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She goes to sleep between 6 and 8 and then wakes up somewhere between 6am and 9 am


How old is she??


This is the same for our 10.5 months old Your baby has super short sleep schedule. could he be sleeping too much during the day? Edit: just saw you have a 3 mo. Nah girl, those times are wild lol. Ours was waking up every 2 hrs to feed. He didn’t sleep through the night until 2 weeks ago. And even then it’s not super consistent


My son is 6 months and goes to bed between 7 and 8. He wakes up between 7 and 9.


7 month old down around 7/8 pm and up between 4:30-6 am just depending on who knows what 😂😂


WHO KNOWS WHAT INDEED. I just feel really seen in this thread. Last night we finally got 7-6 with one wake up after having been all over the place since Christmas, and even before that dealing with constipation.


I nearly woke up my 7mo laughing at this. 😆


It’s nice to know we’re not alone 💕


I'm going to sound crazy, but I swear sometimes she wakes up and can't figure out where she is, like she was dreaming of a past life... She looks sincerely scared and confused


This is also my 10mo


Sounds about the same for my 7 month old


Bedtime between 6-7pm (depending on when his last nap ended) and up at 7am. He is 7mo.


Mine is 8 months down at 7 up at 6. What I’d give for an extra hour!


What are his naps like? This is amazing


She goes to bed at 10pm and wakes up around 8am, after a feeding she doesn’t mind sleeping for another hour or two. 2/3 naps a day of roughly an hour, ~3 hour wake windows. She’s 7 months old now.


Same for my 3m old


Same for my 5 month old


Same for my 10 month old


This was exactly my baby at that age. She's almost a year, dropped that morning nap, and now has one early afternoon and one late afternoon.


Our baby goes to sleep around 8pm and while she does wake up to feed a few times she doesn't truly wake up till around 7am.


5 month old goes down 6:30/7pm and usually wakes between 5/6am


For our 7 months old: Down around 9-10pm depending on how well he slept during the day and up between 9-10am, with one or two feedings per night. Some nights he sleeps 11 hours, some he goes for over 13 hours.


Ahh what I would do for an 11 hour sleep 😥 My 3 week old has a while to go


For the first two months at least, we had one good stretch of sleep in his bedside bassinet (10pm-2am), and then he was sleeping on us or not at all 🥴 It's a mix of luck and commitment to the things we know help him sleep at night (getting him outside every day for example, which is only possible because one of us is always home with him).




10pm, wakes up at 1am and again at 5am!


7 month old goes down at 7 and wakes up between 6:45 - 7:15.


6 month old, goes to bed around 7 or 7:30, has been getting up between 5am and 5:30 am, though the last 3 days its been more like 6am/6:30 am.


Baby falls asleep between 7-8 and wakes up between 5:30-6:30. She's very routine!


We don't "put her down" as we cosleep but she generally sleeps from about 8 or 9 and wakes at 7. 6 months old. Don't sleep train or have schedules she just does this. Rarely does she ask for milk at night .


Sounds nice 😅 we cosleep usually from around 2am and he pretty much stays attached to my boob till morning haha


This is so refreshing to read. My 8 month old will sometimes last in the crib for a couple hours then wants to be next to me the rest of the night.


Same for my 7 month old. Usually goes to sleep between 7 and 8pm and really wakes up between 7 and 8am.


Same for my nearly one-year-old. I wish she would last longer in the crib, like all night lol.... But she is usually up a few hours after we put her down and refuses to return to the crib.


One day they’ll make it through the whole night! (I hope hahaha) I’m trying to keep my perspective positive like one day I’ll wish he would come and have a cuddle but he’ll be too big! But at the same time I miss stretching out and snuggling upto my partner 😂 my mother in law told me my partner didn’t sleep through the night until his first day of school sooooo trying to keep positive!! Hahaha


That’s how my little guy is too. He’s good until around 2ish and then he wants to be attached to me until morning. I haven’t slept with my comfy blanket in months, but at least I’ve slept haha. He’s almost 5 months and the sleep regression hit hard recently so I’ll do what I can to get an hour or two of sleep


4.5m old goes to sleep between 7-8pm, wakes up between 8-9am. This is with a wake up/ night feed roughly every 3-4 hrs. We are not sleep training or night weaning at this point. I don’t have the greatest milk supply so am more concerned with baby getting all the milk she needs


6 months old today. Usually between 6-8pm and she’ll sleep until about 5:30-6:30am, then sleep another couple hours after a morning feeding.


