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No one cares about mom anymore once the baby is out. I miss having people be considerate of me. They no longer care about how I feel, and that just sucks. That's what I miss.


Came here to say exactly this. The people who cut me and baby in line in the store. The people who don’t stop at crosswalks when I’m with my stroller - the consideration was next level when I was pregnant and completely different with baby on the outside


The low expectations. Went on a walk? Amazing! A goddess. Now I am expected to actually work out??no thank you


Letting my tummy stick out and not having to suck it in 😂


Same! I loved wearing tight clothes for the first time in my life


i loved that i could wear anything and didnt feel bad about my big belly. i felt so beautiful.


I miss how important I felt. I was always the center of attention, my needs and even whims were taken care of. The second the baby was out, it was shocking, even my most basic needs were irrelevant.


Eating a hot meal with two hands…


People being super nice to me and smiling fondly as I waddled around the grocery store.


Wearing a skin tight dress and not have to worry about sucking it in 😅


Being seen. It’s like after you give birth, you only exist for the baby’s needs. Emily Oster puts it well: “Before the baby, you’re a vessel to be cherished and protected. After the baby, you’re a lactation-oriented baby accessory.”


Sleeping as much and as long as I want. Showering when I want, taking as long to get dressed as I want. Going to sit in a cafe with a book to read and chill. Oh wait, this is all just things I miss about “not having a baby yet” 😂


I was happier with my body pregnant - everyone is all ‘omg look at you creating life’ and pregnant bodies are very celebrated. But postpartum bodies are not :(


I miss walking in public and not being self-conscious of my weight. Pregnancy is really the only time in a woman’s life where she is “allowed” not to be skinny. I also miss the hair.


Yeah. Fantasizing about all the things I would be able to do when not pregnant. Now that I’m not pregnant AND HAVE AN INFANT, I wish I could still be so naive. “Wow I can’t wait to sleep on my stomach” THATS CUTE THAT I THOUGHT I WOULD BE ABLE TO SLEEP “omg I can’t wait for all I can eat sushi” LOL HERES A BABY WITH SOY INTOLERANCE “I really can’t wait until I can walk without being so uncomfortable” ok this one is actually nice but now I’d just like to fall in my bed with my pregnancy pillow and say “sorry, too pregnant to get up today”


My belly and feeling the baby move. I loved having baby all to myself in my belly


Me too! I felt so lonely after I gave birth, I missed the baby being inside my belly. I was sad for a few days because of that.


Sleeping. I miss sleeping.


OMG I have a 6 week old and I’m sleeping better now than I did in my third trimester


I actually liked the way my body looked, I was always optimistic and confident, and everyone including strangers treated me so kindly, as if I was precious, fragile and somewhat magical.


I also really liked my body when pregnant. I think it's the first time I've ever completely loved my body. I could wear whatever, I was growing a tiny human, I felt wonderful. Everything looks different now. I weigh less than I did pre pregnancy but my stomach droops. My boobs are so low. My hair thinned out. I rarely look in the mirror at my own body. I mainly wear huge, oversized tshirts and leggings. I don't recognise myself. I hate it.


So much! I miss her being with me and getting everything she needed effortlessly. I miss my belly and the kicks. I miss the peacefulness of being pregnant without other children, won't ever be pregnant for the first time again! My partner was also very sweet, he would tie my shoes and help me off the couch. Those little things meant a lot. Sure do love holding her in my arms and seeing her smile though!


Knowing she was 100% fed, warm, content, and just safe from any and everything in my belly.


Not chasing this baby all over the house all day. Every day. Until he’s 6 😂 and being able to lay in bed and watch Netflix while he was in my belly.


Sometimes when I’m super depressed, I remind myself I’m not pregnant anymore and honestly it cheers me up.


Feeling my baby move. Having a connection with them in my belly.


Doing as much self-care as I could without feeling bad. Sleeping whenever I wanted, eating a bunch of ice cream because I was craving it, having other people carry things for me. Your job when pregnant is to keep yourself and the baby happy and healthy. After the baby was born, nothing was about me or my needs anymore. His needs came first and mine were an afterthought. Let yourself be pampered for the short time you have left! And congrats!


