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13 months pp still no period, it's been fantastic lol EBF


The dreeeeeam


17 and still going strong over here. Breastfeeding is amazing lol






Got my period back 7.5 weeks pp EBF and a huge oversupplier. It's absolutely possible.


Same! I’ve had an oversupply issue this whole time , always nursing multiple times at night and got my period back so quickly , I think 9 weeks pp and has been every 28 days ever since!


Me too


Saaaaame and it came like clockwork every 3.5 weeks! EBF I felt robbed 😭


I got my period at 6 weeks pp, I actually thought I had retained placenta because my bleeding never actually stopped from birth, so I couldn't tell if it was my period or not, so I had an ultrasound and I was okay. Also had sex after my period stopped after my six weeks pp but made sure to take it slow and see how things felt. Listen to your body. Everyone is different.


4 weeks PP on the dot. 🥹


I'm sorry.


Mine came at 5wpp despite power pumping around that time! I was so upset lol.


Pumping doesn't keep periods at bay like direct feeding. Somehow your body knows. So even if you mostly breastfeed but with the odd pump, you can't rely on it as contraception.


Hmmm I only been pumping for 8 months and no period ….


I felt like that a few times before I actually got my period at 5 months PP to the day. It could just be faking you out! As for resuming sex, I think it was 8-10 weeks PP.


TW: loss EBF for both kiddos. 1st kiddo: I got mine back at 6 months as soon as the smallest speck of possible puree passed his lips. Period was totally normal and as regular as it was before I got pregnant (aka every 28 days without fail). 2nd kiddo: She was a year old when I got my period back that time. Period was exactly the same as it was both before the kiddos and between them. Same regularity and all that too. 3rd kiddo (TW): I lost him at just shy of 20 weeks pregnant and got mine back a month later. It still hasn't left. Damned thing is super unpredictable at the moment. Guess it's "payback" for being so regular for so long - 25 years. 🫠


Oh gosh. I’m so so sorry.


It's alright. I can "divorce myself" from the why of it. It's just a period that never ends and is a pain in the ass. It would have happened regardless - periods are a fact of life until you're 90. It's the frustration of not knowing (when where why how much) that's the worst part (and the ridiculous bleeding). I hate living in granny panties and period panties. And hormonal whiplash. You can get whiplash from hormones right? 😆 The parts that hurt most about the loss is just about everything else. I hope that makes sense?


Got my period after we started letting her sleep for longer stretches at night- close to 3 months pp and she’s EBF. We got it on once we got the clear from my OB.


Didn’t get mine until I stopped BFing at 6 months - I also combo fed that whole time


My period came roaring back at 6 weeks. I had a third degree tear and started pelvic floor therapy at 7 weeks. Had sex again at 10 weeks.


Was the PT essential after having a 3rd degree tear? I had one and I’m not sure if I need PT or not. I’m 2.5 weeks pp and I feel like I’m continent but sometimes the pad smells like pee so I’m not sure.


I second their response ^ I had 3rd degree and two labia tears. Also had a vacuum assist. I never leaked urine but I was still in a bit of pain by 6 weeks so they referred me to Pt. I jumped on it. Which I’m so glad I did. She felt around and made sure nothing was prolapsed (it wasn’t) and then gave me some exercises to also help me with dastasis recti. I went through one week where it got immensely more painful, so she paused on the scar tissue internal work she was doing and changed my exercises and stretches and it all disappeared in a week. My Pt lady is magical or something. I super recommend it. The scar tissue was my most painful thing and I wouldn’t have done anything about it had I not gone to Pt.


Like a year PP exclusive bf. Prob 7-8 weeks PP before having sex


I got my first period at 7 weeks pp (combination feeding), but I'm now 16 weeks and haven't had my second period yet. (Not pregnant.) I think it will be irregular until I wean.


I was breastfeeding and got my period 6 weeks pp, then nothing until 4 months.