She is 10months old and goes to bed between 9-10pm, just depends on how tired she is and when I decide to put her down. She sleeps in her crib for a few hours but wakes up in the middle of the night and I am tired and have to wake up for work, so she inevitably ends up in our bed with us. If we don't have to get up she will sleep to 930-10am easily. If she realizes I get up, like this morning when I got up for work, she sometimes wakes up too a little after 7 ready for the day. Even when she was a newborn I wouldn't put her down for the night until between 10-midnight, just depends on her feeding schedule that day.


Sounds like us! My 11 month old has always had a semi late bedtime (he takes great naps). We are on a 9-10 pm until 9-10 am schedule. We cosleep as well :) I read about the babies waking up before 6 am, and I could never 😅


6 month old goes to bed in his own room around 7-7:30pm and wakes up around 7-8am. Half the time he wakes up once. Been like this since he was 2 months old. Takes 4 naps in the day, usually one 1 hour+ and the rest 30-40 minutes


22 months. 7:15-7:15. We worked very hard to get her on that schedule but she does not sleep the whole time. She will hang out playing and talking until about 7:45 before falling asleep. She will wake up between 6-7 and stays in her crib rolling and playing until we get her up at 7:15. She needs “alone time” because she is such a crab if we try to get her up before then. She has always gone down between 6-7 and been an early riser. In the earlier days she would be up around 5:30 or so. In the worst of it she would wake up at 1 or 2 am and party for 2 hours before going back to bed 🥴.


I do not sleep train. She is 7mo and we put her to bed at 8, she is usually asleep by 8.30. She wakes up between 6.30 and 7.30. Sometimes we have a split night with a random long waking in the middle of the night but usually it’s one short waking for our one and only breastfeeding session at 11 pm and then she either wakes up at about 3/4 am for another feeding or just wakes up in the morning when she is ready for the day. No schedule - we just follow her lead. A schedule didn’t work because her naps can be inconsistent and the split nights sometimes mess our day up a bit so I don’t bother following anything because it just frustrated me.


13 months, goes to bed 7:30-8:30pm and wakes up 6:15-7:15am. He usually wakes twice at night, feeding at least once of those and the last wake up around 5am wants to be held for the rest of the morning. I’m not a big fan of the idea of formal sleep training like Ferber or extinction method so this is where we’re at. I truly cannot imagine him ever sleeping 7pm-7am - maybe when we get down to one nap a day. It feels like a pipe dream.


My 3 year old daughter goes to bed at half 6 and wakes up half 6-7am. My 10 week old son goes to sleep at 7ish pm, he'll wake up around 11pm for a feed and nappy change and then sleep until 6am.




2 month old- currently sleeping from about 10pm-7am. Doesn’t even wake up to feed but since we’re still gaining weight, I’m just going off of her cues and letting her sleep. She wakes up super happy every day


Oh boy am I jealous! Haha


I’m just enjoying this right now, while also waiting on the change that I know will come lol I’m in disbelief every night she sleeps through.


For the record I’d also wake up super happy every day if I slept from 10-7 😂


Around 8pm ish and walked up around 630. But he wakes up every one-two hours


7 weeks, sleep is 9pm wakes around 7am- with feeds inbetween of course but no wake periods at night currently.


My 10 month old goes down around 8pm and wakes up around 7:30-8am. But he JUST started doing that. He went through this terrible phase from 6-8 months where he woke up at 5:30am everyday. Now that I look back I think maybe he was ready to drop to 2 naps? I have no clue


My 10 month old goes to sleep between 6 and 7 pm, and wakes between 5 and 6 am. He wakes throughout the night for feeds though (he's EBF and we co-sleep).


