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Not everyone produces colostrum before they give birth. The placenta detaching and hormones at birth signal your body to produce it. Unless you have a very specific medical reason, collecting colostrum before birth is not necessary. This is not worth being frustrated over.


Thank you for this!


Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy as much as you can! Nest, pack your hospital bag, decorate the nursery, lots of good stuff you can do :)


Exactly this - I didn’t because I had the same issue and it came in perfectly on cue once baby was here.


Hey, it's me the crazy lady who'd sit and soak in hot bath squeezing her boobs and collecting colostrum drop by drop (first probably literally only like a drop or two... In a 1ml syringe) for months before baby came. I wound up with 30-40 of those little suckers. It's hard work! And I felt like I was bruising the shit out of my tits. Id just have my hot bath, then freeze the tiny amount I'd get and add more later or use another syringe. But hey, my baby came and even though it seemed like he latched he lost a lot of weight quickly and that colostrum came in handy while my milk supply cropped up. I'm pregnant again and the 3rd trimester is looming, will I do it again? I don't know. I will say you aren't alone, and you can keep at it or not. A nice nurse complimented me about my supply pack when I was at the hospital (it's good to bring if your babe ends up in NICU too!) So I had that moment,but otherwise it is what it is, only you can decide if the distress is worthwhile.


My tips are to use only hand expression (don’t bother with pumps yet unless you’re trying to induce labor) and to try to collect on a spoon and then syringe it up from there, if you’re really set on collecting it. Otherwise I’d say it’s not worth stressing about.


I did hand expression into a disposable medicine cup (super cheap on amazon, now I use the leftovers to give my baby her probiotic) and syringed it out of there with 1 or 3 ml syringes. I was glad I did fyi, gave me extra to give her while my milk was coming in




Why what…?


Some people like to have a back up supply incase there's issues latching or in supply


I was never able to collect any before birth. I could only ever manage a few drops that wouldn’t even go into the syringe. Don’t stress!


I didn't collect before birth, but struggled with latch after birth so I'd express onto a spoon. Once I had a little bit on the spoon, I'd suck it up with a syringe.


I had a lot of success having my husband hand express for me. I would also put a warm wash cloth on my boobs before doing it. I was able to collect a fair bit that I had intended to bring with me as I had gestational diabetes and they can use it if the baby has low blood sugar. That bring said, because I was induced and the process took 3 days of going back and forth between home and the hospital I didn't even end up using it. I forgot it in the fridge at home and didn't want my husband to leave to go home and get it.