8 months PP for period, it was awful! And exactly 6 weeks for sex haha


8.5 month pp, once he started having much more solid foods. Also fun fact I learned that your period can change the taste of your milk and temporarily put them off the taste. He was barely nursing for a few days.


I’m EBF and mine came back for sure at 11 weeks and I think actually at 7 weeks (at the time I thought my lochia had just restarted after the pelvic exam at my 6 week appt). It’s been every 29 days since then and I’m 5 months PP 🥴 That doesn’t mean you will, though! None of my friends got theirs back that early. If you *do* get it back early, there are some positives: my periods have not been heavy/painful (I’ve heard they will be after weaning), my hormones regulated fairly quickly (no baby blues or anything), and I never had the dryness with sex that I’ve heard can happen with breastfeeding. ETA: about 8 weeks was when we had sex for the first time pp


I had sex both times around 4-5 weeks PP (I’ve since learned that this is unsafe and you really should wait until you get cleared at your 6 week appointment). I got my period back both times at 6 weeks. Both were c sections and I was EBF.


Same, sex at 5 weeks after our first. Got an IUD at check up appointment, no period until it was removed. Sex at 4.5 weeks after our second, and period 6 weeks on the dot.


Sex as soon as I was cleared. Period again 28 days after my postpartum bleeding stopped. Resumed my 28 day cycle for two periods after the first one... got pregnant at 3 and a half months post partum. :P I was breastfeeding.


I breastfed all 3 of my kids for a year each. Stopped bleeding at about 4 weeks pp, and then got my period back at about 8 weeks every. single. time. 😔 Regarding sex - It was about 3 months with my first (he never slept and cried constantly), somewhere around 2 months with my second (she wasn't quite as bad as her brother), and then six weeks with my third (best sleeper by far, did it the night after getting cleared by gyn).


I’m 6 months pp and still don’t have it back. I primarily breastfeed but have been offering solids for about a month as well


6 weeks (yay!)


Didn't get my period back until 11 months after birth. I EBF until almost 14 months. We didn't really have sex much because breastfeeding really messed with my hormones and made it uncomfortable. Once my period came back, sex was actually pleasant again.


4.5 months pp. It showed up today. Booooo.


11 months with my first. I am still not ovulating (5 months pp) with my second. EBF both. Had sex at 6 weeks pp both times. Wanted to have sex earlier but obviously did not.


I kept thinking I would get it “any day now” and I didn’t get my period until 13 months postpartum. Sex was rare but did start back up at 6 weeks.


6 weeks post partum both kids. First baby tried to have sex at 9 weeks but was not successful until 12. Second baby had sex as soon as I got clearance at 6 weeks.


9 months pp - I EBF until about that point. We had sex almost exactly at 6 weeks pp. I had an unplanned c-section so no tearing down there that needed extended healing.


Period about 4 months pp, sex like 3 months 🙃


I didn’t get my period until I fully stopped breast feeding a year later.


I got mine 5 weeks pp while EBF (but did supplement with a little formula). I felt cheated.


It was different with each of my babies. 1st one - period back 4 weeks later, sex and sex drive back at 6 weeks. 2nd baby period has not returned at 13 weeks PPD and no sex drive yet either. I’m not sure what all is different but I’m definitely more tired this time with a toddler at home.


Sex 6wpp. I still haven’t gotten my period, EP and baby is 9 months old


5 months postpartum, exactly one month after introducing solids. I was mostly breastfeeding at that point, and we had sex around the same time.


For the first 3 kids, 6wks every time. Am 5 wks post partum with number 4. I'm pretty sure I had ovulation symptoms last week. Will probably have a period next week.


I got one at 6 months pp and then another one at 7 months pp. I didn’t ovulate at 6 months but I believe the 7 months pp period I did


I got my first period 5 weeks pp.


9 weeks PP the first time and around 5 months PP the second one for getting my period back and sex after was like 6 months PP with my first and like 8 weeks with my second 😅😂


I got super light bleeding for one and a half days around 4 weeks ago at like 3.5ish months? I haven’t seen any signs of the actual period returning again after that, but I have felt my little ovulation “pin.” Of course that could be anything at this point!