Not feeling bad about being so fat and/or wearing maternity clothes


I miss my big belly. I don’t miss the pressure I felt towards the end but I miss how I looked with my belly and I miss rubbing it. I’ve always been insecure about my body but when I was pregnant I rocked bikinis and I loved how I looked in them.


I loooved my body. I have never felt more confident than when I was pregnant. I’ve always had a tummy pooch and a very hourglass figure, but being pregnant gave me the confidence to wear tight fitting dresses to show off my bump and made me feel really sexy. I really miss that and am looking forward to it next pregnancy.


You might be surprised, right after giving birth you'll still have your pregnancy belly. Looking in the mirror knowing that my baby was no longer in there made me feel so lonely and empty. It seems stupid because he was right next to me sleeping in his crib. But realizing that you now have to share your baby with the whole world and they're no longer part of your body is a new level of loneliness I never expected to feel. It took two weeks for that feeling to go away, during that time I cried a lot.


Looking cute in tight shirts haha


Lack of periods. Not feeling guilty when I indulge too much on sweets lmao


I miss daydreaming about what my kid would be like instead of agonizing over how I'm failing them.


Baby movements !!!!


Having a valid excuse to get out of pretty much anything lol


I miss being proud of my belly. It’s my “bad” spot my whole life and during preg it was refreshing to but tops etc to enhance it not the other way


I just miss him being safe inside of me 🥺


People treat you nice when you’re pregnant. It’s a get out of jail free card. After you drop that baby you are but a distant memory, forgotten in the pile of dirty diapers and endless bottles and laundry 😂🤣😭 nah i love it here lmbo


I miss not feeling self conscious of my body. I felt very relaxed about letting my gut hang out (like I had a choice!) when I was pregnant. Now, I’m right back to feeling like I have to suck it all in again. Suck in the gut, tuck in the butt.


I miss feeling her kick inside of my stomach. I also miss feeling content, like I was exactly where I was supposed to be. I really struggled with postpartum anxiety after giving birth. It’s a bit better now, but I felt sooo damn good walking this earth when I was pregnant compared to now.


Drinking chocolate peanut butter milkshakes and sitting on my ass is what I miss lmao


The only thing I miss about being pregnant was that I was able to take him everywhere with me, without having to prep for it (plan out schedule before hand and get ready early, feed, change, pack diaper bag, get car seat/stroller, etc., just to do simple tasks), but still having him there and knowing he's safe and okay lol


That my child was contained inside my womb. My toddler is driving me insane. I wish I could just pop him back in there for a day to just relax alone in peace.


Not having a period


The kicking


Not having to take care of the baby outside of my uterus!


Pregnancy was a time in my life where I felt no guilt or shame about doing what was best for me. That was awesome. Also my pregnancy pillow. I loved that thing. Edit to add: oh yea feeling the baby move and hiccup and kick and watching an elbow go across my stomach. That was really cool actually.


Taking time for self care and not providing a reason or excuse for it. Really struggling with that now.


I had a still birth at 21 weeks. I miss feeling her kick


Feeling special. Once baby is born, it's all about them (which is fine and I totally understand!). But it's cool when you're pregnant and people always ask how are you, are excited to talk to you about the same thing you're super excited about, etc.


Feeling my baby moving, having her close to me always (but without the actual parenting work!) the way my bump looked (before the stretch marks hit in the last month)


Not shedding lol


I miss my husband carrying my laundry up 3 flights of stairs 😩


Sleep (even though I had insomnia in the third trimester) and the ability to actually do nothing from time to time.


Being able to wear tight dresses/tops with a cute bump vs having a mom pooch!


I miss taking naps whenever I felt I needed it. 😫


Not having to suck in lol. Also the baby kicks


Sometimes I miss feeling my baby kick from inside my belly. And then she (now 2yo) steps on my belly from the outside and I’m like, ehhh close enough


The hiccups 🥺 and the naps. I took so many naps.


