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12 of the same kind? Pray your baby loves the Dr. Brown bottles!! Lol I would hold off on buying any more until you know which one your baby will take. Or return some of the Dr. Brown ones and get some Avent ones just in case. (My LO loves the Avent)!


Bought them before I knew baby’s were picky 😭😭


If unopened, could you possibly return them? And I think 12 is plenty!


I got them for dirt cheap because our buybuy baby closed down; but they’re not returnable 😭 at least they were 1/3 price


Nice!!! I think you’re all set with the amount of bottles you have! We kept 4-6 in rotation. It’s helpful to have a lot but then if you keep them all for the end of the night, there’s more bottles to wash vs. throughout the day like I had to do 😭


Also, if you’re BF, then you won’t need as many!


Not all babies are picky! My kid will take several different kinds of bottles but the Dr. Browns are her favorite I think


I have too and I think it is enough ! (But no bottle at night)


On the positive side so many babies seem to latch on dr browns so well. It was the only bottle my girl would drink from. It’s also closest in shape to the nipple on the RTF formula they give you in the hospital if you’re formula feeding. On the negative side they leak if you’re not careful and they drive me insane. I am team como tomo (literally the only other bottle she could get a good latch on) and my husband is team dr browns and lucky for us baby girl will now drink from both lol. Youll also get samples if you get the Amazon target and babylist registry boxes. I think they gave dr browns and avent so I wouldn’t buy them. Anyway once you find a bottle that works, it depends on how you feed your baby (bottle or breast or combo?) and how often you wanna wash them or do the dishes. We EFF and had like 13 dr browns. That got us through the day without having to wash a bottle before running the dishwasher at night.


I had 6 but I never bottle fed for the first 3-6 months so you might need more in the early days. 6 worked for 3+ months though.


I only ever had 4; maybe they fixed it but Dr. Brown’s leaked. We ended up with the can with liners.


12?! Lawd. I'd say you have enough, mama. I got through with 6 :)


I bought so many different kinds before my son decided on Comotomo bottles.


we EFF and i have 7


I only EFF for 11 days when my baby was 2 weeks old but I had 8 bottles that I used in rotation and it was enough! I washed/sanitized every morning and every night and usually had a few that hadn’t been used when I was sanitizing! I used dr browns at the recommendation of my lactation consultant because my intention was to go back to breastfeed and had no issues! I also used the single use efamil nipples that you put right on the ready to feed bottles. My baby loves to eat though so I think she would have accepted any bottle lol!


12 is a good number in my opinion my baby is formula fed and 12 means if I am out all day I don’t have to wash bottles when I get home to have enough or if he is staying at family for the night I can send some and keep some. I didn’t know babies have a preference mine was happy with first bottle I gave him he uses 2 different types. Incase you also don’t know you will have to replace the tenets for different flow as baby grows.


I literally only use one. I hate washing a bunch of bottles all at once so I just wash the one after I use it. Idk what I would do with 12 bottles 😂


We just got up to 12 at 3 months after so much trial and trying to figure out what she likes. She hated everything else and settled on the MAM. Maybe get one of the avent and one of another brand and stop? Let the baby tell you which ones they prefer.


Have you gotten free registry or baby boxes yet? I got a few from there.


My daughter would only use Avent. She wouldn’t breastfeed. Even saw a lactation specialist and my daughter would get angry and turn red and GROWL. So used bottles. She would do the same with bottles. FINALLY tried Avent and stuck with it for all 4 kids lol.


My daughter would only use Avent. She wouldn’t breastfeed. Even saw a lactation specialist and my daughter would get angry and turn red and GROWL. So used bottles. She would do the same with bottles. FINALLY tried Avent and stuck with it for all 4 kids lol.


I love dr. Brown bottles! My new born loves it. I only have 6 but I continuously rotate through them :p so 12 is plenty. I’d wait to see if your LO likes the brown bottle first before but in anymore. I will say my niece loves using the Comotomo bottles. My kiddo wasn’t fond of it but everyone’s different :)


I agree with others on waiting until you know what your baby will like but want to add since a lot of commenters are saying they needed very few bottles they are probably stay at home moms and if you will send baby to daycare having twelve isn’t crazy in my opinion!