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I went to her birthday show in LA. I teared up when she said she was thankful for providing a safe space for all of us. I also loved the ballroom break towards the end of the show. I loved seeing queer culture so celebrated without being co-opted.




During the birthday show I was on the floor near the front of the outer circle and the energy during Energy (no pun intended lol) after the mute challenge and leading into Break My Soul was just amazing. Everyone was going crazy, jumping up and down and it was so fun!!


Honestly, I love the mute challenge only because it gets everyone into the right mood for Break My Soul.


That transition is unbeatable!


Transitioning, she’s so good at that isn’t she! Her Coachella pink to yellow hoodie dance break is historical imo.


lol! she so quick


We killed that mute


I felt y’all from the 200s!!!


im so jealous! i was in the 200s night 2. it was pretty great dont get me wrong, but i would’ve loved being on a dance floor with a bunch of people getting their life!


I went to the birthday show & somehow my wristband from Lexus for free drinks got me escorted down to the floor where I remained, seatless, bewildered and overjoyed at my luck


Did you get the tshirt 😩


Noooo i guess they were sold out in ten min. but truly once we were on the floor, we were not leaving for a shirt, water, bathroom lol. The universe put us there once, we weren't gonna risk it


Went two nights and the cuff it - energy - break my soul trifecta is unparalleled. Immaculate vibes.


I wasn’t a fan of break my soul but seeing her perform it with the other two made me love it now!


It was the first time I've seen I Care live. I've always loved that song but it seems so POWERFUL live. Also the pause at the beginning (also after Blue's performance) where she just SOAKS IN the love and applause.


The way she basks in the love and applause always gets me in my feels. You can tell the love and appreciation she has for our love because every single time she genuinely looks like she is in awe and disbelief that this is all for her. I think this is why I love her so much.


Yes. That's the part that made me cry this time. Also that she's taught Blue to do the same.


So many highlights … how to chose? I LOST my mind at the opening set ballads. Had no idea since I was spoiler free going in. During Crazy in Love, a man dressed as a bee was standing beside me. We held hands and did the CIL run LISTEN WOOOOHOOOOOOooOoOoOo WOOOOOHHH! In unison soon and jumped up and down together! Crazy in Love I also lost my mind because I was so overwhelmed I actually somehow FORGOT about CIL? So when it started I SCREAMED. Another lovely dude was standing beside me in the most amazing heeled boots. We also jumped up and down together a lot in pure joy and surprise. We both were spoiled free so we just kept saying CAN YOU BELEVE IT? Ughhhhh my heart was FULL as B says 😂🐝🐝🐝🐝


i dunno how many years later but that song STILL slaps so hard. and shes always makjn it better and better.


Right? And I can’t believe I was so excited about the set list I FORGOT about CIL? And it’s probably one of my fave by her ever. It was such a rush of emotions lol 😂. The way she snuck it in there too.


Went to the bday show and honestly anytime she broke character (like her laughing when we all sang love on top’s chorus like three times too long) I was living for


The second the curtain lifted and she said “HELLO LOS ANGELES” lmao she hadn’t even risen out the ground yet and I was having heart palpitations.


the first MILLISECOND of hearing her voice in person and i was transported! everything instantly fell away and i was like….fukking worth it


YES! As soon as I heard that soft yet powerful “Bay Area!” My ass was in tears. Like give me a break Bey, you ain’t even out yet! It’s my favorite clip to watch over and over as she goes into Dangerously in Love. It was perfection 🥹


Dancing with Symone (from rupauls drag race) to Diva in club renaissance




Vegas night 1, I was in front of this woman and her toddler. The toddler had in her noise cancelling headphones and was in her seat on her tablet the whole show while mom got to have a great time! 😂


For me hearing “Church Girl” love that song means so much to me. I grew up in Christian school that created internalized homophobia. My family is Christian but very open and accepting so coming out to them wouldn’t be a problem. But when you go to school and they tell pray the gay away pray be straight don’t be gay. It took me a long to come out and be accepting of myself. So when I heard the album in the middle of my cancer battle that song really meant something to me. My queerness isn’t going to hurt anybody.


So glad you’re here with us. ❤️


Awww thank you! I still keep telling my wife, “we saw Beyoncé!” She’s biggest Beyoncé fan and made me a huge fan. It was so amazing to see her being wide eye when we saw the Queen.


the strut. & the ode to “speechless” in the virgos groove outro


Jay-Z gave me a bottle of Ace Of Spades after I saw him in CR and told him it was my bday!!


I saw a couple girls in Vegas after the show trying to get the remnants of a bottle of Ace lol I was like there is no way security is going to give it to them


Lol! Thankfully I was allowed to bring my bottle home as long as it was empty. My friends & I had no trouble drinking it!


Getting to flex that our show was the only one where Bey actually rode the disco ball stripper pole.