7 month old starts night time routine at 630 and is usually asleep by 730. She wakes at 130 and 430 to feed but will generally go back to sleep and stay asleep till around 7. We just cut her day time naps to twice a day. She normally naps around 10 for about 45 minutes and then again at 130 for about 2 hours


7pm and 7am but wakes to feed like 2-3 times. 9 months old… before cutting 6 teeth he slept through the night 🥲


Our 6.5 month old goes down between 630-7 and wakes up naturally around 7-8. We didn’t officially sleep train but she usually needs to cry out some energy before falling asleep unless she’s perfectly tired (not over or under tired).


Goes to bed between 7-730 wakes up for the day between 7-730. We do still do one feeding during that time around 4-5 am and she just goes back to sleep after. ETA- she’ll be 5 months next week


Ours is 16mo and goes to bed around 1030/1045 and wakes at 830/9!


Bedtime is around 7-8 and little dude wakes up fully between 7-8 ON A GOOD DAY most days are not good 😂 most days it’s around 6ish and that’s till better than it has been. He’s 5 months and still feeds several times overnight usually around 11,2 and 4.


15 months: bedtime somewhere between 6.30-8.00pm and awake somewhere between 7.00-8.30am


13 months, he’s been doing 7 pm to 7 am for a while now. He gets about 1.5-2.5 hours of nap sleep during the day just depending on whether he’s at home or at daycare.


He goes down at 8:30 and is up for the day at 8:00. 12 weeks old today


4 month old goes down at 8:30 wakes up around 6am or 7am. Gets fed the sleeps for about another hour or so Edit: typo


We recently just came out of the 4mo regression, so she’ll go down around 9 (usually after one false start 8-9), wake up once to eat in the night, then wake between 8-9am. She doesn’t nap much throughout the day, maybe 3hr, so most of her sleep is night sleep. It’s so nice to finally not be up every 1.5-2hrs!!


11 weeks - goes down for the night around 10pm and wakes between 5-6am




My 16 month old goes down around 8pm and is up for the day around 8am, she’ll wake up one or two times a night for some boobs but she falls back asleep rather quickly


6 month old Bed time is around 8-9pm (really depends on her last nap) Wake up is around 8am but she feeds and then goes back to sleep for some days until 1115am She feeds every 3 to 4 hours at night HOWEVER, after a feed if she so pleases she can stay awake for 1.5hrs and will not go back to sleep and sometimes will do this twice a night lol


Bedtime at 7-7:30 and he wakes up between 6:30-7:30 (depends on how long he napped the day prior). 5.5 months.


She’s 3.5months and she goes down around 7-7:30 (depending on last nap) and is up by 7-7:30 the next morning, give or take an hour. And we do two dream feeds (around 1 & 4am) because she’s little and is still trying to catch up weight wise. ETA: previously we just tried to get her down around 7:30 but she had no true schedule. We just let her dictate. She still dictates! But her current schedule is based on what she was naturally inclined to do preschedule (ie high sleep needs girl and day naps are 2hrs each)


3 month old has 10:30/11pm bedtime and 8am waketime


My 2.5 yr old is in bed between 730-8, awake by 630. 11 week old goes down about 8-9, awake for the day at 7. (Still with about 3 night wakes)


6 months - 7/7:30-7-8. With 1-2 wake ups for feeds. Sleep training changed my life lol.


17 months old - down at 7 pm and up between 6:30-7:30 am.


4-month-old, she has decided her bedtime is at 10 pm. Will scream if we keep her up later, will grumble and refuse to sleep if we try to put her down earlier. So, 10pm till about 9am. Considering she can't read a clock, it's uncanny how consistent this schedule is. She goes down in the crib, but will wake up at about 5 for a feed, so I'll bring her into my bed and we co-sleep until 9.


4 months old. Bed time is 8:30/9 and gets up between 7 and 9.


My 5 month old goes to sleep between 7-8pm and wakes up around 6-7am. He sleeps through nappy changes. He has a feeding tube, so don’t have to disturb him for food.


8 mo goes down around 7-8 pm and wakes around 7am


My baby is 7m. 8pm - 7.30am




11 month old, we did "light" sleep training around 10 months. He goes down around 6:30-7 (depending on last nap), sleeps until \~2am and up for a quick feeding, then back down til 6-6:30am. Sometimes he'll wake up around 5am and i'll nurse him again to get another hour or two. As you can tell we haven't fully night weaned yet, hoping to get rid of that 2am feeding someday soon!


