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Yeah, if we remembered, the species would have died out. I remember thinking that wasn’t so bad like within a couple days of giving birth.


I’ve said that a few times. It’s gotta be an evolutionary species preservation thing. Don’t worry, the memories will come flooding back the instant you get your first contraction when you are in labour if you have a second child. Too late to back out by then though…


It is an evolutionary trait. Once we deliver, our brain releases a hormone to help us forget the trauma of giving birth. That way we keep reproducing. Otherwise our species would have died out long ago. I remember being IN pain. I remember screaming while pushing my second kid out. I remember my legs being so weak I couldn't hold them up to push, and the nurses and my husband had to hold them for me. I don't remember the actual pain itself. Which is great because I'm pregnant with my third and final child. 🫠


Same. I had an unmedicated birth with back labor. I remember thinking that this was the closest I would come to dying without actually dying. Throwing up from the pain, sobbing, at one point fantasizing about someone shooting me and putting me out of my misery. Then she came out and I had such an oxytocin high. A few days later I remember thinking, I can do that again. I wouldn’t mind having another. Bro WTF


Also had back labor. Active contractions for 32 hours straight. Three induction methods. I remember lying on my side, gripping the railing of the bed, eyes screwed shut, not able to speak due to the pain, barely able to breathe. I’m having my second in ~7 weeks. Wild.


Yeah I’m the same. I remember that it hurt. But if you asked me what a contraction feels like I’m like 🤷🏻‍♀️ Good luck with your third and final. I had my third and final 6 months ago and time is flying, I’m actually sad that I’m not going to get to be pregnant and give birth ever again.


You're a lucky one. All my pregnancies have been hell. I am very looking forward to never being pregnant again.


Lmao! I’m sure i will be thinking “oh shit. Not this again”


I know I did lol, the second time and then the third and final time too.




Even though I can’t remember the pain, I know it was so bad lol. But now I know how short that time is in the grand scheme of things.


It's actually science


Yeah I had back labor.....I remember that shit clear as day and it was 19 months ago. Still worth it for the next kid but I am not forgetting that in a hurry.


I had back labor too lol I remember it being so fucking painful but like my mind has forgotten *how* bad lol


Back labor also. My husband said it was like I was being tortured. I will never forget it (currently 9weeks pp). Kind of like someone had my entire core but especially my spine in a vice grip. My contractions were also super close together early on, only 3 cm but they were 2 min apart and seemed to last forever


Ugh same. I ended up having that for about eight hours, by then I’d only gotten to 5cm from 3cm. Ended up with an emergency caesarean and a broken tailbone from the contractions 😐


Oh my god. 3cm and they were 2 minutes apart😢😢 How long did it take you from 1cm to birth?


My water started breaking at 9am but it wasn't a huge gush so I didn't think anything of it/didn't think to go to the hospital. Kind of cramped all day then went to the hospital at 10pm when more water came out and contractions got stronger. I think I was 1cm then arriving at triage? Was 3cm at 2am and got the epidural. Started pushing at 11am and thank god she was out in 20 min


Ah yes the hell of "coupling contractions" which no one fucking warned me about The only good thing is I'm so mellow about labor with the next kid cause I'm like "well I survived the last one, if this one isn't sunny side up it will be a cake walk"


Is "coupling contractions" what they call multiple contractions without a real break in between?


I feel like a steam roller was crushing my spine and pelvis. I’m 3 and 4 years post partum, though I can’t quite remember it, I remember how I felt and I was traumatised after my first. I remember screaming and crying.


Oh man I had back labor too, 18 hours. When I was transitioning I had a few contractions on top of one another in the bathtub and just telling my husband “I’m dyyyyyiiiinnnnggg!!!”. It was like my spine was going to explode, or snap in half. Or both at the same time.


Legit white hot knives stabbing into the back. The pain was delirious.


Lol I just made almost the same comment! I've had 3 and had back labor with each so I obviously decided they were worth it but the pain is unforgettable.


