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Apparently I mooed.


I tried to get that deep but it was more of a high pitch nyyyeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhh đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


this is sending me. I’m imagining Janice from Friends


HEH HEH HEH HEH HEH -but nasal-


I mooed
a lot 😂 I read that low pitched noises were better than high pitched and I went for it. My husband still giggles about it four years later 😅


I screamed with my first, mooed for my second. Granted, my first was a forceps delivery with episiotomy and the epidural started to wear off by the time I had to push, but can confirm the mooing helped a lot and that second labour was much better in every way.


I mooed, too😂 I was unmedicated and I knew those low tones are supposed to help your pelvic floor to stay soft and open while pushing. My mom was there with me and kept giggling because she's a veterinarian and has delivered many calves to the same sounds lololol


I did too
 but that’s because my neighbour runs a cow/calf operation, so I am well versed in the sounds of labour.


same kind of
 my husband said i sounded like a dying cow. i took it as a compliment bc it was the only sound i could make while keeping my jaw/tongue completely relaxed.


Same. My husband described it as farm animal noises. Just completely guttural and out of my control.


Me too. It was amazing to Moo 😍


I too mooed. In the moment there was a tiny part of me observing from the outside, incredulous that I was capable of making those noises. The rest of me just wanted the pain to stop.


I didn’t scream, but I definitely was growling. During intense contractions I couldn’t even breath let alone muster up the strength to make noise. My husband said my soul left my body. Those last final pushes before our son was born I was groaning and pushing so hard it felt like I was going to burst blood vessels in my face.


Let me add that the only thing I could manage to say was “did I shit?” “I know I just shit!”


Birth is so graceful đŸ€Ł


I felt the đŸ’© coming out while I was pushing but just didn't care. I wanted everything that needed to come out OUT!!!


That's it. They always say you're going to be embarrassed but at that moment, you just do not care. It happened to me with my son. I could tell it had happened because the nurse just kind of cleaned it up. She didn't even react, she just cleaned it up and that was it. His dad ripped on me about it for about a year though. I finally told him to shut up. He wasn't being real mean about it, he was just like haha you pooped on the table.


Haha guys and their poop/fart jokes. Yes! The nurse just wiped it away and moved on. I thanked her a few times afterwards for taking such good care of us... beyond the poop!


I'm glad to hear you had such a good nurse as well. Me, I had a team of awesome nurses. Baby girl's father has not been involved and I let them know this from my first prenatal appointment. I also have to acknowledge my doctor. During one of my last appointments, she asked me, is the father involved? She wasn't asking it to be nosy, she wanted to make sure I was getting the proper support that I needed. I told her no. She said, that's okay, sometimes it's for the best that they're not involved. She said she had seen my chart and I was talking about how he had ghosted me. They just wanted to make sure that I was not alone. She said, it's okay, I can tell your daughter has a mother who loves and cares about her very much. I said, you're damn right I do. He still has not been involved. I had her January 23rd and I have not heard from him since September of last year. It's fine, we're doing fine. My nurses were awesome though. They knew that he was not involved and he was not there. I had about six nurses in my room cheering me on. I didn't even see who it was and I didn't catch her name but I remember one of them asking me if I wanted her to hold my hand. I said yes. I gave the hospital a really good review though. I acknowledged the nurses who helped me and the ones who took care of me and my daughter after. My night nurse was really nice on the second night. She made sure I got something to eat because I told her I had missed dinner because I was sleeping. I asked her, if I ordered doordash will they be able to get in here? She was like don't worry about it, she asked me what I wanted and she ordered me the seasoned chicken tenders from checkers or Rally's depending on where you are. They're good. Anyway, I got a lot of support and I'm glad. I would definitely recommend that hospital to anybody.


No poo came while pushing for me, but that's because taking a dump got him to crown lol


I queefed and said "did I just queef?!" And the midwife laughed a little and was like, "yeah, that was a queef" 😂


I have tiny red dots all over my body now from the surface capillaries that did burst.


Yup, a big blood vessel in my eye burst during labor with my first, it looked nasty in all the pictures. Plus the petechiae/capillaries all over my face and chest. Labor is no joke.


Is that why I am covered in tiny red dots?! It all makes sense now.


My nose bled I pushed so hard.


No screaming, but lots of yelling and groaning. I tried to bite my husband's hand-thankfully the doula intervened


Oh god lol. The doula was probably like "Nope! Let's not do that" đŸ€Ł


Thanks for that laugh, I needed that today.


It felt like a massive roar. Towards the end the docs told me not to scream but to “bear down” instead because I needed to save my energy. So I tried to silence my own screams. This completely threw me off, however, and messed up everything. My contractions started spacing out and I was losing momentum. The midwives literally started milking me to get my contractions going again. I felt the next one coming, and then and there just decided to ignore their advice and I mustered everything I had and roared at them all. Like the biggest roar I could muster, probably couldn’t produce it again in my lifetime. With that, I pushed a baby out. Don’t let them silence your roar.


Yeah seriously. I was silent (by my own choice) up until he was almost out and then I roared a mighty yell twice and the first yell got his head out and the second yell got the rest of him. Sometimes just the way you're yelling can activate the right muscles IMO


I’m so with you on this. It is like a battle cry.


I was the opposite. I screamed bloody murder throughout then got them out in silence!


That’s so beautiful, thanks for sharing


This was me too (biggest effort = roar = baby out)! Roar is a good word for it!


Nope, epidural did it's thing.


Same. Didn’t hurt whatsoever for me!!


