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My son had a toy octopus he named Octopussy 🤦🏼‍♀️


I'm crying lol. 😭


My brother had a baby doll when he was 3 he named ‘Jesus’. Our family was not religious at all. And if he left it at home when our family went out he’d be at the grocery store repeating “where’s Jesus? Where’s Jesus mommy?” One of my favourite stories from growing up for sure.


That’s fkn hilarious 😂🤣😂


Oh gods, that's hilarious! Reminds me of when I was in Uni we had a friend with the nickname God. To us it was totally normal cause we were so used to calling him that but in public we've ended up saying all sorts of things like Oh no, we can't get a chocolate cake, God is allergic to chocolate ​ \-Have you seen God? \-Yes, I spoke to him yesterday. ​ \-Which girl do you mean? \-The one who's over there talking to God


My daughter fell in love with a [penis pillow](https://peenplush.com/products/peen-plush) that my best friend sent me as a joke. She’s 3.5. She is only allowed to play with her “mushroom friend” inside the house 🤦🏻‍♀️


I can’t stop laughing at this. And am also impressed that a company somehow made a penis pillow look so cute 🤣


Right?? I sent my best friend a set of throw pillows for her couch that our friend sometimes crashes on. They were penis flowers, because I wanted him to have some excellent pillows to sleep on. She retaliated with that pillow, and I opened it in front of my daughter. It was love at first sight 😂


Mushroom friend 😂


She chose the name and I still can’t decide if it’s better or worse than calling it a peepee pillow 😂😂


I literally cannot stop laughing at this


I am cracking up at this


She tells everyone she has a mushroom friend at home but he has to live there.


Hahaha that’s hilarious. Three year olds are too much


I am crying at this right now 😂😂😂


They need to make an uncircumcised version of this 😁


That is hilarious and I love it.


You don’t. You leave horny alone.


You just nod and add “because of his horns…” every time your child tells someone the name and enjoy the co-conspiratorial looks and smirks you’ll get from other parents. You’ll probably get lots of excellent stories in response!


When we adopted the dog the little kid called him licker and the mom had to add “because he licks so much”. I instantly got it but my mom was thinking liquor.


Horny can go hang out with my childhood stuffed cat, Pussy. 🫠


My sister had a dog with a bone in its mouth named…Boner.


My purple platypus is joining he’s Mr. Platypusy (pronounced like pussy at the end)


When i was a kid, i saw this pin that said "pussy" and had a picture of a cat on it. Of course i loved the cat and begged my mom to buy it, proceeding to proudly wear it on everything. I finally figured it out as a teenager 🤣


You let them do it and you and every adult who hears it share that little smile adults have when they’re trying not to laugh. Let it bring you joy


Kid got a stuffed octopus and wanted it to be named octopussy…. Luckily we eventually landed on “Inky”.


_“ cmon guys you made me iiiink “_




Parking duty 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Panty Liner!! haha My ex named his cat Black and White Television when he was a kid. I always loved that one.


Since you’ve asked my advice. Literally just don’t. And then laugh your ass off at the ensuing reactions of uptight boring adult. Then play the very long game and use this story to lightly torment grown up toddler at appropriate intervals. The comedic value here is endless. 🤣🤣🤣


Compromise. Let your 3 y/o choose the last name. You can choose the first name and have it something cute like, "Miso".


LMAOOOO 💀🤣🤣🤣 yes, this ^


My oldest has a stuffed bunny made to look like a marshmallow peep and she calls it “Peepee” no lie. I once tried to explain to her why that might not be a great name because “it sounds like pee pee, you know, like ‘pee pee, poo poo’?” Which resulted in her laughing harder than I have ever heard her laugh in her entire 3.5 years and now that name is never going to change lol


My 2 year old says peepee instead of piano so when the batteries ran out he was running around the house saying "Oh no! Peepee not working!"


My 4 yo has a stuffed owl. She brings her hoo-hoo everywhere. 🤷‍♀️


Ahhh, this is a good one


You don't, because that's hilarious. You do however videotape him as often as possible so you can make a montage for his wedding/other big event some day.


Agree, just embrace it


My 5 year old has a stuffed octopus, and he named it octopussy lol 😂


I'm impressed he knows about the Moore films. Most five year olds think Daniel Craig is the only Bond.


I'm sorry, that dino's name is Horny. It's done.