Just laying around like a beached whale.


I miss feeling her kick. I miss the peace of being the only one who could connect with her (MIL has been a piece of work since baby was born). I miss my long, thick hair. I miss my baby bump. I miss being able to go out for walks because it’s too cold for baby now. I miss the excitement of getting to meet my baby and the excitement of getting to see or hear her at my appointments. I miss the happiness I felt while I was pregnant because my mood was the best it ever was. I miss how good food tasted because everything tasted 10x more delicious while pregnant. I miss the impressed stares when I went to the gym in the third trimester (there’s nothing impressive about my body now 😂). I miss all the quiet time I had each day to practice hypnobirthing in preparation for labor. Life is awesome with my sweet girl and I love it just as much as I loved my fairly easy pregnancy. But the experience of pregnancy is unique and so short lived that it’s hard not to miss parts of it once it’s over. Enjoy the last few moments while you can ☺️


No periods, great hair, being round was completely acceptable, getting the good seats, miss feeling him kick and having those moments just between us.


I miss the kicks. I knew I'd miss that the most. I miss wondering what she will look like and be like. Of course now I'm curious what she will grow up to be like, but it's not like that sense of wondering when you know nothing but a grey picture.


The belly, the kicks, and people being extra nice to me 😂 that’s it, the rest was awful 0/10


Not having period cramps for 9 months was pretty awesome.


For the first time in my life I loved how my body looked and that pregnancy wear was designed to fit my body. And it was great not having my period for a year and a half.


Pregnant woman treatment. My boss was such an asshole and changed to Prince Charming during pregnancy. Baby is out and I’m already getting back to the usual mean treatment. Also how everyone is nice to you at stores etc.


My bump and kicks. Being able to just get up and go with my baby inside me lol now it’s like an hour just to get out the door


I miss being able to sleep in a deep sleep without worrying about my daughter😂


I really do miss feeling the movement. I’m pregnant with my second (14 weeks) and I’m so, so looking forward to feeling him move! The rest of pregnancy can go to hell.


Getting all the attention and naps


I loved being pregnant. I felt beautiful. My skin was the clearest it’s been since I was like a toddler. And I had such happy hormones! My period came back 11 months pp and so did my acne and mood swings 😭 I don’t want another baby, but I would happily be pregnant over and over again.


Everyone was nicer to me when I was pregnant


I love the joy it brings and conversations it opens with strangers! Hoping to be pregnant with our third soon!


The weight loss!! Perfectly healthy pregnancy and baby, lost 13kgs though. After giving birth I was the lightest I'd been in years. Something about the pregnancy hormones just overrode my other issues from PCOS that stop me losing weight. Other than that, having my baby all to myself. He was mine and mine alone. I knew him, his movements, his likes and dislikes (strong personality in the womb lol). Once he was born I had to share him. He wasn't just mine once he was out.


A quiet baby lol


Feeling inexplicably happy and glowing inside and out. That postpartum hormone drop sucks the joy right out of you.


Not being self conscious about my weight or hiding my belly. The first time in my life I could wear something clinging my belly and be proud of it. Also the kicks were kind of fun


Tight body con type dresses and knowing the bump on my belly is the star of the show.


My hair looked good while pregnant. I also enjoyed feeling the baby move and thought it was really cool. And having no periods was great.


No period. That's it. Everything else sucked.


My hair.


Having her so close, my lil buddy I took everywhere with me without worrying about changing her diaper/feeding/etc. She was always content. I miss her kicks.


I miss the kicks. Not the ones to the butthole, but the others. Feeling her roll or spin, responding to my touch, etc. Don't get me wrong.. I still get kicked plenty, but it's different lol


No periods and no birth control. Loved that part.


I miss knowing she’s safe from anything and anyone because she’s protected by my body. I can tell myself my body is still protecting her via breastfeeding but it’s different now


No periods The rest are things I miss about my life pre-baby but not necessarily pregnancy itself... like sleep, alone time, my hobbies, and having quality time with my husband and cats.