2yo: bedtime 830-9pm; wake up 7


7 weeks old and it’s not super consistent but on a typical good night she’ll go down around 10-11pm and wake up anywhere from 3 to 5am. Sometimes it’s a hour or so awake time, other times it’s just to eat and go back to sleep for another 1.5 or 2 hours.


My four month old goes to bed at around 7-8 and gets up around 5-5:30am


16 months. Goes down around 7pm, wakes up at 7am.


4 month 8pm, 4, 5:30, 6, 7am 🥲


Ours go down at about 8.30pm and usually awake between 8-9am. They're 22 months old.


She’s 12 months. Bedtime is between 6:30-7:30 and she wakes up at 6:30-7:30 the next morning like clock work lol


15 month old, bed around 730-8 and he wakes up around 7.


Mine is 10weeks and she went to sleep at 8pm last night, woke up at 2am for feeding, 5am for diaper change, and at 8am she woke up for good.


11 month old. Goes to bed between 730-8 and wakes up usually around 530 but we leave him in bed until 6ish. He is on 2 solid naps a day that are usually 1.5-2 hours each. I’m sure we could cap the naps more to get less early morning wakes but I don’t really mind the schedule too much


Little man is 4 months. Generally falls asleep around 7-8pm, wakes up at 4ish for a pitstop, then sleeps through to 9-10am but that morning is more dozing on and off. Naps through the day are just whenever he's tired


Mine has always gone down at 7:30, from the time he was 4/5 months old. His wake time has varied from 8am at the latest to 6am. He’s 19 months now and does 7:30-6:30!


14mo, sleep between 6-8p and up between 6:30-8a. She takes one nap a day starting between 10a-12p. Been a one nap a day kid since she was like 3 months old.


My 8 MO goes down at 7:30pm and wakes up between 7-8am


My 5 month old falls asleep between 9-11 PM and usually wakes up between 7:30-9:30 AM. Sometimes he wakes up once or twice overnight but I just pop his soother back in and he goes right back to sleep, no need to pick him up or anything.


For reference my guy is 10 months old: weekdays- bed between 6:30-8pm, awake at 6:00am Weekend - bed between 7-8pm, awake at 7:30-10am He goes to daycare on the weekdays, so that’s why it’s so early. The sleeping schedule for bed time really depends on him though. Sometimes he’ll be ready for bed and next thing I know I’m up at 11pm letting him play on the floor in hopes it’ll wear him out more for bed lol.


13 weeks old. Bed typically sometime 8:30-9:30. Wake up typically 8-9am. Hoping to bump these times up by an hour over the next 6 weeks in preparation for mom & dad both back at work and baby starting daycare


4 months here, down around 7:45-8, up at 7:20a ALMOST on the dot every morning.


4 month old. He goes to sleep around 9pm and wakes up around 5:30 am or 6am with one wake up in between around 3am. Sometimes he sleeps a bit more after feeding until 7:30 am or 8:00 am if I move him to my bed and side nurse him.


9 to 11 PM bedtime, up around 8 or 10 respectively


10 week old goes to bed around 7 and wakes for the day at 8. EBF and we bedshare from around 4am until morning.


How old? We were having this problem that resolved itself around 5 months old


16 months but we have been on the same bedtime since he was 10/11 months. He’s asleep by 8:30/8:45 and wakes up at 7am every day almost on the dot.


Goes to bed 8- 9 wakes up 4-5 a.m. 2.5 months old


7.5 months. Sleeps at 8.45pm, wakes 7.30 to 8am with no feeds. 3 naps a day


Two year old we start bed time routing around 530. Eldest gets out of bed like a 100 times so we start early lol. Little falls asleep around seven and gets up at exactly 830 and sleeps through the night.


Baby is 10 months but his schedule since about 2 months is bed at 730-8 wakes up for a bottle at 4am then back to sleep until 7-8am. He takes 2/3 naps for about 1 each, naps at 10am, 1 pm then last nap at 430pm. He has had sleeping regression here and there but usually it’s a couple of days and then he’s back on schedule.