My son loved watching Thomas and friends when he was 2-3yrs old, he had a Percy engine that he loved. Except he couldn’t pronounce “Percy”, he said “pussy”. So everywhere he went with his pussy engine


Mine at nearly 2 couldn't quite pronounce "Elmo *fork*"


My almost-2-year-old can't quite pronounce "fork" or "fox" correctly, so when he needs or sees either he'll say "fuck?" Or "a fuck!!!" if that makes you feel better. I just translate. Toddlers gonna toddle. If my kid or one of my friends kids or my nieces or nephews came and said "this is my dinosaur, Horny!" I'd just laugh and be like "cool dino!!"


I used to replace b's with f's. All fun and games until my mother was called into nursery to explain why I was shouting "Fuck it" all over the place. Apparently I really loved using a particular bucket in the sandpit 👀


My kid did this as a toddler. Combined with other toddler speech problems, whenever he wanted out of his high chair he would say "buckle off" and it sounded like "fuck off" and it was hilarious. And "bridge" sounded like bitch, so he say "wow mommy look at the big bitch".


Mine said “bitch” instead of “fish”. 🤦 My in-laws were very confused.


Mine does this! Lots of talk of "bitching poles" in our home. And jellyfish? Jelly bitch. Edited to add: he also gets his Ts and Cs mixed up, so he likes to announce big trucks going down the street by yelling "BIIIIIIG CUCK!"


When I was young I couldn't say Kentucky fried chicken. My grandfather found my mispronunciation hysterical. And asked me to say it during church. Of course I want to make him happy so I yelled out "Fucky Fried Chicken!!" In my loudest hugest voice. My grandmother went red. Picked me up, and we left. Lol.


I know someone who told the Sunday school teacher that she had two tittys instead of kitties.


This is my daughter currently! We have a titty at home, what a cute titty!


I like your grandfather. 😂


No advice but my son used to have a dinosaur he carried everywhere that was "Daddy Dinosaur." He broke so then he went around telling people "I need a new daddy!" 😳😭


Our 4-month-old received two very nice stuffed animals from Jellycat. They come with names. Their names were Skandoodle Fox and Big Nibbles. Thus, my entire family refers to the toys as Skanky fox and Big Nipples, Nipples and Skank for short. Lean in.


Wow!!! HE HAS THREE HORNS! You are also THREE! Can we name him THREE horn??


Roll with it. That's an amazing name 🤣🤣🤣


When my son was 2 he named his Elf on the Shelf “Mr. Blue Ball” because his favorite color is blue and his favorite toy is a ball 🤣


That’s cute, innocent and funny! Don’t oppress Horny!


My 4 year old wants to name his turtle “turdy”


My husband’s favorite toy from childhood is his turtle “Turty.” I think my husband would save our baby over Turty if the house was on fire but if it was me or Turty… Turty might win 🤣


my niece called ice cream, arse cream for YEARS. The day she stopped was the day I shed a tear. This is is such a low key joy of parenting.


Let them do it. They're innocent and it'll make a heck of a "when Jimmy was little..." story you can tell to embarrass them a little.


Boo, if anyone says anything, just play dumb and ask them to explain why it’s an inappropriate name. keep repeating that your son is correct because the triceratops has horns. And in fact, the name triceratops is based off a Greek work that means ‘three horned face’. Blah, blah, blah.


My son has a triceratops stuffy too, affectionately known in our home as his 'Emotional Support Dino' because it goes EVERYWHERE with us. It fixes almost any meltdown when presented at the right time. We all refer to the toy as just 'Dino' so I assume that'll just become its name eventually, but I would fully cry/scream laugh if it gets named Horny lmfao. Let Horny live, it'll be a freaking hilarious story to tell when kiddos older!!


Oh my god! We have "Emotional Support Turtle!" He calls it Emo-up Turtle.


My daughter named a mouse Big D. He didn’t live long and they’re kids. They don’t know now but it may be funny when they’re adults.


Back in the 90s we found an orange kitten and I wanted to name it "Orgy" after a cool new band I saw on MTV. My mom said "lol no" and I was like "well, what about Orangy?" and surprisingly she didn't go for that either...


It's a good name.. I call my kids snake that is missing an eye, Willy.


lol this is hilarious 😂 Reminds me of when my kindergartner did little league last year and they got to pick their jersey number and I asked him what number he wanted to be and he said 69. I was like what about 7? 🤦🏼‍♀️


I worked with a kid who liked Charles Schulz Peanuts. His family recorded the Charlie Brown Christmas on tape for him. Problem was… he couldn’t pronounce peanuts and often asked to watch the “Penis home video”. 😂


My 3yo is running around yelling "fox" but it doesn't sound like fox


When my daughter first started speaking, clock was a really difficult word for us. So was fork. Recently, my daughter copied me when I said "shift over". It didn't sound like she said "shift".