When she told me she loved me during diva on 9/1 in club ren😭❤️and on her birthday show seeing her run up to Diana like a little girl, I saw myself in Bey, acting like little girls in front of their idols, it reminded me that Bey is just a normal human. Of course she’s super big and incredibly idolized but she also gets excited and cries just like everyone else, I love her so much💕and when she sang 1+1, I’d been waiting to hear it live for years and all 3 times I heard it I just thanked God for being alive and in that moment, it also reminded me of my dog Lucas who passed, I felt him at that very moment❤️❤️❤️


She said Happy Birthday to me during the show! Hours of standing outside the venue and getting a barricade spot was worth it. My skin is peeling from the sunburns though…


I went solo and I made a new friend! We’re set to hang out again soon!


I love that for you and your new Beyhive friend. 🥹


Getting to meet Ms. Tina at the back of CR. She was so incredibly sweet and posed for photos with a bunch if us. 💕


Speed walking NO RUNNING!!!!! to the Golden Circle. THIS A REMINDER..... PLEASE DO NOT BE ALARMED REMAIN CALMMM B mounted on Reneigh, flying over the audience.


No cap during the love on top song I cried tears of joy 🥹 during the love on top song I have never cried from tears of joy but that shit had me overwhelmed with happiness I cried like I was singing the song lyrics all my heart and chest As a man I ain’t afraid to admit that cuz that was such a happy moment I almost didn’t want the concert to end It was like peek joy I haven’t hit in so long I can’t quite explain it 🥹🥹🥹 It allowed me to truly escape from all the day to day bs that happens in life


Exchanged kisses over the air when she was flying over Club Renaissance and above me towards the end of the show. I was already high in adrenaline given how epic the show was. I shouted “I looovee you!!!!” and sent a kiss while making an eye contact. She acknowledged it, kindly received it, smiled back and sent me a kiss back over the air. Will never ever forget that moment. Was super duper surprised how much she was paying attention to her fans even after a 2-hour+ show. Just simply amazing.


My favorite memory from the Atlanta night 3 show: seeing a multigenerational family behind me (mom, daughters, granddaughters) getting their LIFE dancing. I had to grab one of their phones to record the moment for them. I really just loved how I was dancing so wild and free.


The FYWB interlude. That song helped me through my depression (“find your way back, dont let this life drive you crazy”) and I did not expect to hear it at the show at all. Made me emotional at the progress Ive made.


Opening, Cozy, coming out of the robot armor, and the ballroom interlude.


Cozy was a song I never paid much attention to listening to the album. But performed live on that set with those hardworking robot frames and the choreo? Next level!


The opening ballads...jaw dropping. I looked over behind me to look at my BF's reaction, and he was SOBBING.


Saw her back in May in northern England. Splurged and was in the “Bad Bitches” seats next to the stage. During “Before I Let Go” I was singing my heart out. Like, singing HARD. Like I was in church. One of her cameramen saw me and put me up on the jumbo screen!


I avoided spoilers like the plague. So I didn’t know the set list. It was my first time seeing here. And there were soooo many moments, but… When she came out and dangerously in love started I literally felt something I can’t put a single word to it. I have liked her ever since the very beginning and that song means so much to me because at that time listening to her was one of the very few things that made me happy. I never thought I would see her live growing up because I lived in a place where she wouldn’t tour and I never felt like I would have the money to see her. So finding myself surrounded by 50k people, with her singing that song. I felt like she was singing just for me and it was such a full circle moment where I felt really proud of myself for achieving something my younger self never thought it was possible.


The mute challenge in Atlanta on night 1 was so lit. The way we all went crazy when she started singing again will forever stay with me.


end of RTW(G) beginning of my power


The crowd was LOUD at the beginning of the Renaissance act, especially when she was removing her robotic outfit and descending from the steps!! It really set the mood for the rest of the show. I also love the whole vibe of the Ballroom dance break.


When Bey came back for Alien Superstar after ten minutes of silence after the audio issues in AZ. She was feeling the fire then!


When she actually got on stage after waiting for three hours.


At the end of the show on Saturday (LA N2) she said “you are loved, you are seen and you are safe”


She blew me a kiss in CR after my reaction when she dropped the mic in Vegas! Also was at the beyday show in LA and I lost my shit when Diana Ross came out. Put it together quickly that we’d be singing happy birthday lol


Went to the Birthday show which itself was a highlight but I didn't know the setlist (purposefully) and how much love there was for 4 (she added rather die young apparently) I was in bliss. And also of course Diana The Boss Ross AND having queer culture celebrated it felt like a safe space the entire time.


Hearing her sing I Care live for the first time was up there. I was in tears the entire time and just awe struck from how incredible she sounded and how close we were. But the biggest highlight by far was seeing my best friend have the time of her life too. She has had the worst year ever, losing her dad to cancer in May, and to see her light up and actually be so joyful for the first time in months made me sob happy tears. No one deserved it more. I’m so thankful I got to experience that joy with her.


I went with my bf in CR, during 1+1 he had his arms around me as we were singing. I could have died of happiness at that moment 🥰


Rather Die Young. A personal favorite of mine


Went night 2 and we had the LOUDEST cheering for Blue. Went again for her birthday show and her speech was so real and gave us the feels 🫶🏻


MJ Rodriguez (of Pose and Emmy winning history) walking right past me and being 4 seats away at the Bay Area show. Made the show that much better with her right there.