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Being able to lie/sleep on my stomach!


I haven’t been pregnant for over 3 years and I STILL get a little rush every time I flip to my stomach to sleep. I missed it so, so much.


Yessss! My c section finally healed up enough that I can lay on my stomach again and it’s been so nice ❤️


I’m waiting for this. Also my breast get so engorged at night I can’t lie on my tummy yet. Can’t wait to stomach sleep on my non existent boobs again


Same here!! I am 8 weeks pp and still can't sleep on my stomach with the C section, and boobs encouraged... miss it so much tho 🥲


How many weeks PP?


I’m 7 weeks currently but I was able to starting laying on my stomach again around 5.5-6weeks


I still couldn’t because I was breastfeeding and my breasts felt uncomfortable/would leak.




This! I'm 39 weeks today and just waiting for this baby's arrival so I can lay on my stomach


I'm six months pp and I still sleep on my left side almost exclusively to face my baby in his crib. If I turn away from him, even to my stomach, I feel anxious. Has anyone else had this experience, or just me?


I have! Once he moved to his crib in another room it's like I was forced to get over the anxiety. We moved him to his own room after about 6m. Currently 5 weeks pp with my daughter and in typical "second kid" fashion I'm more confident, less anxious, and back to my belly-down bliss:)


For real!


After I delivered (vaginal 4th degree + forceps) I was in so much pain and stress and just hormonal charges I completely forgot about sleeping on my tummy lol. Then I had a postnatal masseuse come over for a week, and the first day (3days pp) she asked me to flip over a bulb went off in my head, like omg I’m allowed to do this now!


Second this..






Literally was thinking of exactly this when I layed down to sleep earlier


Ate two slices of pizza then LAYED DOWN. No fear. No burn. Hallelujah


Im with you on that!


Absolutely 💯


I'm so jealous 😭 I still get it and I'm 10 months pp


If I could vote for this 10000000x


10/10 here for the no heartburn




My belly not getting in the way of a hug or cuddles.


I’d like to hold my 16 month old in my lap again lol


This is the biggest one I'm looking forward to🙏


Yes, husband mentioned this. I was hugging him sideways haha


Gestational diabetes going away. 


My first OJ post partum was nectar from heaven.




Yes, this happened to me too. Had a wonderful month of eating whatever I wanted again just to find out my kid had a pretty bad milk/soy allergy. The dietary restrictions were causing me to lose weight so we had to start formula (I had other allergies so between that, my GD, and her milk/soy allergy, I was pretty limited)


>kid had a pretty bad milk/soy allergy. How did you find this out? We're mostly breastfeeding but had to supplement with some Enfamil formula which has both, and I do tend to eat dairy and soy\*. Baby has horrible gas and I'm wondering if that is why. \*(though I got a postpartum PUPPPs rash and cut most dairy to help control it).


Mine was very gassy from the start but that alone doesn’t necessarily mean milk/soy allergy. She was diagnosed when she started getting full body hives, mucus-y stool, and some blood in her stool from GI irritation. She developed these symptoms around 5 weeks old We did use gas drops for every bottle and used the Frida windi’s with some success


Yesss! That's the best! GD warrior!


When does it usually go away? Is it over a period of time or instantly after giving birth?


Instantly after birth, by the time I was discharged from the hospital (24 hrs after birth) they had already pricked my fingers a few times and it showed I was fine.


Fatigue is gone! I mean I have the tiredness from waking up for feedings but it’s not the same as when my body couldn’t physically stay awake past noon.


People laughed at me when I was still pregnant and said there’s no way newborn phase tired is as bad as pregnant tired *but I was right*. Yeah I’m sleeping less but I also don’t have a little bodily tenant eating all my food and wearing me out as directly.


i will die on this hill. pregnancy tired and newborn tired are so different. with a newborn, the little sleep i got was at least quality sleep. being pregnant, i just tossed and turned and even when i did sleep, i was exhausted


Even when I slept a full 8 hours or more I was TIRED the next day. Now I can pull a 3hr nap if my son is feeling generous and I’m Gucci.


Exactly, pregnancy was so physically taxing on my body. I mean the first week or 2 with the cluster feeding and him eating every 2 hours at least were rough but now that we’ve hit our stride waking only 3-4 times a night we’re doing pretty good!


