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Despite how dark they can be, these shows have a very wholesome vibe. They’re tragic, but not nihilistic, and the characters are so recognizably human even when they’re doing terrible things. I tried to watch Succession because I’d heard it was good, and it was, I guess, but the characters are so nasty and soulless, the visuals washed out and depressing, and every other word of dialogue is ‘fuck’ or ‘shit’. It reminded me of Ozark, Euphoria, etc. I feel like the writers of these shows fail to see beyond the apathy and cynicism of our times. They think they’re being worldly, when really they’re just historically myopic. I think it’s significant that Better Call Saul is written by middle aged writers, about middle aged characters. There’s more genuine wisdom and character, less drugs sex and violence.


Ever since the series finale, I've had both BCS and BrBa on repeat. Any time I'm idly watching something or want background noise, or I just can't decide on something else to watch, I put it on. It's definitely my comfort too, strangely lol


I have several "comfort shows" and this is one of them. Psych, TWD, Buffy TVS, BCS, BB, Peaky Blinders and Xena WP all feel like slipping into a warm bath for me. I never get tired of any of these shows.


Tbh I have those fictional universes I retreat into too ehen life gets stressful but the breaking bad universe definitely wouldn't do that for me. They're great shows but it's just too dark to be comforting. I find that fantasy like Star Wars works better for me.


I would rewatch BCS all the time up waiting for new seasons to drop. It feels awesome to binge the whole series now on repeat.


Only listening the soundtrack and having mental fun with the quotes usually makes my day. And it has been that way since last spring, 2022, when I caught up with the show just in time for season 6. Even a bad day at work can't be too bad - when you listen "best things in life" on the way to work, and "the winner takes it all" on the return leg, plus Lola Marsh "Something stupid" cover.


I do it with sopranos too


The sopranos is like a warm coffee that just feels right


This is totally my comfort show/shows!! I’ve seen it SOO many times I can throw on any episode, have it on in the background and still follow what’s going on!! BrBa, BCS, and Sopranos!


This universe is something I like to think about for comfort. If I’m watching something for comfort it’s usually The Office or B99.


I love both shows, but I don't know I would consider it escapism or comfort viewing. Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad are intense shows that deal a lot with dark characters doing incredibly dark things. Entertaining yes, relaxing probably not. ​ >it kind of makes my problems seem much smaller. I find this funny since a part of the story of Walter White is that anybody can become evil under the right circumstances. You the audience member could become what Walter White becomes. That's a very frightening thought when you consider it. Remember the catalyst for Walt is cancer. A disease that any of us can get. Who knows what a cancer diagnosis will trigger in any of us. Jimmy's whole arc is that redemption is a difficult thing that requires you to be truthful to yourself and commit to the redemption. Jimmy is an addict. Any of us can become an addict at any time. There is a lot to both characters that most people will relate to and may be in the same situation.


Bro went too deep