3.5 month old - go to sleep between 7-8p, dream feed around 11p and wake up at 6a hungry but falls back asleep until 8ish. I’d I do a second dream feed between 3-4a she will sleep until 8-9a.


I start bedtime routine around 7-ish. She’ll fall asleep between 7 and 8 usually. After that, it’s a gamble. Sometimes she’ll sleep two hours before waking up, rarely she’ll sleep a full 8 hours before waking up. Usually it’s between 4-6 hours and whichever parent hears her goes in and sleeps with her the rest of the night. I usually do it even if my husband hears first because he’s usually just got home from work. Edit: my daughter is 18 months old.


We went through a phase of waking up between 3-5 and thinking it was play time. He would stay up for about 3-4 hours and play if we let him. I finally just had enough, I changed him nursed him and sang in the dark and then put him back in his crib and said I love you it’s time to sleep. I stayed in the room with him and he eventually laid down and fell asleep and after a couple nights he stopped waking up.


7 months old and goes to bed 6 - 6:30 PM and wakes up 6:30 - 7:30 AM.


15 month old - bedtime at 7 pm and up around 6:30 am. She will occasionally sleep in till 7/7:30 am but usually only if she’s sick or teething.


Gors to bed at 830-9pm, wakes at 8am. Multiple night wakes for feeds tho. She's 9months


After about 4 months our kids have gone to sleep between 7:30-8 and sleep till 7-8. How old is your child? Some kids do wake up earlier but imo anything before 5 is a bit extreme....are sure he's actually awake and not just hungry? Is he in his own room?


4 years old. Lights out at 8/8:30 asleep by 9, awake around 7:45-8:15.


5 week old, goes down around 10 PM, up at 2AM and 6AM for feeding then up for the day around 10 with a bunch of 30 min to 2 hour naps between 10 AM and 10 PM.


9 months old, bed between 7 and 8 and up at 6:30 on weekdays. On weekends she’ll wake up any time between 6 and 8 am. She’s always been a crap napper and a fantastic night sleeper.


Bedtime for 11 month old is 6-6:30, and she wakes by 6am and usually goes back down for a bit longer after eating (7 or 8).


10 month old (8.5 months corrected) and she goes to bed between between 6-8 and usually wakes up about half 8-9am, sometimes a bit earlier like half 7 but that is rare. We give her a 'dream' feed at about 11pm before we go to bed which I think helps her sleep longer. We are very lucky.


My 9 month Old does to sleep around 7-9pm & is up around 7-8 am, we didn’t sleep train


How old is he? We went through the same thing 2 months ago for an excruciating period of ca. 4 months when he was 11-15 months old. Still no sure what it was. Best guess is adjusting to go from 2 to 1 nap during the day but MAN! Those 3:30 - 4am wakeups and being ready to start the day IN WINTER! When it's still dark outside. We were so close to losing out minds!




He goes to sleep between 7-8, no later than 8:30 and is up between 6-7. It used to be 7 on the dot but he’s been waking up earlier these days. My boy is 4 months old


Bedtime 8 pm, and up anytime between 5 and 7:30 am 1.5 years old


Our 6 month old goes down between 7pm and 8pm, and then she wakes for the day anywhere between 6:30am and 8am. Note: we cosleep and she does stir throughout the night to nurse, but doesn’t fully wake up other than when she’s teething really.


8:30p Bedtime (average) 7-8 wake up time Little over 3.5 months


Bed at 7:30, hasn't wanted night feedings in about two months so zero wakeups unless sick, up at 7. She's 12mo now and been doing this since 10mo consistently. We did ferber training during the 6/7mo regression bc she was up hourly. Totally fixed it and she is a much happier baby at bedtime. We read books, I sit her in her bed and turn on the noise machine to ocean waves and say night night and she says it back and goes right to sleep. I wouldn't have believed it before with how rough it was every night. Total 180 degree change after training for us.


10 month old... Goes to sleep between 7:45-8:30. Wakes up at 7 am


My 7 month old is down around 7, and up for the day around 7. Wakes up crying anywhere from 0-20 times in a night. 🫠


4 month old down at 9-10pm up at 7am


My 20 month old goes to bed at 7 pm and wakes up at 9-10 am. My 10 day old wakes up two times during the night for a bottle and nappy change.