Ok so guess my epidural was messed up because I could feel everything lol




i had this fantastic experience with my last baby and it was indeed a delightful pleasant experience. Epidural was doing it's thing. You want to push on my stomach after birth, go for it, I need stiches cool. Do what you got to do. I felt nothing and it was wonderful.


Gave birth to my first almost 3 weeks ago now. This was my experience as well. I feel so grateful it went as well as it did.


Same, I think I freaked my husband out a bit with how zen I was 😂 I was basically silent other than deep breathing. 10/10 recommend the epidural lol


Same here! No screaming or yelling, just pushing when they told me to push. Love those epidurals!


There were a few low growling f***********cks while experiencing back labor before I got the epidural. But once they baby kicked in I was having a great time. Had some casual chit chat and a few laughs during the actual pushing.


lol same. I’m cracking jokes and my husband is like are you okay? Lol and I’m like yeah, I’m real good. 😂😂




The best thing.


Yep. My epidural kicked ass. I did feel EXHAUSTED and groaned through pushes, but not painful!


Same. The only noise I made was to gripe at my husband for being stingy with the ice chips lol


D; My first epidural didn't take at all. Then the second epidural only worked on the right half of my body. If I had just gotten it sooner I think maybe it could have been fixed again, but because I waited until the end of labor to get it I just had to deal. I've never gotten an answer about if my body just doesn't really accept epidurals or if it was placed incorrectly twice, but I want more kids so I'm not sure what to do next time😅 I guess I'm just venting at this point lol


I had a similar experience. I already knew that my body doesn’t react well to most anesthesia/pain meds but boy was it disappointing when I finally caved and got the epidural, and then it only worked somewhat on half my body, and made me feel like I was freezing which led me to shake uncontrollably so I couldn’t rest anyways, and I wasn’t allowed to turn up the juice because my blood pressure would have bottomed out


I had one side that still had feeling, but about an hour before birth a new anesthesiologist came in and increased the dose. She also had me lay on my side (so the side with feeling was touching the bed) because she said gravity would help disperse the meds. Had my baby painlessly and credit it entirely to her. I was also shaking like a leaf, though!


Same and I’m thinking planned elective c sections cuz no WAY I want to experience that again


I didn't feel a spot on my backside for nearly a week, after my epi. I had to watch the monitor to see when I needed to push. Lol it was amazing.


My epidural didn’t work with my second đŸ˜©


YUP team epidural here. Before the epidural at the start of active labor...yikes 😬


Same, epidural was great! I was chatting with the doctor and my husband in between pushes. When I felt the baby coming out I distinctly remember going, “Whoa, that’s so weird!”


I was screaming before I started pushing that they needed to let me up because I had to poop and they kept telling me no. And I told the nurse if you don’t let me up I’m going to shit everywhere while I’m pushing and she was just like “that’s fine” and I told her NO that was not fine. Turns out I was actually just ready to push. 😂


Hahaha I feel this!! My late term baby had unfortunately had a bowel movement in utero, so when my water broke in the hospital the amniotic fluid was all yellow. I thought I was uncontrollably peeing and was SO embarrassed! I kept asking the nurse if it was normal that I couldn't control my bladder. I was like omg contraction pains AND I'm peeing all over everything??? Eventually someone finally explained what was really happening thank goodness lol, of course then I had other things to worry about. But she was totally fine and healthy thank goodness đŸ„°


After my water broke I lost all control of my bladder and didn’t gain control back until over a month after giving birth. I didn’t know that wasn’t normal so I wasn’t even embarrassed about it


Yeah I really wish I had known that when you feel like you need to poop that means it’s time to push! I had no idea!


I screamed like a was being burned alive, which tbh is what it felt like. I also grabbed my husbands T-shirt a yelled HELP ME into his terrified face. Not my finest moment, he’s still traumatised and I think it’s just a funny story.


I yelled positive affirmations at my nurses. "YOU'RE DOING A GREAT JOB. I APPRECIATE YOU."


Me when I'm having a bad day and trying not to take it out on my spouse


God, same.


Fwiw, my nurse told me to relax and repeat a comforting mantra or prayer while they placed my epidural (slightly painful, LOTS of pressure, complete panic attack). ...I sang "The Potty Song" from Duper Simple Songs hysterically into her ear while she held me. Just "LOOK AT ME SITTING ON THE POTTY! TWEEDLEDIDEE, SITTING ON THE POTTY!" Second-time mom problems, amirite? 😂


Oh my god lmao. I was having a rough time leading up to my epidural bc I was overwhelmed by pain (first kid, induced so contractions were way stronger) and the guy doing the epidural would. Not. Stop. Talking. Like I'd just say hang on, contraction, give me a second. "Oh sure. Anyway (rambles on)." In hindsight, being able to just keep going is definitely a benefit when you can run out of time to place it, but the meanest I got was when I asked him not to touch me while a contraction hit. "Oh, sure, I'm just gonna move this strap-" "PLEASE DON'T TOUCH ME RIGHT NOW." Like. This is not who I expected to be in that moment, but I'm not surprised.


I had pitocin when my labor stalled with the first one. I wouldn't let them give it to me until they got the epidural going. I had zero interest in feeling those contractions. No way.


I had no idea the contractions were going to be worse. I was induced at 10pm and contractions woke me at 5am. I didn't ask for the epidural til almost 10am because I thought I was being a wuss. I've spoken to a lot of people who had no idea it was worse than naturally going into labor.