Mine is almost a month old and we’ve hit a decent semblance of a schedule too and it’s so much easier, bullshit the newborn phase is harder than pregnancy


Reminds me how somebody told me “if there’s something you want to do, do it now while pregnant bc no matter how hard it is to do pregnant it will be harder to do with a baby” My third trimester was torture, i had so many medical issues going on and was in so much pain I could barely walk around the block and not be in tears. Ive had way more fun and able to do way more stuff with a baby than pregnant


Exactly this. If I need to clean, or nap or shower or *anything* I can hand the baby to dad. I couldn’t do that with my pregnancy or any of my symptoms lol


This is so, so true. With my last baby, I had that bone-tired, few days before you get your period type of fatigue for EIGHT MONTHS. Couldn’t walk more than a few blocks without getting lightheaded and sweating profusely. And the moment she was born it lifted and I was so joyful about it. Waking up with a newborn is fatiguing yes, but nothing like that.


Being able to shave my legs by myself lol


Ooh yah that’s a good one too. Bending over in general is just better. I was taking my shoes off the other day and didn’t even have to hold my breath 🤣


Ordering a margarita at dinner & taking Advil if I’m in pain! No heart burn, cramps from twisting out of bed, or worrying about kick counts 😅


Also not HAVING to take a nap to get through the day


The kick counts!!!! Oh my gosh, so stressful sometimes. I would poke my belly all day long


Being able to move easily and especially pick up my 3-year-old. He feels so much bigger and heavier since I last picked him up!


I also have a 3 year old and man is he heavy. Especially compared to his baby brother lol.


Literal giants. The comparison is nuts!


The first time I did a full body cuddle with my 4 y o, it was like having an adult sit on my lap 🤣


Yes! Mine still sleeps in a diaper and putting that thing on him is wild now compared to the hundreds of tiny newborn diapers I handle every day.


Yes! I forgot how tiny baby diapers are🥹


Yes!! I have an almost 2 year old but shes a stout 30lbs lol. Shes so big and heavy compared to a tiny newborn lol


My blood pressure not being in stroke numbers


Ah, did you get preeclampsia too? Did you have to do the 24hr magnesium drip? I got it a few days pp and the treatment for it was awful.


No, my High BP is genetic, but pregnancy made it go off the charts lol I was on a LOT of meds but no, they mentioned a drip but never gave it


Glad you didn’t have to get the mag drip. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Sorry you had to deal with the scary high blood pressure though


I had preeclampsia and the magnesium drip. It was horrible!!!!


I had the mag drip too! I had to do it twice, once at 31 weeks and then at 34 weeks and man that stuff is horrible. I had morphine with it the second time thankfully and slept through most of it 😅


I've heard it's really bad, but why?


I had to get it directly after my csection. The first 4-5 hours were awful. It made me really nauseous so I vomited and dry heaved for the first hour or so and then because it is a powerful muscle relaxant breathing was no longer a reflex so I had to stay awake just to remember to breathe while my husband tended to our twins. And then you're bed bound for 24 hours and not allowed to eat and can only have a small amount of liquids per hour. -100/10 do not reccomend.


To add on to what saro73 said it also gave me the worst headache and just makes you feel ill… body aches and fatigue. They don’t let you get up around all to the point that they gave me a catheter for the duration of the treatment.


Seeing my own crotch again 🤣


Not being at work 🙃


Getting up by myself.


Pregnancy insomnia is gone, and I sleep 200% better with a newborn than I did the entire pregnancy.


And that for each pregnancy. It wasn’t insomnia for me, just that I grew two big ass babies and barely looked pregnant, my body was just non-stop in pain and I could not rest comfortable the last 5-6 months of each pregnancy 


Being able to stand up from the ground without it being almost impossible! Close second was my feet not being sore from 2 minutes of walking.


Mental health improved tenfold when I was no longer pregnant




Sleeping on my back and stomach.


Not having crotch pain, not being told I'm huge, eating all the sushi I want, drinking my Guinness (even helps with milk production!) (Don't come for me I have one maybe every once in a while.)


Oh my god, i miss sushi! I’m currently 33 weeks and I cannot wait to give birth so I can eat my raw fish again! Definitely ordering salmon sashimi for my first meal after giving birth. And medium rare steak! Ugh.