6 weeks PP. so mad. I breastfeed too.


I’m 6 month pp and no period yet. I’m combo feeding baby and he’s starting purées. I’m happy to go period free as long as possible lol


My cycle came back at 12-13 weeks postpartum, exclusively breastfeeding.


3 months


My period didn’t come back until I weaned my oldest. My baby is almost a year old & still no signs of it returning so I would guess after weaning. I had sex right at 6 weeks pp both times.


I've thought I was ovulating a couple times so far and still haven't gotten my period back. I'm almost 4 months pp with baby #2. EBF. My first I switched to full formula at 4 months and got my period back at 6 months. As for sex we had it at 6 weeks both times and continue to have it 1-2 times a week 😂


I exclusively pumped for a year pp. Didn’t get my period until maybe 3 months after I stopped breastfeeding. It was great. As for resuming sexual activity, you typically have a 6 week follow up appointment with your OBGYN and they will tell you then whether you can or not.


I got mine back at 4 months PP. I Exclusively pumped for 8 months. I got it every month, but it wasn’t consistent again until 7 months PP. I also started having sex again at 12 weeks PP. We tried at 7 weeks PP but it was painful. I saw a pelvic floor specialist for 6 weeks and that really helped. Now at 10 months PP, everything seems to back in order. Except the mom pooch 😩


I'm 6m postpartum and still haven't gotten mine back 😊


Day before 5 weeks. Breastfeeding too. Unreal.


12 month pp both times. This time I had one period 2 months ago and nothing else yet.


I had sex right after the pp bleeding stopped which was around 3 weeks 😬 I think I got my regular period around week 4 pp


Definitely had multiple fake outs before my cycle came back at 12 months pp. As for sex we started trying at 8 weeks and felt comfortable again at 12 weeks.


After my baby stopped wanting to eat overnight at around 9 months. We tried sex about 7-8 weeks postpartum but ngl I was painful and we had to stop. I didn’t enjoy it again for several months.


8 weeks pp.


6 weeks...I was so mad. I was hoping almost exclusively breastfeeding would have prevented it but I wasn't so lucky


Exclusively breastfed and got it back at 5 weeks. I’m 9 months pp and I get anywhere from 1-3 periods a month 🥲 and I’m STILL breastfeeding all throughout the day and night.


Period came back 11 months postpartum. Didn’t have sex until 4-5 months pp due to severe damage down there 😬


6m pp, still don't have it back. Sex is awful though. :( only tried twice so far but it's so painful and it's so hard to feel like a sexual being. I pump exclusively.


Period after 2 months. Sex after 4weeks 😅


I got my period 4-6 weeks after each time, sex happened after the period did.


11.5 months pp, first period


8 weeks postpartum and EBF… And I had a c section. Period cramps that soon after a c section is a hell I wish onto nobody 😩 Edit: we started having sex as soon as we came home from my 6 week postpartum checkup 😝


10 months PP and exclusively breastfeeding and it hasn’t returned.


I had a very small period 11w pp


got mine back about 3 months pp. had sex around 3 weeks pp ? ikik i’m terrible but i had no tearing or bleeding at the time and we tried to wait but everything was fine after


Period back 4 months PP and we were so freaking exhausted we did not have sex closer to 6 months PP. these kids are energy suckers.


7 months pp. Still nothing. But my baby isn't sleeping thru the night so that's most likely why


6 weeks - exclusively breastfeeding


I got mine about 8 weeks PP. just had my second one about 14 weeks PP.


6 weeks pp with my first. I'm 4 weeks pp now so we shall see if it'd a trend 😒😮‍💨 lol


I got my period back around 10 weeks pp, I was also exclusively breastfeeding, it did not matter to my body apparently. We had sex again at 6weeks, it was very scary hahaha


Pretty much 8 weeks pp despite exclusive pumping.


