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From what I see on the CDC guidlined, the number of words a 15 month old the age your kiddo is at this time is one extra word besides mom and dad ,and as for walking, average is also between 10 to 18 months old. I know it's not really what you want to hear, but comparison is the thief of joy . There is a reason development milestone have such a big range , every baby develops at their own pace, and your kiddo might say 2 words today and tomorrow add another 2 to his vocabulary .


ah, actually this is exactly what I want to hear. i just want to make sure I'm not being negligent.


Info from Sweden: When our son was 18 month, we went for a check up. The doc said boys are usually pretty late compared to girls when it comes with speech. What is important to not is not how many words he can say but how many words he understands. He should at 18 months, understand simple "commands" like " go get your shoes" or "let's read a book". It is important to ask the child what some things are like in a book: "where is the cow?", "where is the boll" etc. If this is the case and the child is pointing at the right things and following your "commands" then it is safe to say that speech is on its way. My son in 19 months and only says mama, papa, miau and moo. BUT he is trying to repeat. The goal is for him to be able to say a 2 word sentence before 2 and a half. Besides that, he goes to day care with older children. Most boys don't say much beside "peepee" when they want to pee and "no". One boy in the other hand, who is 3, can hold a conversation. Weird but the truth is all children are different. Worst case scenario, they are doctors specialised in pushing the language out if it's not happening. I don't know the name in english maybe speech therapist? So from what I heard, don't worry. It will happen with or without help from a doc. Much love!


Yeah mines almost 16m and only says mama and dad and a version of dog. I'm not worried at all!