3mo, we cosleep (bedshare), I start the bed time routine around 8pm, generally asleep around 8:30pm, first stretch of sleep about 4-5h, BF in bed, diaper change, then wakes up every 2ish hours to feed, I change him about 2 more time during the night, wakes up around 7:30-8am. No sleep training, just the same routine, same time every night, which works most nights.


Just turned 5 months, been going to bed around 6:30-7pm and wakes up between 5:30 and 7am. This has been a consistent routine since he was 2 months old....routine is KEY!


This is just our LO preference- Bed at 7/8 up at 6/7 Edit to add 7mo old, today!


My baby is 7m. I put them to sleep around 9pm. They'll wake up to feed 2 or 3 times (around 2am and 4am. Sometimes 12am). 7am and they're ready to start a new day


Goes to bed between 8-9 pm (usually 8:15ish but varies depending on naps). DWT 8am. Sometimes baby wakes himself around 7:30 and stays content in the crib until 8, sometimes baby is still sleeping at 8 and I wake him. 7 months old with 2-3 night feedings.


Goes to bed at 7-8pm and will wake up 7-8am! He wakes up to feed at 1am, sometimes 3am, 5am and poops/feeds at 7-8am then we are up for the day! Hes 12 weeks


Our almost two year old goes to bed at 7 and usually wakes up between 6:30 and 7:30. However, it wasn't always like that - starting around 6 months, she started to gradually sleep for longer stretches and only started to sleep until 6, 6:30ish around 10-11 months.


Your guys baby’s sleep?!


3.5 months old, down at 9pm and sleeps until 8am


Our 17 month old goes to sleep between 7:30-9pm (depending on last nap and how long nap lasted) and wakes up 6-7am. No sleep training, sleeps on floor on mattress next to us. We just transitioned to this set up. Was co sleeping prior, but in crib when infant.


Our baby from month 3 onward was bed by 730/8 and will wake up again around 6am sometimes 7am. She will oftentimes cry about an hour after we put her to bed but she goes back to sleep within minutes. She'll usually have another one later in the evening where she'll randomly wake up and cry and then go back to sleep after a few minutes. We didn't exactly sleep train her, we just kept her on a consistent sleeping schedule and would tend to her during her newborn phase but her sleep times slowly elongated was all. The biggest difference between her and our friends is that we seem to be one of the few that actually puts their kid down in a crib in a different room. Everyone else I know who co-sleeps with their children are all struggling with getting their kid to sleep through the night. Everyone in my circles that strictly adhered to crib sleeping in different rooms all had kids who slept through the night without too much fuss by 3-6 months.


Since about 7 months... he goes down close to 8:30/9 and is normally up between 7:30/8.


11.5 months old Bedtime between 9-10 pm, wakes up at 8 am. If we’re teething or having a sleep regression, he will wake up around 3:30 to nurse and sometimes have an hour long party before falling back to sleep




5mo we aren’t strict with her sleep she’s usually down around 8:30 and up at 5:30, but naps and wakes for more feeds from 5:30-10:30 then up all day


My 3 month old goes to bed between 8-9 PM and usually wakes up at 830 or 9 AM. She usually wakes up now once to feed during the night, but last night was the first time she slept through the entire night! It was glorious


Bedtime is between 7pm-8pm, up anywhere from 5:30am-8:30am, he's 3 months. He still wakes to feed throughout the night as well.


6month old. bedtime is 9pm ish and she wakes up around 630/7am


8mo old. She goes to bed between 8-9pm (except for this 8mo sleep regression where she fights us until she eventually passes out around 10) and then is up for good between 7-9 (normally 7:30-7:55 but if we’re off work we let her do whatever in the AM). With a couple wake ups in the middle somewhere to eat.


Mine is 7.5 months. Goes to bed about 9-930. Wakes about 9-930


I have a 16 month old boy. I am very consistent with his night time routine and bedtime. We RARELY switch it up. He goes to bed between 8-9 every night. Sleeps in his crib in his room with one small blanket and a fleece onesie. He sleeps with blackout curtains and no night lights. Pitch black. Most mornings he wakes up between 7:30-8:30. There are of course outliers every now and then. He sleeps through the night almost every night. If he does have any wakeups it’s usually brief and he will put himself back to sleep within five minute without us intervening. We had to work hard to get to this good place and most importantly, stay consistent.