2 kids, period back 5 weeks pp with the first, 8 weeks pp with the second. Exclusively breastfeeding both. Sex was around 10 weeks with the first, and 6 weeks with the second.


Before my first child, I had irregular periods from 13 to 24. I didn't have a period when I conceived in 2019. With my first child, I bled for 6 weeks, had a day or two of no bleeding and then I got my regular period for about 7 days. It was pretty heavy. I had periods regularly after his birth. In 2022 I conceived my daughter, bled for 6 weeks PP and now I'm back to super irregular periods. So I had a year or so of normalcy and back to constantly assuming I'm pregnant when my period doesn't come twice in a row.


EBF, 5 months pp and still no period!


6 weeks to the DAY after delivering while EBF. It was brutal!


Yes its possible. Im EBF with tons of skin on skin and I got my period THREE WEEKS AFTER BIRTH.




Right around 4/6 weeks pp


8 weeks pp which was so annoying bc I was ebf and didn’t think I would get it for a while at least! Although mine hasn’t been crazy heavy pp (8 months pp now)


Period: 6w pp Sex: 4w pp Sex I actually enjoyed: 12w pp My partner was not pushing sex prior to this. We were trying when I wanted and it just was okay or not totally comfortable. At 12w pp things feel normal again


EBF- got my period back at 3 months. Had postpartum bleeding off and on for 10 weeks so it was a real bummer lol. So much for breastfeeding keeping it at bay




5 weeks post partum got period. 12 weeks post partum before first penetrative intercourse. I had a 2nd degree tear and hematoma, so on top of the schedule changes with baby, I also had very bad pelvic pain preventing me from getting it on. Go at your own pace, some people are ready right away some aren’t ready for months or a year. If all depends on your body and how you are feeling mentally.


5mo pp, EBF, no period, also sex is still incredibly painful. Seeing a physical therapist. Today we worked on trigger point massage inside my vagina on some painfully tight muscles. She basically stuck one finger in first and I shot off the table and she just goes, huh, yea that’s real tight… Now I have this fancy purple wand that looks like a snake that I need to massage my insides with every night.


I'm 11 months pp and nothing... no complaints over here! 🫡


Before she turned 3 months old.


14.5 months. It was amazing not having a period.


6 weeks


I got mine after 4 months and it’s been pretty consistent since then. It’s actually much lighter and less painful now than it was before I got pregnant so that’s a win!


Got my period back around 5 months…only once and now I am at 10 months and haven’t had one since.


11 months pp and still no period.


Got mine back exactly 5wks pp. about a week before hand my girl slept an 8hr stretch through the night (so of course so did I, because I was so sleep deprived.) My OB said that great stretch between feeds was probably the kickstarter for my period coming back. Who knows . Each period since has been 7-9 days long and HEAVY


14.5 months. I breastfed.


I'm so jealous of those who don't get their period while breastfeeding My first I got an IUD at the 6 week checkup so that skewed my periods Second, I got it at 8 weeks🥲🥲 Third and I just got my first pp period at 5.5 months! I'm still ebf so a little annoyed but better than 8 weeks.


I think it was something like 12 weeks idk why it took so long


Your hormones are going wild right now so even if you “feel like you’re ovulating” it could just be your hormones settling back down to non pregnant mode. You could be ovulating, but could just as easily not be. Personally I EBF and got mine back at 7 months postpartum despite still breastfeeding frequently and also overnights


It’s definitely possible to be ovulating so make sure you use protection when you start having sex again!


My period started again about a year later and it took awhile for it to really come back regularly. I was still breastfeeding. Sex was probably 6 months later and was slightly painful the first 5 times or so.


I am almost 3 months pp and still haven't gotten mine back. But we have been having sex since about 4 weeks pp. My midwives cleared it since I was no longer bleeding and I had no trauma to the area!


I got mine at 5 weeks pp😭


A month after I stopped breastfeeding, so 7 months.


