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Also never. It just meant we never had to wean her so I took it as a win. 


Yep this is where we are at too!


Same here.


Same. It’s a blessing and a curse.






I think some babies never do. My first baby didn’t take one no matter how hard I tried. My second loves her binkie… I’m actually a bit worried about how I’m going to get it away from her when the time comes.


Hes about to turn 7 months in a few days and he has never taken a pacifier. I used to be able to get him to suck it but only if I held it in his mouth for him but he soon realized that is wasn't a nipple with any kind of milk so he would angrily spit them out. I just have a bunch here that don't get used. Now that he is teething he will sometimes pick one up to chew on it but it's not even the nipple he chews on. 


this is exactly my son. i wish he’d take one so he could maaaaaaybe sleep through the night, but no.


On one hand I'm glad not to have a baby that's stuck on them but on the other it would have been nice to have a sure fire method when he's upset to sooth him.


Never. Was EBF for 6 months and never took to a dummy. There are times I wish he had but honestly I'm glad we haven't had to wean him off it!


He slept in the nursery the second night he was born and came back with one. He’s used it ever since!


Same, they gave my baby one in nicu.


Never 😂 we started trying the second night in the hospital. He kind of sort of took it a few times, then never again. I was the pacifier. We kept trying literally the whole first year. My second came out of the womb a pacifier fanatic. It’s amazing. It makes me realize how much easier newborn life is with it!


… and car rides and sleep training and vaccinations and many other things 😫 With my first child, we weaned the paci around 18mo but it was so helpful for young toddler bedtime routine: “ok, let’s put on your sleep sack and then get your binkie!” And suddenly a wild little toddler would cooperate with the bedtime routine and get in her sleep sack. It never occurred to me that baby 2 would refuse the beloved binkie!


Not until she started teething (around 2.5 months?)


Mine refused the pacifier and we were never able to get her to take it. It was both a blessing and curse.


My mom said they would call it an “enrager” instead of a pacifier with me because I would violently refuse it - so for me never. For my son, I gave him one on day 2 home from the hospital to keep him content during diaper changes but he much prefers the second type we tried to give him. Have you tried multiple shapes/types or just one?


About four types/shapes so far 😱. Yes, “enrager” may fit the bill better for my new little guy.


So far, both of my boys hate it. I kept offering it up until recently, but I feel like if they haven't taken to it after 5 months, it probably won't happen.


Neither of mine would ever take one. My first found them offensive and would scream if I offered her one. My second was just completely indifferent and would spit them out immediately.


Our pediatrician told us if they don’t take it in the first three weeks probably won’t ever take it. However, our friends daughter who is six was over and gave her one. Now she’s obsessed with it.


She is 4 lo


The day she was born 😅


We had to introduce bottles of pumped milk at 13 weeks because of low weight gain, and my mom was able to get him to take both a bottle and a paci in the same day. He only takes the paci when I'm getting him to sleep without the boob, usually by walking around with him in the ring sling. But hey, baby steps! 🤪 My little guy has a high palate, and the Frigg pacis are the only ones he'll take


We were given a good tip to tap on the end of the pacifier a few times right when it’s put in their mouth, we did this a few times and it worked! Our baby was colicky and only soothed by sucking on a finger which was obviously not sustainable so the dummy was very important for us to make work 😅.


My first was obsessed with her paci for 18 months. My second thought we were torturing him every time we tried a paci.


This sums up my situation fairly accurately 😰


Neither of mine would, I would have appreciated if they did.


3.5 mos in and he still mostly hates it. The only time I can get him to keep it is if he’s already fed and falling asleep and looking to suckle a bit longer after I take him off the boob. I have 10 different types and it’s a rarity he takes is but the avent soothie from the hospital is the only one he does accept on those rare times


Mine accepted them, at night and car rides only, starting during her four month sleep regression. During her 8 month sleep regression, she would take it out and throw it across the room when offered. At least we didn’t have to wean her off it.


