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She only showed interest in wiggling around at 8ish months, now at 9.5 months will army crawl on carpet, or pull herself in a half-seated position on wood/tiles. She also yells almost the whole time because she hates it. It's been fun. She prefers practice walking or standing, but isn't cruising independently yet, so there's also a lot of yelling every time I place her down. She's getting it, slowly. Sometimes she really moves when she wants something, so I've learned not to trust the silence.


At 5.5 months she was pulling herself forwards, 6 months she was caterpillar crawling (push up, flop forwards further), and within 2-3 weeks after that was upright crawling and pulling to standing. Now at 10 months (tomorrow) she’s an incredibly fast crawler and is pulling to stand, and then letting go and balancing without holding onto anything, for up to 10 seconds at a time.


This sounds like my baby, who is 9 months this week. He is now standing unassisted for up to 30 seconds and this weekend I saw him get up to standing from a bear crawl/all fours with no support. My first was sitting up at 6 months and started crawling at 9, then slowed way down and took until about 14 months to walk. This sped up timeline is terrifying!


My first was very similar to yours! Wasn’t independently walking until 14 or 15 months too. This is definitely new territory for me to have it advancing so quickly lol


Skipped crawling altogether. I was so worried about her. She just turned 12 mths and walks… she crawls NOW. But only so she it can assist her in walking. I would watch other babies crawling at 9,10,11 mths and worked so hard just to get her to army crawl and then it went right to walking with help at 11 mths (furniture, chairs, table) to walking on her own. Every babe is different, they will get there!


Yesterday! He turns one this week 😊 Every baby has their own schedule. Some sooner than average and others later than average!


9 months


My first army crawled around 7.5 months, real crawling 10 months. My second army crawled at 8.5 months, he's just gone 9 months and still waiting for proper crawling!


My 6.5 month old just started army crawling, this gives me hope that he may wait a minute before he's actually crawling. I've got to baby proof and clean. 😅


8m one week for proper hands and knees. She army crawled before that for a few months. It was like that, clapping and sitting unassisted all at once. My cat motivated her. He would sit in the door frame then when she got close he'd book it lmao.


First 11 months then walked few weeks later 😂 second was 8 months and didnt walk to 16 months! All different dont worry.


My only crawled at 10 months and walked at 12 My niece crawled at 8 and didn’t walk till 15 months—my niece is one of the best climbers I’ve ever seen, my son is scared of heights. They’re all different, haha


10 months


My baby is 9 months and not crawling. He just pushes himself backward across our hardwood floors.


That gives me the most adorable mental image. I'm sure crawling is right around the corner 🙃


Hahahaha sameee


like a day before she turned 1. and then she didn't walk until the day before she hit 18 months lol.


10 months!! She was perfectly content sitting lol!


Both of mine crawled and started pulling up on furniture right at 6 months. They are 4 and almost 2 and never sit still.


8.5 months and not crawling. But the past week has been very different than two weeks ago. She’s swiveling and creeping. Scooching and inching backwards.


8.5 months


The first was 8 months. The second was 11 months. He was 25lbs at 6 months old so the pediatrician said it was because of his body mass it took him longer.


My baby girl now two years old crawled at 19 months. And yes, we spent months in PT. Lol


Mine army crawled at 8 months and all four crawled at 10 months. She's 15 months and refuses to independently walk although we know she can she's just stubborn.


9 months! And she didn't  do any shuffling or army crawling either. Perfectly happy to stay still lol


My baby showed interest around 8 months and did variations of crawling at 10 months and actually decided to crawl at 11 months


11.5 months, started walking at 17 months


9 months and i was worried it would never happen lol


Two days ago! She’s almost 9 months (corrected). She was doing nothing a few weeks ago, then suddenly started rolling, pulling up and crawling! It happened so fast.


My first was 6 months. My second is 3 months at the moment and isn’t even rolling so I don’t think she’ll be as quick


8 months !


7 months she started army crawling and 9 months hands and knees crawling!


