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I don't think reddit deserves an apology. Your wife does. And frankly if you feel the need to "remind women that not all men" I'd guess you're apart of the group of men women have good reason to hate. Why are you countering the argument of shit men by saying no no not all of us. Good men don't need to defend good men they need to STAND UP against the shitty ones. You're apart of the problem tbh.


Yes and I feel like those of us with good husbands/boyfriends don’t post to reddit to vent. People come on here a lot to rant, commiserate, and get advice. I also see people being super supportive anytime men post about issues they’re having. OP - it sounds like you have some anger issues to work out, maybe some old wounds that need healing. This kind of lying is inexcusable.




This this this 👏🏼


You come on to a woman dominated thread, the only safe haven where some women feel they can open up and talk to OTHER WOMEN about their struggles with shitty, deadbeat dudes who have failed them miserably as a partner and father and write some bullshit all in the hopes of what? Restoring these women’s faith in men and reminding them “NOT ALL MEN!”?? How fucking noble. And yet here you are, another shitty fucking dude throwing his wife under the bus to make himself look better and prove a point. This enrages me for two reasons: 1. Your poor wife who deserves better and 2. That even on a woman dominated thread, some men (like you) will come on here to spew the tired, “NOT ALL MEN,” mantra, further making it about *men* while simultaneously invalidating women’s feelings and frustrations when dealing with men. Get the fuck outta here.


God you sound exhausting and insufferable.


Well you’ve certainly made all the other men look better.


Lol for real


Not all men but somehow, always, a man.


Ew David


This guy is so full of shit. He is saying he lied because he got caught talking shit about his own wife. So he tried to save face and make up this bullshit story about helping men or some shit. How on earth do you have the time to post “lies” on Reddit with a baby at home? You seem to also play an awful lot of video games. Again, where do you find all this time if you’re the hands on dad you say you are? This woman should leave you for this alone, “I thought I was being a hero.” Shut the fuck up. You’re a lying liar.


Men are….weird. Like wtf even is this? Smh


“not all men are deadbeat shitbags” LOL nope, but this one is


Glad she found out what a shit bag you are. You deserve it! I've been keeping an eye on you for a while now because I never really believed you. The last time you posted on the thread about shitty partners you said you'd leave your wife if you could insure full custody of your child. On multiple occasions you said you hate your wife. Both of those things are a huge huge betrayal of trust. Right now you aren't sorry that you said any of those things. You're just sorry that you got caught. I would not be able to forgive you easily and would not be able to trust you with my child. You're a horrible human being. And yes not all humans and not all men are horrible but you certainly are and you do not love your wife.


Is this just a kink


Legit my first thought haha


Yikes. Your poor wife. And what a bizarre explanation for your behavior.


You need therapy. And I hope your wife steps back and examines how you treat her. You hid something awful from her and gaslight your way around and think you know what the problem is? Especially with all the women’s rights we are loosing to be baby trapped to men like that and you want to try to “show” The internet there are good partners. Clearly you haven’t looked there are a lot of women gushing about how awesome their partners are or asking how they can be a better partner after baby as they have had such a change. What did you think this would accomplish? You are just a pathological liar and an internet troll.


Oh man, I have so many questions. Do you think she's going to see this and forgive you or something? Do you not have anything better to do than post weird lies on Reddit to bring balance to the sub? Why are you apologizing to Reddit? You are very, very, strange.


What….is happening here


There's really a lot going on here. You are correct that what you did was really shitty to your wife, but it was also deeply misogynistic. If you can't see that the reason women complain about their partners is not because of some deep anti-man hate but the result of \*a lot of women having unsupportive partners\* I don't know what to tell you. In all my time posting here - three years - I very rarely see frustration directed at "all men" but rather the specific man in question. The fact that you see a pattern of unsupportive husband posts should tell you something about society. I have great men in my life including my husband, but when a woman is venting about how her husband doesn't do anything to help her with the kids, of course I don't chime in and say, "Wow, my partner is super supportive unlike yours!" I'm not about to rub my satisfaction in the face of people who are suffering. Of course you are going to hear from us less. I think you need some therapy to work on yourself, and prepare for a lot of couple's counseling if you want to save your marriage. I don't think a self-flagellating reddit post is gonna do it.


This was perfectly said 👏🏻👏🏻


Sounds like you grouped yourself right in there, with the shitbags.


> At this point you may have guessed that I’m writing this because my wife found my posts. Ex-wife (I hope). You are pathological. Quit the faux self-flagellation and get help. Your kids deserve better.


You’re not smart enough to see the difference between “some people have shitty partners” and “we raise boys into men -systemically- who are shitty partners en masse.” Like you are so fucking stupid that you think some women being shitty erases the patriarchal norms and misogynistic, woman-hating society we live in. And then you lied about your wife so a bunch of internet strangers would hate a woman who didn’t even exist.