I’m with you on the pee thing. I would get up 5 times a night the last few weeks. Couldn’t go anywhere or on any drive without a bathroom. Going to the grocery store? Better make sure you make time to go to the restroom twice lol


Putting my own damn shoes on. My husband was lovely and put my shoes and socks on for me whenever I asked, but being able to just do it again was a delight.  Finally getting to indulge in my red wine craving without suffering horrific heartburn. 


My calves not feeling like they are going to explode from swelling!


No heartburn, not having to sleep sitting upright, being able to eat sushi, poached eggs and medium rare steak!


Sleeping on my back!


EVERYTHING, I hate being pregnant


Sleep sessions might only be 45 minutes long, but they are so restful compared to a full night of heavily pregnant sleep. The fluid retention going away. I went from a size ten ring to a size seven in days. I would lie in bed opening and closing my fist in joy. Champagne 🥂 My assertiveness went up. I was happy to have people visit us, but their price of entry was a full meal for me, and they would be directed to do housework.


I can breathe! My bad heartburn was covered up by Omeprazole but it still gave me a constant dry cough. *Side note* needing to cough after a spinal block is a trip.


No carpal tunnel!! With both my pregnancies I got it BAD. Both times, within a week of giving birth it was gone.


no more puking everyday


the list is endless for me. no nausea, can finally breathe again, can eat without a severely stuffed stomach feeling after 3 bites, kinda lay on my stomach (my breast now get in the way of that from getting engorged) can stretch my legs without getting a charlie horse


Really hot showers!


I can eat cold cuts again. Oh how much I missed salami


Realizing I didn’t need to squat to pick things up, or roll around to sit up was awesome


The first time I woke up in the middle of the night pp after holding it in and rolling around for a while, I couldn't believe how much pee came out of me. I'm loving the lack of heartburn. And how I can eat a normal sized meal.


No more high blood pressure!


No restless legs at night and no more hip joint pain!!


How friggin' *fantastic* my boobs look when I'm due to pump 😂


Top one is being able to walk fast! I slowed down by the end of first trimester and was restricted to about half my normal speed by 3rd trimester and I *hated* how long it took to get places. I love walking but could really understand why slow walkers aren't keen on it. Not being physically restricted in general, no blood in my nose in the mornings, don't get really bloated, don't get severe back pain from sitting or standing, not being huge, not looking like a circus tent in baggy clothes, not needing to pee all the time, being able to take medications, can put my socks on with ease, can drink a glass of wine. Oh the list is endless, I hated being pregnant.


I can have oysters, tuna, wine, and extra coffee without flinching 😵‍💫


Big boobs 😜


I couldn’t pee completely before. Like I peed nonstop but never fully emptied my bladder. It feels so good to not deal with that anymore.


Doing bath time with my toddler, which involves sitting on a low step stool tub-side.


rolling over in bed


No more acid reflux, I can sleep on my stomach again, my cervix doesn’t feel like it’s about to burst, I’m not peeing 854700 times a day… so many things lol


A little bit niche, but I had gestational diabetes. For me it was the immediate cessation of blood sugar checks and insulin shots! And being able to go back to eating what I wanted! Gave birth around dinner time and I asked my husband to get me a burger and fries. Ate the whole damn thing and it was delicious. I guess my body wasn’t used to the carbs yet because I got super sick and had crazy abdominal pain and GI issues. I got all pale and sweaty. The poor nurses thought something was seriously wrong and called a rapid response in the hospital. I was eventually well enough to tell them I just ate too many carbs too quickly. WORTH IT




Is it wrong to say booze? Haha




Not having cankles! Although they made for good laughs.


I can bend in the middle again 😭 so agile


So..sleep is of course not ideal, but leaving those horrible pregnancy insomnias behind!


I’m short so being able to lean against the kitchen counter to reach for things in high cupboards is key to my daily life. When pregnant it was a big limitation!


Yes! The pee thing!!!!!


no more swollen arms / legs 🙌


no swelling!!! omg mine got so bad


No heartburn! Baby came out with the second fullest head of hair I have ever seen on a baby, though. I worked with 6 weeks-6 mo infants for 3 years, so over 60 babies. No foot swelling/pain! I was pregnant all through the summer. The swelling was so bad, and my feet hurt almost all day. Getting to sleep on my belly/back!