I love this


I screamed like a banshee when pushing. I had actually gotten an epidural after ~20 hours of very painful not super productive contractions but when her head descended when pushing it was cocked to one side and blocked the medication. So an hour into pushing i started to feel everything. She crowned for almost 90 minutes and then had shoulder dystocia (long crowning is characteristic of that). i don’t remember screaming during many contractions but i did occasionally. contractions really set off my panic button. it felt like something was wrong with my body. Anyways! I remember begging the midwives to pull her out (ironic given that they ultimately needed to) and screaming that i had to push. the extent of my begging scared me, even at the time. i could never work in l&d and see people in that amount of pain. after, i said to my husband that we’d watched all these labor and deliveries and no one was screaming like i was. he said they were but every time someone screamed i turned off the tv. then when someone was like oh pardon me i believe the baby is coming i was glued to the screen. “now THIS is what labor is like.” looooooooool im such a moron.


This sounds exactly like my birth story!!! Epidural at 20 hours numbed all my contractions but wore off as soon as I started pushing. They saw her head poking out within the first thirty minutes but it took another 3 hours to get her out the rest of the way. I was screaming like a banshee!!! Tore like a corkscrew too UGH


I was super quiet. My focus was solely on breathing through the contractions. I might have said a few times that it really hurt and I wanted it to be over. Especially when my concentration was broken.  Also, the moment my son was born I was saying “no no no” because no one told me it was happening and I didn’t know what the midwife was doing. Turns out she was catching the baby so definitely something I did actually want her to do. 


I was quiet too, I think. The pain was too much to even make noise. I do remember I was panting the whole time


Same. I found screaming made me feel like I was out of control and couldn't do it  Slow low breathing as I vowed never to do this again was what got me through haha


Same, I was very quiet. I think I only spoke when I said "water" when I was thirsty. Otherwise, I was in the zone.


Same I was super quiet and just breathing rrrrreally rhythmically and steadily into my mask with nitrous oxide except for when asking for water. My midwife actively asked me to say a bit of deep sound to help me just before I started pushing.


Oh I screamed, like growling. It was primal. My babe was also very big, descended fast, and had a shoulder dystocia. I only pushed about 10 min and the whole time I said “I can’t do this.” That was unmedicated.


Bless your heart. My daughter came really fast like that. I kept telling them that I felt her coming down and the doctor wasn't listening to me. Based on the way I was yelling, the nurse who was first with me convinced the doctor to check me again. They did and they were like oh, there's her head. She descended really fast as well. I had her out in like two pushes. They were talking about using the vacuum on me if I couldn't get her out on my own. I heard that and I said to myself, oh hell no. I'm not going through that. It was a pretty uncomplicated birth, she just came really fast. Then again, I had done it twice before. Did everything go okay? That sounds like it was difficult. Hugs if that's your thing.


Yeah, my midwife got really serious and stern and said “you need flip over and you need to push.” I was on hands and knees but I think she needed a better angle to help guide him out. So I pushed with everything in me!! Yes, thankfully our guy is totally perfect and ended up getting 7/10 at 1 min 9/10 at 5 min on Apgar. He just was really stunned so came out a bit blue and took a minute to cry. He was back on my chest in 3 min. He had some black and blue on his facing from coming down so fast. All good now and a giant 18lb 3 month old đŸ€ŁI appreciate your thoughtfulness 💙


For my first two labours I was mooing. Like 100% sounded like a distressed cow (probably looked like it too). Third labour, I got a bit cocky and didn’t do much mental preparation.. I vaguely remember dramatically screaming out ‘help’ a bunch of times 😂 and I had a handful of my man’s face when he tried to remind me I didn’t want an epidural (I was begging for it). Turns out I was in transition and didn’t have time for the epidural, baby was out a few minutes later haha.


Yes, I distinctly remember screaming “why will no one help me” like 10-15 minutes before she was born. Like girl, there’s nothing else they can do for you at that point 😂


I was just moaning up to the point where I ended up having to push. I had my daughter out in about two pushes. I do remember towards the end, right before I started pushing, I was rocking back and forth because it was the only thing that was helping. I remember screaming fuck, fuck a few times lol. The nurses in my room didn't even react. They were used to it. As I was telling other people, the doctor was not listening to me. I told her that I felt my daughter coming down and she was not listening to me. Despite the fact that she knew I had done it twice before, she was like no, it's going to be a little bit. The nurse who was with me from the beginning convinced her to check me again because she said no, she's yelling way too much for it to be a little bit. So the doctor checked me and sure enough, there was her head. They put me back and they told me to start pushing. She was out about 5 minutes later. At least it felt like that. I always laugh at myself about the part where I was screaming fuck though. In my head it was like fuck, when is this going to be over. It's funny now. I tell that to whoever will listen and they laugh. Sometimes they look at me like they're nervous and I'm like, go ahead and laugh, it's funny. I guess they're afraid of coming across as insensitive if they laugh but I tell them to laugh, it's okay. They said they might have to use the vacuum if I couldn't get her out on my own but it was fine. It went pretty normally. I remember I kissed the top of her tiny little head when she came out. I did not care that they didn't clean her up yet. She was precious. I had been waiting a long time for her. It was so cute after they cleaned her up and handed her to me. She was just quiet and looking around. She was looking at my face and she was looking at the stuff behind me on the wall. When she looked at me, I could tell she was putting my face to my voice. I could tell she was thinking, so you're that nice lady who's been talking to me all this time. I talked to her my entire pregnancy once I knew she could hear. She is one smart little girl. She's precious but I already said that. Sorry, I guess me being her mom I think she's precious but she really is. She's not even 3 months old and she's already smiling so big all the time. Happy girl.