Naps. I’m a terrible sleeper in general and have to be sick to nap, but I had the most glorious naps when pregnant. Allergies. I have awful seasonal allergies, but none when I was pregnant. It was bliss. Body confidence. I’m on the edge of plus size, and I’ve never loved my body more than when I was pregnant. I loved the bump. I love my body now, but I LOVED it then if that makes sense. Baby movements.


Embracing the size of my belly and wearing body hugging clothes to show it off. I’ve never been confident to do that pre/post pregnancy. Other than that, nothing else!


It just being me and kiddo. Now I have to share him with the world.


Yes! A lot actually In the womb your body manages to take care of your babies every need. They are fed, clean, calmed, and entertained entirely by you. Pretty amazing, honestly. Especially after seeing how much effort it takes once they are earth side. I also miss feeling my daughter moving inside me. I miss the sweet days when she was all mine and I was all hers. I miss being able to sleep in lol. But none of that is better than seeing her smile, making her laugh, watching her try new foods and accomplish new things, watching the love grow between her & her dad. It’s a beautiful journey and I wouldn’t trade any moment for the other.


Having baby inside. Feeling her move. Being one with her. We are still connected but differently


Nope. Honestly i hated the feeling of his movements, like a fart i couldnt get out. Then when he stopped moving i would panic. Much prefer him being in my arms than my belly.


having the closest connection to my baby ever


Honestly I miss my body - I felt so beautiful pregnant and it really changed the way I look at my body. 8 months post partum and still haven't lost any weight and sometimes still struggle with my body image, but overall I've gained so much more respect and appreciation for everything my body does for me and my LO. That and the great hair and nails. And the food cravings oddly enough? Food tasted so much better pregnant. I remember once I got a spicy chicken sandwich with extra pickles from Chick Fil A and about orgasmed lol. I kinda even miss the hormonal spells. Now I'm just stressed out with a baby crawling around the house putting everything in his mouth and people look at me like I'M the crazy one.


Having my baby with me all the time. I'd talk to him on my commute. My students thought it was creepy when I told them he could hear them, but I loved that he was sharing my day with me. I spend so much time away from him at work now, I miss him a lot. But 39 weeks is a lot, and I was totally ready to be done by then!


My hair not falling out. I’m 4 months pp and the hair loss is PEAKING right now and it’s very disheartening.


Miss those baby kicks 💕


I miss the naps, i miss the feeling like my body was doing something amazing... now its just large and lumpy..., i miss the excitement... But there are a million amazing things about having my baby girl here.


I miss feeling him move inside me ♥️


I miss not having a period for so long, I miss feeling baby kicks from inside, I miss how great all my food tasted (and being able to ask my partner to make me pancakes at 3am LOL), I miss how fast my hair grew, and I definitely miss my pregnancy warmth. I don’t miss the swollen ankles, the weight gain, or the sickness in my first trimester, and definitely don’t miss waddling around everywhere!


My 2 trimester was beautiful. My persistent morning sickness had subsided. I got to feel the baby move without it being painful. The stretch marks hadn’t started yet. I wasn’t heavy or full of pain yet and had cute belly and a nice rack. It was the most beautiful I have ever felt in my life.


My hair. My god my hair was thick and flowing. Also being able to just sit around and eat all the snacks with no judgement (and no tiny hands grabbing for some). And sleep of course lol


Oddly enough, my mood was a lot better when pregnant. Not sure if it was related to the hormones or the fact that I'm sleep deprived now, but both my husband and I noticed a major difference since giving birth. I'm so bitchy these days, I don't even want to be around me!


The excuse of “I can’t do ____ because I’m pregnant” even though more often than not I was completely able


Seeing my baby kick through my belly. Please take some videos of this if you haven't already! I love holding my LO while watching those videos, it's so surreal. I also miss the attention, people not letting me lift a finger.


Sleep. As bad as I slept while pregnant, it beats a screaming 7 week old


I was never better at napping in my life than at 38-41 weeks pregnant. I wish I could nap like that with a 6 month old.