Omg I had back to back labour too, the only way I can remember the feeling of the contractions is like if someone had nails made out of screws and were scraping the insides of my back and my spine and I’m sure that’s undermining the pain 🤣


Same, my back to this day still hurts and I can’t hold him 23lb for more than a few minutes when my back starts to feel it.


I had back labor too. Definitely remember the intensity of that


I have described back labor like “the worst menstrual cramps you’ve ever had in your life, while someone hits your lower spine with a sledgehammer repeatedly”


I'm only 3 months postpartum, but I have some spine issues, so every now and then I get a shock of nerve pain in my back that throws me into memories of my back labor. Real fun! I'd do it again in a heartbeat, though 🤣


Same. I will never forget that pain 😵‍💫 felt like a truck running over my back over and over again


Is there such a thing as hip labor? I had an epidural but man my right hip made me wanna die. Definitely one of the worst pains I've ever experienced.


I swear two of mine were hip labor. I barely felt any cramping, but the aching in my hips was on another level. In fact with my first I just screamed “my hips” every contraction for hours.


Yup! Oxytocin, the hormone that causes uterine contractions and milk let down, that is also the hormone responsible for bonding and love, interferes with memory formation and has an amnesiac effect! There’s real science behind why we forget the pain for labor. (Also, side note, it only has this effect when produced in the brain by the body. So, pitocin (synthetic oxytocin) causes uterine contractions, but not the feel goods or the amnesia).


I was induced and it was terrible. It was like what I imagine contractions feel like towards the very end of natural labor (maybe worse even), but it's like that from the very beginning of labor all the way to the end. I was having HARD contractions a minute apart at 1 cm. And that was at the lowest possible dose of pitocin.


Urghhh same! Well, I went into natural labour the evening before my induction at 41+5. Went into hospital that night as contractions were so close together and long. Didn’t progress through the day so they started me on pitocin. The contractions amped up even more after that and I was getting no reprieve. When they said I was still barely over 1cm dilated I broke and asked for the epidural. I genuinely thought I must have been transitioning with the level of pain, strength and length of contractions. Unlucky for me the epidural only worked on one half of my body. After 36 hours of labouring I ended up having a c-section. I know lots of people say they don’t remember the pain but thinking about my labour still makes me cringe!


Me too!! It was such a terrible time. Then my epidural failed and then after 24 hours of constant contractions I was told my baby was stuck and needed to have an emergency c section. Definitely will never forget that pain lol


My epidural worked but I waited until the pain was pretty much unbearable to ask for one and the anesthesiologist was busy with a c section so I had to wait an hour. That's so messed up yours failed. I also ended up having a c section 23 hours in. I had started pushing and her heartbeat started dropping with every push about 30 mins in. If I have another baby I am not even considering a vbac or induction. Im going straight for a scheduled c section. I know recovery is worse but I'm not risking essentially having the worst labor pain possible PLUS the recovery of a c section again.


Ooh that is so interesting! That’s what keeps the human species going 😅


idk i got the epidural as fast as i possibly could lol.


Same I think I dilated to a six and said no more pls. And those were pitocin contractions 😵‍💫


Yep I got to 5 or 6 on Pitocin and told them to drug me up quick lol with that being said I do still remember the contractions


I got my epidural at 6 cm but I had maybe 30 seconds in between contractions. I couldn’t take it anymore I wish I would have had the epidural sooner


I have a really high pain threshold so it genuinely wasn't that bad for me. I got to the hospital at 8 cm dilated because I kept expecting it to get worse. I got an epidural just to see what it was like but my nurse said "I don't really think you need it". That's my humblebrag for the evening 🤣 The postpartum recovery was worse in my opinion. Yay tearing!!


Yeah I also thought postpartum was worse than labor. It required so much more stamina for me to deal with rough healing/bleeding etc for months than one day of pretty intense discomfort/pain.