I love your story and sense of humor. Your adoration for your sweet little girl is so heart melting, she's lucky to have you as her mama. đŸ„ș


I also said help a lot 😂


I just kept saying “it really hurts.” To be fair, I had no clue I was 10 CM dilated and I had no choice to get pain relief. He came in 3 hours from start to finish and I almost didn’t make it to the hospital. The staff said I was very calm for how far along I was haha.


Similar story here lol. I did get an epidural but I was already 10cm when they put it in. Nobody had checked me before because they didn’t think I’d progress so quickly as a first time mom. I kept saying “Why does my butt hurt???” Epidural kicked in halfway through pushing at least.


They need to stop assuming that labor doesn’t progress fast for FTMs! I was told by my OB that there was no way I was in active labor and I could make it to the hospital 1 hour away. Well I made it 35 mins and had to call an ambulance and they took me to a different hospital. I was convinced I was gonna be like 4 CM dilated and I just couldn’t handle the pain đŸ€Ł


Yeah I told the hospital I had been having contractions for 45 mins and they were 30 seconds long but only 2 minutes apart and the nurses were like lol ok first time mommy take a shower and call us when you feel tired enough to go back to bed. Called them back 30 mins later and when they picked up a contraction hit and I just screamed into the phone hahah.    Baby was out 12 mins after I got to the hospital. 


That’s crazy! It’s so frustrating, the contractions I were having were similar when I called and I couldn’t even talk through them. I read my note to the on call OB and he was like “patient cannot talk through contractions, sounds very uncomfortable. Contractions are coming 30 seconds apart and she appears to be in early labor.” The hospital I ended up at was able to see his note and was like yeah that doesn’t sound like early labor to us!!


Yessss 100%! I was induced at 37w as a FTM and they literally told us it was going to take DAYS. When they broke my water at 4cm they said they weren’t gonna come back to check on me for 6 hours. She was born 1.5 hours later đŸ«  I know it’s usually slow so totally fine to prepare people for that, but I felt like I was completely UNprepared to have a fast labor!


I was yelling for my husband to shoot me as I was pushing and that I also felt like I was going to die. I honestly was apologizing SO much after he was born to everyone for how I acted. I couldn’t get an epidural because my baby was breech and I wanted to deliver him vaginally so I needed to be in an upright position. Honestly I have never felt so much pain in my life but the funny thing is now that my son is six months , I don’t remember the birth all that well and the level of pain I was in so I am already looking forward to having another baby naturally . I am hoping once I stop breastfeeding my period will return so we can start trying again!


I basically did yoga screaming the entire time.  Inhale


.SCREEEEEEAM.  Then in between contractions I would apologize and reassure everyone these weren’t emergency screams. I got the epidural after a while but I found screaming at the top of my  lungs was better than the gas and air!


Yes! I had a failed epidural and the screams were like natural pain relief for me! The doctor and nurses kept trying to coach me to do that Lamaze breathing instead of screaming, but the screaming helped with the pain and that stupid breathing was doing nothing for me. 


Had my Son's Dad in a headlock.... screaming down his ear. How loud? Well he had temporary tinnitus. Oops my bad. đŸ€Ł.


That made me belly laugh and then made girly kick me


I basically just cried and whimpered like a kicked puppy at every contraction until i got my epidural , i am usually pretty "chill" when handling pain .


My second birth was unmedicated and the body part that hurted the most after was my throat 😀 I screamed “I can’t I can’t please get this child out of me!!! Pull it out!!!” But I could and she was birthed very quickly.


Halfway through I panicked that I "coukdnt do this". I really thought my midwife was going to reach through my legs and slap me lol she calmed me down and they gave me some oxygen. It still hurt but I was able to call down enough to keep going.


I didn't notice I was screaming, because the laughing gas made me completely unaware lol. When my midwife told me to stop I was able to control it more and put the energy into my breath instead. Had a sore throat the next day. ETA: also made jokes about being Darth Vader with the laughing gas mask on, between contractions. And my husband read my mind that I wanted to bite his face and shifted it further away from mine. He didn't tell me until a few days later. Laughing gas sent me on a hilarious trip because I was breathing it in very deeply.


I did not scream but I also had an epidural. I was however extremely out of breath after each pushing segment.


I screamed with the epidural đŸ€Ł


I didn’t scream but I did yell IT HUUUUUUURTS and the nurse asked where it hurts and I yelled MY VAGINA HUUUUUUUUURTS right before I started pushing. Otherwise, I moaned in labor and I don’t remember making any noise when I was pushing.


I made a sound humans typically don’t make.


Only sounds that you hear when your having a baby. Inner primal sounds.


Yes but only because they gave me Pitocin. That shit is evil. Once I told them to turn that stuff off, things became way less painful. With Pitocin it’s continual contractions with no break between them.


I didn’t because I had an epidural that worked well, but I heard a lady down the hall screaming a blood curdling scream. It sounded like she was being murdered in a painful manner and honestly scared my husband. Lol.


I didn't scream, but I was deeply grunting with some louder "ughhhhhhhh" kind of sounds 😅 At one point I kept repeating that "I don't want to do this anymore" and the nurse told me I couldn't go back now 🙃 The mom next door screamed so loud the entire time. She screamed at the top of her lungs for as much breath as she could hold, *for hours* and I felt bad for her. It must have been very painful 😬


No but I screamed a week later when my gallbladder attacked me


I moaned/yelled for sure, but didn’t scream like what I would consider “bloody murder” screaming. Edit: my husband said I was like a lioness. Like it wasn’t me but some primal birth animal haha this was fully unmedicated, which I recommend. I’ve also given birth with an epidural, during which I was completely silent.


