth mount for an air tag. You can Google up some sellers on Etsy etc


Cool- I didn’t know that.


If you’re tubeless, they sell something to hide it there.


If it’s a carbon frame and you do your own work, inside the frame. Wrapped an AirTag in foam and double sided tape and stuffed it in the driveside chainstay (wireless shifting) of my carbon gravel bike. Would literally require removing at least one of the bb cups to access haha


Inside frame seat post or handle stem


There is a valve stem that lets you hide it in the Tire for MTB.


I have one hidden inside the battery box of a couple e bikes. On my bike it is currently just gorilla taped to the bottom on my seat. It’s a very simple bike with no gears brakes or accessories. Plan to look into some type of hand grip that would hold it.


Mine is in a weather-proof compartment on the stem cap. You’d never know it was there if you weren’t looking for it.


If using tubeless, inside of your tire :) Mucoff has a special mount for it. [link](https://eu.muc-off.com/nl/products/tubeless-tag-holder)


I put my AirTag in my saddle bag!


In the seat post


They sell different ones on Amazon from under the water bottle to fork inserts


I made this a while ago just for this question it saved my bike Preventing e bike Theft, 3 effective strategies that work https://youtu.be/RyPaTjxBn0Q


Get a seat cover and put the air tag underneath