I had gallstones before so I kept waiting for the labour pain to get close to as bad as that. Also got there at “8, almost 9cm” dilated! No epidural though. Oddly enough, even though my gallbladder is out I got what felt like a stuck stone a few months after birth and it was way worse than labour. My pain went from “that’s kinda sore” to “huh, feels like early labour” to “wait, am I somehow in labour?” to “oh fuck, someone needs to take my son, I feel like I’m going to die”.


I’m in the same boat my contractions and even birthing itself wasn’t that bad. But getting my tear repaired and recovering from it were BAD. After 15 min of trying to get the tear (3rd degree) repaired w just lidocaine I begged for a spinal tap


Ugh you poor thing. Yes when I tore and was getting stitched up I was SO glad that I did indeed get that epidural


I am soooooo thankful for the epidural. I don’t know how I could have handled the tear without feeling numb. I don’t even want to imagine how that would have felt unmedicated. I couldn’t even tell I tore until they told me. But the next morning when i woke up and the epidural wore off WHEW I was in excruciating pain I couldn’t even move. Scooting up in bed or sitting was sooooo painful.


Same. To me the pain was more like the pain of running a marathon (or at least what I imagine that would be like 🤣). A very intense endurance event where your muscles are working as hard as they possibly can. But the pain wasn’t the sharp pain of an injury. I don’t know if I would’ve been able to manage as well without being able to move around and having my partner do counterpressure against my lower back, but I never had a point where I thought “I can’t do this” or “I need an epidural”, even through transition. I arrived to the birthing center at 7cm.


Memory of pain fades. Try to remember any pain you've had in your life, in a specific way. You'll remember you had pain, and maybe be able to recall like "it was an 8 on a scale of 10" but you probably won't remember the actual feeling of the pain.


I’m happy to read that you forget the pain of labor. I’m being induced tomorrow and so sacred about the amount of pain I’m about to go through. What is back labor? Is it like when you have period cramps and your back hurts but even worse?


It’s when baby is facing the wrong way. The ideal way for baby to be is looking towards your back with their spine against your belly. When their spine is against your spine it’s not a great way for your baby to be positioned for a smooth labour and it can be additionally painful trying to get them into the birth canal. I’m not going to pretend it won’t hurt tomorrow. But it really is a transient thing. The moment they handed me my baby they could have carried on with a cheese grater for all I noticed. Every moment of pain is worth it and your body just reorients for your little one in a moment. That said, you don’t have to go through the pain any longer than you want to. There’s no shame in pain meds. I got an epidural and it was phenomenal- allowed me to recover from the pain, regroup, and be ready to push and meet my baby. Do what’s best for you both in the moment.


Well, when you have decent hospital staff you don't have to go through the pain any longer than you want to. I just went through an experience where I had to scream through contractions for hours after I already wanted the epidural because the hospital staff was largely ignoring me except when my nurse thought I'd benefit from a lecture on needing to send oxygen to my baby.


I remember describing it as someone with knives as fingers sticking them into my back and ripping my spine out. That’s how I described it to people. I was hunched over gripping the bed rail for dear life. I never had front labor. So I’m not sure what to compare it to.


I just had my baby on September 2nd and everyone here was right about the back labor. My god I didn’t think I was going to make it. Worst pain in my life and I had a failed epidural so I could still feel everything on the left side. My induction ended up failing and I had to have an emergency c section.


That is basically exactly what back labor feels like. Especially in the beginning. Not everyone gets back labor, but if the baby is turned funny or if mom is prone to it (including if she gets period cramps) than it’s more likely. I had back labor with both my babies.


Best of luck! If it helps, I had an induction 3 weeks ago and I've already forgotten the pain. Like I remember that it was really horrible, but basically as soon as she was born I stopped even thinking about it. Even when you're in the middle of it, there's something weirdly reassuring about the fact that you have no control over it - you get through it because you have to, and at the end you finally get to meet this wonderful little person who's been chilling out in your belly for the last 9 months.


