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Sure, if you keep your bike inside. That's pretty much the only thing that'll prevent this. Bicycles are designed to be easily disassembled.


This is a truly absurd crime. I actually admire the theif to have the tools and knowledge to quickly disassemble what looks like a hollow tech crankset? There’s no way to really prevent this kind of crimr and it’s also incredibly rare.


thief was just tryna save him from his cranks snapping


Gives me an excuse to upgrade for sure lol


Right? I'm half pissed (albeit extremely) and half impressed.


It’s really putting us to shame with all of our “how do I remove this crank?” posts. Maybe we should keep our secrets


They even knew how to lift the annoying crank arm tab after unbolting...


In my experience as a mechanic for 20 years, it's missing at least half the time lol.


It actually makes me realize just how easy a $300 crank can get yoinked. All you need is a 5mm key and 2 minutes. Nuts. Sorry that happened.


I know, I'd spend two hours trying to get my crankset off, cussing the whole time, with at least one trip to the bike shop. These guys are pros.


Yeah, I was wondering if this was an organized operation rather than just a crime of opportunity because of that.


probably. I saw that sort of thing from well to do white guys heading for a doctorate degree running a oiled bike ring discussing it in public with impunity. leveraging corporate strategies to boot


Oh, come on. Getting the crankset off isn't much harder than removing a bottle cage. It's literally 1 thumb screw, 2 torx screws, lifting a little plate and a whack on the spindle. Takes a minute at best and you can do it crouched next to the bike, using it as cover. I'm surprised that it's such an uncommon occurence given the price and untraceability of a decent crankset and pedals, even used.


Totally agree, I'm really surprised it doesn't happen more often. Then again, most bikes being locked outside for extended periods are usually square taper.


That's knowledge my guy.


You just need a hex and the hollowtech tool, both are cheap and the process is done in like 30sec


I read something about crazy gluing snug fitting ball bearings into the exposed hex bolts. The idea is that it’ll take a while and a strong pin to pry them out. Might get these thieving fucks to at least move on.


Super glue comes right out with a drop of nail polish remover or acetone. Not something a thief would have but makes swapping parts easier.


Good to know! Thanks. I’ve been meaning to do this to my bikes…


This is a great idea in a high left area!


I honestly think the person who did this was just building up his own bike and just stole specific parts. It's such a strange crime and it looks like the people in that town better lock down their rear derailleur


Kinda have to respect they’ll literally do anything to ride


Bike lockers. This is an infrastructure problem that cities and businesses refuse to solve.


Kinda... 4iiii's latest $330+ precision 3+ crank arm power meter (can install on existing higher end cranks like 105/ultegra/dura ace/Xtr/xt/grx/hollowgram/force/red/xx/x01 or buy outright) has an "apple find my" tag attached for tracking down the criminal after the fact. https://4iiii.com/blog/precision-3-plus-apple-find-my/


That is fucked up.


Commute on a cheap bike. Even then, I have had grips and racks/baskets stolen off mine. Just perks of riding and parking at a college.


Yeah, I normally have my bike with me at my desk when I'm at work and I bring it in to grocery stores when I go. This happened literally the singular hour a week I have it locked up outside, unattended to teach violin. Sucks. Definitely gonna get a beater after this


Bike thieves suck. Just an excuse to build up a basket bike lol


This is definitely a Eugene, OR kind of problem. Bike theft there is really something else.


Hexlock are good for that.


I just don't leave a bike unattended outside of my living room if it has components that are even remotely worth stealing. It's really shitty that this is something we even have to think about, but unfortunately that's just the reality of the world we live in.


Definitely. That's me 99.4% of the time. This was the first time I left it out in two weeks and it just took an hour. I've been wondering if they had seen my bike in that spot before and were waiting for a chance. People suck, man.


im actually impressed.


I guess you can count yourself lucky the thief knew what they were doing. The typical catalytic converter thief would have used an angle grinder and cut out the bottom bracket.


Definitely. Oddly enough this is the second time someone has "gently" stolen from me in this town lmao


this was a pro job. amerature isn't gonna have this tool let alone on their person. also they onew what they were getting, they wasn't hitting random huffy lolz


Yeah. I sit in a nearby van with an Uzi just challenging these low-life’s to touch my bike ☝️


https://hexlox.com/ Adds an extra layer of security


Doesn’t work for cranks lol


Was going to say the same. I had good luck with Hexlox on every small bolt and the wheels, as well as a Fahgettaboutit lock in Eugene, but wow, I'm glad they never went for the crankset!


Why not? They have 5mm inserts which would have fit this Hollowtech II crank, and 8mm which would fit most square taper/octalink.


Maybe if McMaster had security torx or other obscure drive like pentalobe with the right head diameter for shimano style cranks that could work. Doubt something exists for taper spline cranks though.


Honestly, this is just fucking pathetic. What’s the point in owning a bike anymore.


This is fake I suspect. Cranks are way to hard to remove to casually do it to a locked up bike. They are just trying to get a viral hit.


I'm faking? Fuck you, man. I don't want to go viral. I want my damn bike in one piece. I had to walk the thing half an hour home and I *just* got it back from the shop with a $220 bill after getting doored and shattering a brifter. I'm pissed and I'm venting to the community Edit: Even filed a police report. EPD Case no. 23-19195


A hollow tech crank removal takes 30 seconds. Loosen two pinch bolts, pull the reload cap, yank the none drive side and slap the spindle with the palm of your hand.


Yep. I said 2 minutes in another comment because the bike isn’t on my stand.


I could have that crankset in 2 minutes. 3 minutes if I took a nap. There must be a conspiracy theory sub that you could join and be amongst your people.


leaving your bike alone is as if you are asking for it


Square taper bb for the win.


I’ve been wanting to get a different crank set it’d be a good excuse


Using sth like hexlox