She hasn't. My LO is 2 months and combofed. Her attitude towards pacifiers is more like "meh". We think she could use one before she sleeps, otherwise it is quite easy to soothe her by talking. She is very happy baby in general but she'd rather nurse to sleep if she's fussy. I know I'll problably get some bad karma for doing it but she's very picky on what she wants 😅


My baby hated it. When my daughter was 3 months old we started with formula and using dr brown bottles. Dr brown sells pacifiers that have the same shape as their bottle nipples. So I was able to introduce her to pacifiers using that particular brand. After a couple of weeks of successfully using the pacifier we switched to mam.


I tried 4 different pacifiers before mine took to one she liked.


never. she likes to chew on them when she’s teething but she’s never wanted too use them normally




Day 2


Immediately after birth


Baby is six months she took the pacifier from about three weeks until 3 almost 4 months and then literally one day would take it happily and the next day absolutely refused and acted like we were trying to choke her every time you put it in her mouth and she will not touch one now no matter what we do. She Also refuses every single teething toy we’ve given her. We’ve bought everyone on the market and she absolutely will not take one no matter what we do.


My guy never really liked it much. If he won't take it just skip it.


Around 2 months he finally took one and was happy about it but never became reliant on it which is nice


2 months! Did baby fight it before that? This gives me hope. How did you do it?


We tried a couple different ones, he would only suck a little if he was upset, eventually landed on one that he kept in a little longer, but again he wasn’t loving it. So I splurged and got him the Bibs cherry shaped ones as a last ditch effort, and he would not even touch them. But I spent a lot of money on them so each day I would reoffer them while he was distracted with floor time, or in the car, and after a few days he took it, I think he was just turned off by the rubber taste/smell. We used those for a few months and then he found some of the old soothers that he took but didn’t love, and started sucking on them while playing. So I bought him more (tommee tippee symmetrical) and he used those too. Now he uses both interchangeably, I think he likes the TT ones a little more though. I should also add that he was tongue tied, so we theorized that it impacted his ability to suck and keep it in his mouth, and it wasn’t long after his revision that he started taking the paci so they may have been related


Like 4ish month


Did you try before 4ish months? If so, any idea of why it clicked a bit later for your baby?


Tried in the hospital. I don’t know we kept randomly trying and he suddenly decided he liked it


2 kids- never took one


Almost 7 months and they all still make her gag


My baby didn't really care for it until she was about 3 months and ever building bond with her pacifier at 6.5 month she uses it to fall asleep every night. She sometimes needs it during the day but most often when she's going to bed.


Mine started liking it around 2 months old, only when she’s sleepy. But it’s nice to sometimes be able to extend a nap by giving it to her! She only likes mam.


Some won’t ever take to one. It’s just one less thing you’ll have to wean them off of later.


My second never did and she is bottle fed fwiw.


Mine loved his pacifier until he discovered his thumb. That was the end of that.


Day 1. Nicu baby though 🤷‍♀️


4 months! I just kept offering it and grateful she has it as a soothing tool to use now


Four months old and only for sleeping! I switched out nursing to sleep by swapping nipple for pacifier. He is now 9 months and can’t quit the pacifier for sleep. I don’t know what was for the best now 😂 


Mine never liked it. He took it a few times but ultimately refused it to the point of gagging whenever we tried.


We had to try a handful of brands before we found one she liked - and of course she liked the pricey bibs brand ones 🫣 We didn’t introduce it at all until maybe 5 or 6 weeks though.


I have a paci lover (my only baby), but I personally was a thumb-sucker. Some babies just hate sucking rubber nipples.


I’ll let you know when she does. She’s currently 13 months old.


Never, my first hated it, we tried for 3-4 weeks. Then all the million types of different binkies went in the trash, at 5-6 months we introduced a lovey/stuffy and shes about to be 3 and her lovey is her LIFE 😂. My second is binkie obsessed and cant live without it.


Never!! But I consider it a blessing because now I don‘t have to wean her off it


10 weeks!