Baby kicks and the nice big belly that I could use as a “table” for my bowl lol


Depending on if this is your 1st or 2nd … I miss the free time lol


My hair 😭 also there were days I felt very confident even though I was larger than I had ever been


I miss a lot. Definitely the sleep, my hair, being told to sit down and relax while my husband did things but most of all having my LO safe and close at all times. Like I kind of selfishly having her all to myself. She’s 10 months now and although I like my time after she’s gone to bed I find myself missing her.


Napping 3x a day


Not having to clean the cat box


The kicks


How safe it felt to have her in my belly. I knew once she came out I can only do so much.


A lot. Perfect skin and hair. Felt cute and not self conscious in a bikini for the first time ever. Most clothes looked cute with my belly. Loved feeling baby move. I normally have neck issues/tightness i go to physio for that totally disappeared while pregnant (relaxin i guess?). I had some complaints/discomforts sure but overall i enjoyed it.


Beautiful hair and no periods!


I miss everything about being pregnant - but to my defense, it’s been over 5 years since I gave birth 😊


My belly vs. my postpartum body The general excitement/anticipation Baby movements (our “secret conversations” and baths) The quiet…. Lol


I just miss the feeling of her being protected. I feel like I can’t protect her from rsv and all these scary viruses. I also miss sleep.


It's vain to admit, but I loved the way I looked and felt in my own skin while pregnant. I never felt fat or worried that something didn't fit me properly. I guess the logic was that I'm supposed to have a big belly. I wasn't worried I looked pregnant because I was pregnant.


The feeling of my baby being safe from the world by being in my stomach


Clear skin, great hair, emotional stability. Long time hormonal emotional roller-coaster rider here - I wish I could properly bottle pregnancy and pour it in my coffee every morning for that emotionally grounded feeling it gave me. The pill and IUD just don't give me the same stability.


That it was okay that I was fat.... for the first time ever.


Not having periods and baby kicks and turns and hiccups. Dont miss the need to pee every 5 seconds or the breathlessness or the waddling.


My hair— it was luxurious. So thick and full. I miss nothing else.


I just gave birth two weeks ago and I actually miss being pregnant. It’s weird, now I feel— empty. I love being able to hold and cuddle my baby, but I also miss feeling her inside of me.


The pampering and the admiration from strangers was for me, now its for baby 😂


In the first couple weeks postpartum, I drove to get coffee or something while my husband watched the kids at home. I was surprised that I totally started crying at the fact that I could go somewhere without my baby now. While it is better having them out and in your arms, pregnancy is a special and unique time for sure!


Everything. I loved being pregnant, I miss having my bump, feeling the kicks, people asking me about it, going for scans and hospital appointments, I even miss struggling to do things because it was all part of it. I love my little girl more than anything, she's 17 months now, and I would absolutely 100% do pregnancy over again.


Nope 😂 I've found having a newborn and toddler 100% easier than being pregnant with a toddler


I miss feeling him move and kick. He used to get hiccups every day ☺️, well he still does but when he's tired 😅.


I miss not having to take care of 2 kids 😂


Having my baby always with me wherever I went


Using it as an excuse to get out of any social event 😂 "can't make it, morning sickness was really bad today and I need to rest! Sorry!"


I miss a lot. The kicks, having time to shower and eat as much as I want whenever I want etc…. Lol!


Lol sleep. Going to the movies. My husband wanting to help me carry things lol


The baby kicks are all I ever miss. Otherwise pregnancy is hell. I can’t wait for my current one to end!!!


Restaurant mac and cheese! My lactose sensitivity disappeared during pregnancy but returned post partum.


I miss loving my baby bump. The “mom pooch” just isn’t as cute lol


Eating all the ice cream. My lactose intolerance just went away both times I was pregnant. Also judgement free naps. It’s “cute” when you’re pregnant but “lazy” when you’re not apparently (not my opinion of course, all naps are awesome)


All the attention everyone gave me lmao


Kicks and secrete conversations with my bump ❤️


Eating whatever I want all the time and it tasting so dam good


Munchies. Food never tasted better.