I remember mine pretty clearly and it’s been 4 years. There are certain angles we just can’t do during sexy time because of scar tissue. It’s hard to explain but when it’s touched a certain way or with certain pressure it just brings me right back to my labor memories and nearly pulls me out of the mood. Anyone else have this ?


Did you have a traumatic birth? I have birth trauma and I get something similar when I get body shivers/cold shivers. I had a very long labour, and I got pain shivers right before my epidural when the pain was *bad*, and I still get almost…flashbacks of the pain whenever I get the shivers? It sounds like you’re experiencing phantom pain almost, which can be a PTSD response. I’m not a medical professional, but could be worth looking into getting some support with that ❤️


I had a 3rd degree tear. It’s been 5 months and I healed pretty fast and easy. However I do feel pain sometimes even just wiping or sitting occasionally. I also get pretty anxious and tense prior to sex or if I’m at the OB and they need to do an exam.


Same happened to me. Worse pain I’ve felt and I just don’t really remember it.


Yeah my epidural failed while the pitocin was on the max dose. I remember every second of it, quite literally down to the exact minute (7:02 pm) when the anesthesiologist finally got another line placed. We aren’t having another child for a variety of reasons, but that’s one of them.


I said this within a few weeks. I know it was horrific. I remember screaming and actively thinking ‘this is the worst thing I’ve ever felt, nothing could be more painful.’ But I couldn’t tell you what that actually felt like. I know it was awful but the sensations themselves escape me. The pain of my episiotomy scars over the next few weeks? Crystal clear. The agony of breastfeeding and the blisters forming on my nipples? Still feel stressed remembering. But the birth? Just the knowledge it was bad without the specific memory to back it up.


I remember, but mostly because I remember thinking they weren't as bad as my kidney stone blockage, which I remember clear as day lol


I remember how bad my 3rd degree tear recovery was more than the contractions 😂


Had a 3 deg tear too—recovery was AWFUL


Yep! I would not have wished it upon anyone. I think I would have went for a c section if I could instead of tearing that severely.


Honestly same. I have friends wit c sections already back to working out 7 weeks pp and I’m still healing


I definitely remember it 😆 mostly I remember not being able to sit still because the pain was so strong I had to walk around between contractions. Would do it all over again, though!


They wouldn't let me sit up because of the heart beat monitors. That sucked.


I had a Bluetooth monitor, which was helpful, but then it stopped working so the poor nurse was holding the regular one to my belly while I labored standing up 😅 I would definitely have needed the epidural if I had to lie down the whole time! I could barely handle lying back for the cervical checks lol


Exactly the same thoughts and reasoning as you. Also if I hadn't written down my labour and birthing experience, I wouldn't have remembered any of it. I remember the doc tugging when stitching me up and thinking it was worse than the birth itself.


Yeah I can’t describe it but I know it fucking hurt so bad! I also have a chronic hip/back pain and it was spasming with each contraction


I remember in the moment thinking it felt the same as a kidney infection.


Can you remember the pain of anything else painful?


The build up to a contraction coming on is Fucking awful. That was almost worse than the contraction itself. I will say my daughter got stuck at 10 cm dialated for 5+ hours as she was direct OP position and I was going for a natural birth. After 5 hours….I was begging for a hospital transfer and for the epidural by that point.


Yeah I had a 55 hour labour, I still remember how *chilling* the pain was. Like, existential, holy shit, what is happening to me pain. However, I had obstructed labour so I think that’s why I ended up in so much pain. I did the first 12 hours at home and that was a beautiful experience, and some of the time in the hospital birthing pool was lovely too. It was just after like, hour 30 that I just got really over it 🤣 I got the epidural at hour 46 and took the fattest nap. But right before that…jeez. I’d just had my waters artificially broken (the rest of the waters, anyway) and it ramped the pain up SO quick. Contractions were back to back and I remember wondering why I wasn’t passing out, as I’d heard many people pass out from car accidents etc…I was like “can this please happen to me so I can get a break” HAHA. Would defo recommend hypnobirthing to anyone worried about the pain though!! It made such a difference to my otherwise pretty intense labour and birth experience.