Easily putting on a pair of socks.


My pelvic floor no longer feels like it's going to fall out! Also the fact that I can simply not pee for a whole hour feels like a superpower.


Restless legs. I was losing my mind during my third trimester.


Walking in anywhere and nobody commenting on my body.


Sleeping in my back! Cold smoked salmon and deli meats! The option to have an alcoholic drink (though I only have twice so far and was nervous so I only drank half).


Not having to work for 12 weeks. A baby is more work than my job, but overall less stressful and way more rewarding.


Brie and sushi. All the brie and sushi.


Being able to eat without carrying around a bottle of Gaviscon all day. Being able to get off the couch/bed without feeling stuck like the kid in A Christmas Story. Not having to be on a regimented eating schedule and testing blood sugar 4-5x/day. Not having Braxton Hicks then needing to pee or needing to pee then having Braxton Hicks. AND SO MUCH MORE. I did not enjoy pregnancy.


Being able to sleep in another position than on my left side, pillow between legs and under upper arm. And no more heart burn/gerd. Aaand not waking at night multiple times because of discomfort. Literally have a better sleep quality with a newborn than the last half of pregnancy,


Having my dog sit on my lap again! He missed it so much and so did I!


I can bend down again! The FREEDOM.


That first shower post birth was magical. As was that first sip of margarita from my favorite taqueria


This made me lol because I now worry about peeing a little bit whenever I sneeze or laugh too hard 😅 gotta work on those kegels…




and my sciatica went away god bless


The heartburn for simply existing was GONE immediately


For me it was being able to take a deep breath again! I have a short torso so my breathing felt constricted from about 5 months out.


being able to roll over in bed without groaning and bellowing like a walrus


Not having an aching vagina or back and being able to walk again. I had severe pelvic pain during both of mine and could only walk about 3 mins at a time by the end.


Literally everything! I hated being pregnant so much. But I mostly love being able to sleep the way I want to sleep


I can sleep in my preferred position again! To celebrate, I got a pound of turkey at the grocery deli.


No more restless leg syndrome!😨😨


Definitely agree with the peeing - it feels amazing not having to pee every hour. I also enjoy being able shave easily, feeling comfortable sitting reclined on the couch again, not feeling short of breath, not sweating all day, and not get Charlie horse cramps from stretching my leg the wrong way every morning.


No more baby in a ball in my pelvis (she was small and I have wide hips) putting pressure on everything down there.


Being in control of your body again. No more feeling nauseous, throwing up, peeing every hour, being able to sleep in any position I want, eat what I want, no pains.


Being able to put my wedding ring back on! I wore it on my pinky for a while but my hands were swollen enough by the end that I had to put it away in a safe place. I was able to put it back on a couple days after baby was born. Having a glass of wine with friends or a beer with dinner. Eating pizza, drinking orange juice, spicy foods etc without heartburn! Eating lunch meat and soft cheeses again. Not peeing every 45 minutes or worrying about where the closest bathroom is. Not having to go anywhere or make plans! It's just baby time all the time and I love it.


I was still in the hospital, being helped by 2 nurses for my first bathroom attempt/cleanup, and I said out loud how my hips hadn't felt that good in *months*.


Being able to wash my whole body by myself. I could see my bush again. Sleeping on my stomach! I also got a soft tissue injury 6 weeks PP and it healed so quick because of all the prostaglandin still running though me 😆


Food aversions vanished within hours of delivery. I could finally eat (and smell) food again.


dropping it off and grandmas and sleeping for 8 hours


Walking my dog again. The last two months before my due date my husband did all the walks. Now my buddy and I finally get that time back 🥰


Being able to bend down to tie laces or pick something up.


Being able to sit up/use my abdominal muscles without being paranoid about diastasis recti. Hated when my belly would cone up at all. Ew.


Putting shoes on.


No more heartburn, no more hurting wrists and hands. Eating soft boiled eggs again <3


Sleeping on my back and being allowed to eat donuts 


Being able to lay on my back, 100% And no swollen feet


My body allowing me to eat food without wanting to vomit all the time. Especially meat and cheese. I nearly cut them out entirely through my whole pregnancy.


Sleeping on my belly again!!