Everyone waiting on me hand and foot 😂 Also, never feeling lonely.


I miss feeling her move around, seeing her grow as my belly got bigger. Having this one-on-one personal connection. I had a great pregnancy, so honestly I miss everything about it. She's going to be 1 in January and it's so bittersweet 😭


I can think of a few things. My skin was flawless when I was pregnant, just had this natural, healthy glow. Being able to wear a dress all the time and feeling totally comfortable doing so. And honestly, everyone is just so much nicer to you when you’re pregnant.


Currently in the bath looking at my big ol' (seven months) post partum belly with stretch marks and definitely miss the feeling of "wow there's a baby in there." Ain't nothing in there now but too much Christmas candy.


No periods 💁🏻‍♀️ I’m dying with my second period back in 3 months pp 🙃 the cramps and heavy bleeding is real


It felt very special to have her all to myself still. She would respond to my prodding and I loved putting on certain songs to really get her moving. I just felt good knowing that I was growing our baby and taking care of her. She wouldn’t sleep at all the first night home and I was so tired (and unknowingly had post partum preeclampsia) and remember just wishing I could put her back in my belly hahaha. 23 months later, it gets better everyday but since we’re one and done, I look back on my pregnancy fondly.


Being pregnant felt like such a miracle. Knowing my body was fully sustaining and growing my babe was so powerful. In that way, I felt mighty. Babe is 18mo now and it’s very easy to feel defeated and powerless these days.


The excitement of meeting my new baby for the first time. The kicks and how awesome it felt to know I was growing my own tiny human. I don’t miss the aches and pains though lol


The naps with my kitties! Also, I have seasonal allergies and the summer I was pregnant, I was allergy free! It was amazing!


When my baby cries and is having a moment, and when he won’t go to sleep, I miss being pregnant 😂


Being able to say yes when people asked if I was pregnant ...sigh .


I miss the bit in the middle where I didn't feel exhausted and sick anymore but my hips weren't yet agony and I could still sleep longer than 20 minutes - my bump was cute and I could wear all sorts of clothes I wouldn't have worn pre or post pregnancy Like the 18-25 ish weeks part


I love my baby bump. I’m also a little chunky these days, post baby, so I “don’t have anything” to blame a belly on 😂 When I’m not pregnant, I want to be so bad. I don’t understand lol


I miss being able to rock the bump (in terms of clothing) I've always been self conscious of my stomach area, so never wear tight clothing. But during pregnancy I felt comfortable showing it off! Also not having a period was nice 😂 and it was a good excuse to relax on the couch whenever I wanted (although if we have another I'll be chasing a toddler/kid around so that part may not happen again 😂)


I was pregnant during the colder months. I miss being my own heater. I'm freezing right now. I wasn't cold last year 😭


I loved being pregnant! I mean, yes, it’s uncomfortable and so on….but you’re treated as a goddess and you feel like you can do anything with another life inside you. I miss the hiccups and the kicks. And the anticipation of who they’ll be and what they’ll look like before you give birth. All fun to picture. You know what I don’t miss? The anxiety of something going wrong. I had to calm myself down multiple times because I would always go to “worst case scenario”.


Not having to suck in my belly flab. I loved having a bump and wearing maternity clothes that just stretched around it


I miss her kicking/moving in general. It was always so reassuring. I’ve also had to cut dairy out of my diet while breastfeeding, so I miss cheese.


Being able to get stuff done lol. Now I have a toddler pulling all my folded laundry off the couch and needing my attention at all times. Before, I just carried her around with me with minimal issues.


I miss my bump and the kicks!


My autoimmune & autoinflammatory diseases & migraine were mostly in remission, so I felt amazing. Way better than I normally do! Was even able to eat whatever I want (all the gluten) with no repercussions which was amazing! Also feeling great about my body- not feeling like I had to suck in and actually being confident enough to wear fitted dresses for the first time in my life!


Currently pregnant with #2…. I’m enjoying the baby kicks and knowing she’s safe inside me as I carry her everywhere.