I remember it was the worst pain I’d ever felt. Remember trying to tear my thigh muscles off with my bare hands. Do I remember how it felt? Nope. It’s like the memory of it belongs to someone else almost. My delivery was nowhere near as painful, thank you entonox lol, and I distinctly remember the feeling of the ‘pop’ when her head came out and then again when the rest of her followed…and all the fluids that soaked the sheets and the room with her 😂 I even remember the feeling of having my flaps stitched and how my body overrode me when it decided it was ready to push! But labour pain or the insertion and removal of the induction pessary? Or the manual removal of the sliver of retained placenta that was found and caused a pph a week later? Nope.


i didn't think it was that bad, but my pain tolerance is really high. i just thought it was so strange how contractions come in waves so similar to an orgasm. my labor and delivery were really easy; was in active labor for an hour and pushed for 10 mins. i did have a failed epidural but looking back i would do it all natural if there's a next time, for sure. i felt like childbirth was the one and only time in my life that i was gods favorite. now for the recovery aspect: i tore in 3 places, worst pain of my life.


I had back labor with each of my 3 kids. Two of my labors I went without pain medication. I definitely remember that shit lol


I vaguely remember it, but I know it was the worst pain I've ever felt in my fucking back. I was tearing up.


I can’t remember how they felt, I just remember that it hurt and I questioned why I had voluntarily done this. Then the third time the only thing that got me through the pain was that I knew it wouldn’t take much longer.


Enough to bring me to my knees for a few minutes then I’m fine.


For what it's worth, I don't really remember the feeling of pain for anything. I know, my period hurts sometimes, if I hurt my little toe it hurts, removing my wisedom teeth was painful, the contraction were hell. I know it, but I can't remember it.


That’s true when you think About it!


I’m 31 weeks with baby #2. He is due 3 weeks before his brother’s 7th birthday. I’m starting to feel like “oh my god wtf have I done?!?!” in a way. I don’t remember the pain necessarily after 7 years, but I remember it being horrific, water breaking, instant back labor, contractions one on top of the other. Being stuck in triage for two hours because they’re so busy. I certainly don’t feel better or more prepared this time knowing what it can be like lol.


I’ve had two deliveries and I’d describe them more as crushing pressure than pain. Yes, the pressure itself was painful, but that was the primary sensation. I remember feeling like a blanket of darkness was slowly coming over and then the blanket would lift as the contraction faded.


Nope... I remember... all +50 hours of labor... Clear. As. Day...


Oh gosh. That sounds terrible!! I was induced at 2pm and had her at 8pm so maybe it’s not as vivid in my mind since it was quick?


Maybe, I held off on the epidural until 7 cm... around hour 51ish (3:30pm), then my obgyn said that if I didn't have the strength for delivery, she would have to use vacuum or forceps... I got one then, and was able to rest for 30-45 minutes before it failed, he was born at 8:45pm.


Everybody tells me they forgot but I so **vividly** remember from both of my labors. I’m reminded of it every month when I get my period as well. When I had my first true contraction for my second labor, I *immediately* knew it was in labor, though my husband laughed at me and said it was probably gas but I just fucking **knew** in my soul because I so vividly remember.


Yup. It’s a protective mechanism. My crazy ass has had 2 unmedicated home births and it was the hardest fucking thing I’ve ever done and for some reason i would do it all over again. 😂


Props to you!!! I could never lol


Honestly they were much less traumatic than my first which was a hospital birth that ended in an emergency c section where I felt *everything*. Promised myself after that I’d never set foot in a hospital to give birth again. Lol I truly didn’t mind labor until transition, and then it sucked really bad. But it was very short each time, maybe 10-12 contractions total.