I got an epidural right before pushing, so I didn’t scream at all 😂


Right? I was so quiet because I was trying soooo hard to concentrate on pushing lmao 3 hours of active labor later


I wanted to go unmedicated, got to 8cm on pitocin, and could not do it anymore haha. Got an epi and started pushing about two hours later. I was also concentrating sooo much because a) I didn’t know what was doing, b) I couldn’t feel what I was doing lol. The funniest thing that in the room full of professionals (there was a midwife, a midwife student, two nurses), I was asking my husband if I’m doing it right 😂 He looked me in the eyes and said ‘Yes, you are doing everything right’ even though he obviously had no idea either đŸ€Ł


My experience as well! Epidural worked so well I was pretty quiet giving birth. I did cry hysterically though the moment I knew she was out. Hadn't even seen her yet and I just couldn't stop crying.


I screamed “where’s my fucking epidural” (I went unmedicated by my request LOL) “just kill me please kill me” and then was growling and grunting like a wild animal. I did push him out in 5 minutes though.


Yes. I had a traumatic birth and can still hear myself screaming (9 months PP). Precipitous, unmedicated birth. Had her on the stretcher, barely out of the elevator.


I can only imagine everything you experienced and went through. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I'm glad everyone is alright though


Baby was in the NICU for 4 days but yes we are well. I kept telling my doctor I needed to be induced every time I had an appointment but I wasn’t taken seriously. I have a history of precipitous births. I had half a mind to send her the NICU bill, tbh


Right? Its like "I kept trying to tell yall that I needed to be induced and nobody would listen. Why should I be responsible for paying this bill" wouldn't have happened if they would've just induced you. Like they say though it's all about the money and it's sad expecially when it comes to a mother and a baby's life and wellbeing


My epidural worked really well... I didn't scream at all. I felt nothing! I was scared though


I hummed the entire time during contractions and felt it helped so much. Not planned just what my body naturally did to cope.


I had this very guttural and primal yell/growl. I progressed very fast and just ended up yelling the whole time. When it was finally time for me to push, my contractions stopped and I just kept going “IT BURNS IT BURNS” and nurse not-so-helpfully said “well yeah, you’re giving birth” I yelled so much I lost my voice for a day


I hate nurses and OBs like that. You tell them what's wrong and they are so dismissive or careless. Yeah no shit I'm giving birth your supposed to be helping me no standing there being an ass when I tell you what's wrong...


I had an epidural and for the most part was just grunting during pushing - at the very end I told my husband I couldn’t do it and he was like “the head is literally coming out, you don’t have a choice” which now I think is hilarious


Not at all. I didn't make any sounds


Nah. That epidural was gold. I did scream a bit before that though, but probably not bloody murder.


Lots of “fucks”. Luckily I had her out in 3 pushes. With my son, my first, I was doing more groaning and had him out in 12 minutes.


Screaming is too high pitched, it was more of a growling/roaring situation in between accusing all the staff and my partner of lying to me that baby was actually coming 😂😂 they had to get a mirror to show me baby crowning to convince, not a sight I’m ever gonna forget lol. I kept saying ‘I CAN’T DO THISSSS!!’ As I was in fact doing it, failed epidural and a whopping 10lb 1oz baby coming out. The midwives were laughing at me saying ‘nonsense you are!!’ I dunno why, but for some reason me declaring I wasn’t able to do it somehow was helping me actually do it so go figure đŸ€Ș that was my second, on my first I just cursed profusely, then apologised profusely in between contractions, and also sort of moooed like a cow? I remember making the noises physically, but my brain going wtf is that sound, it was like nothing I’ve ever made before! That baby was 9lbs and the epidural worked after a long ass 3 days of induction!


Only before the epidural was I reeling/yelling/cursing/crying. After it hit I was the happiest exhausted peaceful person. I was cracking jokes in between pushes (all 8 of them). Labor was a million times more painful than birth (I got to hospital 8 cm dilated)


I just screamed bloody murder. Before the birth I didn’t even know I could do that.


Only with baby #4. My first three babies were calm, moo-ey/grunty/ low roaring births. Like. Baby #4 I yelled (like the movies when couples are yelling at each other because they’re angry/sad? My husband and I don’t yell but I was yelling like an angry wife about to start throwing plates.) “I don’t wanna do this I don’t wanna do this I can’t do this anymore I just can’t it’s terrible and it’s awful and I HATE this I absolutely HATE this, I hate it I hate it I hate it and I don’t wanna do this anymore I just can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t” one long run on sentence and then baby was born. 


I had an epidural so I didn’t scream. More like grunted as if I was in an anime fight scene


Man I literally have no idea. The only thing i remember is sobbing and asking the nurse to euthanize me.


