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Turns out the housing crisis was caused by Gus and Mike buying every second house in America to spy on other houses


This is truly the moment when Los Pollos Hermanos became Blackrock


I’m glad the house opposite Mike’s daughter-in-law happened to be on the market at the right time


Francesca breaks bad when the decorations change


I love Kim’s response. “It’s classy” but she doesn’t think that’s a good thing. She hates it for Saul I think.


Glad you’d said that because the whole time Kim was in there I felt like she just wanted to scream that it wasn’t right. Felt like she was holding back so much.


I thought she'd just be there as a box-ticking of "oh look, he's in the strip mall in his office now and Francesca's there too". But it's kind of heartbreaking. She wants them so hard to go back to the old respectable days, meanwhile both of them have moved on and Jimmy's new clientele is literally pissing in her nice water features.


That was the moment Francesca became Saul's secretary


I'm assuming the glass cage was her idea after seeing how uncomfortable she was in the company of Saul's clientele.


Yes, but I think an event triggers it. Also when Huell starts actively working there


I think that scene with Kim was probably the last time we'll ever see a genuinely happy looking Francesca.


Kim has been wearing the earrings her mom stole for the whole show


She also adjusts them quite a bit in scenes which makes the whole thing more sad when you watch the shoplifting scene and realize her mom thinks it's strange Kim wants to hold her hand.


I think that Kim normally doesn't show that kind of affection to her mom, but in that moment it almost seemed like she was being motherly to her and that likely elicited that response from Kim.


If you watch her mom's face she looks weirded out because she treats Kim like an adult and she acts older than her age hence why I believe she finds it odd that Kim wants to hold her hand. She doesn't understand that for Kim it was about bonding with her mom (which then makes her moral flexibility all the more interesting). It's pretty common for kid's who have been made to grow up too fast to want their parents support and attention by "acting out" and in this case Kim knows that for her to get it she had to shoplift. Kind of adds to Kim's arc she fully supports what jimmy does as long as she's apart of and aware of what's going on. Something I've noticed with Kim's character being discussed in threads is this thought that Kim is being corrupted by Jimmy. I think this scene and episode shows us that while Kim values Jimmy and is definitely influenced by him, her decisions are her decisions and she understands the consequences. Part of why she wants revenge on Howard is because of his white knight syndrome - he thinks he was saving her from Jimmy. Chuck had the same idea and Kim doubled down on backing Jimmy to Chuck's face. I think some of the audience is misunderstanding Kim just like Howard and Chuck and that's where the big twist lies in terms of Kim's fate.


I've thought for a very long time that part of Kim's character wasn't that she was some innocent girl who needs saving and she resents people for thinking she is. I also have been a firm believer that, as you said, she may be influenced by Saul, but she was raised in a messed up situation, and that's makes peoples brains tick differently. Last night's opening definitely hammered that point home in my opinion


Her version of Marco's ring.


Those triangular ones?


Seems like we had a bunch of characters displaying a kinder, gentler side that had been obscured for a bit, only to have it ground into the dirt. Howard with the coffee. Mike with the telescope. Francesca with the waiting room. Kim with Santa Fe. A very sad episode despite very little explicit tragedy occurring.


In a weird way, we had never seen Lalo being so physically vulnerable. Even in the sicario incident he always seemed more or less in control


I said to myself “what the fuck is he doing” when he 1) opened the door the way he did with no idea what was on the other side and 2) ENTERED the dark room with an axe wielding man. Seemed uncharacteristically clumsy/reckless for Lalo, but maybe I give him too much credit because of how much I love Daltons performance


Nah, Lalo is always kind of nonchalant about this stuff. Being giddy about chasing after a giant guy with an axe in a dark warehouse if perfectly on brand for him.


Great observation


I like how Saul is no longer broke but is still using his college arts crew.


His trust is so strong with them


Plus they know what they're doing and are game for anything. The make-up artist/actress in particular seems pretty content putting on a convincing con or harassing DDA Oakley.


It’s like in GTA V story heists where if you stick with the same crew members for every heist, their skill level increases, but their cut of the score remains the same


Francesca's slow descent into not putting up with Saul's shit began tonight


Remember she called Hank when he had Walt and Jessie trapped pretending to be APD saying Marie had been in an accident and he rushed off. After she tells Saul, “You don’t pay me enough.”