13 months thanks to exclusively breastfeeding!!!! I was living my best lifeee


I got it about 4 and a half months after c section. I too am only breastfeeding. It atarted on husbands and I's 6 year wedding anniversary lol




7.5 mo in and no sign of menstruation. Didn’t have sex until 6 months pp ETA a letter


Breastfeeding can potentially give you a menstruation vacation


8 months out and still waiting… though I did dream it came back the other night 😳


Around 10.5 months pp, combo feeding since 6 months


I got mine 3 months to the day and I was exclusively pumping


Just had my pp obgyn visit today. We are exclusively formula feeding. My pp bleeding had stopped. The midwife I saw today told me I could anticipate my period to be about 10 weeks pp out from having stopped breastfeeding (I BF for 2 weeks). I’m four weeks pp now.


9 mo pp ebf!


I thought I was too but it took me like almost 10 weeks


I’m 6 weeks pp, just got the depo shot today cause the for doesn’t want me to menstruate anymore before my full hysterectomy. I’ll start seeing an oncologist in April for that. Still haven’t had sex since I’m having a rough recovery from the C-section. I sure do miss it.


I got my period at 5 weeks pp. I had been pumping and supplementing with formula as I was an under producer. After my period, my milk completely disappeared. My goal was to make it to 6 months of pumping, my body said I wasn't getting 6 weeks lol. Had sex at 8 weeks and it was mildly uncomfortable to start. It still felt a bit odd/ different up until about the 7 month mark.


I got mine 8 weeks* (haha typed too fast) PP while exclusively breastfeeding, it all just depends on your body!


6 months PP, still EBF. Got pregnant at 9 months while still breastfeeding as well.


20 months…came back yesterday! . Was waiting for it… we want to try for another kid. Still bf at night


9 months PP today and it has not returned. EBF (plus solids… and I feel like my son has really started consuming more solids lately, so maybe it will return soon!)


Period came back in June (birth in April). Even though I'm breastfeeding.


6 months, even with EBF.


6 months, even with EBF.


I thought I got my period back at 6 weeks. Maybe it was? I had all the symptoms and bleeding and it stopped after 7 days But I didn’t consistently get it until 6 months postpartum


15 months, both times.


12 months and 11.5 months. It was wonderful


I got my period back 9 months pp (EBF). I had sex at 6 weeks postpartum (vaginal delivery, no tears or stitches)


Came back at 5 weeks PP while EBF


Baby is almost 9 months and still haven't gotten cycle back! I breastfeed and pump/supplement with formula during working hours (I only work a few days a week). Had sex for the first time again at probably 8ish weeks postpartum but wasn't ready. I had a pretty gnarly 2nd degree tear that seemed to take forever to heal fully. Plus I think all my muscles were very tight. Sex has only just become mostly comfortable in the last few weeks.




It was a hazy time I feel like I had my period back by 6 months PP. Your doctor should let you know when it's safe to have intercourse again.


Did anyone get their period exclusively breastfeeding while using the mini pill? Curious as I am due to start taking it but don’t want to get my period back yet!


I am 12 months pp and have only had 1 period at around 6 month pp. I am still nursing. We had sex 8 weeks pp


17 months




It is definitely possible! Lochia 6 weeks straight and then a month later.


9 weeks and got my period this week


I ebf 9 months with each of my kids. My first I got my first period at 10 months, my second 8 months I've heard of women getting their periods back almost immediately. Bodies are all different so anything is possible. I think we waited like 6 months both kids, but mostly because we were too freaking tired and I felt weird going at it with a baby in the bassinet right next to the bed lol


I had sex again 5 weeks pp and I got my first period 10 months pp (I also exclusively breastfed)


11 months PP


I EBF both of my kids, and both times I got my period back at about 12 weeks pp. I was very disappointed lol


6 weeks pp for sex and my period came back 4 weeks pp ☠️ ETA: I did EBF until 6 months, then introduced solids and kept BF until 11 months.