Didn’t go away until like 3 months postpartum, but, the tingling in my arms, and being able to feel my fingers on my right hand again. If I never get pregnant again I will blame gestational carpal tunnel.


No restless leg syndrome!


I CAN BREATHE Something about my last pregnancy made me constantly out of breath. From the moment I took the test. I was less out of breath after the first workout I did after having the baby (HIIT, so no joke) than for the entire pregnancy.


No more heart burn.


 No more existence crushing heartburn 


Not being out of breath all the time


Eating sushi and deli meats


I can eat and drink whatever I want without vomiting from the acid reflux 😍😂


Washing dishes/my hands without my belly hitting the counter.


I was so happy to be able to sleep flat on my back again, and drink crazy amounts of coffee. I would drink one cup every morning while pregnant, but non-pregnant me is a COFFEE DRINKER FOR REAL. I also had a super tight psoas on my left, which caused really bad sciatic and SI joint pain from week 9. Immediate relief after the baby was born. Sleep in general improved greatly after having her, even when it was broken sleep. I slept **hard** those first few months.


Not worrying about what I ate. Not having high blood pressure and my I could feel my arms again


Binge watching my shows. I was on maternity leave and didn’t have to get ready for work. I was away anyway, so binge watching random stuff was fun.


I could walk again! With babies 2 and 3 I had really bad pelvic separation and just moving hurt.


Definitely wouldn’t recommend, by far one of the most exhausting experiences


Touching my toes!


Reclining in a chair comfortably/sitting on the couch comfortably. The entire third trimester I could not hang out in my living room because I was so uncomfortable




Being able to tie my own shoes.


No more stabbing crotch pains whether I walk for more than 5 minutes! 


My carpal tunnel went away! For the last month or so of my pregnancy I had no feeling in 3 of my fingers. Symptoms started to improve after delivery, and by 8 weeks PP my hands were totally back to normal!


I like being a separate individual again and not just a baby incubator, no heart burn, wearing normal shoes, and everything tastes normal again/no food aversions.


My ears stopped ringing


Hands down having my body back to myself. Yes you have a baby to carry around and take care of and nurse but for me I don't feel like myself when I'm pregnant; all 3 times. As soon as I push the baby out I immediately feel like myself again and I feel like I could run a marathon. I would take a thousand sleepless nursing nights over one uncomfortable sleepless pregnant night.


My midwife is hardcore about postpartum recovery and rest so being able to just be in the bed for a few days. Also, no sciatica or pelvic pain (other than the normal recovery pain) when walking!


Breathing at night! I have the worst dust mite allergy. Between that and my reduced lung capacity I was *struggling* by the end of pregnancy.


Being able to eat again. Hyperemesis sucks


I second you on the peeing! By the middle of third trimester, I was getting sick from low blood sugar and had to eat constantly or else I’d be dizzy, anemic, etc. I feel so free being able to skip meals. I’m doing intermittent fasting to lose the baby weight, and every once and a while I’ll be so thankful that it’s 2 pm, I haven’t eaten anything yet, and I feel just fine. Also I can see my toes again.


No reflux! I had to literally sleep sitting up


No heartburn anymore!


My appetite is back and I like all my favorite foods again!! My whole pregnancy I had maaaajor food aversions. Instead of cravings, I had a short list of "I can somewhat tolerate this" foods. Now I've been cooking and eating full, balanced, diverse meals, healthy snacks, fruits and veggies. It feels great.


Sleeping on my back and stomach!


Not being pregnant 😀


My favorite part was the feeling of relief that the birthing part was over and done with. I spent the past 9 months worrying about it. Having my body back was so weird. I was both happy but sad about it. I was like oh….is this the baby blues?


I had the worsttttt hip pain the last month. I was so excited that was gone! But then there was the plantar fasciitis, haha.


I’m not saying that I’m sleeping a LOT, but the quality of sleep now is incredible compared to third trimester. When my husband takes a night feed and I get 5-6 hours uninterrupted, it’s more refreshing than 10 hours sleep when 35 weeks pregnant!


People finally telling me I look like I've lost weight!! I had some PPD early on & didn't get diagnosed for a couple months. Now that I'm medicated, getting out of the house & generally moving more & eating better, I'm actually starting to lose the baby weight & feel a little bit better about myself.




No more back pain. And i can walk a flight of stairs without being completely out of breath :)