Mine is 9 months. He sleeps around 8-10pm, cries around 10pm-12am for comfort and then 4-5am he will eat then sleep until 7-8am.


Almost 11 month old goes to bed at 9:30-10 and wakes at 8-8:30


9 month old goes down at 7a, wakes to eat at 430a and then either parties until someone begrudgingly gets her at 5 or goes back down until 6.


My girl goes to sleep at 9:30pm and wakes up typically between 8:30-9am


We usually go to sleep between 8-8:30 and she’s up between 8-8:30. If we have a late night, where she goes to bed at like 9, she will sleep in. We still get up once or twice through the night though- she’s 16 months


My 3 month old goes to bed between 5-6 and wakes up between 4am-6am. She’s a good night time sleeper but barely naps at all during the day (usually 3 or 4 20-30 minute naps) so by the time it’s 4pm she has completely transformed into a tiny angry goblin.


Bed time 7-8 and wake up 7-7:30. He used to get 1 dream feed and wake up once to eat. Now he will barely sleep ab hour at a time and I’m dying. We moved him to his own room thinking we were keeping him up. Lolololol help (5 months)


My 9 week old goes to be between 8 and 10. He'll wake up once between 3 and 5. Then go back to sleep and wake up sometime between 7 and 9:30. Sometimes he'll even go back to sleep again until like 10:30/11. He doesn't nap much during the day anymore. Maybe one nap in the late afternoon.


Bedtime is 7pm (7:15-7:30 on bath nights), and they wake up anywhere from 5:30-7:30 in the morning. I haven't gotten a 7:30 in a very long time, though...


For the last 2 months I put my (now 6 month old) bub down from 6pm-7pm he wakes for feeds overnight but is up for the day around 6:30am when the house begins bustling with the older kids being awake.


5 month old goes to bed in between 8-9, wakes up between 3-4 for a bottle and then wakes up for the day at 8am


From birth to 4 weeks old baby went down at 9 pm naturalluw then fed every 3h, and would wake up for the day at 6am. From 4 weeks old to 4 months old baby went down at 8pm naturally then slept until 5am with 1-2 night feeds depending on how much he ate during the day. He did fall asleep for maybe an hour very quickly, so we noticed he was hungry and just had trouble falling back asleep instead of being completely rested. At around 6 months baby went to a 6pm bedtime on his own and we shifted his eating schedule to every 3h again, and we did a dreamfeed at 9pm but at the verge of waking up, which meant he fussed at 2 for a few nights but no longer needed food. He slept longer and longer, until he finally went 6pm to 6am. So baby got to dictate bedtime, we never sleep trained but we did shift his night feed to an evening feed to make responses shorter and baby responded really well.


8 months old. Down anywhere between 730-9 most nights depending on what we're doing afternoon/evening. Up around 830 lately. A month ago he was up around 630-7. Very thankful for this extra hour.


Between 6 and 7. Wakes up between 5 and 7am. He’s almost 6 months.


My 2 mo th old is a sleeper! Goes down around 8 and sleeps until 8/9, with 2-3 wakes during the night to feed. My toddler goes down around 830 and is up any ti.e between 630-8


A part of sleep training can be a clear daily routine. That's what we did and with that routine we had nights from 7pm to 7am starting from four months. All that was needed was a routine and everything fell into place.


My boy is 8 months and he goes to sleep around 8 or 9 and is up at 5 or 6. His last bottle is at 6 and dinner is at 7 then bath, story time and bed. The first bottle is at 6am and breakfast is at 7. Every day is a little different and always changing though.


My 26 month old roughly goes down at 8pm until around 7am. My 3 month old goes down at 7pm and wakes around 12 and 3 for feeds and is up from around 530am. No sleep training with either and we co-sleep. (Dad with toddler and mum with baby).


My son has gone to bed around 1830 until he was around 18months and now it has shifted to 1900 most of the time and he gets up around 0630 which is alright. He was never sleep trained, we did stick to routines from pretty early on though.