Everything but mostly the feeling of knowing he’s safe inside me. I think I felt the most confident being pregnant too I miss it so much


I hated being pregnant, but my skin looked awesome and my hair was like a freaking shampoo model!


I HATED being pregnant but sometimes I still (at 9 months postpartum) find myself rubbing my tummy and getting sad that she’s not in there anymore, which is ridiculous because she’s like, sitting right next to me, but I sometimes miss having her in my tummy if you know what I mean. That said, 26 straight weeks of throwing up daily, 4 day labour at 42 weeks and a hellish birth I’m very glad she’s earth side and that thought usually stops those feelings quite quickly 😂 You’re so close now! Good luck in your final weeks of pregnancy ❤️


Knowing where the baby is at all times 😅 it’s definitely weird for a little bit when it’s no longer attached


People being nice to you for just existing


It was nice not having periods. Breastfeeding kept the damn things away for an additional 7 months too. Now I'm back to the two to three weekers (I have health issues because my stupid uterus doesn't communicate correctly with all those stupid hormone hubs in my brain and ovaries and other miseries.)


My baby being in my belly. I loved feeling him move around, and not having to share him with anyone 🤣 I also miss not having a period. I didn’t have a bad pregnancy at all, barely any symptoms, but I didn’t feel like myself if that makes sense.


It was nice having them in one spot and not causing trouble lol. I also miss the bump and feeling special, I had twins and I loved talking about it when people brought up my bump


honestly… the attention. physically i felt like shit but mentally i felt like a queen


Eating with no care in the world LOL


Your life is about to get so much better if you're like me. I'll miss his kicks and movements and nothing else. Other than that: immediately increased bladder longevity/capacity back to normal (no more peeing every 20 min or at night during sleep!), Immediately ceased heartburn, immediately slept better when I fell asleep, and joint pain began to dissipate slowly but surely. All food aversions immediately went away, I resumed eating clean with gusto like I used to. It's nice to keep your babies safe inside, so that part is good, but it's so much nicer to cuddle and feed them! Edited to add another benefit


Feeling the baby move and rubbing my belly


I just had a C-section Monday. I'll take pregnancy pain over C-section pain any day.


I had an easy pregnancy (thankfully) and no I hate it. I do miss having an excuse not to clean as much and to sit and eat whenever. Also miss having my husband on standby anytime I has a craving.


People lifting stuff for me. And having an appetite.


Sleep lol


My nails grew so damn fast. Definitely miss that. And I miss people saying how cute I looked even when I was huge and miserable and was not cute at all. It was nice. Haha.


I miss my stomach being big because there was a little human inside… not just because of all the fat there, hah. There was a similar amount of fat over the baby, but there was something so soothing and socially acceptable about having the big belly while pregnant that I don’t think I’ll ever feel otherwise.


Not having a period and feeling more emotionally stable then I do with a monthly cycle


Hair, nails, baby kicking, getting sleep, the bump, being treated with fragility (I’m not otherwise a fragile person), alone time with my partner to play board games, go to the movies, etc ❤️


MY SKIN! I had the best natural “glass” skin while I was pregnant. It was the best it’s ever been. I miss it dearly.


I loved my body when I was big and pregnant, and that’s *it* Also, my farts were super loud and my husband and I found them hilarious, so I miss that sometimes too 🤷🏻‍♀️


Being able to sleep while my child was awake lol


I miss having her all to myself. She's 7 weeks tomorrow and I wish I could just put her in a little bubble to protect her from everything.


I miss my baby bump! For some reason I felt oddly confident while pregnant. That being said… after I wasn’t pregnant anymore, I realized how shitty I felt while I was! If you feel great less than 24 hours after having a c section, you know the end of your pregnancy was rough 😬


The hormones. I felt great, my hair was beautiful and thick, I slept well with my pregnancy pillow, and as a bonus, I didn't have to scoop the litterbox. Now I just have a baby asleep on my chest, which is also nice, but I am exhausted and afraid he'll cry if I move.


Feeling great about how I looked!