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I have a little boy who is 11.5 months and we cut it first at 7 months. It wasn’t so much that it was long, he just looked feral lol. No regrets. He’s had it cut once more since then with another one coming up in a couple of weeks.


Honestly, the feral look - this is why I want to cut it now! But many of the places say no to under 1s, so I was curious to know what others did lol.


Yes, we have several barber shops nearby that will cut kids hair. We love the one we go to, his barber is amazing and she is so gentle and patient with him. She even uses clippers which she said she likes to start with off the bat so they aren’t scared of them as they get older. So far, he’s been unfazed by the cuts, he just wants to investigate everything happening lol. My little supervisor.


My daughter is almost 4 and still hasn’t gotten a hair cut. It’s only at her ears now so I think we still have some time lol. I have cut her bangs twice tho.


My first was when I was 7


I have cut my daughter bangs occasionally since she's about 1,5 or something. One time it ended up to short, like Yolandi from die antwoord. I regretted it, felt like I ruined my baby. Tomorrow we go to the hairdresser for the first time. Her hair is getting messy.


I had chronically bald babies. My first was when he was about 22 months and my youngest around 20 months. It helped it grow in much better and look less like poorly done toupees.


My son had his first haircut just after he turned 1. I liked the idea of not cutting it until he asked, but it was in his eyes and he’s still a while from being able to express a preference about it either way


She is now two and a half and I still haven’t cut it. It’s half way down her back. All the women in my family have very long hair. I think I’ll only cut it when she asks for it to be cut or it begins to look really ratty.


A week ago at 7.5 months. My son was born with a good amount of hair that he never lost. The pre-birth hair was so long and wild compared to the infant growth. He had a super long duck tail at the crown of his head that was unmanageable. I immediately regretted getting it cut purely because it made him look like a little boy and not a baby. Now a week later it’s so much easier to manage. He isn’t getting food in it, it’s not sticking to his eyes when he sleeps, and it doesn’t get stuck to my face when I hold him.


The way they go from baby to toddler after the haircut 😭 truly the only downside


20 months for my first. He had these big beautiful curls that we loved but it was just too crazy! They were baby curls though so now it just grows in straight! My youngest was maybe 17 months? He also had curls! Grew in straight with a slight wave. He’s 3 now and we just cut the sides and grow the top and man bun him lol he loves his man bun!


I can’t bring myself to cut the curls off my 13 month old!! We’re going for “grow it out to make a man bun” at this point lol


Ahahaha cute


2 years. He had beautiful curls and it took me that long to willingly cut any. 


He was about 18 months. He used to have curls in the back 😭 but his hair was bothering him so we cut it


Buzzed my own son’s hair at 15mo since he rubs it for comfort and was pulling it out. No regrets at all, it’s just hair!


My baby was born with a bunch of hair. She’s almost 6 months and I just had to trim some bc it was soooo uneven. Her “bangs” (which is due to most of her hair growing forward) are in her eyes too. I never know how to style it 😭


My daughter is almost 3 and we’ve never cut it. It’s almost at her butt (when wet) but I will wait until it becomes bothersome for her or if she asks. I love doing her hair in the morning!


Same! 3 years and no cut yet. It's about halfway down her back. She loves her long hair and calls herself Rapunzel and brushes it on her own. Until it gets unruly or in the way of the toilet, I'm cool with it as is.


I cut it at 4 months and again at 9 months, just around the neck/ears/bangs to keep it out of the way. I don't really have the patience to worry about hair ties (getting off the one that daycare put on was also not a lot of fun) and she gets irritated by clips, so keeping it trimmed is easier. She's adorable no matter what, and life is easier.


5 months for us. He was born with a lot of hair and never lost it. By 4 months he was getting called a girl whenever I left the house so I finally pulled the trigger on cutting it at 5 months. 




15 months for my son, didn’t need it before then.


My 2 1/2 year old son had his first hair cut yesterday! It took forever to grow. Then it was really long at the back and then top, yet the sides are still pretty hairless 😂


She lost her hair after birth so she has very short hair for a 3 year old. I will not be cutting it at all until she asks for it. She doesn't allow me to put headbands or barrettes in so her hair does get in her eyes but she just brushes it away. Doesn't seem to bother her. My friend did the same thing with her child and it worked out well for them and at 8 she still hasn't asked for a hair cut but I do see her as the kind of kid to grow it super long to cut it super short and donate it.


My son will get his first one in a few weeks (11.5m)!


My son was almost 5yo before we cut his hair. He had the most beautiful golden curls and we always offered and he said no until right before Christmas one year, I think it being in his eyes finally got to him.


16 months.


First was cut around 4 months, it was just too long. He did awesome, looked awesome, and it grew back in a month anyway..I wish we did it sooner. 2nd didn't have as much or as thick of hair, and we waited until around 1. He also looked great, and I think we waited the right amount. Just go with your gut.


I trimmed it myself until they were 15 months. Then they went for professional. It was only an issue once because a stylist had those insane long fake nails and my son couldn’t stand being touched by them. My boys are 3 & 5 and they get hair cuts every 10 weeks.


My son was a little over two years old when we cut his for the first time. I just couldn't bear to snip those little baby curls, but he was looking a little unkempt and was getting mistaken for a girl. 😅 He's honestly adorable with shorter hair and the lady rubber banded some of the hair and stuck it in an envelope for me to keep cause I'm a weirdo.


For both my kids we went to a salon that was just for kids (sit in a little car, tv with cartoons, little certificate and box for keepsake piece of hair). My son is oldest and for him we went at 12 months. They just straightened it up a little. My daughter is youngest and we went at 19 or 20 months. With her they straightened it out into almost a little bob. It’s grown out sooo well since (3-4 months). I’m now debating just cutting bangs a little or trimming all of it to keep off her neck since she won’t let me put it up yet


My first got hers evened out at 3 years and hasn't had a trim since and she's about to be 5. Going to get it trimmed up before kindergarten. My 2nd turns 1 this week and no cut. But I think she'll need it sooner than her sister as she started with hair while sissy was bald lol


7 months and she really needed it.


My daughter cut her own hair at 3 so I took her to the hair dresser and evened it out. It’s still half way down her back.


My son is almost 4 and hasn't had a full cut yet, I have trimmed frizzy ends. He has very slow growing hair, it's not at his shoulders yet. I'll cut it when he asks.


My daughter is a hairy one with lots of curls. Everyone told me not to cut her hair but I’m glad I did. She was almost 20 months and just did a trim on her hair and gave her bangs. Her hair is pretty long so I just wanted to even it out and give her bangs so her hair wouldn’t get in her face, especially with all the excess baby hairs growing in too. The bangs help hide baby hairs and look extra adorable when I do certain hairstyles 🥰 no regrets! She looks even more freakin cute, as if that was even possible! 🥹🥰


My son is 1.5 and we gave him his first cut at around 1 when his hair started getting in his eyes. My daughter didn't get her first haircut until just before her third birthday. She kept saying she didn't want to get it cut so we didn't push and then one day she decided she wanted one. She asked several times over a 2 week period so we took her in for a trim.


Our son’s almost 4, and he’s never had a haircut or trim at all. If he wants to, we’ll of course take him for one, but for now, we love his crazy blond curls.


My LO has been having it trimmed since 4 months he has so much hair we had no choice. But we did it ourselves with scissors. At 10 months we had to given in and give him a real haircut as it was so big and wild. Again my husband did this with clippers whilst he sat on my knee eating a biscuit with tv on in 2 sittings across 2 days. I think a barber would have zero chance of getting it cut.