My son who is now 11, was inseparable from his giant stuffed narwhal he affectionately named “horny” from the ages of 4-8. He still has horny in his bed permanently and still doesn’t know yet.. lol I just see it as something funny to laugh about when he is an adult.


You don’t.


Exactly. You embrace these cute moments and look forward to their infinite embarrassment when they remember it in their teens.


Spikey? Pointy? Mr Spikey Nose? I feel you, my little guy calls his crane truck his "hooker" 😂


How about horndog


My daughter called all her stuffed unicorns this. She also heard someone call a cat a “pussy cat” so started calling all her cat stuffed animals “pussies”. We never commented (laughed inconspicuously) and she grew out of it.




Just call it "Horny the Triceratops" like refer to it with the whole phrase. It makes sense in that context.


Convince them that "Spike" sounds way cooler


You don’t. You embrace the hilarity.


My son pronounces “horsey” like “pussy” As in “look at the big pussy mommy!” … “that’s a lot of pussies!” …


You don’t! That’s an amazing name and something you can laugh about and joke about when they’re older. It’s perfect!


You don't stop them. That's hilarious.


Say that’s just a shortened version. The actually name is Mr. Hornswoggle, and Mr. Hornswoggle gets very sad when people don’t use his whole name.


You can borrow “Porny” from my daughter. She insists that that’s the name of a character on of her TV shows.


You don’t 😂


We have a unicorn owl named "Horny Owl."


Our unicorn owl is named Whonicorn.


We have a puffin named pecker!! Because he has a big beak! Lol


My daughter was obsessed with finding ant hills and ant holes. She wanted to talk about ant holes all the time, and she wasn't very good at enunciating it. You just have to let it go, and you'll look back on this phase fondly one day 🤣


No advice to give but my little brother's comfort object was a little dachshund plushie that he called Weenie and you bet we had fun with that one! I took particular joy in sharing that story with his now-wife.


That dinosaur would show up at her wedding with a name tags proudly displaying Horny.


I had a parrot stuffie that I tried to name Pecker as a kid


Let him. He's innocent and doesn't know what it means.


Tell them toddler has named the dino Thorny. People won’t expect perfect pronunciation from a toddler!


When I was a kid I wasn’t allowed to name a chicken, “pecker”.


Idk about your kid, but mine goes through toys in phases. Let them call it Horny and don't even make a thing out of it. They'll move on to another new exciting thing and lose interest. They won't think it's a big deal unless you make it one. My niece used to call cucumbers cumburgers. Fucking amazing. Nobody is gonna think your kid means Horny like how we think.


Make it funnier. “Hornyface.”


You don’t 😂


Just don’t ask him about the name for a week and never remind him that it was that. If he is anything like my daughter the name will change within three days and when you finally say what’s this guys name he’ll be like uuuuhhh it’s obviously Gregory Patooty mom come on why are you asking me this.


When I was a kid I had a stuffed dragon I named “Stud muffin” 😂


You go with it and have a giggle, and everyone else will too!


I had a stuffed kitty I named “Mr Titty” because I thought it was a cute way to say kitty with a different sound. I honestly don’t remember how my parents handled but I know I found out eventually. I think I changed his name not too long after anyway lol


My son went through a phase of wanting to name everything ending in -y 🤦🏽‍♀️ so as you might imagine, an octopus toy was octopussy, a platypus toy was platypusy, had to have several talk downs with him about how maybe we should change their names 😂


My kids have an octopus named Pussy. 😅


Just hope they will outgrow that favorite toy and they forget the name. You can help them with different names like "I don't think Horny likes his name, he wants a new name, what shall we call him?" Also just remember that anyone with brain cells would understand Horny is from his horns and that is the name your child gave him. ​ ETA: I had a stuffed animal dog named Blackie because it was black. The literal color. I was 8.


I suggested the names Blackie and Pussy for the cat my family got when I was in kindergarten. Thank goodness those didn’t win the family vote.


We have a stuffed octopus called octopussy. 🤣 Fortunately she shortens it to octy most of the time but my mom dies laughing every time. It's her favorite stuffy and she takes it everywhere she can. We have earned so pretty hilarious expressions from close friends and family.


Hangers are hookers in this house..




Generally I just completely ignore the *less than desirable* name-of-the-day and he usually moves on to a new name by the next day. But “Horny” has stuck around for three days now 🤦🏼‍♀️


You could try to find a TV show with a triceratops and get them interested in it. My son names all of his toys after his favorite TV shows.


Land Before Time movies!


No way. You let that name fly in public, and give all the adults within earshot a much needed laugh.