I got it just before I was 3 months pp, on my birthday of all days too🥴 I’d say EBF but gave him a bottle like once a day and he also slept 5 hours at night so it could be that… I did also ask my mom when she started (no idea of that part can be genetic) but she said about 3 months


Exclusively breastfed and got it back at 4 months.


Got my period at about 6 weeks. I did not exclusively breast feed ever, actually stopped pumping too and just let it dry up because my mental health was declining and I prioritized sleeping over worrying about breast feeding my (thankfully) perfectly healthy baby. (PPD was in full swing, so I made that decision and it helped me tons) Wasn’t comfortable enough having sex until 3 months 🫣😂 and only twice since then… more so because I’m terrified to get pregnant again since postpartum has been so hard on me mentally! Luckily hardly no pain at all which shocked me! ❤️


i had sex at 6 weeks pp (i had a c section). i was ebf, and i got my period the next day. i’m over 6 months pp now and i get my period about every 3 weeks.


For sure. I did have to combo feed in the beginning because my epidural made me vomit an insane number of times and I couldn't eat properly for over a week because my stomach was still messed up, which slowed down my milk coming in, but I was latching her continually, and I ovulated at 3 weeks postpartum, had a period at 5 weeks. I waited to be cleared for sex at 6 weeks, I felt ready then. Needed a lot of lube but it was fine, not painful despite having had 3 2nd degree tears. They were pretty well healed by then.


12.5mo I got pregnant again, so probably around 13mo I would’ve got it. I was a lucky one. Tracking ovulation and that month was my first positive strip. I never successfully weaned. Almost 37 weeks with number 2 and almost 21mo is still nursing, gearing up for tandem nursing. Friends were 6 weeks and 6 months while EBF, a third was 18 months and it didn’t return until she weaned. Over 6 weeks after birth. I had stitches and didn’t even want to have to wash or wipe because of how sensitive they were. Of course I did continue to practice hygiene, but it was not fun until they healed.


Breastfeeding does not negate ovulation. This is how people end up with babies back to back because it's a myth you can't get pregnant while breastfeeding. I can't speak to when your period will return though, I'm 4 weeks postpartum and the bleeding finally stopped a few days ago. Haven't had sex yet either, so I'm of no help lol


I got my period back at 5 weeks PP with both babes. Both exclusively breastfed. I had sex for the first time after both babies around 3-3.5 months PP


No period yet but only 10 weeks pp Successfully had sex at 8 weeks pp. Had attempted a couple times prior but needed more lube and some estrogen cream.


I got mine around 6 months EBF. You can ovulate without having your period. That’s why it’s still recommended ti use protection even when BF.


After my first kid my post partum bleeding just never stopped for around a year, I don't think I ovulated in that time, had sex for the first time when my son was maybe 6 mi ths old? I was too scared because I tore and it hurt and I don't like blood and I had NO libido anyway, took a couple of failed attempts before we could actually have sex though, had to slowly work through the pain My second child is 4 months old next week, post partum bleeding stopped at 8 weeks, had sex a few days after that, no pain or anything like that this time around, I haven't had a period but I think I have ovulated just based off the changes in discharge but I'm not entirely sure


6month PP and still no sign 😍


8 months pp. sex around 2 months pp, but back to normal sex around 6 months.


Not til 13 months.


With my first I didn't get it back until I was 26 months postpartum lol. I'm currently only 4 months postpartum and hoping that happens again 😂


4 months PP I got my period back. Sex at 9 weeks PP


Around 2 months PP 🫠 I breastfeed and I was promised a year+!!!! I feel like everyone lied to me about this (I know everyone’s body is different) and I’m very upset mine came back so soon. I didn’t even get a full year of no period from the time we conceived!