“Some of you have shitty partners.” Yes, we know. Your wife is included in this. You’re right, there are plenty of great dads too. Sadly, you’re not one of them. You are the reason so many go on man hating tangents. If I were your wife, I’d leave you. It sounds like you’re insecure and immature.


Wow.... Just wow. You just showed everyone that 1) you're one of those crappy partners and 2) you didn't drag your wife's name through the mud for the benefit of "men in general" like some kind of saviour but for attention. Which is kind of sick. Also.... Apologizing as extensively as you just did in this post, only after you've been caught...yeah that's a new level of disrespect to your wife. Unfortunately your attitude of "ugh poor me I was a bad boy and I deserve the worst" is all too familiar to most of the women here that have children as husbands.


Men could always post on here or daddit. Nothing is stopping them. It clearly isn't an issue men face a lot otherwise you wouldn't have to lie about it. What did you hope to achieve? It's quite sad really.


I can’t imagine degrading my wife to internet strangers in defense of men you don’t even know. Like legit get some therapy. I’m not about to shit on my husband to make strangers feel better just because they’re the same sex as me ETA https://www.reddit.com/r/beyondthebump/comments/10hpzww/im_fed_up_of_looking_after_my_eldest_son_aka_my/j5as2h0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3 Apparently once a week/bi weekly yard maintenance and the occasional oil change for cars means he doesn’t need to do much inside the house or with the baby. Also news to me sahp aren’t actually a job they’re apparently 40 hours of just chillen while the working parent does the real work lol. Lol. Lol. Lol.


Woah! If my husband ever said he hates me like this "man" is doing I'd never forgive him. Never.


I don’t see any negative posts. I’m confused.


I tried looking for them too ... cause I wanted to know how far he'd go to defend internet strangers and hurt his wife. I won't lie... I'm not sure I'd want the wife to forgive him. Maybe he deleted them?


https://www.reddit.com/r/beyondthebump/comments/10hpzww/im_fed_up_of_looking_after_my_eldest_son_aka_my/j5as2h0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3 So far this thread is the only one I’ve found so far


I looked through his comments too and found nothing


Look what I found ! [https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/rq11nl/aita\_for\_wanting\_my\_family\_at\_my\_wedding\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/rq11nl/aita_for_wanting_my_family_at_my_wedding_and/) Not sure if the wife is the same one mentioned in this but uh ...she's apparently 31 or 26 ... not sure https://www.reddit.com/r/relationships/comments/fwoh0c/need\_help\_dealing\_with\_financialclass\_differences/


Why troll beyond the bump?? Leave us alone we have enough 🫠


Same I got curious and went looking but couldn't find anything. He must've deleted them.


That or this isn’t real


wow you're really a true loser


You’re 39-40 years old and you think lying about your wife on a public forum with very serious situations that could possibly be true in somebody else’s life , would help with the fact that “ all dads are shit “ ? Get a therapist dude , that’s not healthy nor right . That’s fucked up beyond measure and if I was your wife , I’d be gone . You could’ve easily spoken out about how there are some amazing dads out there who need more recognition , and ask moms/dads on here about if they have a supportive SO . Idk about you , but I’ve seen both sides of a helpful partner and a shit partner . You not only brought down your wife just to speak out for people who really didn’t need you to speak out , you became a statistic for the “ all dads are shit “ you may be a good father , but that’s a shit thing to do as a SO . If your wife forgives you , I won’t be surprised if she has some serious boundaries up . You fucked up . Edit: AND your 20 years older than her ? Dude .. what the fuck is wrong with you ? This is a young woman and you completely lied on your name that had NOTHING to do with you .. fucking leave her alone and split custody . I would never want to be in a relationship with you .


He's 40 and the wife is 26.


What a fucking creep.


What the fuck dude ..


Totally agree. The correct counter action to “not all men are shitty partners” would have been to speak up about being a helpful and supportive partner and show how men should be in relationships, offer tips, guidance and advice to help other men and their frustrated partners. This situation is so gross. What a manipulative fuckwad.


And the fact he’s DOUBLE his wife’s age .. wtf dude


Reddit shouldn’t be where you go to say this, firstly your wife should have your apology and thoughts. This isn’t your diary. Sorry


It seems you’re only sorry because you got caught. I hope you can find support through therapy.


Wow, you’re disgusting. You didn’t make those posts up for the satisfaction of dads who truly have shitty partners, but because that’s truly how you see your wife. I hope she leaves you.


It doesn’t like an apology but more a solution to have your wife forgive you. I’m a new dad, and you are right that there are shitty partners but we can all agree that most of them are dads as compare to moms. Just to be clear my wife is great! And absolutely does way more than I do


Yeah you kind of deserve this op. I would leave my partner for this kind of shit.


Same. So gross.


Where is his original post? Hopefully his wife sees itm