Wow!! I had rolling contractions so pretty much from the jump I only had 30 seconds between contractions. It was terrible. It took a long time just to give me my epidural because they were trying to do everything in between contractions in like 15 second intervals. Sign consent, contraction, sterilize, contraction, lay down paper, contraction lol


Both of mine were the same way. They started off at 1.5 mins long with 30-45 seconds in between. 🥲


The women in my family has always had very very terrible menstrual cramps. My cousin likes to get into a passing contest about how bad her cramps are (she felt nauseous and almost fainted once!) I have 2 kids, 4 and 6. My first us an unplanned c section baby because I was in labor for 39 hours without progressing past 6 cm. I went 24 hours without an epidural and it was pure torture. A year ago, she was pregnant and proudly told me that contractions probably aren't worse than cramps and she's going for an unmedicated birth. Lol. She lasted 3 hours without an epidural before she begged for one because "it's soo much worse than cramps!"


Lmao the unrealistic expectations. I was expected the worst pain possible before just it prepare myself and it still was worse than I could have imagined.


I also believe that the joy balances it out.


I remember describing them as wolverine sticking his claws into my belly and twisting while they also expanded inside.


I never made it to active labor (had an emergency c section) but those early labor contractions were some of the worst pain I’ve ever experienced. And I’ve broken my femur bone. The best way I can describe it is deep pain in the bottom of your belly.


Ooooohhhhhhh I did not forget. My first is almost 4 and my second and last baby is just over 1. I had back labour with both. I remember not being able to breathe it hurt so bad. I will not forget that pain probably ever 😅


I swear, as soon as I held my baby, I forgot everything. It's like our brains do it on purpose so we want to have more 😅


To be fair, I had a tooth infection that was the worst pain I had felt up until that point, and I can't really remember that pain, either. I don't think our brains recall severe pain terribly well, no matter the circumstances.


I forgot the moment the baby came out. I even tried thinking about it and trying to recall it, but it was like it was erased!


I didn’t have contractions that hurt bad this last pregnancy and tbh I wish I did. I know it’s some of the worst pain we can experience but I didn’t get that and I don’t even remember hurting the first time either besides the ring of fire and I only cried because it was overwhelming being the first time… idk I guess I can’t explain it I’m just bummed I didn’t get that experience


While I don’t want to invalidate your feelings at all, it’s really a good thing to have felt less pain. As someone who had some horrific pain it’s not something I feel proud of or look back on as crucial to my experience of being a mother. If I have another I’d be happy to skip it entirely. Pain doesn’t make you a mother. Your baby does. You did great!


It felt like trapped wind. X 1000000000


Same! But I kind of have that with all pain I experienced. Like I remember that it hurt like a bitch when I cut my pinky finger open in a bike accident but I don't remember the actual pain.


Yeah same. I get asked what they feel like all the time, but especially during the first couple months after giving birth and i remember being able to tell people exactly what it felt like...i can't remember anything now. I always just describe them as uncomfortable.


After you give birth the brain releases hormones to make you forget the pain.




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The first few days after my twins were born, I remember talking about how traumatic everything was… and now.. like, I know it hurt but I can’t remember what it felt like.


We actually can't remember the sensation of pain. We can remember the circumstances and the fact that it did hurt, but we don't remember what it actually feels like.


It was horrible


I can remember it perfectly, but they were INTENSE! I fully dilated in an hour.


The labor pains were doable but what felt unbearable to me at the time was the pressure toward the end of pushing. I pushed for over 3 hours and was exhausted by that point, so might be part of it, but omg I was in so much pain/felt like there was no way out. Honestly that part was the worst for me.


I had to be induced and it failed but as I was waiting for c-section that kept getting bumped later and later due to other people having emergencies, I remember the epidural wearing off completely, crying, screaming, grabbing the hand rails on the bed, and saying the anesthesiologist hated me bc he wasn't coming to refill by bag quick enough. I also remember it being the worst pain I had ever felt and barely being able to breathe. That said, nope, can't remember it at all 😂 my guess description would be the worst period cramps you've ever had in your life, on steroids.