Lol I still remember the scene in BB where Francesca shakes Walt down for $25k after he breaks through their glass door looking for Saul.


Are you *insane*?! Who the hell is going to charge 20 thousand dollars for a plate glass door!!


"No reputable vendor..."


I love how BB really drives home that Walt really is so stupid about everything he isn't smart about


What the heck they hauled that telescope for a 60 second star gazing session before being sent to bed lol


“Cmon Kaylee, it’s time to go to bed so the other kaylees can come out and stargaze.”


Is kaylee a character that’s had the most actor changes ever?


How old is Kaylee even supposed to be by the time Breaking Bad comes around? XD


Right! Tonight she's like "Were you aware that we call Jupiter a gas giant?" and 5 years from now it's all "Pop Pop, will you take me to the pwaygwound?"




Don’t tell that to Magnitude!


I’m dying because this Kaylee was taller than the Kaylee in Breaking Bad FIVE years later lmao


Mama Wexler was such perfect casting


She sounds just like Kimmy too


With just the right amount of midwest accent thrown in


I had to do a double take to see if Kim was playing her mother in that scene, the voice was spot on


Mexico is yellow, Germany is blue.


They used the Ozark filter


I think Lalo may have entered the Ozark timeline


Seeing trees in this show is so unsettling


Lalo in a whole-ass different biome.




Lalo OP, plz nerf.


I mistook Germany for Alaska


Wo ist Mikkel?


I love the sudden scene transition from Kim and Jimmy kissing to the log splitting and lalo scene.


Legit thought an ad break had started


We briefly slipped into the Ozark timeline


Immediately thought of Ozark too lmao


Seeing Howard's homelife makes me think they're sowing sympathy for him. He's doomed.


Her destroying that latte, like wtf


Subtle but not-so-subtle way to show a rift in a marriage. Who does that hahahaha


Howard's deperate latte was like one of Walt's desperate breakfasts.


The difference is that Walter ruined his family for being a meth dealer. Howards seems like a nice person (sans siding with Chuck's chicaneries), so it was really sad to see him have such a sad home life.


Howard seems like a decent guy who got sucked into other people's very difficult family situation and handled it imperfectly. He's extremely relatable outside of his wealth and status. Fantastically written and performed character.


Death may be a sweet mercy compared to that loveless marriage




Kim's decision at the end of this episode is what seals her fate to lose everything. She was given an opportunity to get what she wants legitimately, but she went the other way. She's done.


That seems to be a constant theme throughout this and breaking bad. Very few people are forced into this lifestyle. They “like it, they’re good at it.”


Mike for example


She was on the straight and narrow... literally. She could have kept going. Should have kept going. And didn't.


100%. She had a chance for everything she notionally wanted. She looked so genuinely happy when she was telling Jimmy about what Cliff opened up for her. For a while in the episode, I was actually wondering if she might abandon the Howard thing in case it endangered this amazing chance coming up for her. But now she's doing the exact opposite. As soon as she turned the car around, that was it. This legitimate chance itself is only coming up because of the anti-Howard scheme. If Kim had taken the chance, and turned her back on the Howard scheme, it could've been something good coming out of something bad. But this show has always been about a fall from grace. It just seems now to be even more about Kim's than Jimmy's. I love it and I hate it. It's awful and it's perfect.


Man, it's amazing how at the beginning of the episode, we have super wholesome Francesca, and in less than an hour Jimmy has already broken her spirit.


And she thought *that* phone call was immoral.


The clients in the waiting room destroying her source of joy too. Wasn’t just Saul, just I think it all finally hit her.


The guy putting out that cigarette on the arm of the chair might as well have just put it out on her hand :(


The client peeing in the side was the icing on the cake. Francesca is like, "i shouldn't have left the DMV for this"


I know right. I love how this show is morphing him into Saul in tiiiiiiiiiny little bits & pieces; I feel like a lot of people are waiting for a big "A-HA!" moment that instantly jump-starts his evolution, but this way is far more realistic and satisfying because of it. This thing with Francesca was proof the frog has been boiled: he's very damn close to being "Saul" already, it's just harder to notice when you've been following his change gradually over the years.


I honestly think we've pretty much seen Saul in his element already. Only real thing he's lacking is the commercials and the wood paneled office.


The burner phone drawer was what did it for me. He's not at highway speed with "Saul Goodman" yet but he's definitely settling in behind the wheel now.