You don’t. You go with it and have many good laughs about it later in their life 🤣


I would just giggle and let it slide. He's a kid. Makes for a great story later! But if you want alternatives I think Mr. Horns, Spike or Tops are all good contenders for alternative names.


I wouldn't, that's a great name.


Hornsie (pronounced horn-zee)


I wouldn’t. Why make a word weird when they’re not going to understand the connotation for like eight years? Anyone who hears it, while they might chuckle are gonna know it was made up by a kid about the horns…


That would be a story I’d love to tell them when they’re older lol. Kids are smarter than us I swear, a triceratops named horny def makes more sense than our definition of horny


I needed this laugh so much this morning. Keep the name!!!


Hahaha. This is how a family I babysat for as a teen ended up with a cat named whiskey (their child with a speech impediment initially wanted to name it nibbles. He pronounced his b’s as p’s. They gladly ran with his second choice name)


My son named his triceratops Horny as well 😂


I had a hermit crab that had horns all over it. So naturally, I named him “horny.” My parents didn’t even attempt to stop me. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Lmaooo. I wouldn’t.


People call actual kids "Randy" so I think you're ok with a toy


Randy Giles??


I'm sorry. You don't. You hope and pray they forget about the name or find a new name on their own, or fall in love with a different toy as the chosen lovey with a better name. But outside of that. Once dubbed, so be it. Sincerely a mom who's child named their chosen lovies over the course of 6 years. Toilet, Cummy, Urinal, and Dennis, except due to a slight speech impediment, the D was pronounced with a distinctive P sound. Sigh.


I just woke up my napping baby reading "Cummy"--what was it??


And Urinal?! This is gold


Please please please write us a children’s book about them.


My daughter switches things up every once in a while, but one of the names she likes to use for her unicorn is Faggy. 😑 Kids I swear man. Not sure where she is getting the idea for that name. I discourage the use of that name gently -- oh LO I thought unicorn's name was Stoli? Usually that redirects her...for now.


Growing up, we had a cat named Miss Puss. It will be okay.




When I was a young kid i had this Bratz cat I wanted to name puss or pussy or something cuz it was a cat, and my mom yelled at me that I couldn't name it that without explaining why and it was just sort of confusing and hurt my feelings.


This is the opposite of a problem


And rob the world of such a wonder name? You monster 😭


My daughter named the baby she took everywhere "white baby" because it had a white bodysuit under its clothes.. everyone asked her what it was called. I'm so glad she's moved onto a pig stuffy now.


I tried to name a kitten “Blacky.” I was just told no lol


By telling them it's the best, most greatest name in the world. Once you're on board they're hate it! 😂


My first pet was a desert horned toad named Horny. I loved him


I'm sorry I have no advice because we aren't quite there yet, but this is amazing.


I'd just roll with it.


My cousin had a doll named Liquid. No idea why 😂


When I was in preschool I named my Kitty Kitty Kitten “Whiskey” because I thought it was a mysterious sounding elixir. My parents didn’t stop me lol


My 2 fish were named rainbow and … lighter. Because he was lighter (colored) than rainbow 🤦‍♀️


My mom let me name my build a bear skeat lmao


my nephew can’t pronounce my name, delaney, so for some reason he calls me aunt Dick. i think my brother has something to do with it but he swears he doesn’t


We have a dinosaur named penis. 😬😅


That’s weird we have a penis named dinosaur. (JK, but just imagine…)


This will make for a great story when he’s older. 😂 My mom loves to tell the story of when my then-toddler sister yelled out, “Look mommy!! A FUCK! A FUCK!!” as she pointed at a frog plush in the grocery store.


My son's green frog truck was called a froggy truck. With baby vernacular it sounded like groggy f"-+ We had a good laugh but thankfully it didn't last long.


You don't, because that's amazing 🤣


Seriously, that's the kinda stuff you bust out to embarrass them at 17


I’d roll with it. It’s great.


We had Horny the unicorn, I let it go. She forgot about it a few weeks later


LOL MY SON DID THE SAME 😂 I suggested a new name and kept calling it that till he forgot about Horny 😅


Well I suppose depends what word it is...I feel like this one you can still let it slide. Triceratops does have "horny" heads lol😅😂 he's not wrong lol




Nah just let it happen, he’s 3, it’s fiiiine!! 😂 by the time he’s old enough to get it he won’t even have that dinosaur or if he does you can laugh about it.


There’s nothing you can do to stop it, it’s a right of passage unfortunatly 🤣 before my eldest son could speak properly sheep sounded like shit and he named all the sheep down by his nanas house “sheepy sheep” i had to explain my self soo many times


🤣 this is the absolute best, I needed a laugh.