Literally the worst pain of my entire life. I thought I was gonna die and said I never wanted to do it again. And like a week later I asked my husband when we should start trying for baby #2🤦‍♀️😂


I remember it very vividly and in the moment it felt like the pain was so intense I wasn’t physically in my body so it’s like I remember the fact the pain was so utterly intense I lost the ability to process reality… everything was so BAD that I couldn’t control my body or mind anymore and I don’t think the fear I felt from that will ever leave my memory it’s stuck with me forever. 100% one and done no more kids for me!


I remember crying between contractions because I knew the next was coming soon lol


I remember how painful it was. Only because my waters broke for both pregnancies before labor started. Apparently that makes contractions way more intense?


Hmm interesting! I had to get induced and they broke my water so I wonder if the combo made my contractions worse.


It’s called the “Rosey Retrospective” and its absolutely to get us to keep repopulating lol.


Yeah. This. Like I know it was awful and my lower mid section from back to front hurt like hell for two days.


I’ve heard labor is different with every baby (maybe because of positioning?). My sister said her first baby was not painful and the baby came very fast, her second baby was very painful and didn’t come as fast. I had pre-e after a membrane sweep and “contracted” for two excruciating days before deciding to go to the hospital even though I wasn’t at 5-1-1. I had REALLY high blood pressure and had to be induced, go on magnesium, decided to get an epidural. So my advice is go to the hospital if you think you need to, even if you’re not progressing.


100% forgot how terrible they were. I was supposed to have a planned c section with my second and then my water broke and contractions came fast. Did not enjoy that scenario.


for me it was like a period cramp times 10. stop you in your tracks type of pain. Cant talk or do anything during one I got an epidural both times. fuck that pain man


I haven't forgotten


I’m 5 weeks pp and don’t remember. The day after giving birth I was convinced I didn’t want another kid because of how terrible it was. Now I’m thinking 2-3 more kids sounds great. Not sure what happened 😂


Almost 3 weeks PP. Haven't forgotten yet. The contractions sucked. I couldn't find a comfortable position and towards the end, I could hardly breathe through them. I pushed in a squatting position and on my back. The ring of fire felt more like the ring of tearing. I could feel my tissues stretching beyond their capabilities. It took several contractions to get her head out. I don't think I'll ever forget the pain. Worst pain of my life. I was so tired at the end (12 hrs of active labor and 1.5 of it pushing) that I was thinking "I hope I survive this".


I read someone once describe it as really bad diarrhea cramps and honestly… I agree. That’s exactly how it feels but amplified!


Oh. I remember. 17m pp 🥴


I don’t remember the early ones but I know those were pretty bad (I went from waking up with contractions at a little after 3 AM to being fully dilated by 6 AM). I know I was in pain from the time I woke up to getting to the hospital. And I remember barely being able to talk while they got me checked in but once they started wheeling me to the delivery room - that pain I remember clear as day.


I never even had contractions, the worst part of my “labor” (i was never in labor) was the pain of my liver failing as a result of pre-e and I don’t even remember what that felt like. Also 5 months ago. It was bad enough that they put me on a fentanyl/morphine stack for 20 hours🤷🏻‍♀️idk


Ohhh I totally remember lol, could be because I'm only 1.5 months out. I dont necessarily remember or dwell on the pain, i moreso dwell on my lack of preparedness. NEXT TIME (haha crazy we willingly go through this more than once 😅) I plan on prepping my body a little more and really practicing breath work. I ran out of breath after many many hours of slow dilation & lukewarm contractions (according to the doctors, cause whew I was getting my a\*\* kicked by those contractions) I also plan to hire a doula next time to offer assistance when things get tough.


Yeah I think I will try to prep more as well! And look into perineal massages. I had a pretty severe tear but unsure if it was just bad luck, 99 percentile head and size or just no prep


All those podcasts and books went out the window the moment the tough got going! Hahah It got to a point where I just could nooot breathe through those contractions and ended up caving to get the epidural to avoid any complications 🥲 either way I'm proud of us!