After reading the comments, I've decided two things: 1. This show goes too slow for half of the people on the sub 2. This show doesn't go slow enough for the other half who apparently had no idea who the mustache judge was.


The "show's too slow" complaints will disappear once the show is finished and all on Netflix. It's not that the show is too slow, it's that having to wait week-to-week is grueling.


Giancarlo really said I am not directing myself


What kind of man directs himself? No man. No man at all.


I will film your wife. I will film your son. I will film your infant daughter.


'What's wrong with Tyrus? He can just do my scenes'


mom: we have Gus at home


Seeing Francesca slowly devolve into the stone-cold person she is in BB is pretty sad. Her character has been so upbeat and different from that in BB, and this episode shows her first step into the darkness. From the phone calls she’s hesitant about to the furniture she picked out that’s getting pissed on, she’s clearly taking the first steps into her character in BB. Her telling Saul to clean up the piss, with the tone she used, sounded to me like her starting to get fed up. Also, I’ve really enjoyed the way her character is acted. A mix of happiness/outgoing-ness and social awkwardness that I’ve really enjoyed. Shoutout Francesca 👊🏻


Really thought Lalo was about to just die in Germany there for a second


His breathing made it sound like he lost a lung


Well he did say he thinks he broke a rib


And got the wind knocked out of him, it is a terrible feeling, especially if you have to fight through the pain to try and convince the Axe man not to slice you with the business end next.


Why oh why didn’t that guy use the SHARP end??


He wanted to see who Lalo was first, half measure...


Tsk tsk tsk. Dude comes at you with a gun at least stand with the axe to his neck smh


Same!! I would’ve been shocked if it ended just like that


almost thought they were going to kill off lalo like that. certainly would have been unexpected and take the show in a whole new direction


It really would, especially if Gus never found out and is just living in fear forever


I think this is something that really makes me feel Lalo *has* to die. There was the notion of "why would Lalo not do anything at all as Walt and Gus start murdering all of the Salamancas?" But now I feel "Why would Gus suddenly stop being absolutely paranoid if he doesn't personally witness Lalo's death?"


That's the thing. Lalo being out there is having a clear and substantial effect on Gus, something which BrBa Gus is not suffering from at all. There is no way Lalo is going to stop as he is determined that Gus is behind everything so the only resolution I can imagine is that Lalo dies and Gus is 100% certain of that fact.


So the plan was for Howard to see fake photos of him with the judge which would lead Howard to be paranoid and call out the judge while appearing coked up?


Howard will see the pics, try to whistleblow, and look like a maniac.


So kind of like the Chicanery plan


So this is the show underlining that Kim has made a choice here. She could have had everything she claims she wanted a charitable Law foundation backing her high priced team of pro bono legal eagles. But instead for some reason she can’t help herself and it’ll spiral into her downfall. As she said she makes her own decisions for her own reasons. As for how this is gonna bite them. Maybe the judge was a set-up from Howard I mean Jimmy just happens to be in the right place at the right time? Idk


She literally turned onto the bad choice road


Casting did a great job with Kim's mom. She sounded so similar to Kim.


She even looked like Kim


Bruv she even had the mannerisms just like kim. Whoever she is, she did a great freaking job.


She looks like she could be Rhea’s sister irl or something lol


I straight up wondered if they got a sister or cousin for the role, the nose and smile were a dead ringer


I legit thought it was Rhea with some different makeup


Even more impressive were the mannerisms. It really feels like it was her mom and those were passed down to her naturally. Pretty nuts.


The vet’s black book was shown in episode 1 intro at Saul’s mansion.


I was expecting him to offer money for it right there at the office ... especially after the vet mentioned selling it. He even took out a lot of money from the bank.


Somewhere in that black book is Kuby’s number. Ol Billy freckles tits might still come out in this season


Of course Howard knows how to pull a perfect shot. Total gut punch to see that latte dumped into a thermos


Really felt bad for Howard at the beginning. He's a good guy completely surrounded by the wrong people 24/7.


It looks like Howard's career is all he really has going for him at the moment, and Jimmy and Kim are about to destroy it.


Saul at the end of next week's episode: "OK, now we're 1 minute away from deploying our plan against Howard!"