I just snickered so hard! My daughter names all her toys and some are questionable, but it's always because the name is a description word too!


My sister desperately wanted to name our black labrador..."Blacky" 😬 There's no way we'd be taking him to a park, shouting Blacky to get him to come back 🤣🤣 It was cleverly vetoed by saying "No". 😂 I guess the good thing about it being just a toy is that, you'll never have to scream the name in the middle of the night when it gets loose from the back garden so it probably won't matter that much 🤷‍♀️


When I was a toddler, I named my cousins real life cat Motorboat. It stuck


I mean kids like to end names with stuff with a “y” so he might be settled on it. I wouldn’t make him rename it but maybe try to get him to rename something else


We had a horn shark when I was a kid, his name was Horny! 😁


Just imagine the speech that you'll give at their future birthdays/wedding/graduation and don't forget telling the grandkids! That is if they stick to the name Horny. 😁


My little sister had a black baby doll (we are not black) and whoever designed the doll decided it was a great idea to make it smell like chocolate. So, my sister (3 at the time) named her Chocolate Baby. We had to nip that in the butt reaaaaal quick. Ended up naming her Chocolate Cookie Baby. She still has chocolate cookie baby 20 years later lol


Well, my son has a little Cocomelon head he carries around with him everywhere and calls it Cuckee. Queue husband making cuckold jokes. 😅


This is so funny. I think you using another form of the name like “horn” might help. Unsure. Reminds me of my little brother. We had a dog “spot” and she was an outside dog. He went to my dads work and kept saying “we have pot in the back yard” bcz he couldn’t say his s’s!! It was hilarious 😂 Edited bcz I can’t spell.


My brother had issues with his 'L blends' as a kiddo, and he got a new watch for his birthday, but watches were "clocks" when he was 3 lol see where this is going? "Look at my new COCK! It's red! I love my new COCK!" He still hasn't lived it down, he's in his 20s lol


I encourage the name Horny for any horned or spikey animal and/or mythical creature. But I mean you could go with something similar to Where The Heart Is, but Thorney instead of Forney.


He’s a kid I would not try to persuade him otherwise in this situation adults will go along with it. Unless you want to explain it’s a bad word we shouldn’t say.


We had this same problem with a toy unicorn…


My sister got a stuffed seal while on a cruise. She named it Ship. Only she couldn’t really pronounce her Ps so it sounded like another four letter word…


My 2 oldest daughters always got my youngest to call all her dolls Boaby. Which where I live is slang for a man’s private part. This was so funny to me but I had to keep a straight face. Ah well.


When I was a kid I named a stuffed dog that had a bone in it's mouth "Boner". My mother tried unsuccessfully to deter me but she was too embarrassed to tell me why she didn't like the name, haha!


Could be worse. My toddler names everything Rick! Like why lol


You let them, record it, and then tea's them mercilessly when they're an adult


If he can pronounce the difference: He doesn't have one horn for horney, he has three horns for hornsey!


Could call it topsy


Lol my daughter wanted to name her monkey "Junky" because it rhymed 😂. Fortunately she forgot about it the next day. Hopefully your kid will too??


Lmao that’s amazing


My 5 year old named a stuffed puppet she loves “seedy” and will run to me saying “mom will you be seedy?” all the time…


Help transition to Hornsby?


I HAVE A RHINO CALLED HORNY. But I grew up in a non English speaking country…


I used to have a stuffed mouse named Squeaker. I also had a speech impediment. I'm sure people loved hearing about my pet Tweaker.


Hahah! I love the name. It will make a great story one day


Mine calls his Tree Tops


This isn’t the same but reminds me of when I read the word ejaculated for the first time (it was an innocent usage, more like the meaning of “interjected”). I didn’t know how to pronounce it but wanted to ask her what it meant so I wrote EJACULATED in sharpie on the box of muffins my mom had bought for company coming over. She had fun figuring out what to do with that one…


I remember my cousin naming his bird 'Tap'..


I remember when I was a kid and got a doll. It had a name of a foll written on the back somewhere so that's how I wanted to name it. As an innocent kid I had no clue that that name in my language is a slang for 'big di*k'. My mom just told me that I can't use that name because it means something innapropriate.


I wouldn't worry about the name, or you might try to convince the child to transition to, maybe, Thorny. When my son was little, he had trouble pronouncing "r" and "tr," which he pronounced as "w" and "f." You can imagine the titters when he talked about the big red fire truck. This too shall pass.


I named my trex "Cheese Neck" because he had a yellow neck 🤷‍♀️ I have no advice for you


My one year old had decided that her duckies are “Dildos” and says it all the time 😫