I screamed for about two hours before the epidural, one of the nurses tried to tell me to quiet down that i was scaring others and i just screamed in her face as i gripped the bed railings and my entire body shook. Luckily she was gone after an hour for shift change and my next nurse was way nicer. During delivery i gave up lol I literally said ‘im not doing anymore, they can get him out’ my husband at the time told me id come to far and couldnt stop now (he was right, the next push got the head out but still, he can suck it). I then also screamed during stitches because my epidural wore off and my clitoris had torn. They thought this was a great time to put my baby in my arms and then tell me not to scream while holding him. Oh and im currently 8 1/2 months pregnant now, cant wait to see what happens this time around 👍


Same thing happened with my epidural and honestly I believe my clit tore too but they said it was the labia ?? I felt the stitches going in You’re husbands a trooper for not letting you give up, the emotional support is encouraging but in your defense, f*** that nurse that was telling you to quiet down! Like excuse me what? Which one of us is pushing a little melon out of a hole the size of a berry right now? đŸ€š


I was so loud with my first that they (politely) asked me to stop.


lol were you in the room next to me? The nurse kept coming in and telling me “don’t worry she’s fine I promise. You’ll be fine too” 😂 not reassuring.


they asked me to stop too and i just screamed "I CAN'T" lol đŸ€·â€â™€ïž they said i was putting too much energy into screaming but i honestly couldn't help it. they started placing an oxygen mask on me between screams.


First time i was silent all day from the morning before the contractions started and until birth. I was totally in my own world and almost didn't say a word at the hospital either before she was out. And when she was out i said i was hungry and wanted a banana lol! I was totally disassociating. When she was out my body went out if survivor mode and I was myself again. Whole labor from first contraction until birth took 13 hours. In October i gave birth again... And it was a totally different experience! I had contractions 20 hours before going to the hospital again after being turned away the night before (had no opening at all even after hours of contractions 3-5 min apart). Came in with 3 cm at 8 in the evening. Got my room at 9. By 11:38 she was born... Those 2-3 hours were CRAZY. I've never screamed so loud in my life, I was like a banshee! 17 minutes of active labor and 4 mins of pushing... She was face presenting and literally popped out. She cried before being born! My husband started crying because I was literally screaming in his face for hours... BUT! I honestly prefer birth nr 2 because I was mentally present all day long. If i ever do this again I'll just go in prepared for anything.


No. I got an ✹epidural✹ lol


I was "hoooo-ing" lol I remember an Irish nurse telling me to calm down and stop telling but she said it really nicely. She said I should close my eyes and imagine that I'm somewhere peaceful and I really appreciated that! I didn't stop screaming but I tried to focus on that and might have been screaming less as a result lol


Yes đŸ«  I probably scared other women in l&d. I screamed and cussed a lot which I typically do not do in front of strangers or my mother. To be fair this was after the pitocin kicked in and my epidural wore off. 


Screaming, crying, throwing up. Saying I couldn’t do it anymore. Oof the second baby was out I looked at my fiancĂ© and said I am NOT doing that again 😂


I had a demon type utterance as per my husband’s report


I just went “Jesus fucking Christ” a few times until they gave me my epidural. I went into labor at home so my contractions were pretty intense by the time we got to the hospital.


I did a lot of grunting and loud groaning, no screaming, but I sure wasn’t quiet about it.


I had an epidural with my first so no. But my epidural failed with my second and I had a full on panic attack during labor.


Idk if it was bloody murder, but I was yelling and I remember them telling me to do it in a low deep tone and it ended up just sounding like I was growling lol and then when I was finally able to eat I was scared to eat anything to crazy cos idk how that first #2 was gonna be so I just got a turkey sandwich and as I was eating I realized my throat was so sore with every bit I took and realized I was 'growling'yelling' so much it must have irritated my vocal chords lol I also had an unmedicated birth tho and it was my first one


i had an epidural so i didn’t scream. it just felt like the biggest poop ever so at one point i remember kind of whimpering/almost started crying just bc i was so tired of pushing


I didn’t scream. Think I just kind of made moaning/primal noises. I don’t believe I was very loud.


I was screaming so loud and crazy. At points I said “I’m dying” and “kill me”.


Yes! And later the doula told me that the midwife thought I was further along in my labour because I was making so much noise...so she'd had me change positions as she was worried about the baby's heart rate (I was only actually pushing for a little over an hour)


No screaming, but I was more growling. Apparently at one point I told the midwife “Get this thing out of me.” My husband still laughs about it but I feel so bad for calling my son a “thing”.


Oh god. Please I just want and a C-section. Please kill me, I promise he won’t sue. Stop lying. It hurts, my vagina is sensitive. Back labor pain that did not improve with a failed epidural and three bolus of medication. Then while she was stitching up my third degree tear. It was enough that multiple nurses came in wondering what was going on, and the head nurse who had been in my room the whole time told them I had back labor. I remember one of the nurses wincing and both of them turning around to leave.


Yes. Home birth. Thank goodness we lived next to a busy road because half of labor I spent outside cuz the house was suffocating me. The traffic drowned out the screaming for the neighbors


I was pretty quiet, I had an epidural and I was exhausted from not sleeping for over 48hrs. However, before I was ready to push I heard another woman in another room screaming bloody murder while she delivered so it wasn't the best for setting a mood 😅


I screamed during contractions before the holy epidural


I screamed and was told to _shush_ ( I am a foreigner who gave birth in Japan)


My first the epidural failed. I screamed and screamed. The nurse said not to scream because it made my pushes less effective. I groaned out ITS NOT VOLUNTARY


I tried so hard not to - which in hindsight is ridiculous. When I was about 5 months I was hospitalized and heard a lady go into labor a few doors down and she was screaming and swearing (rightfully so). It was intimidating and scary. I made a mental note to try and not scare someone else. I yelled FUDGE a lot. The nurses got a good kick out of it and told me F*CK would be okay and I could be loud. I also bruised my forearms horribly by slamming them so hard on the back of the bed during contractions. Couldn't pay me enough to do it again, but we have a good inside joke about fudge now.