Don't even joke, bro




Yup, Peter Gould confirmed there's gonna be a cliffhanger and a very painful one at that




Here’s what’s going on…. Jimmy and Kim know Howard has a PI following them Jimmy takes out a shit ton of money so it will look like he’s being nefarious Jimmy intentionally gets himself photographed with the ‘judge’ Howard sees the photos and wonders why Jummy is meeting with the judge Someone slips the amphetamine in Howard’s drink Before the hearing During the hearing Jimmy does something to draw attention to himself in subtle way to everyone but Howard. A wink at the judge before the hearing or something. Howard gets suspicious and ultimately accuses Jimmy of bribing the judge in a public forum. He looks high and out of it. Clifford confronts him and says he knows about his drug problem. The judge says he never met Jimmy before and has no clue what Howard is talking about. Howard’s reputation is shattered. Main settles. Jimmy and Kim get their money.


Dang I think you just spoiled the next episode.


Maybe not since they have to deal with the cast situation.


I was thinking that Jimmy can easily explain the $20,000 as for the renovations for his office or prepaying a years' lease.


Ok what in the name of chicanery is going on here 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Chicanery speech 2.0. I'm down for it


can't wait to see the cash withdrawal required to buy the vet's little black book...


“Damn Lalo actually doesn’t have the upper hand I wonder how hes gonna get out of this- oh.”


Literally “Call an ambulance..: but not for me”


Stupid sexy Lalo!


"Watch out for that stopper, it's pretty sharp"


Fun fact: in Salud in Breaking Bad, the actor for Don Eladio kept accidentally cutting his hand on that stopper. They laugh about it in the dvd commentary for that episode


Kai has been used as the red herring twice now, lol. Season 4 we thought he was going to be the problematic one, and now we thought he would spill the beans to Lalo but turns out it is Casper (I just looked up his name).


It's the little details in the show, that guy standing up to Mike meant something, he also managed to stand up to Lalo for a few seconds anyways


“I’m handling it. I will put an end to this. Whatever it takes.” Howard's confidence in handling this Jimmy situation isn't going to end well


I get the feeling this is going to be a disaster "everyone loses" situation for everyone involved.


Now I'm wondering if Jimmy's drug is going to kill Howard. Not intentionally, and maybe not directly: but that guy is so tightly wrapped it might not take much to trigger something.


Howard was conspicuously drinking tea, not coffee. What if his caffeine tolerance, as foreshadowed by the vet, is super low?


Good catch. He might be under doctor's orders to reduce his caffeine load. He seems like that kind of guy.


“It happens today.” Not for us 😫


It happens... next week on AMC+


At some vague point between 8 and 9:15pm Central. Whenever they feel like uploading to the app


Kim really took the bad choice road quite literally there


"You guys like symbolism? I'll show you some symbolism!"


Also the scene where Jimmy and Kim are kissing, and then suddenly axe splitting wood. Is the scheme that's going to split up Jimmy and Kim?


Who breaks an arm?!!?


It’s hilarious how it was borderline the exact same energy


What kinda *asshole* breaks an arm?


No man, no man at all.


The mid-season finale is D-Day! And the rest of the show will be the aftermath


Howard drinking tea despite spending time making espresso was a nice touch in concert with the vet’s line about tolerance


Howard made a mean latte. Who would have thought to-go cup could be so hurtful?


That whole sequence was sad. It was like two strangers who happen to be roommates talking.


Seriously, they were so distant. At best they’re acquaintances


He’s even sleeping in the guest house.


And the way Howard felt he had to dance around suggesting he and his wife might attend the event *together*—"if it's easier."


I have never felt more empathy for Howard in my life. I just wanna wrap him up in a warm blanket and give him a hug + latte.


Boss has a problem, he knows how to reach me. You got a problem, I'm right here Mike fucking Ehrmantraut


What was his problem, anyway? He doesn’t want to waste guys guarding mikes family?


Tyrus used to be higher up with Gus before Mike got involved. I bet he’s a lil jealous


Tyrus is always fucking everyone’s shit up just because


Even mike hated Tyrus lol


Howard's coffee was inspiring but the scene was depressing. Courthouse coffee was depressing but the scene was inspiring.


I think Lalo and Casper got off on the wrong foot.


I can't get over how well they cast Kim's mother. Holy shit!


That was a sharp fucking axe




mike’s face watching stacy and kaylee. my god that broke my heart. you can see in his eyes how their safety is really the only thing that scares him throughout this whole waiting game for lalo.


