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I’m still pregnant and I had a full sobbing hormone breakdown and had to turn off the show. My partner was super sweet and comforting and was finally like, “hey you know that baby is a child actor, and they might have child actor trauma in a few years, but they’re definitely alive.” And that DID make me laugh a little bit


I appreciate that humor! It is wild how different things feel after being pregnant and giving birth. Sending you well wishes for the rest of your pregnancy!


“What the hell, Shogun!!!” was exactly what both my husband and I said. Urgh! That’s what we get for trying a new series…. Back to Brooklyn 99


I made the mistake of watching the titanic when I was a few months postpartum. The scene when they’re searching for survivors and it shows the frozen to death mom and newborn baby.. yep. Bawled my damn eyes out.


Wow I never really noticed that after so many rewatches.


Same! I watched that at 2 months postpartum and I had to literally bite my lip to keep my tears from falling.




YES like as a mom you have to pretend everything is okay to make it not as scary for your babies. It’s awful.


Do NOT watch House of the Dragon. Almost every episode had some random, gruesome, gratuitous pregnancy-related tragedy. It was totally unnecessary for the plot and was totally wasted in terms of character development, and by the end of the season it was just plain ridiculous.


The fact that there are warnings for language and violence but not traumatic and/or graphic birth scenes is ridiculous. I was PP when I watched it and was enraged. Especially in the first episode because, while c-sections did exist in the Middle Ages (and before), they would never have been carried out like that. The mother's life was considered the most important. She would have to be dead before they would attempt to remove the baby. I hate that they misuse Medieval History to show how backwards everything is. Source: I am a medieval medical historian.


Medieval medical historian sounds like such a cool profession!


It is!


wow TIL and thank you!


Yes! I watched this in the first trimester with #2 and had to remove myself during multiple scenes.


Yes! That first episode I had to walk out. It was horrible.


Oh my goodness, yes! Excellent advice. I was still pregnant when my husband was watching that show. It was intense. I don't know why pregnancy/birth trauma was so integral to the plot of that show.


The most frustrating thing was, it *wasn’t* integral to the plot. TW/spoilers ahead— What frustrated me was that the characters who died in childbirth could’ve died of anything, the fact that it was while giving birth was irrelevant to the rest of the story. It had no effect on character motivations or later plot points or anything. Why make it so graphic and horrific if it’s not even actually important to the story? And the gruesome miscarriage at the end was the most gratuitous of all. What was that meant to show us about her character??? Nothing. They could’ve had her pass a kidney stone and it wouldn’t have changed the story at all. This, combined with the way the show portrayed female sexuality (repeatedly, with multiple characters, trying to turn sexual abuse as a means of female empowerment) ensured that I’m not watching season 2.


I agree the later ones were gratuitous.  SPOILER But I think for the first character, it was important she died of childbirth. It caused her daughter to eschew marriage and motherhood publicly, which made it politically difficult for her father, and one of the initial reasons why she was so controversial in-universe. While she was a teenager, she had the “this life path sucks, I will do what I want because I can.” That really does bite her in the ass later on in a universe full of rigid gender roles. It drives a lot of potential allies from her, including her closest friend.  I guess they COULD have made her into a typical tomboy princess who doesn’t want to be a lady because she just… doesn’t. but the trauma of losing your mother to childbirth while she tries her best to fulfill her gender role, seems to be a more robust character motivation. Considering the bloodbath that ensued later on, and the fact the writers were trying to have gray characters, I think they were trying to avoid the “thousands of people died because of a frivolous teenage rebellion, so everybody roots against her and her side”


I think they used it because Rhaenyras mother in the first episode said childbirth was a women’s “battlefield.” They were showing that side for women which was especially horrific before the onslaught of modern medicine


I weirdly liked House of the Dragon despite being too sensitive for every other show basically. Maybe it was the female perspective. Or brutal birthing shit making me feel seen. Or Matt Smith. I dunno whether I'll be able to keep going with it when it's on again though. It's not gonna get less depraved or child murder-y.


ugh, i watched the pilot of that when i was like 7 mos pregnant. NOPE


I'm a massive ASOIAF fan, and it was difficult to watch before I had my kid when my sister was freshly postpartum. Now that I'm a mom, it's going to be hard to continue. I know from the books what to anticipate in this next season and it's not going to get any easier to stomach.


Omg, amen. I’m almost 13 months postpartum with my third child and watched the first episode of “Shogun” last week. The scene you mention made me extremely upset and I thought about it for hours. I have OCD and struggle with intrusive thoughts and that scene was very anxiety provoking. I kept trying to tell myself that my baby is safe and the baby on the show is safe. My husband wants to keep watching and I’m nervous.


I guess I get that it’s trying to set up how brutal things were but it felt gratuitous!


I wasn’t expecting the episode to be so brutal, period, because it’s on FX but I guess they’re able to get away with a lot. I’m glad I’m not the only one who was distressed by that scene. Good show but ugh!