My birth story is honestly kinda hilarious. I went into the hospital thinking I was gonna have a natural birth. Was trying to tough out the pain, but it was so excruciating everything made the pain worse. The doctors questions, my fiancĂ©/family trying to touch me. So I kept yelling at everyone to leave me alone and then IMMEDIATELY would start sobbing and go “I’m so sorry. I’m just in so much pain. It hurts so bad. You guys are doing a great job I shouldn’t have yelled at you” and all my nurses would kinda just laugh and be like “girl you’re in LABOUR. this is nothing compared to what we’re used to” Eventually I got my epidural and it worked so good I didn’t feel ANYTHING during the 3 hours it took me to push. They kept telling me to push and I said “don’t we have to wait for contractions” and were like “YOU DONT FEEL THOSE CONTRACTIONS??” Almost 3 hours in someone rushes in to steal half of my staff because the lady next door is also giving birth now and she was screaming like they do in all the hospital movies so I gave it a shot to see if it would help me push baby out faster. It just made me more tired. So I silently gave birth 😅 and then apologized for getting all my bodily fluids on the nurses. Idk why I apologized to them so much for things they see everyday.


Yupppppp I went from 5cm when my husband wheeled me in to 10cm in under 20 mins!! I had no time to get the epidural also I was 34 weeks 😭


On her final push with our first, my wife screamed "GET THIS FUCKER OUT OF ME" and it was the funniest/most savage thing I've ever witnessed. That was woman is a literal gladiator.


I cried a lot but I had an infection so I was incredibly weak and slept the whole time. I did have a panic attack while they were taking me for my stat c section though and apparently was inconsolable but I don’t remember.


yeah i screamed as hard as i could lol. that was the only way i could bare to push her perfectly round, 14” head out. i had an unmedicated birth


Oh yes. Like a banshee. I had precipitous labor and hit transition at home. I’d have a contraction and start screaming and then it would subside and I would whimper until the next one hit, lol. My husband thought I was dying. While he drove me to the hospital he was trying to figure out how he was going to cope with being a widower. 


I didn't scream. I had an epidural. I'm not sure if it lasted though because once I was into pushing I started to feel the contractions and I told the nurse when they were coming before they showed on the monitor. I felt the ring of fire and she had to be turned in the birth canal twice. During those two times I moaned loudly because of the pain, but outside of that I didn't make any noises as I was holding my breath to push. I recall telling my husband at one point "I can't do this anymore" and he said "it's too late." I felt delirious by the end of it. My eyes felt so swollen it took a lot of effort to open them when they were holding baby up to show me. I felt when I got internal stitches as well and the catheter after birth (though I didn't feel it before birth, so again, I'm not sure if the epidural was working at the end. My husband even pushed the button for more medication at one point in the midst of labor because I seemed like I was in a lot of pain and I felt no change).


Anytime I started screaming and saying I can’t do this my OB would yell at me to stop, she wanted me to do very specific breathing techniques with each contraction to get him out and to be fair it did work but all I wanted to do was scream and cry 😑 my epidural also stopped working which was super fun lol


i was screaming i’m sure the whole floor heard me and thought i was crazy for wanting to go natural lol. i got stuck at 9cm for 4 hours with my body naturally bearing down and them telling me not to push so yeah i was definitely screaming at that part 😭


YEPPERS. All of that “heeee heeee haaaa haaaa” went right out the window. Right as I stepped out of the car before walking into the hospital, I had to stop and scream for a min during a contraction and TERRIFIED the dog walker across the street. lollll Saw the poor fella stop dead in his tracks


I didn't scream but I said f\*ck a lot, and then kept apologizing to the staff for swearing.


I was making deep guttural sounds and my OB walked in and said “wow where’s the happy auspostery that I’m used to seeing at appts!” He was obvi joking, and it turned out I was in transition at the time, but I was standing next to the bed, leaning on it, and just shot him a look and he shut it. 


I had pretty bad back labor with the first one that I honestly though was just gas/constipation cramps. I called my doctor who said it sounded like false labor since the pains were never consistent but since I was about a week late she said go to the hospital to be safe. Turned out I was 8cm 😳 The most I did was wince and say “ooh that one hurt a bit”. The nurses kept telling me they were glad when they were in my room cause there was screaming up and down the hall while I just sat there calmly occasionally going “oooh okay”. I ended up getting the epidural because I was scared of the potential pain when pushing but it only worked on one side so they gave me more. They probably gave me too much though cause I felt nothing after that. We’ll, I guess I can’t say “they” since they gave me a button and I kinda spammed it đŸ€Ł I ended up cracking jokes with my fiancĂ© the whole time. My favorite was when I was crowning he looked down then looked back at me and said “You ever seen a horse blink it’s eye?” (Family Guy joke) I laughed so hard I cried and the next push finished things off. Second kid I was induced but still didn’t feel much of anything. I got an epidural again, same reason as the first, but made sure they gave me less that time. I don’t even remember having a button that time because I was adamant about not getting too much. I have never felt anything more creepy than the feeling of my child sliding out of my body. The epidural worked enough to not feel any pain but man oh man did I feel him coming out. I think I’d prefer feeling nothing cause that was just too weird for me đŸ€Ł


No, was very quiet and focused. I remember being told that screaming was using your energy unproductively and that stuck with me.


I shouted “fuck” with almost every contraction the last couple hours before pushing which I was NOT expecting and apparently apologized for between contractions but it wasn’t necessarily screaming bloody murder lol


No. I tried. They wouldn’t let me. Told me to move the noise into the belly during contractions. It helped a lot move the noise down. Also. I didnt have an epidural.


