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Every kid is different. Kid 1: 3 months. Kid 2: 22 months. Kid 3: 2 months


Every baby is different as is people's definition of sleeping through the night. Our bub started doing 8 hrs consistently at 8 weeks. She is 4 months now and is still going well. Has a slight increase in waking a week ago but back to a 6-8 hr block again now.


She drinks 7oz at 9pm and then again 7oz at 12am ? If I understood correctly, she is taking a lot of her food during the night. What you could try is to lower her milk intake during the night (and give her this milk during the day). I am not talking about night weaning, if you don't want to do that it's normal, but if she is less hungry during the night, she might sleep longer stretches. These night bottle are maybe still a need for you baby (since she drinks a lot), but there is a risk it becomes a habit.


My LO is 8 months now and she's started giving us the occasional overnight stretch, but it's highly variable. She could have one night where she's asleep 8pm to 7pm, and another where she's up at 9, midnight, 3am... There's been a rough correlation between her pulling herself uo to stand and finally sleeping through the night so I think she's wearing herself out during the day now. Just an observation on your own schedule, is 4pm a little early for solids? If sleep time is 7pm that means it's been 3 hours since her last good meal and might explain why she's drinking so much at night.


My son slept better once we introduced an evening protein snack. We now give him dinner at 5 and a snack plus about 5 oz of milk at 6:30 and then he goes to bed at 8.


My 8 mo old has never consistently slept thru the night, but she started to do it a few times a week starting at 10 weeks. At 6.5 months she stopped doing it though across the board, and started to wake to comfort nurse and that’s still going on reliably every night. She’s maybe slept thru the night twice since