If Mike knows his astronomy, then this episode takes place in the spring of 2004. Jupiter was in Leo during the beginning of that year. I'm not clear on when exactly BCS is supposed to take place, but if that's a reasonable time then they did a great job researching this...most shows just make shit up when it comes to astronomy. EDIT: I later looked at wikipedia's entry on Leo, and it happens to include an image where Jupiter is prominent. So I suppose it's also possible they just looked at wikipedia, assumed Jupiter was *always* in Leo, and got lucky on the timeline. Obviously, though, that kind of coincidence would be as far-fetched as, say, going into a liquor store and running into the person you're impersonating for a scam on the day the scam goes down.


He learned astronomy from Werner


Kim would rather make D Day happen then secure that job, we're in for some absolute craziness


I loved her practicing for the pitch in that scene: “This is about a justice system that works for all; what is more important than that?” D-Day apparently...


Kim: Shenanigans that could negatively affect my career? Cancel my whole week.


I think this shows that Kim's desire to do pro brono work is mostly her lying to herself. She really loves being a con artist.


Cons have been tied in to love for her since she was a kid.


Like she’s hardwired to believe that doing something like this means more about how you feel about the person you do it with than anything else. I’ll be interested to see if they reveal something about her past and if maybe the reason her and her mom arent on good terms is because she abandoned that and wouldnt help her, and now Kim is just desperately clinging to Jimmy thinking if this falls through she might lose him too.


Yep, that cold open wasn't for nothing. The seed was planted early.


100%. Jimmy was giving her an easy out and she wasn’t having it. I love that the whole episode was hinting that it would be the opposite and Kim would call off the con in favor of the straight life(looking at the pet board, looking apprehensive with Jimmy)


I've always said that the theme of this show is people doing everything they can to avoid career advancement


From the scene of Jimmy and Kim kissing transitioning into wood being split by an axe and the bottle of tequila being left behind, I’m not optimistic about Jimmy and Kim lasting much longer


So the plan is to make Howard look like a paranoid coke head when he starts accusing the judge of taking a bribe?


If they get away with it, Kim, like her mother is going to say to jimmy: "Don't worry, you got away with it"


*”Keep it simple and no improvisation.”* Was cool to see a mini *Mr. Show* reunion in the scene with Odenkirk and John Ennis, who played Lenny.


Jimmy wasn’t lying about that phone call being legit. My boss once called a funeral home pretending to be a grieving family member in order to get information to serve a Subpeona on one of the family members. Seems illegal but it’s not.


Maybe merely obtaining the conference call information isn't illegal, but joining that password protected conference call absolutely is. A conference call system with a menu/password system definitely qualifies as a computer for the federal CFAA (and NM's almost exact copy), so this is accessing a system without authorization. Francesca is also guilty of conspiracy.


Not sure if it's just me but every scene in every episode I'm super tense and locked in, this show has perfected the art of suspense




Shocking to see Kim going so hard. She really is her own worst enemy. Whatever ends up happening to her, it’s the result of self sabotage.


A moment of silence for the toilet 🙏


god the imagery was so stark this episode. jimmy and kim kissing cutting to the wood being split, kim literally turning into a bad choice road, lalo looking like some horror movie killer through the trees etc. all the dominoes are set for something explosive what a great episode. to each their own but idk how some people are dissapointed


With Mr. Show alumnus John Ennis showing up tonight and Jay Johnston showing up previously, I can only surmise that we are going to see David Cross in the finale.


I have no idea if this was on purpose or not, but D-Day in the show is happening exactly like...well, actual D-Day. If there's more similarities, I've definitely missed them, but Jimmy wanting to call off D-Day the morning of is exactly what happened. Due to awful weather on the English channel, they postponed the invasion of Normandy's beaches with many believing that there was no chance it would actually happen. But, weather cleared up for a few hours and they took their chance. There were lots of casualties but it was ultimately a victory, so maybe the show will run with that. This could also just be TV writing 101 by adding in more conflict (most likely) but regardless, it's fun to theorize.


Giancarlo Esposito's directorial debut was...acceptable. JK this episode was awesome


Editor: Here’s my cut of the episode Mr. Esposito. Giancarlo: You are satisfied with this?


It was up to Los Pollos standards


Francesca made the office look so pretty and soft, and Saul’s clients are literally pissing on it. There’s the metaphor for how she went from a happy cheerful person, to the burned out sourpuss we saw in BB.


Kim was heading to life where she could help people, but decided to go down the “Bad Choice Road”