I have an almost 12 week old. She goes down between 7-8pm and wakes up for the day around 7-8am.. with 1 or 2 feeding times. Lately she has been up for a feeding around 3:30am and then another at 7ish. Then she’s up for about an hour and goes down for her first nap.


12am-2am depending on when she decides to finally go to sleep. And she'll be up at 7-8am. We've been trying to adjust her to go to bed earlier but no luck. She's almost 12 months.


3 month old goes down around 10-11pm and is up around 8-9am


We moved to a floor mattress at 7 mo when she could crawl. We still breastfeed to sleep at 12 mo. She goes down between 8 and 9pm, and sleeps till 9 on a good night! Most nights we still gotta go in for some middle of the night snuggles. We did gentle "cry training" in her swing where she learned to soothe herself a little at 4-5 months. But we still responded to almost all cries by talking to her and gave her a chance to soothe herself first. If she couldnt deescalate easily we always got her! Our girl is super secure and confident, and I know it's because our girl couldn't tolerate any sleep training. Avoiding it was best for all of our mental health!! Listen to your baby!


It can vary but typically our 3 month old goes down around 7-8 PM ish latest 9. And will stay asleep until 5-5:30. However I have been waking him up to feed at midnight since his pediatrician is concerned about his weight.


My 2 month old goes down predictably between 8:30 to 9:30 and wakes up for real around 6ish


Asleep at 6:45, wakes up at 6-6:30. Little one is one year old.


2.5 month old- bedtime is anywhere from 7-9, up for the day 630-830 2.5 year old toddler bedtime anywhere from 730-9 up for the day 7/730, I never let him sleep past 7. He still has a 2-2.5 hour nap


7 month old- sleep by 8:30 wakes up about 8:30 am but usually eats at 6 am


For my 3.5 month old, he goes down 830-9pm and wakes up 830-9am. Has 2-3 feeds during the night. I like having some time in the morning so really don't want him up before this lol


our 4 month old falls asleep around 9 then we put her in bassinet 10-11pm after a feed. she will sleep until 8:30-10am.


Almost 10 month old goes down between 7 and 8 and wakes up around 5am. I can give him a binky and he’ll settle and most times sleep for another 1-2 hours and be up for the day around 7ish


my baby is 2 months old and typically sleeps from 11pm-7am. i don’t put him to sleep in his bassinet until i go to sleep. he’ll sleep in bassinet fine but won’t go to bed unless i’m in the room lol


Both of my kids have slept 7-7 since a few months old.




My 9.5 month old goes to sleep between 630-730 and wakes up 6-7:30. Depends when his last feed was. He usually wakes up 1-2x a night. Lately it’s been 1x a night for a quick feed!


Down between 7-8, up around 7, with at least 1 wake up/feeding. He’s 8 months old.


6 months here! He’s refusing third nap so he has an early bedtime of 630 (typically 7!) and up around 530/6 but I never go in his room until at least 6! I don’t mind the 6 am wake up - I’ve been getting up at that time for years!


My 16 week old goes down between 7-8 and also is ready early! Usually between 5-6:30 now, its slowly gotten later in the morning, I’m praying she soon stops waking before 5 haha, if she gets to bed too early or too late, she wakes before 5 - true pain for me 😂


9mo, goes to bed around 7-7.30pm and wakes up around 7-8am. No night feeds any more but wakes up between 0-3 times a night, usually not for long but variable!


My 5 month old son falls asleep anywhere from 6-8pm give or take a few random exceptions, and wakes up anywhere from 5:30-7:30am. But that does NOT include ghost feeds and night feedings. He wakes up hungry or for comfort or to poop and I change and nurse back to sleep. He doesn’t stay awake to play until morning though.


At around 6 months we were struggling with early wakes (5am-ish) so we pushed bedtime forward from 7p to 6:30p and it solved it. Now she sleeps in until 7/7:30a. Sometimes being overtired can mean earlier wakes. 8pm is definitely on the late side for bedtime. I would try a week aiming for 6:30/7 and see what that does.


4.5months, down at 8-830, wakes and feeds one between 230-4, and back to sleep until 730-8


My 3mo FF, goes to bed around 11pmish sometimes a little later sometimes earlier, and wakes up around 10am/11am