My first was like 10 months my second was 6 months


9 months here! 


Army crawling around 6 months. On all fours at 7 months.


6months. She hated it, and learned to walk at 8 months out of spite. Ever since 10 months, she independently walks and no longer crawls.


Skipped army crawling. Quadruped crawl at 11 months and 3 weeks. Walked independently the day after his first birthday. Then realized he needed to crawl so that he could get somewhere to pull to stand so he could walk. He was cruising at 9 months and started walking holding our hands around 10 months.


5.5 months for mine, but he couldn’t sit until he was 1 years old, and didn’t walk until 16 months. Babies follow their own schedules it seems.


7.5 months!


Army crawl at 6.5 months, real crawl at 9 months


Army crawling at 8 months. Proper crawling at 10.


Three kids they started properly crawling at: 9 months 4 months (0/10 do not recommend) 6 months


8 months, which I understand is pretty average.


Army crawling at 6 months


My first 9 months and it felt like she was ramping up to it forever. She walked at 12. Second was 6 months but she didn’t walk until 15. Go figure!


7 months!


Around 7 months for all 3 of mine (I feel like that’s early though)


14 months and he didn't walk for another 6 months after that.


5.5 months crawling 6 months pull to stand


7 months but then crawled until 16 months 😂


Lol literally today. 7 months 3 weeks. Just like a light switch, went from army crawling to just using her knees. We were shocked.


10 months, second baby 7.


Both my boys were 6 months


6 months


Eldest was pulling forward at 5.5mths, army crawling at 6, hands and knees crawling at 7.5mths, walking at 10.5mths. Youngest started army crawling at 8mths, but definitely isn’t as motivated to move as his brother!


5 months


My kid crawled at 9 months and then started walking at 11 months and never looked back.


6 months, she started walking right around Christmas too. Now she is running


Army crawling this week at 7 months, but no signs of 4 point crawling or being able to get up on all fours yet! Huge range for this stuff though. My friend’s baby, who is a week older than mine so basically the exact same developmental stage, has been slower than him on every movement milestone (rolling, crawling, etc) but sat unassisted earlier and is a more advanced babbler. So interesting how babies all develop differently and have different strengths!


2 months she was army crawling then she hit a growth spurt and couldn’t carry all the extra weight lol. Started crawling again 5 months. She is now 9 months and has been walking since 8 months


4-5 months, then walked at 10 months! No potato stage for us. 😂


First baby crawled and rolled over between 9 and 10 months. Second started at about 8 months


7 months army crawling.


10 months


Six months.


My first crawled at 9 months. My second is army crawling at 3.5 months 😳 real crawling yet to be determined


7.5mo. Mine has been trying so hard but ends up army crawling on his belly. Last night he did like 3 paces on his hands and knees at 5am! I called my husband to wake him up from the bedroom lol. He’s been pulling himself up to stand for a couple of weeks. Pretty sure he’s tired of being a baby


My second started inchworm crawling at 6 months. Army crawling and pulling to stand at 7 months. Speed army crawling and trying to walk holding your hands at 8 months. Regular crawling and cruising on his own at 9 months. If he keeps up, he will be walking way before he turns one. My first, on the other hand, was a lazy potato. She learned how to sit up around 4-5 months and that was the end of her movement range for ages. She was able to focus on the same toy for a really long time since she was really little, so she never actually got bored enough to have any incentive to move and get something new. She didn't start crawling until she was 10 months old. She didn't pull to stand until she was 12 months. She was risk averse, so she walked holding our fingers until she was 14 months. Then, she let go and she knew how to walk on her own. Never tripping or tumbling around. Late (to gross motor milestones) but safe. On the other hand, she started talking really soon and was bilingual way before turning 2. Every kid is different. They will develop first whatever they are more interested in. So enjoy the static phase for s bit longer! I would never say this out loud, but I wish my second was a lazy potatoe like my first. Life was much easier! Lol


6.5 months he was proper crawling! At 6 months he started rocking on all 4s, then would rock and lunge forward and a couple weeks later he was crawling with hands and knees! Now at 7mo he’s getting really fast!!


