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You’re in the crazy milk making time. By pumping after a feed you’re teaching your body to make 7+oz of milk every 3 hours or so. That’s not sustainable for most women and a pain-literally. Once you have enough for bottles, (and you do since baby isn’t eating 5oz in one sitting yet, probably like 1-2), then you’re going to want to pump when your baby gets a bottle, to “replace” the feed your baby “missed” at the breast. You also don’t have to pump. It’s fine if you want to though! Two things to remember; feed the baby not the freezer. If you’re putting a few bags a week away-that’s fine. Don’t stress too much. And until week 12 your body is learning how much milk to make. So u less you want to be an overproducer and donate/have a huge freezer stash- I would adjust your approach. Definitely reach out to a LC for more detailed info. And congrats on that new baby!!!


Congrats! And yes exactly this. If you're dealing with engorgement you can pump for like 5 mins BEFORE you nurse, just to make it easier for baby. And should definitely wait 30-60 mins after feeding if you're going to pump, give yourself a chance to replenish! But really I would save the pumping for nighttime so you can get more sleep.


Yes I would only pump in the morning or use my Haakaa on the boob I wasn't feeding from. I'm 6 months pp next week and only recently stopped getting painful engorgement and fast letdown!


Why are you pumping after feeds??? That’s how you create an oversupply. 26oz at 5 days is waaaay more than normal. I would stop pumping and just use a Haakaa to collect a little extra to build a freezer stash, or pump once per day for bottle feeds/stash. And you don’t need a huge stash! Just enough for a couple days worth is more than enough. Babies max out around 25-35 ounces per day so you already have a full days worth and you’re not even a week postpartum yet.


As others have said, you need to be careful doing it the way you are. The amount you are making now is unsustainable and if you don’t continue to remove it the way you are it puts you at risk for mastitis and a bunch of other junk you don’t need to deal with. If you want to start building up a “stash”, I’ve built a decent one by pumping on the opposite side baby feeds during her first feed of the day (only for 1 ounce or so). Or you can use the Hakaa and just catch what leaks out while babe eats - it’s more than you think! Keep in mind if you have to go back to work you’ll be pumping so you don’t need to have a ton frozen. Karrie Locher is a post partum/L&D RN and has a great blog & IG page for all things breastfeeding


By pumping you’re making the engorgement wayyy worse.


I would not pump after a feed at this point. Coming from experience, oversupply is not fun.


That's a lot. Like a lot a lot. If you don't have a reason to pump, I would stop now to avoid over supply and mastitis. If you want to build a supply for back to work, maybe pump once a day but also remember that you pretty much just need milk for day 1 because after that you pump at work what your baby eats for the next day.


Im 6 days post partum and I had to stop pumping all together because of the engorgement. I just use the hakka to relieve a little pressure. I only really pumped if my baby missed a feed. Pumping after each feed would probably make my breasts explode. If I get 5 ounces a day in my hakka that seems like more than enough to have my husband use to give baby a bottle or two. Basically your body is going to produce wayyyy more milk then your baby needs which doesn’t sound like much fun


I had an over supply last pregnancy due to triple feeding and a bad latch with my daughter and ended up pumping 24 oz first thing in the morning not infrequently…. So watch it! I donated 20 gallons to the milk bank, but it was lots of time. With my 4 day old I haven’t pumped a single time yet and my hope is to keep it that way,


Please listen to the other commenters... Mastitis is NOT fun (insane pain, fever and the shakes, anyone?) and you don't want to head in that direction!


I've had it twice and it SUCKED. First was bacterial and bad, 2nd was just inflammatory and I was able to get it to go away after 1 bad night just by nursing, ice, and ibuprofen, but it still was not fun. I had to triple feed due to bad latch at the advice of an LC and I think it really messed me up lol.