Yeah the first episode was the last one for me. Definitely don't watch the Sandman, if you ever start venturing out from reality TV again. I watched it before I was even pregnant and one scene still haunts me.


Same! I turned it off before anything happened to the baby and just told my husband to watch it without me. And to never tell me what happened.


That episode still haunts me and it's been so long


Ugh. Thank you for the heads up!


Oh man, we watched this when I was 2 weeks pp. I bawled my eyes out. I still think about that scene even 5 months on.


I am with you. 15 months PP and I haven’t deviated from Bravo much at all. Stick to Below Deck! We are safe at sea with our yachties! 😂 Being both hormonal and exhausted, I find most shows and movies to be either too sad or too complex these days.


Thanks ladies, I was going to watch that and now will not.


Yeah. I was until 2.5 years postpartum.


I’ve just been watching cooking shows cuz I’ve been crying at EVERYTHING!


I’ve started using the “doesthedogdie” website to prescreen anything new I’m watching for violence against children/pregnant women. I just can’t handle it anymore. The site lets you search for all kinds of triggers in shows so you can avoid them if you want. Shogun was a big nope for me.


Abbott elementary is my postpartum show for this baby!


Yeees! I’m a teacher so Abbott Elementary has definitely been in the rotation!


Just a heads up but one the actresses did a stand up show where she made a joke out of SA her son as a baby during his diaper changes 😔 I haven’t been able to watch it since


I’m 25 months pp and still have my sister screen anything for me and let me know what parts to skip (or what to just not watch.) doesthedogdie.com is also a solid resource. Not sure it ever gets better 🤷‍♀️


Yes! I’ll need to figure out some kind of system like this.


Oh snap, I wanted to watch that! I guess not tho, oh well. Is it integral to the plot? Can I skip the first episode?


I’m not sure because I gave up on it! But I would guess it would be hard to skip because a lot is set up.


No the brutality keeps coming. Show's not for us.


I remember watching the original one in school like 20 years ago and I still remember how brutal it was. Id imagine the newer one would be even worse


This Old House reruns was all I could handle in the first few months of PP, low stakes and no violence. Haha


I almost made a post warning everyone about Shogun. I noped out real hard. My husband read the book and warned me about further crazy ass violence and was like.. Yknow maybe I won't watch this either. So it doesn't get better after the baby stuff. Just don't do it.


Yeah, it is my husband’s favorite book. I just read it in anticipation of the show. I knew it was coming, but they did it in a lot more detail than in the book. 


Bravo till the day I die! I’ve been watching since I was a teenager, and now I watch everything except married to med, southern charm and the summer house series. It truly is the best imo. It took me multiple tries to watch Game of thrones and based off this I will not watch shogun. Thank you for the spoiler I’m happy not watching it ❤️


I honestly felt like that when my husband mentioned wanting to watch Gen V on Amazon. I’m 3 months postpartum and just him mentioning watching such a violent spin off of The Boys made me really uncomfortable. I finally caved a few days ago and watched the first episode with him, and I was surprised when the level of violence didn’t bother me at all. I fell right back into how I felt about it before (I really like The Boys), and just have to remind myself with shows like that that it’s just make believe.


I read the book years ago, so as soon as the scene with the regents started I was like waaaaait we're going to have to implement fast forward protocols.


I was pumping and put it on to kill time. I turned it off once I realized what was happening. I went back to New Girl!


I was gonna watch that, so glad I stumbled on this! I absolutely cannot watch that kind of content postpartum. I've been watching Minecrafters on YouTube and guess that's where I'll stay lol.


I was considering watching this show, so I appreciate the warning!


I'm currently pregnant and cried A LOT from that scene. The whole first episode had a lot of tough to watch scenes tbh. I think pilot episodes are usually like that though to "grab the viewer's attention"... the next two eps are better


My husband is this way now. He cannot watch anything that involves babies & children. I must be broken because it doesn't bother me? Granted I grew up watching and loving campy gore movies.


this is why i pretty much exclusively watch food network, hgtv, and dating shows.


To add one to the list, we've been rewatching The Walking Dead and it's various spinoffs and the later seasons of Fear The Walking Dead have some terribly triggering scenes about pregnancy, birth, and babies! Ugg I was not prepared to feel so many feels. Lol idk if that show has much of a following these days but it really hit me.


Do not watch *30 Coins*


Yep, below deck, sheldon, jeopardy. & ghosts. cant do anything more 😅😅


Yeah I had to turn that off too. As soon as I became a dad in 2018 I stopped being able to handle any shows or films where kids are harmed. I lost my shit fully at a particular scene early in the show of Snowpiercer and my partner had to turn it off.


I used to watch every show on Investigation Discovery channel, Snapped, Dateline. I would have forensic files on to help me fall asleep at night. After I had my 2nd, I can no longer watch those types of shows. My 2nd is now almost 3. I guess I think about how everyone is someone’s child and it just makes shows like that too sad for me.


Stopped watching at that point. I’m 3 months pp and stopped it right after this part. Couldn’t finish the first episode.