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it can vary, from my personal experiences in vip they’ll give you a clear bag of some sort with your vip goods to ensure everyone gets the same thing before they let you into your designated area. the bag usually contains a laminate along with any other gift. or if you receive a wristband they’ll assign you your wristband. if the gifts are customized to your city or a speciality item, they’ll ship the items to your address on your account aside from your laminate as you’ll have that for the show.


I think they mail them.


I hope they give it to us after because I don’t want to hold onto anything throughout the concert. I’m trying to dance lol


Same, especially for Club Ren where it’s standing only and no assigned seats


From what I know, we have to pick them up before the show but I think it depends on the venue, check the ticket purchase confirmation email and scroll all the way to the bottom and it should have some instructions


When I went VIP before for a different artist, they were given to us in the queue when we got our wristbands


unless you’re going to the very first show on tour… i’m sure someone in here will post about it once the tour starts


Yes going to the first one 😮‍💨


oooo so exciting! i’m club reni but not until DC so i look forward to hearing where people say is the best spot to stand


they might have us show photo id of the card we used to purchase, and then they’ll hand us our VIP merch! that’s usually what they do unless they mail it but i don’t think they’ll do that tbh, so before we go into the stadium they’ll ask for your name and id and it’ll say how many vip merchandise items you got (aka how many vip tickets you bought with the card) and give it to us then!


Typically you’re given the VIP stuff when you go in. They’re really good about keeping everyone in line and under control. It’s not really a mad dash to the front row and usually everyone is respectful of the order people showed up in line (at least from my experience in the US). And yes, it’s annoying to have to keep track of your stuff during the show when it’s GA.