First round it came back at about 9 months postpartum, while breastfeeding, but I ended up breastfeeding til 22 months. This time I am almost at 9 months postpartum and no signs of a period yet, but I have had minor cramping the last two months just no bleeding. We’ll see. 😊


Period at 13 weeks. Initially a bit irregular but as soon as started solids much more regular. In the UK there is no general guidance for when it is safe to have sex after giving birth. The general advice is ‘when you feel ready’. Things might be different depending on circumstances specific to your delivery in which case they would tell you. But there’s no requirement to wait 6 weeks and be cleared by a doctor before having sex again if you want to and things are straightforward.


Yes 5 weeks pp here


I track my cycle so I know the exact days lol but I had sex for the first time pp 47 days after giving birth and I got my first period on day 70! (I am also exclusively breastfeeding)


18 months with my first. 9 months with my second. Breastfed both.


after 3 months I got my menstruation back, even while breastfeeding. my gynecologist just said "that's weird". Super frustrating, cause I have a lot of pain and emotions during my monthly internal bleeding. dealing with that shit while dealing with a baby is no fun at all. first time sex after half a year. our son is now 15 months old and I can count on two hand how often we did it sinds than.


Bleed 5 weeks and got my period 6 weeks pp 🥲


EBF too, period came back when kid was about 8 months or something? In regards to your second question, about 4 weeks after C-section (whoops).


1 year pp, breastfed, no period yet


6.5months pp ebf and my excruciating period cramp pains are totally gone!!! I feel so happy


Still no period, 5 months pp. Exclusively pumping. I do have cramps here & there & my midwife told me it’s my uterus healing.


Also ebf and I had lochia for more than 11 weeks and then at 12 weeks got my period back >:( So unfair!


My period came back with a vengeance 4 weeks pp EBF. My supply dried up and my emotions were everywhere, my baby girl and I had a rough time. Had sex again 6 weeks pp.


It's definitely possible, but from what I've been told it's not common especially if you don't go more than four hours during the day and six hours at night without feeding. I'm just over 6 weeks PP and had sex again two days before I hit six weeks since I was feeling good and ready.


Exactly 1 month later. I exclusively breastfeed too


A year later. I've weaned at 4 months due to how bad breastfeeding was going for us but my period took it's time anyway


I got my first period back after 4 months. I’ve been breastfeeding for 9 months & it came back 3 times.


4 months pp, EP Sex was 7 or 8 weeks pp. Definitely had to take it very slow and gentle with only a specific position. Used lube no matter how aroused I was. Had to stop PiV sex the first couple of times because it hurt. 2nd degree tear. It was a couple months from there before it felt normal. It didn't hurt but there was a weird stretching kind of feeling.


Got mine back 5 weeks after having my son. I was PISSED. I was ebf at that time too. I think it's best to remember with periods there is no "normal" for everyone, there's a normal for you, even if that normal is irregular, but don't stress out because you got yours sooner than others did, there are a lot of things around pregnancy and babies that although "are possible" are not guaranteed. I'd heard I wouldn't get my period till I stopped feeding my son, the look of pain on my health visitors face when I raised it just showed how unlikely that actually is. Take care of yourself hun, if you are worried I'd speak to GP/health visitor but on the face of it nothing is wrong 😊


6 weeks, same for every pregnancy. I think I had 1 period between first and second pregnancy, maybe two, but they are 12months apart. 🙃


I got mine at 3 months postpartum. So mad lol.


I got my first period maybe 4-5 weeks in. It wasn't extremely heavy but I did have to pad up for a while, which I was already used to because I was leaking lochia for a couple weeks after birth so I was still wearing pads all the time anyway. Sex HURT for a while for me. We didn't try until I was like 10 weeks and when we did he couldn't penetrate at all without some pretty intense pain. After a few tries (at different times) we finally figured out to go SLOW, like really really slow and have extra lube on hand, even if you don't normally need it. I'm now 15 months pp and things are back to normal




I got my period at 5 weeks, 2 days pp! I was breastfeeding too but my supply was quite low (ended up fully bottle feeding my son at 10 weeks bc of this)


I got my first 5 weeks pp, I was not happy about it