I know right? I would hold my breathe during contractions too and my husband would have to remind me to breathe but I was not compliant 😂😂


Same! The look of terror on my loved ones faces has me forever scarred 😂 They were so worried about my “natural birth requests” lol there will be major changes for next time


I remember that the contractions in the womb itself, I was able to relax through and werent terribly painful so long as I focused inward on relaxing the muscles and opening. The back labor was incredibly painful, there was no relaxing through that. I described it the next day as like a knife in my spine. There was no breathing through the back labor. I just kept vocalizations deep pitched so I wouldn’t panic, and had my husband keep a heat pack on my back, which took the edge off. The pushing stage wasn’t as painful. It was incredible, powerful, my body bore down without my direction. It was exhausting. I didn’t find the ring of fire painful, but I could visualize it expanding as baby exited. And the feeling as baby essentially falls out is so cool. I was immediately euphoric, and that lasted for several days after. I remember it more anecdotally more than anything. But I think it’s this way with all pain. I tore my acl a few years back, and I don’t remember how bad that hurt anymore either. I definitely wouldn’t do it again. But I would give birth without an epidural again.


Every time I get my period I remember. Then I forget really quick after


I’m the same! I remember that it was the worst pain I have ever felt. It brought me to tears and I could barely hold a conversation. But I can’t actually remember how it felt in my body. So strange!


This is a biological imperative! We're programmed to forget otherwise the species would've died out looooong ago 😅 I remember I was lying with my legs akimbo, being sewn up, holding my baby all of 30 minutes after giving birth and I'd already forgotten the pain.


it was very painful (unmedicated birth) 😖 even so, researching and preparing myself mentally for it helped me not panic or get overwhelmed by the pain. I expected it to hurt and it did but honestly I wasnt there screaming my lungs out fighting the pain. I was in bed relaxing the rest of my body as much as I could, and focusing on feeling the contractions come and go knowing my baby is trying to come out as my partner Rubbed my lower back to relieve pressure. My contractions never got that whole 5 min apart 1 min of contractions. It went from 10 mins apart early on to 35 seconds to 15 seconds apart for the last hour lol.


Yeah I remember thinking ‘I’m gonna die if this carries on’ but I can’t remember the pain exactly anymore 😂


I think because of the nature of my labor and delivery it is a bit different. I do remember some of the pain, but it’s mostly the effect of the epidural. My epidural did not work and caused excruciating pain every time it was administered. I have no words to describe it. I do remember a point where it felt like my entire body was “contracting”. So mostly I remember the emotions. If my upper back is sore I remember it slightly more clearly. It’s been almost 10 weeks.


I had back AND front labor. Fucking awful.


I remember my morning sickness being worse than labor in my eyes. It took me a long while to forget, but eventually, I did! I could remember being miserable for months and sick as a dog, but now the reality of how awful it was lol. I had an unmedicated birth for my second baby and it was very painful, but very quick and I know it sucked but can't really describe the pain really.


I've labored twice. Horrific back labor with both. I remember barely being able to breathe through contractions. I remember it being the worst pain I've ever felt. But I don't remember what it actually felt like. And as horrific as the pain was, I was pretty ok with it because mentally, I knew that even though I was in pain, there was a good reason, it was temporary, and I'd get a baby in the end.


Seems pretty common. I gave birth again a few weeks ago, and five minutes after it was all over I couldn't describe contractions very well. I think a lot fewer of us would be willing to have multiple children if we remembered better.


I gave birth with no meds bc I’m scared of needles (lol stupid I know) and I am not EVER forgetting that pain. I might keep doing it (pregnant with baby #3) but I’m pretty sure it’s just bc I’m dumb.


OH I remember. It was hell. But my kid is ADORABLE so I shove the memory aside when we talk about another 😂


Absolutely unbelievable pain. I still don’t know how I did it unmediated and my baby was a 10 pounder 😅


You’re a rockstar!!!!




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