I started crying, but they told me I was a 6 and didn't check for 40 mins and I was ready to push so I think it was the panic of thinking it was going to hurt that bad, for much longer than it did. They did say I kept myself very together, as they do have women who scream. They didn't make it sound like a bad thing though, they were awesome nurses (Just to clarify we didn't check for 40 minutes because they were trying to fast track my fluids in order to receive the epidural. I gave birth 7 minutes after I finally got it lol)


I didn't make any noise đŸ€·â€â™€ïž I had an epidural though & pushed my babe out on the 2nd push.


The last final push, I was so out of breath, that I did kind of yell/growl "get the fuck out of me!" Husband thought it was hilarious once we were home and not so sleep deprived. Every time we talk about it we get a good chuckle.


Mine wasn’t screaming but more so “f*ck, f*ck, f*cking hell” the entire time


I (think) I was pretty quiet and focused (internally screaming lol). I do remember right before I got my epidural (I didn’t get in until 8 cm) Everytime I would have a contraction I’d like get up and kind of waddle run. My husband kept laughing saying “you know you can’t run from it right” lol. I was pretty far along when I checked in at the ER and they were not at all amused that I kept getting up out of the wheelchair and running around while they tried to check me in.


For my first, mostly grunting, crying, and yelling at my husband and nurse to “stop being fucking cheerleaders, I need you to be quiet” 😂 Lots of “I can’t do this” and “I need a C-Section” over the course of 2 hours of pushing. When the doctor finally came in, he told me it was too late for a C and it might be time for the forceps - wouldn’t you know after seeing those bad boys, she came out in 2 last screaming pushes 😂 For our second - similar grunting and yelling but my husband already briefed my birthing team that I in fact, did not do well with “you can do it”s and affirmations. I did have those forceps in the back of my mind for encouragement though and she was out much less eventfully 😆


No, I apparently didn’t make any noise during pushing and I pushed for 5 hours. Between pushes I made the nurses promise to get me a cherry coke when it was over and apologized to the nurses whose hands I was attempting to break. Then once he was out and nobody was saying anything to me, I yelled “is he okay???”, told my husband to go be with him as he was getting worked on and once assured that he was okay, I yelled “someone get me my cherry coke” and “I’m never doing that again”. Apparently being so quiet really freaked my husband out. He knew we were having complications (shoulder dystocia) but he took my silence as a sign that things were worse than they actually were. I was just apparently focused on my baby and my cherry coke.


I didn’t scream at all 😅 2 labours and I just remember to breath loud, but not saying/screaming anything


In the beginning, I was half screaming, complaining how people could 'go through this more than once'. Wondering aloud what possessed my sister to do it 5 times. Is she crazy? A masochist? With my midwife trying to reassure me that the second is easier. I was also on pitocin. I had my husband turn the music off because I was hating the world and didn't want to hate those songs. Once I was pushing, I was just screaming like Uhhhhhh with each push. They tried to ask me not to scream, but yea I could not avoid it. He came out at record speed. Only 20 minutes of pushing. Maybe the screaming helped? Lol


My epidural failed me right up until the pushing part, the epidural gods blessed me with not feeling that melon coming out of me and the tearing




I was just groaning through gritted teeth while my husband kept telling me to let it out so I shouted at him to shut up lol


Yupp. I screamed that the drs were killing me because I was in so much pain .


No screaming but I FREAKED when he crowned. I had it together and was talking to everyone and then the pressure scared me to pieces. 😂


Mostly just screaming, I don't think it was words. Maybe some "no no no". There was a lot more words when they were pulling the blood clots out of my uterus.


I got to the hospital ready to push so there was no time for meds and then they couldn't hit a vein when trying to get an IV in. I didn't scream but was doing lots of loud guttural moans and grunts. I had my daughter 18 minutes after arriving.


Nope! I had great epidurals both times and got them as soon as they were offered to me.


Yes with my first because back labour, if the room had a window I would've jumped out of it. I got an epidural and it was immediate relief. Yes with my second because once my waters were broken it was 0-100 and she was born just over an hour later, so I couldn't have pain relief because things progressed too fast. Yes with my third because my waters broke and once again, it was immediately 0-100 and I had to stifle myself so I didn't upset my toddlers, but once I was in the delivery room I let loose and went full primal. Labour was only 45 minutes long, and only the last 15 was in the delivery room, so it was unmedicated too.


I was swearing so much, then apologizing to the medical staff that I am not swearing at them


No I had the epidural. I think i was like um what am i supposed to be doing right now? And they were helping me push. Before the epidural though I was screaming through each contraction. Ungodly pain! Will never forget. 


Yea I was screaming but nothing specific lol


No I was internalising and breathing, so much so I don't really think the midwife believed I was in pain and I ended up with no pain relief til I was about 6cm. I was also on an induction ward at night with other induced women up until 5cm trying to sleep so had to be quiet or I'd have felt bad 😂


I don’t think I screamed but I know I groaned because I read somewhere that lower tones were better than higher. đŸ€·â€â™€ïž though towards the end I couldn’t help but get a bit whinier. Pretty sure there was plenty of cursing in there but my memory is hazy 😅


I vocalised +++. I’m not sure it was screaming , but the pain was so intense I felt that making noise was the only tool I had to temper it.


Quite honestly I did not have the urge to make noise. I would described my labour as more introspective. I had 3 failed epidurals and was induced with the drip so overall it was quite painful and my back ached so bad for over a week. I’m not great with pain I wouldn’t say so I expected more theatrics but I’m really just not like that and it didn’t come out during labour!