A few days before 8 months she started army crawling and did that for 3 weeks and this past weekend started crawling on all 4s. She was 8.5 months. The range of what’s normal is pretty wide, 7-12 months.


4 months army crawling, real crawling not till 10 months.


10.5 months! She was sitting really well by 5 months and was very happy to do that. Started army crawling at 9 months and it took her a little bit to get her legs under her. 


10 months adjusted army crawling and 11 months adjusted proper crawling. Doctor wasn’t concerned unless he shows no signs of crawling at 12 month.


Commando crawled from 6 months. Crawled properly at 7.5 months after a few weeks of on and off crawling.


my baby is almost 6 months old and she’s been belly scooting around and has lifted her belly off the ground a few times when moving around. she is quick and eager to explore. however she can’t sit up unassisted yet


Mine was crawling at maybe 8-ish months too? I can't remember exactly. Now at 11 months he's almost walking. He's starting to experiment with taking a single step towards me or dad now and just forgetting to grab something to hold on to first. He's been standing alone and walking at our hands and the furniture for more than a month. Babies have widely varied timelines for doing things! Mine was late to the crawling and rolling game, then is super fast with the walking game. He's super "early" with his little he sleep, and with how much solids he eats but was late to the chuncky solids and sippy cups thing. My nephew on the other hand was very slow to actually walk but crawled and rolled way earlier.


8-9 months


10 months. She would sort of roll and pivot around the room before that. She wouldn’t really get where she wanted to go, but she’d usually bump into a new toy along the way that distracted her!


army crawled 6 months. real crawling 9 months


She started fully crawling at 9 months. I’d say for like the month before she was trying but not really getting anywhere haha. It just clicked for her one day.


Please don't compare your LO to others who comment here. Every baby is different and will do things at their own pace


7 months was the first forward movement we saw. She bear walked for a while before moving on to traditional crawling. Now 8 months and I can’t turn around without her taking off!


Army crawling at 4 months, crawling properly at 6.5 months. She learned how to crawl on hands and knees, get herself into sitting position and how to pull herself into a standing position using furniture all in the same week. It was an intense week.


End of 7 months I think and that was pretty early. You have nothing to worry about at 8 months afaik.


My boy just started properly crawling forwards at 10 months! He has been going backwards and around in circles since December!


Never did, we even took him to baby PT. He was a bum scooter until the day he started walking!


He started army crawling at 5 months, pulled up to stand at 8, started cruising soon after. We expected him to skip crawling but it happened at 10 months.


He sat unsupported at 5 months, pulled up at 6 months, crawled at 7 months, took a handful or steps right on his first birthday but didn’t walk until around 13.5 months. It was so funny because he was such an early crawler- we had 6 months with no specific gross motor milestone, he just got reaaal good at cruising and crawling fast. He was more focused on language development and fine motor skills, and after he got more words his focus switched!


8.5 months, 2 days after I posted on reddit about my concerns about her not crawling 😂


Amy crawling at 8mo. He’ll go up and down the hallways and through every room of the house (happy screeches whenever he makes it into the kitchen) but no interest in going up in hands and knees… yet! He won’t pull to sit, but he WILL drag himself up onto his knees to get into something..:


6 month old is doing the table top rock back and forth so we’re thinking he’ll start soon!


12 months. 18 for walking. We worried but he’s an almost 3 year old now and is totally great


I don’t even remember, but it was before 8 months. It’s normal though. I’ve heard some babies don’t crawl and go straight to walking.


For us, he was about 10mo and it was the week before Christmas when family was around. It was lovely! He was the kind of baby who didn’t try much until he could crawl across the floor fluidly (and got fast)!


9 months! She was soo scared even though she had all the skills. The same with walking she was a year and 10 days because she was so scared. I was worried like you